Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Feb 18 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

From the desk of Kelly A Gee Cooper…
I was honored to be named Citizen of the Year by First Baptist Church and the Sweetheart Banquet coordinators at this year’s event. We have so many people who give selflessly in our little community, there are many who could and should have been so recognized. Thank you for choosing me. I am so grateful to get to be a part of POC and love the many small town friendly events and activities I get to help with here. It is my joy and pleasure to be a part whenever I can. I have met many special people and shared fun and great memories as I volunteer in this community or get the privilege of covering some of those for our hometown newspaper, The Dolphin Talk. Special Thanks to each of you who had a part in honoring me in this way. I pray I get many more days to share in opportunities to give back to POC in the coming months and to share in the adventures of life at the end of the road with each of you. God Bless and Thanks again! Keep finding your joy in the journey- Kelly

Thank you.
The family of Brenda Smith would like to thank everyone for the condolences and support we received during this trying time in the death of our mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, and friend.  This community really showed us how much Brenda was loved and what her life meant to everyone.  Thank you all who came out for Brenda’s last celebration of life.
Thank you,
Renee Hawes and Family



The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.
Dolphin Talk – PO Box 717 – Port O’Connor, TX 77982 – dolphin1@tisd.net

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