Seadrift School celebrated Dr. Seuss’ Birthday by Reading Across America. Students wore their pajamas and had visitors read Dr. Seuss books to the class throughout the day. Cat in the Hat (members of the Harbor in Port Lavaca, Texas) visited each classroom. Dr. Seuss’ literature has played an important role in todays’ classrooms.

Speedy Stop cooked green eggs and ham for the POC students
Fantastic Teeth Program
Seadrift Masonic Lodge Number 1098 presented the Port O’ Connor, Seadrift, and Tivoli Elementary School’s First Graders with Dental Hygene Kits as part of the Annual Masonic Home and School Fantastic Teeth Program. A short presentation was made explaining the importance of keeping the teeth and mouth in good health. Teachers assisting were Ms.Leanne Hribek in Port O’Connor, Ms. Riley, Ms Christy, Ms Estrada, and School Nurse Ms Goode in Seadrift.
Pictured above are Port O’Connor first graders.

Hope High School students were recently visited by a representative from Texas A & M. They were informed of the process of applying and all of the offerings the university had. The students appreciated the presentation and look forward to what the future entails for them. On February 23, twelve of the students were given a guided tour of the University of Houston Victoria Campus.