Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Dec 17 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

This is truly the most wonderful time of the year as far as I am concerned! I like Thanksgiving mainly because it gets me in the right frame of mind to properly enjoy the Christ of Christmas. “If it were not for Jesus there would be no Christmas” has become the theme of my celebration this year. We enjoyed the Seniors’ Christmas provided by the Ladies Service Club, but missed the children singing about the birth of our Savior. I know there is a lot of pressure on our institutions to be politically correct and recognize this time of the year only as “the holiday season,” we must demand that our schools teach the historical truths, which would include the reason for this season is the birth of Jesus Christ!

As a community effort, we were part of the puzzle that provided 51 Thanksgiving boxes of food for needy families in our area. Because of the generosity of many people, including the Ladies Service Club, our local churches, generous benefactors, and discounts from H.E.B., we were able to make the baskets larger than before. We are planning a similar distribution on December 19 for those who sign up for the Christmas baskets by calling 361-218-6693 no later than December 17. (If there are those looking where to place a worthy cash donation, please consider the Port O’Connor Benevolence Fund, which has an account at our local bank.)

We were honored to have guest musician Ric Gorden from Oklahoma with us again this year on December 3. In spite of many of our regulars being out, we had a good crowd and truly enjoyed his message of Christmas. Pastor Jesse Alderete has been filling the pulpit for us several times in our absence because of our obligations to other area churches.

We will be celebrating Christmas on Sunday, December 17, this year. Our morning service will feature our children and at 6:00 p.m., we will begin the evening activities with an All Church Fellowship Meal of barbecue. The church will be providing the main dish and our families will be providing the sides and ”pies”! We will have our style of gift giving, which always provides a lot of laughs. We ask that any people who act like “Scrooge” to please stay home and do not hamper our celebration of Jesus’ Birthday!

On Wednesday, December 20, at 7:00 p.m., we will have our annual Christmas Hayride and Caroling. I have been informed that the school play will be the same evening, and we are saddened that the school has chosen to have such a major event on a Wednesday evening, our traditional church service day.

On Christmas Eve, we will have only one activity for the day. We will gather at the Chapel from 10:30 until noon, and give our families opportunity to spend the rest of the day with families and friends. On New Year’s Even, the schedule will be the same – one service beginning at 10:30 a.m.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational church whose goal is to celebrate the Christ of Christmas all year long! Our service schedule includes on Sundays our 10:00 a.m. Bible Study lead by Pastor Jesse; the 11:00 a.m. Morning Service, and our 6:00 p.m. Evening Service. On Wednesday, we meet at 7:00 p.m. for a special time of inspiration. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and you are urged to, “Come grow with us!”

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