Intercostal 4-H Club had our meeting at the Calhoun County 4-H Round Up Monday March 5th, 2018. There we did a classroom comedy skit. The roles were Rylie Ragusin: Sam, McKenna Guevara: Mrs. Guevara, Antonio Gloria: Ivan, and Elanah Sanchez: Piper.
Brooklyn Redmond: Bertha. McKenna, Rylie, Antonio, Nicholas Ragusin, and Christina Ragusin entered in the Junior photography competition and all placed and some are going to district in April 2018.
Officer elections will be coming up in May. Our next meeting will be April 2nd, 2018 at the Port O’Connor Elementary Library at 6:30 pm.

Senior and Junior Intercoastal 4-H club members performed a Classroom Comedy skit at the Calhoun County 4-H Roundup. The group practiced weekly for a month before performing for a packed audience at the Extension Office auditorium on Monday, March 5.
Cast (left to right): Antonio Gloria (5th grade); Rylie Ragusin (5th grade); Brooklyn Redmond (9th grade); McKenna Guevara (5th grade); (Not pictured): Elanah Sanchez -Roxanne Ochoa