KFC- Kids for Christ by Barbara Campbell

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 18 - Comments Off on KFC- Kids for Christ by Barbara Campbell

I believe it all started in 2008 or 2009, when my daughter went off to college, as she teased me that she was replaced by 19 girls! It started in the kitchen of the fellowship hall at First Baptist Church in Seadrift TX. There was a call to get something started with the kids. Jennifer Mikolas and I got in the kitchen and started to teach these young ladies to cook along with lessons in life and devotions as well. We called them The GA’s like Rachael Ray. The girls made a pecan pie, crust from scratch and even cracked the pecans! Great talk time when you’re doing that!

Soon the boys came by to sample the cooking, the crowds grew, and we found ourselves cooking and feeding over 100 children on Wednesday evenings, and filling them with the knowledge of the Lord and songs of Praise. You think they had a blessing; the workers were the ones getting the Blessing! We learned missions by feeding sick members with food we had prepared. We even prepared the snacks for the grand opening of our new library. Each Wednesday was a miracle of its own; on a shoestring budget, the crowd was nourished in more ways than one.

The Lord saw the need and used the ideas of Tommy Stanfill and manpower of the church body to build and fund a million dollar building. The kids moved from the fellowship hall to a spacious building that also houses a gym. We have had many leaders over the years. At times we didn’t have a leader, but it was consistent; these kids learned the stories in the Bible. We have had setbacks and this year Charlotte Wooldridge, Nancy Henson and many others fed and clothed folks in the youth building in the aftermath of Harvey, The call is still there; the children of our community need to learn about Jesus Christ. So, the workers cleaned the youth building and we are preparing to begin again with the Youth.

We were formerly known as WOW-Worship on Wednesday, we will be going forward as KFC –Kids for Christ. We will be meeting on a new day, Mondays! The times will be from 6:00 to7:00 pm. For middle school and up, we will be in the kitchen cooking up a snack at 4:30, and learning how to clean up also.

If you feel you would like to help be a part of serving the kids of this community, we will welcome you.

Church office hours are 9:00 to 1:00 Monday – Friday.

361 785-3411

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