The Story of The Christmas Jar Continues by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Dec 17 - Comments Off on The Story of The Christmas Jar Continues by Kelly Gee

Maybe you remember reading about a local retired couple who found a Christmas Jar on their steps last year on Christmas morning. They were surprised and blessed and excited about this new tradition. They read the book and caught the vision of The Christmas Jar as shared in the bestselling book. This year that same retired couple is still battling health issues and life issues, but they have found a way to pass on the joy of the Christmas Jar. They have saved their pocket change and a few extra bills and placed them lovingly in a jar that will be passed on this Christmas morning. They met a young couple with two small children who lost their home in the hurricane. They moved into a small trailer and not long after had a fire in that trailer. The jar will be passed to this sweet family this year, and while it might not contain much money it is filled with love and Christmas wishes. They were so happy to pay the tradition forward.

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