Specktacular Day – Capt. Chris Martin
The March equinox, which marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, will be on March 20th this year. But don’t let the start of spring fool you when you’re planning your next coastal fishing trip. The early part of spring along the Texas coast often brings with it weather that still fluctuates at times, to include strong and variable winds, chilling rains, and unstable water temperatures. A lot of the fishing time this month will be spent in the numerous back lake areas, or within the confines of the Victoria Barge Canal or the Intracoastal Waterway, as anglers drop in for some immediate protection from high wind and rough water. Any time you’re forced into these secluded places in March, always keep a watchful eye for the presence of mullet – any mullet, whatsoever!
Look for the winds to become more of a southeasterly flow rather than northeasterly, and for the tides to begin increasing once again. We’ll also find water clarity beginning to come off of that of being air-clear to more of a greenish color. We can also anticipate water temperatures to begin warming now, and to continue doing so, for the next few months as we progress through spring and into summer. This will mean that it will not be long now before you can start your search for speckled trout above warming sands and grass found along area shorelines just off the main bay systems.
Days that are less windy this month will find many anglers looking to setup morning wading sessions along leeward shorelines located throughout the San Antonio Bay area that can be influenced by the day’s forecasted tide and currents. Anglers should start out the day by wading mud and grass, and then transition to hard sand, or sand and shell, as the sun reaches high into the sky and the shallows atop the flats begin to warm. While it is important to fish atop mud and grass during the cooler parts of the year, you should start making a slow change from mud to hard sand this month, as doing so can often mean the difference between fishing and catching.
March is probably one of the more fun months to be out on the water. The bays are once again beginning to come alive with baitfish activity, and the trout are hungry after a long period of cold water. If you happen upon some decent fish this month in a private hotspot of yours, there’s a good chance you might be able to stay on the same fish for several days if the conditions are right, and if things don’t change drastically from one day to the next. Look to enjoy some premium action on top waters, and don’t forget to pack a couple slow-sinkers, as well. Have fun, and keep grindin’!
Capt. Chris Martin, Bay Flats Lodge, 1-888-677-4868