Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Dec 17 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak
Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors left to right: John Reneau, Darla Parker, Mary Jo Walker, Dawn Ragusin, Kacie Skalak, Mary Francis Bauer, Eloisa Newsome, Ronna Fishbeck, Staci Hein, Troy Wygrys.

Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
left to right: John Reneau, Darla Parker, Mary Jo Walker, Dawn Ragusin, Kacie Skalak, Mary Francis Bauer, Eloisa Newsome, Ronna Fishbeck, Staci Hein, Troy Wygrys.

First, the Chamber wants to “THANK” everyone who made it out to our Annual Chamber Christmas Party. It was a beautiful evening, after the true blessing of the gift of snow the night before.The party was a fantastic success. Joanie Morgan and Mary Jo Walker took the bull by the horns and turned this into a unforgettable event. Also we want to let anyone that helped put this party together, know it was truly appreciated, from the music to the food. It will be hard to top this next year.

The election of 2018 Directors was held, In January, the Directors will select the 2018 officers.

Opps– so much going on this month I almost forgot the 2017 Lighted Boat Parade. The night with a full moon and fantastic weather has been said to be the BEST EVER!!!!
Thanks to all participants and the Chamber members who worked so hard to make it all come together.

One more event for 2017: Business & House Lighting Contest on Dec. 20th & 21st. Don’t forget to leave your lights on and contact Beverly (361-220-1583) to make sure your house is on the list.

Thanks to everyone in the community who volunteered in any way or helped to make 2017 a fantastic year.

New & Renewed Members
Captain Lawn, Tree and Deck Service
AJL Advertising Specialties
Dock’s Restaurant
Dain & Judy Whitworth

Have A Safe & Happy New Year!

Chamber Christmas Party -Bill Tigrett

Chamber Christmas Party -Bill Tigrett

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