Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 18 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Believe it or not, this is not the same year! We have turned the page on 2017 and are beginning new opportunities for 2018. We need to put behind us the things of the past, press in for the day to day, and expect great things to happen for us in the future! This may be the year that Jesus will return for His children and “what a glorious day that will be” as was written in a song long ago.

With personal loss of a friend and a fellow minister of the Gospel, we helped memorialize the life and ministry of Pastor Glynn Behrend, who passed away the first Sunday of this year after pastoring Gonzales for over 12 years. His wife, Connie and children, as well as his church family will be transitioning and need our support as friends and fellow laborers. One day, many of us reading this paper will meet our Creator just as Glynn did. It is not as important when we face God, but how we face Him!

We finished 2017 with many great Christmas celebrations. Our annual Christmas Party was fantastic. Our children’s play, under the direction of Hermana Angie, was a delightful success. Our caroling was wonderful and the carolers were better than ever.

Fisherman’s Chapel is one of the sponsors of the POC Benevolence Fund’s Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. This year we distributed 51 Thanksgiving and 50 Christmas food baskets. With the help of our three local churches, the Women’s Service club, the Scouts, the Port O’Connor School, and many other generous donors, we paid all the bills for food have $14.90 left in the local bank account to start our effort to provide a special Thanksgiving and/or Christmas for local needy families in 2018. Thank you for your help!

We were delighted to have our new chairs delivered before Christmas. Come by and take a look at how nice they look in the Chapel.

Progress continues being made on the rebuilding of our parsonage after Hurricane Harvey. The Lord has blessed us with true craftsmen and when completed, the parsonage will be better than ever. Now that the laws have been changed to allow churches to be considered for FEMA funds, we hope that some of our tax dollars will be coming back to POC to help us in our recovery.

We are working hard to see the Kingdom of God advanced in the Port O’Connor area. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to “Come, grow with us!”

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