Lovingkindness by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Feb 18 - Comments Off on Lovingkindness by Erny McDonough

A teacher asked her students to tell the meaning of “lovingkindness”. A little boy jumped up and said, “Well, if I was hungry and someone gave me a piece of bread, that would be kindness. But, if they put a little strawberry jell on it, that would be loving kindness.”

Lovingkindness is not a word that we use often, but it has a lot of special meanings. It is used in several places in the Bible, especially in the writings of King David in the Psalms. Since we are still in the Month of Love, our thoughts should be centered not just on love, but also on kindness.

Too many people get the words “love” and “lust” mixed up. The idea of “falling in love” is probably in reality a lustful event! Love is always a choice. It is a decision that one makes and hopefully made after much investigative study. It is so important that people become friends before they become lust-ers!

I was reading a devotional book that I believe will help us understand the true meaning of “Lovingkindness”. I do not know the author, but I trust they will not mind me adding my own “twist” to their words.

Kindness provides a house, but it takes love to make it a home.

Kindness will pack an adequate sack lunch for our school kids, but love will put in a note of encouragement.

Kindness provides a computer as a learning aid, but love controls the time of use and will insist that a child “signs off”
Kindness sends a child to bed on time, but love tucks the covers around the child’s neck and provides a good-night kiss.

Kindness cooks a meal, but love selects the “your favorite food” menu and lights a candle.

Kindness writes a thank-you note, but love slips a joke or photograph inside the envelope
Kindness keeps a clean and tidy house, but love allows it to be comfortable to “live in”!

Kindness pours a glass of milk, but love occasionally adds a little chocolate or strawberry syrup to it.

Kindness is doing what is decent, basic, courteous, and necessary for an even, smooth, gentle flow of life, and love adds the extra step to make life truly exciting, creative, and meaningful!

Kindness makes life worth living! Love is what makes life special!

Far too many people have forgotten the meaning of kindness and the simple acts that will follow. If we would concentrate on just being kind one to another, we would find that love, real love, would quickly follow.

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