Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Nov 17 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

OK, BOO!!!-time has come and gone. If you haven’t attended the Trunk or Treat event, you are missing out. So maybe next year you will decide to join in the fun; the givers receive more enjoyment than the receivers. This year’s entries were more than last year.

The winner of the $100.00 for best overall was Mary Ann & Norman Wade from Lorena, Texas, Congratulations!!! And thanks for joining in the fun. Thank you, Mary Francis Bauer, for making this possible.

\Dec. 2nd. is the next Chamber Sponsored Event, “Annual Lighted Boat Parade and the Chamber wants to recognize everyone who works with the Annual Toy Run They give so many children a wonderful Christmas who otherwise might not have a Christmas. This is a wonderful group of people that joined our annual boat parade, Without them this event would not be what they make it. THANKS TO ALL!!! Contact Bill Tigrett for more info–361-983-2671,

Then make sure to leave your Christmas Lights on Dec. 20 & 21st, if you want to be judged for Commercial or House Lighting and contact Beverly Clifton 361-220-1583.
The Christmas Party for the Chamber will be held on Friday Dec. 8th. By having it on Friday instead of on Monday night as in the past, we are  hoping more people will be able to join: 6 p.m.-9 p.m. at the Sanctuary at Costa Grande, Food Delights from — The Taste of Port O’Connor, Joyous songs from The Jerry James Band.

The 2018 election of directors will be held at the Party. Members only may vote, but EVERYONE is invited to be our SPECIAL GUEST. So mark your calendar.

If you are interested in being on the ballot and not a member, you can join by Nov.21st.and be on ballot. If need more info contact 361-983-2898; 361poc@gmail.com

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