Ground breaking for the new Port O’Connor Library.
The New Port O’Connor Library
On the cool and breezy morning of October 27 the Friends of The Port O’Connor Library (FPOCL) celebrated with friends, neighbors, community leaders and invited dignitaries the groundbreaking for the new POC Library. This beautiful community resource will have something for everyone. Not only will it house a large collection of books, e-books, periodicals, media, music and movies, but it will offer children, youth and adult reading areas, commuter lab access and wifi zone, large meeting space and community use room. The beautiful design allows for people of all ages and various needs to have resources and room that have been lacking in our current space. The current library space has been utilized for many years and has no room to grow. The new library building will be adjacent to the current location, with the entrance on Main Street. It will be donated to Calhoun County and remain a part of the Calhoun Library System. It will house displays of our area history, interactive learning centers, space for classes and meetings, safe and dedicated children’s space, and endless potential for personal growth and learning. The building going up on site now is the start.
The ground breaking celebration was exuberant with more than 100 neighbors and friends, several local business owners and many special guests who were instrumental in making the dream of a new library happen including Mr. Jim Stofer who generously donated 2 lots to Calhoun County for the building site through the Stofer-McNeel Trust in honor of Preston-Rose Austin, Buddy Kamin of Kamin Furniture who generously donated furniture for the comfortable reading area, county officials Nancy Pomykal (who served as Mistress of Ceremonies), Commissioner Kenny Finster’s family, County Commissioner David Hall, multiple Chamber of Commerce members and Officers, Friends of the Library Board of Directors past and present, Texas State Representative Geanie Morrison, project supporter Teek Miller plus other individuals involved and invested in the success of the new library.
Ursula Price, FPOCL President, Marie Hawes, POC Service Club, Vera Wiatt FPOCL Board, Darla Parker Chamber President, Lynn Luster, FPOCL Capital Campaign Chair, Nancy Childers who was part of the original dreamers who incorporated the FPOCL in 1988 and others led the shovel brigade as Golden (painted) shovels adorned with bows in the signature logo blue and white were enthusiastically used to toss the ceremonial shovels of dirt up symbolizing the first phase of building the new library. With a goal of a completed exterior by December 1, the work is moving forward rapidly.
While there are still some funds and gifts needed to complete the project, the progress has been amazing and the community support invaluable. Opportunities to be a part Phase 2, which will complete the new POC Library, abound. Sale of Christmas Poinsettias begins now and will be delivered Dec 1 & 2 for holiday enjoyment. Brick pavers for the entrance are available for purchase by businesses or individuals make great gifts, honorariums or memorials. The online website for ordering either of these offers a large array of options for personalizing and making the most out of your paver purchase and provides detailed information about donating. Your help is tax deductible and benefits our community. After the holidays, the FPOCL Board of Directors and community supporters will push forward to raise the remaining money and gifts needed to bring the dream into reality by Spring of 2018. Thanks to the more than 500 donors who have responded to previous fundraising with donations and in-kind donations of services such as plumbing and HVAC and landscaping. Without your generous support, the library would not be growing. If you would like to know more, please visit the website at www.friendsofportoconnorlibrary.org/donate
Be sure to go by 506 Main and see the progress often. It is our library, so don’t miss seeing it grow.