What a beautiful sight! When you walked into the Community Center for the 22nd Annual Sweetheart Banquet, you felt you were entering a room full of love. Amid the beautiful decorations, friends were chatting, awaiting the dinner and festivities of the evening.
Under the leadership of Jim and Diane Cooley, workers from First Baptist Church, assisted by members of the Port O’Connor Service Club, had made everything ready for the big event. Five men from the Church did the charcoal broiling of the steaks and they were delicious.
Again the Banquet was sold out! We had 189 sweethearts in attendance and we delivered eight meals to people who were unable to attend.
Our pastor, Rev. Donnie Martin, led the group in the prayer of Thanksgiving. Church men and the Youth Group served everyone their Sweetheart Steak Dinner. After dinner, I (Doyle Adams) led everyone in the traditional banquet singing of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”
All couples married 50 years or longer were recognized and heart boxes of candy were presented to the longest-married couple (Brother George and Barbara Yarborough, 64 years), and the couple married the least amount of time (Sophie and Quintin Pecena, 2 months).
Door Prize winners were Freeman Hoppe, Hemphill. John Meitzen, John Hase, and Vidal Rameriz.
Finally it was time to announce the big award of the evening: “Port O’Connor Citizen Of The Year’’. I was pleased to present this honor to Kelly Gee.
After the awards, it was time to settle back and enjoy some music. The Choir of the First Baptist Church sang several beautiful songs and Marcos and Sue Gohlke sang a beautiful duet.
It was altogether a beautiful and joyous evening!

Brother George & Barbara Yarborough
Married 64 Years
Honored at the Sweetheart Banquet

Quintin and Sophie Pecena were honored as the newest married couple, celebrating two months of marriage on the night of the banquet.