“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Good News & Obstruction
Why is it that the really good financial news is rarely repeated on Liberal News. Trump keeps stressing things in his speeches like:

1. Black unemployment at its lowest.
2. Hispanic unemployment at its lowest.
3. Women’s unemployment at it’s lowest since 2001.
4. 3 million new jobs. And mostly in the Private Sector, not govt.
5. Capital returning to the US.
6. Tax cuts and bonuses for workers.
7. Anti-business regulations repealed.
8. Highest Small business confidence, because of #7 and ObamaCare roll-backs.
9. Today’s news, 3/1/18: a) Jobless claims plunge to 49-year low… b) Incomes Up Most in Five Years…c) US crude oil output hits all-time high; Takes out 1970 record…

If any of these things were not true, the Lib Media would have facts to disprove it, and we would hear it 24/7. There has been a great financial revival since right after Trump won the election, because of the people’s confidence he would do something positive, (and he wasn’t Hillary). It was instantaneous, after the election. And despite nothing but Resistance, Obstruction, and unrelenting personal attacks for everything imaginable, it keeps getting better. Can you imagine what could be accomplished if Dems, Rinos, Media, Wall Street, and the FED actually tried to HELP?

The next big political fight will be DACA. Trump has already offered to give DACAs legal resident visas and a pathway to citizenship. I’m basically against rewarding Criminal Invaders for breaking law, but this is an embarrassment because it wasn’t solved before. We know the Dems can NOT be trusted, because they promised increased Border Security for the 1986 Amnesty, but once they got their Amnesty for about 3.5 million illegals, we got nothing like that, but tens of millions of new illegals & semi-legals from chain migration. There was little enforcement by Clinton, Bush, or Obama. Catch & release. Obama stopped deporting most, even after they got out of jail for felonies. If the Dems want a deal for the DACAs they have to give us real Border Security this time. I don’t think they care about the DACAs, among themselves they brag about Open Borders “Changing the demographics” and giving them votes, even without citizenship! THAT must stop!

But Trump wants to fix the problem. The best path to Citizenship is Military or National Guard service. Other govt services could be included. I say we need to trash the Visa Lottery anyway, so let’s roll that over to the DACAs and they get Permanent Resident Visas for the best 50,000 every year. Based on a competitive scale: school, job, assimilation, citizenship activities, public service, even a written test like the Citizen Test. Criminal record and Welfare dependency are disqualifiers & should be Deportable Offenses. So deport the worse criminals first, and deport all “New Arrivals” . The Dems must act, or admit they don’t care about DACAs or National Sovereignty, only Party Power. And unlike Trump, they don’t care about carrying through on their promises, especially to citizens, and their Oath to the Constitution. We need to take the Anchor Baby question to the Supreme Court and prove it was an unlawful court decision that past Presidents were to cowardly to face. No “14th Amend” citizenship unless one parent was a legal resident or citizen. The ones raised here should get resident visas, but not automatic citizenship, give them a little better deal than the DACAs, but all the foreign babies born here for “Tourist Citizenship” get nothing.

It looks like the Dems are hardening their line on Gun Control. Not only are they beating the “Semi-auto Assault Weapon Ban” to death, many are finally admitting they want the “Diane Finestein Solution”: she said in 1995,” If I could get 51 votes in the Senate, it would have been total confiscation. Mr. & Mrs. America, give them up.” The “Semi-Auto Gun Ban” they want is not just for ARs & AKs, but all Semi-Autos – pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Followed by the “Australian Solution” of banning all pistols, all “rapid repeaters”- pump & lever action rifles & shotguns, and limiting even simple rifles and shotguns to strict Registration and “need” – if you own a ranch and have a coyote problem, you might get permission for a bolt action rifle. They fully intend to overturn the Second Amendment, even the wishy-washy “Duck Hunting” Liberal interpretation of it. Or simply ignore it, like the Tenth Amendment.

Most of the Mass Shooters have criminal records or histories that haven’t been properly updated, fix that first! We need better records of Mental Disease and instability. Also, since 2000, 16 of the 34 mass shootings were done by first or second generation immigrants. Many Muslims. And now many mass killings are done with vehicles, not guns. We need to tighten up our Citizenship requirements to people that actually assimilate, not come here and live in tribal ghettos with no intent to become Americans.

We need to tell Hollyweird and all the TV networks, they are banned from depicting any violence or crime, using any firearm, or anything that resembles a firearm (such as the infamous Pop-Tart gun), and see how they like that.

Anyway, this is great for gun sales. And Gun Control has long been a “Political Third-Rail” for Dems. The artificial “popularity” generated by Fake News & Hollyweird soon dies, but leaves a deep suspicion in the minds of most Americans. Dems are gearing up to make it their Big Platform for 2020, as well as this year. They will lose seats this year, and 2020 will be a GOP landslide. As it should be, for many reasons.

The Lib/Progs ignore the Constitution and the People. It is all about their Agenda, and they only listen to their own propaganda.

43 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


Countdown to Bill’s 8,000 words of follow up…..5, 4, 3, 2, 1

March 15th, 2018 at 11:17 am

I sense depression in you, Bill, should we report that to someone who can check on you and your guns? https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/09/upshot/gun-deaths-are-mostly-suicides.html

March 15th, 2018 at 11:20 am

60 Minutes on Sunday, watch Stormy Daniels talk about how Donald Made Stormy Great Again!

March 16th, 2018 at 6:39 am

Three things:
1) Nobody is saying to gun owners to take away their second amendment rights or guns. I have only heard that from right wing nuts like Bill. In a small barrel he makes a lot of noise, but it is all noise.
2) “When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.” (former CIA Director John Brennan) might be the truest words ever spoken about President Trump. History will have the last say, not me, not Bill.
3) It is perfectly legal to have a Biden/Obama ticket in the next election. There is not a thing to stop it. Stew in that.

March 18th, 2018 at 7:26 am
Bill Brayshaw

You are having little temper tantrum fits again.
All you got is personal insults?
I love Liberal tears!
And You are wrong on most everything you write.
Barack Obama can’t run for VP because the VP must be eligible to be President if needed. Check it out. So, you think Michelle will run? ROFL!
John Brennan has his knickers in a knot because he is in real danger of being exposed for indictable offenses. Wait and See.
McCabe and Comey have given conflicting testimony, one or the other has to be lying. (Probably both.)
Stormy is facing a major($20 Mil?) civil Suit for violating the terms of a Contract she willfully signed for money. And why do you care about what Trump did 10 years before he got into politics? Not like he’s getting “Lewinskys” from young interns in the Oval Office. Even if all the sex stuff the Media claims is true, he did that when he was an Entertainer and a Registered Democrat, so it was OK, right?
Thank you for your concern, LOL!
I’m happy, happy, happy! Hillary is making herself unpopular with everyone. Biden is still a Buffoon. Obama’s entire Administration looks like it is going to be ‘busted’ for a whole laundry-list of offenses. I’m still cancer-free & chemo-free, working a little bit more every week on repairs from Harvey & my “toys” in my barn.
You are the one that seems depressed.

March 20th, 2018 at 8:20 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Remember George Orwell? The book “1984”?
Statism — or as Orwell called it, oligarchical collectivism — closes in on every side. Any generation could be the last to live even partially free. The alternative to freedom is an abased existence unworthy of mankind. You might call it absolute political correctness.

“Imagine a boot stamping on a human face…forever.”
This is the result of your “blind loyalty to Party”, about which Orwell speaks.
Good Luck!

March 21st, 2018 at 4:21 pm

Hey I’m reading Animal Farm right now. Damn I thought it sounded like you! “If only we could all think like Republicans, life would be better.” So Orwell, yes. I believe the pigs wanted to rule. Yes.

22nd Amendment deals with the election terms of the President. If Biden is elected President, it does not bar Obama from being his Vice President. Nor, if one looks at the exact wording of the Constitution, does it bar a former President from being 1) Vice President, or succeeding a President who dies or is removed from office. So scream that I’m wrong, but here’s the actual wording of the Constitution of the United States of America:
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

And speaking of Stormy, why does the contract mention “paternity”? Not exactly standard wording in a business contract. We’ll find out on Sunday!

March 23rd, 2018 at 6:31 pm

“I am not a member of any organized political party. I, sir, am a Democrat.” Will Rogers. Bite that.

March 23rd, 2018 at 6:34 pm

Hey I hope you don’t mind, I sent the attorney for Seth Rich’s parents the link to your post about him. Have a good weekend!

March 23rd, 2018 at 7:21 pm

Get out and walk for better gun laws today! #NeverAgain
See you in Houston!

March 24th, 2018 at 6:51 am

If I were “politically correct” Bill, I wouldn’t be posting here, I’d be agreeing with your point of view. You know what’s politically correct these days? Drinking the cofveve served by right wing nutjobs……. yes. Just pointing that out, dear.

March 24th, 2018 at 7:02 am

And I believe if you watched something besides FOX or Breitbart or Kim Dotcom or whatever that other one is, you’d realize that this is just the last month in TrumpWorld:

A Russian spy has been outed as Guccifer, the hacker who broke into Presidential campaign computers. Saudi Arabia claims Kushner is ”In its pocket”. The President just congratulated Putin for winning a fake election but failed to remark on the biological assassination by Russian agents in Britain. Multiple campaign and gov’t officials indicted and pleading guilty to crimes. Roy Moore’s buddies are on audio tape trying to bribe someone to discredit a victim. 75 kids shot just since Parkland. A white, conservative Christian terrorized Austin. The tax cuts aren’t showing ip in our paychecks. The President’s former mistresses claim he treated them like prostitutes AND he keeps comparing women to his daughter whom he has frequently stated he is attracted to. Appointed officials are wasting taxpayer money on private planes and $30,000 dining tables. The stock market is plunging. A complete nutjob of a neo con hawk is now our National Security Advisor – and he is a stalker with a history of harassing and verbally abusing people who disagree with him. The infrastructure is broken. There’s an opioid epidemic. The White House says cancelling meals on wheels is compassionate. The US is like a giant pus pocket ready to burst. LUCKILY, the President is on it. He’s in charge. He’s going to keep us safe. He’s going to ban trans people from our military.

March 24th, 2018 at 7:28 am
Bill Brayshaw

You are grasping at straws.
Obama has been elected pResident twice.
“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice,”
The prime duty of the Vice President is to serve as President if the President dies, resigns, or can not serve.
A person that is not eligible to be President can not be elected Vice President.
BUT, oh, wait… Democrats have elected Obama, Constitutionally ineligible by the definition used by the Founders for “natural born Citizen”, twice already. So now you think you can just make him “President-for-Life” by the simple subterfuge of electing him VP with the President being some incompetent buffoon that will resign after being elected?
Hey, you need to be head of the DNC, you “think” like Pelosi, Hillary, and DWS!

March 25th, 2018 at 8:27 am
Bill Brayshaw

FLASHBACK: Hitler Also Used Children to Promote Gun Control
See: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/reminder-hitler-also-used-children-to-promote-gun-control/
“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new. Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Here’s a history lesson for young adults in America – Hitler’s regime took away guns from people in Germany and then herded those they did not like into boxcars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered. The victims didn’t fire a shot in self-defense because their guns were taken away.
Hitler said –
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)
Hitler knew how important it was to indoctrinate the young to the Nazi cause early in their lives. Today’s liberals are no different.
Hitler’s Nazis also knew that the registry, confiscation and outlawing of guns was necessary to control the masses and to prevent individuals from standing up against the state. According to the National Review –
The perennial gun-control debate in America did not begin here. The same arguments for and against were made in the 1920s in the chaos of Germany’s Weimar Republic, which opted for gun registration. Law-abiding persons complied with the law, but the Communists and Nazis committing acts of political violence did not.
In 1931, Weimar authorities discovered plans for a Nazi takeover in which Jews would be denied food and persons refusing to surrender their guns within 24 hours would be executed. They were written by Werner Best, a future Gestapo official. In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for “public safety.” The interior minister warned that the records must not fall into the hands of any extremist group.
In 1933, the ultimate extremist group, led by Adolf Hitler, seized power and used the records to identify, disarm, and attack political opponents and Jews. Constitutional rights were suspended, and mass searches for and seizures of guns and dissident publications ensued. Police revoked gun licenses of Social Democrats and others who were not “politically reliable.”
Next Jews and enemies of the state were shipped to concentration camps and murdered. It’s reported that when Hitler signed gun control legislation he surrounded himself with children as a backdrop – (pic would not copy/paste)
When former President Barack Obama signed executive orders on gun control he too surrounded himself with children – (AP picture from the Guardian)
Leftists and Nazis can’t take away guns from law abiding citizens without using children as a backdrop! Today’s rally using children was another grotesque display reminiscent of Nazi Germany. …………………………………………..
The Current Children’s Crusade Against Guns (And for a Lib/Prog Take-over of America) is already coming apart at the seams. It is obvious where the organization and money is coming from. Their primary spokes-weasel is a nasty-mouth, arrogant little dictator that alienates just about everyone. Everyone knows the real reason Nikolas Cruz shot up the school was he is a known psychopath that the school and local law enforcement refused to discipline, or even put warnings in his records, because of the racist Holder-Obama policy of not arresting “Minority Students”. He should never have been allowed to buy or own a gun by existing law! He should have been incarcerated long ago.
But the Lib/Prog Totalitarian “Solution” is always to BAN THE GUNS – for Law Abiding Citizens. They don’t enforce the Anti-Gun Laws they have BECAUSE they WANT more excuses to limit all guns from the CITIZENRY!
Same old “Totalitarian Solution” to guarantee more Totalitarianism, and faster.

March 25th, 2018 at 8:38 am

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.

He’s not being elected to the office of President, but serving as Vice President to the elected President. Two entirely different things.

I don’t know where you get the “prime duty” stuff, it’s not in the Constitution. If you want to talk Constitution, maybe stick with the wording of the Constitution and not made up stuff.

The Constitution also lays out who becomes President if the Vice President cannot. So I guess it would become a question for the Supreme Court. Which would look at the wording of the Constitution, not the “intent”, right? Isn’t that what you hate, when the intent is reinvented?

March 25th, 2018 at 8:39 am

Here’s what’s going to happen regarding AR’s and guns. It will change. Just like the young changed Vietnam.

3% of the US population owns 50% of all guns. While a gun doesn’t stand up and shoot someone, it also doesn’t stand up, march, and register to vote. That 3% of ownership is about to be overwhelmed by the 85% of the population who support stronger gun legislation.

The real question, is when they make AR’s illegal, do you follow the law and give yours up? Or do you go to the dark side, and choose your gun over the law?

March 25th, 2018 at 8:42 am
Bill Brayshaw

Your “Opioid Epidemic” will continue to grow as long as the Dems & RINOs ‘Resist & Obstruct’ the WALL!
About 1000 Americans die every WEEK now from that. You and the other Anti-Trumpers OWN THAT!
You hate the man, for whatever reasons of your own, but why obstruct his policies to solve the problems you object to so much?
Do you hate him so much for defeating your “Empress Hillary” that you are willing to kill Americans rather than him get credit for actually solving problems?
Pelosi, Schumer, and the others are celebrating their “Victory” in stopping meaningful construction of The Wall and hiring additional Border Security officers. “To Hell with the Citizen Voters, we want more Criminal Invaders for our Sanctuary Cities!”
Is this your idea of a “Democracy”?

March 25th, 2018 at 8:55 am

Do you check the private buyers of your guns for opioids? What exactly do you do with your gun hoard to help the opioid epidemic? How do I own a problem that I, like you, observe, but are powerless to regulate? Hasn’t there been Republican control of the Congress for the last 10 years?

Nice change of topics, since your arguments are failing. But I’ll bite, because it’s raining here and I don’t like what’s on TCM. I don’t hate Trump. I hate the job he’s doing. I hate the lifestyle he’s living on taxpayer’s $$$ while trying to cut benefits for Medicare and Social Security. I hate that he wants to undermine health care, an industry we should be supporting as a job creator of the future. I hate that he treats women, including his wives and children, as nothing more than pieces of ass. I hate that while he did everything he could to stay out of war, in his 70’s he’s now a Warwhore. Wait, maybe I do dislike him strongly. But hate? I leave that to you. I am hate free, man. And life is better for it.

Whatever Poelosi and Schumer are celebrating, it took a Republican House, Senate and President to sign into law. Without them, it’s just paper. So blame who you want to, but the fact remains, this was a Republican bill.

March 25th, 2018 at 9:49 am

Don’t mistake what I do here for hate. This is more fun than I’ve had in years.

March 25th, 2018 at 9:51 am
Bill Brayshaw

Your “Gun Numbers” are WAY off!
Try some sources that actually know something about guns, for a change.
The fastest growing segment of “Gun Owners” are women. Many ladies are getting interested in hunting, but the main reason is personal defense. They are realizing that the laws that the Lib/Progs REFUSE to enforce are of no value. Local Police can try to defend the public, but their simply aren’t enough officers or money to pay them.
The FBI has become so politicized over the last decade that they are ineffective in the Cruz case and again in another Florida case a couple of weeks later. And these are only the cases we have found out about. The Media won’t tell you anything but “Ban Guns!”.
When seconds count, the police are “just minutes away”. Your primary defense against a criminal attack is YOU! It is your duty as an adult to be able to defend you family. That includes “competent, willing, and prepared”.
And what about the Parkland students that have been denied any voice in this because they are pro-gun, or simply want to tell the truth about the incompetence of school protection and the malfeasance of policies that let dangerous psychopaths like Cruz “skate” on multiple criminal charges?
That doesn’t fit the Agenda’s “Approved Solution”, so the Media Propaganda Machine won’t touch it, but the info is out there.
Gun ownership is increasing among young adults and families. Concealed Carry is way up. Murder rates have gone down from 7/100K population in 1993 to 3.6/100K in 2013. Cut in half in 20 years! Partially because of the Clinton “Gun Ban” and the huge interest in self-defense caused by that.
The AR-15 (and clones) is the most popular rifle platform in America. The Multi-caliber conversions by simply switching “uppers” is adding to its popularity. You can have the .223/5.56 NATO for varmints, practice, or defense, and change to 6mm/.243, 6.8/.270, .300, 7.62×39, or even .450 for hunting in seconds. Or to have a longer barrel for long range, or a shorter barrel for a Personal Defense Weapon. Even with the BATF $200 tax for “Short Barrel Rifles” (under 16″) I think they will become more popular. An AR-15 with a 10-12″ barrel is awesomely fast and easy to handle with great accuracy. Super for smaller people with shorter arms. And at under about 150 yards the loss of power is negligible.
The AR-15 is not “going away”. And its Big Brother the AR-10, for full size hunting cartridges, is rapidly gaining popularity. Looks the same, just bigger.
Looks don’t make a rifle an “Assault Weapon”, the key word here is the “assault” part, a criminal act by an individual.
But the Lib/Prog Big Govt Totalitarians don’t want you to realize that. So the “Scary Guns Propaganda” will continue as long as they think they are fooling people.
You are helping.
All the Media “Hoop-la” just boosts gun sales, especially for all the AR-15 platforms.

March 25th, 2018 at 9:59 am

When they make AR’s illegal, do you follow the law and give yours up? Or do you go to the dark side, and choose your gun over the law?

March 25th, 2018 at 10:28 am

I own guns. They don’t scare me. I don’t own assault rifles. I don’t belong to the NRA nor do they speak for me.

March 25th, 2018 at 10:29 am

I am against open carry, too. Scary, huh?

March 25th, 2018 at 10:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

I am selling off some of my guns, and I do it through popular gun dealers. They have the high “walk-in” trade. The 10% commission is well worth the savings on advertising, hassle of dealing with people looking for “Private Gun Sales”, and I usually get a much better price.
I do not sell anything to dopers or suspected criminals. I’ve had FFLs before. I was mostly a gunsmith/hobbyist. I sold guns only to people I personally knew, were in my hunt club, Veterans, or Law Enforcement Officers. (I was a Special Deputy, Flight Instructor, airplanes and helicopters) I gave up my FFL because I found I was “in violation of law – Civil Rights” because of my policy.
Don’t try your sanctimonious Anti-gun crap with me. Won’t work.
If you want law enforcement, including stopping opioids, support law enforcement. Including the Wall and other things Trump is trying to do.
How many Americans are killed and injured by Criminal Invaders every year? Just Drunk Driving accidents? Way more than your vaunted “School Shootings”. There are more kids killed by bicycles every year than by guns – by a factor of TEN Times. Stupid people will do stupid things with anything potentially dangerous.
Let’s work on reducing the “STUPIDITY POTENTIAL”, not ban guns or bicycles. Or swimming pools.
And don’t complain about the cost of The Wall – $25 Billion cost is a bargain compared to the $100 Billion PER YEAR costs of the Criminal Invaders. Not including the criminal costs & damages. Or the $Billions they send out of our country and economy they send “home” every year.
The “cheap labor” may benefit a few, but it costs the Tax Payers and Citizens Billions as well as lives and property damage that is ignored by the Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine.

March 25th, 2018 at 10:49 am
Bill Brayshaw

I am a Constitutionalist, but I am against “Open Carry” for UNLICENSED persons, even though I hate to have to take that position.
I believe that every responsible, competent, Law abiding adult should get a CHL. If for no other reason to learn the LAW on carry and legal use of firearms.
I believe the 2nd Amendment is a Constitutional Right, a guarantee of a Natural Right; but also a DUTY to every man that is a patriot, and has a duty to his community as well as family. Optional for women.

March 25th, 2018 at 10:58 am
Bill Brayshaw

Why are you, and so many other Liberals, so terribly concerned about The Donald’s sexual adventures back in the day when he was an Entertainer? He was a Registered Democrat then, so it had to be OK, right?
He seems to have cleaned up his act since he became a Republican and ran for office.
Not something to be said for your hero Bill Clinton.
Trump was never accused of rape or any coercion, or his “infidelity’ even mentioned until there was money in it after he entered politics, and all the accusations are Pre-Republican.
So, for Democrats, Sex is their private business, even sexual perversions, but Trump has to be purer than “Caesar’s wife”, even before he entered politics?
And at least ‘Trump’s women’ were gorgeous and classy. Not so much for Slick Willie.(Well, Stormy in NOT classy, but that is unproven. As ‘germophobe” as Trump is, and Stormy being kinda a sexual “grease-pit”, though beautiful, I find it hard to believe.)
The whole thing just reeks of Double Standard that the Libs and FemiNazis seem to hate so much. But when it is politically expedient….
But don’t you think it is suspicious of any group that suddenly comes out as “Morally Superior” on such trumped up accusations? (pun intended)
I think some guys may be jealous of his success with women, but what about the Liberal women? They thought he was practically “god tier”, until he went GOP?
I tell you, it is “Agenda Uber Alles” with Libtards, and they can’t see it.
I think that is why “Regular People”, even Christian Conservatives even if they have to grit their teeth and forgive him, is because the Libs whipped up “hate: for what they admired before, and accept unconditionally in people “on their side”.
The “Me,Too” movement is a curious , and temporary byproduct of this conflict. A temporary aberration of their love of immorality.
Also, another curiosity is Trump’s ex-wives seem to still get along with each other and Melania. This is a miracle that should almost qualify him for “canonization”. But the Libs hate that, too.
It will be excellent comedy material in the future after the current epidemic of Political Correctness dies out.

March 25th, 2018 at 11:45 am
Bill Brayshaw

On making ARs illegal – “Nevah hoppen, GI.”
And if it did, all I would have to do is change the stocks. Maybe change some muzzle devices. All the “AR Ban Laws” are aimed at appearance! That is what is so stupid.
If they try to ban all semi-auto’s. I’ll need mine and all I can find, repair, or build from parts. Texas will secede, and I’ll be working to train and arm the County Militia; if not working for the “Texas National Armaments Commission”. Designing, testing, and building new, simpler machine-gun systems and light cannons for easy manufacture and maintenance.
“Never let a good crisis go to waste!” ROFLMAO!

March 25th, 2018 at 12:02 pm
Bill Brayshaw

For info on Opioids, and the real political backlash see:
Judge Jeanine’s Opening Statement, and much more.

March 25th, 2018 at 12:16 pm
Bill Brayshaw

We don’t have to worry about Obama running for VP.
When the Congressional Investigations get into Hillary and Obama, the whole top tier of that administration will all be in jail, busy as Federal Protection witnesses, or living in countries that don’t have Extradition Treaties with the US.
I love the idea of Creepy Uncle Joe running for Prez, but he’ll have to have someone to tell him what to do. And what not to do. This videos of him being “handsy” and little girls fidgeting and rolling their eyes at Momma, won’t look good in the age of “Me,Too”.
The Campaign will be a long Laurel & Hardy skit. Maybe they can get Fauxahontas to be his VP. I don’t think there are any other major Dems crazy enough.
NO…wait …Maxine would do it! As long as she gets to pick the Official Campaign Ice Cream.

March 25th, 2018 at 4:47 pm

Spent a nice Sunday writing, did you? Time will tell who is correct.

March 26th, 2018 at 4:45 am

Consider, buddy, while you want to mansplain about bearing guns, millions of moms are ready to momsplain about bearing children. Guess who will win? Children over guns. #Neveragain

Call me what you will, but I will not agree. I do not hate guns, I am a gun owner. I, like 85% of the population support background checks for all gun sales and no AR sales. #Neveragain

If that is called a Liberal, then 85% of us are together on that Liberal agenda. What does that make you? Oh yeah, the Minority. See you at the polls!

March 26th, 2018 at 4:50 am

FOX News poll out this morning
Require Universal Background Checks 91%
Require Mental Health hecks 84%
Raise Age to Buy to 21 72%
Armed Guards in Schools 69%
Ban Assault Weapons 60%

Pretty overwhelming. And this was FOX News.

March 26th, 2018 at 4:53 am
Bill Brayshaw

Polls are what the are. Internet Polls are driven by ideologues that tell each other about the “polls”
You just proved you have little interest in learning FACTS about guns you have already made your mind up about.
More people, even young people are seeing that the real problem with School Shooters is they are undisciplined violent psychopaths. That coupled with the Lib/Prog refusal to treat all students equally, Lefty propagandized police, and an even worse politicized FBI, are the major problems.
Cruz may have killed more kids because he had a rifle with a 30 round mag. but he could have had a Glock 9mm with a 33 round mag. He was able to get that “body-count” because he was not engaged by the School Security Officer in a timely manner.
What about the School Shooting just last week? The shooter killed one and wounded 2, one seriously, but the School Guard DID Engage the shooter, and he was killed.
Where was your Holy Crusade Gun-Banning Media on that one?
AWOL! Didn’t fit the AGENDA. Beat the drums for Boss Hogg and the story THEY like. Hogg is a litle fascist Wannabee copying Commies & real Fascists in gesture and rhetoric. What he needs is his mouth washed out with soap and a spanking, – several years ago.
How many school shooting have their been with AR-15s? Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole hers. Could have been a cop he ambushed to get it.
I believe Cruz is the first with a legally bought one, and he was a known psycho that was not treated or reported properly according to law. The gun is not the problem. The Law is not really the problem, but it does need better enforcement. The problem is “Feel-Good” Lefty Lib-Prog politics screwing up the system with their mainstreaming Whack-doodles, and refusing to discipline “Minorities”. Cruz was a “Minority” in name-only, but that’s enough to screw up the system, obviously.
And this “No Punishment for minorities” crap, who does it hurt the most? The kids that don’t get taught to behave in a civilized manner, and the kids that are forced to endure the bullies, and criminals.
And the Lib/Progs know they own this one totally, so it is doubly important to create a bunch of anti-gun hysteria.
200,000 marched in DC, but millions of young people have joined the NRA since this political catastrophe happened.
Think about it. And watch how it plays out after the hysteria dies down, and the truth comes out.

March 26th, 2018 at 10:16 am
Bill Brayshaw

Did you watch Stormy? I didn’t, but the pics showed her eyes were very dilated – drugged out?
Previous pics made her look beautiful, but last night she just looked like a burnt out “Professional Public Woman”, porn “star” & hooker.
When the Civil Suits hit and she has to tell who is paying her this time for her “services”, that may be interesting. Her “titillating tales”, not so much.
No body cares but the desperate Anti-Trumpers. Clinton killed “moral indignation” over infadelity 27 years ago, and “60 Minutes” helped. And Clinton was a Big Politicians, and even using his State Police to “pimp” for him and help coerce girls into submitting to him. Girls whom his Campaign Advisor called “Trailer Trash” if they complained.
Where were all the Militant Feminists then?
Making excuses for him and bad-mouthing his “victims”. Isn’t that special?

March 26th, 2018 at 10:33 am

I don’t recall a Militant Feminist movement that embraced Clinton. Nor John Edwards, for that matter. They were both schmucks. I can imagine you heard stories about stories from your alt-reality TV and radio, but good god man, your anger towards the world runs deep. Is that how you want to go? So angry with anyone who disagrees with you?

Stormy’s attorney told her what she could say and what she couldn’t. Legal minds who know things like the law seem to like that they kept everything on a leash. Part not showing your 4 aces, part good legal strategy. But I’m sure you’re hearing otherwise.

Are you ok with a lesbian governor? Because it’s looking better every day. Gonna be a red wave….

March 26th, 2018 at 3:25 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Ridicule and sarcasm is not anger.
Even MSNBC is admitting that less than 10% of The “Children’s Crusade” were Student age. Just more paid organized demonstrators and bored sight-seers. P-hats seemed to be almost a uniform. “Boss Hogg” should be on TV more, he is ridiculous and the more attention he gets the worse he gets. He and people like him are any logical argument’s worst enemy. He is a great Gun Salesman. It is not the NRA that creates fear in people, but Gun-grabbers like him. And you.
Did you see the mess that Hogg’s little pigs left?
Typical Libtard demonstration. Make a huge mess for someone responsible to clean up.
And anger? Why do you think you can make personal insults, but when I politely point out your glaring misunderstandings and self-induced ignorance, I’m angry? At what, I ask?
You have the right to be as self-deluded as you want. You can even think your Lib/Prog friends can overturn the 2nd Amendment, but it has nothing to do with reality.
Political Reality is what it is.. I fully support the Pro-Lifers in their fight to stop all Govt funding of Planned Parenthood, but think trying to ban abortions at the Federal Level is a waste of time and unnecessary. There is no Constitutional Mandate for the Federal Govt to get involved in things like that. It belongs to the Tenth Amendment – to “the States and the people.”
Why should I care about A lesbian running for Governor? Dems wasting money doesn’t bother me at all. Even if she wins, what would she do, make Homosexuality mandatory to graduate from High School in Texas? Mox Nix to me, I’d laugh. Won’t work, only create a bigger backlash. Lib/Progs are nuts now in their desperation to expand their influence and their desperate fear of Trump returning the country to some financial hope. And their desperation only creates fear and loathing in the vast majority of people.
I should be glad for the desperate foolishness on the Left. It is doomed to failure. But it is a huge waste of time and political resources swatting flies. There will always be flies where there is rot and filth. Being angry at flies is like being angry at fire-ants, either kill ’em, deal with ’em, or move north.
At least you don’t sting or give my animals disease. And you give me good reasons to expound on my political theories.
You’re like homopathic “medicine”, you take little doses of things that are nasty, distasteful, even poisonous to develop resistance to really bad stuff.
Also the horrible dose of Lib/Prog Obama was necessary to get Trump. Just like sniveling incompetence of Jimmy Peanut was necessary to get Ronald Reagan elected.
So run your Lesbians and International Socialists. Perhaps it will take a massive dose of Opioid deaths to finally get the Wall, and it will happen. No affect on me, other than sorry for the families grieving for their loved ones caught in the Lib/Prog trap of refusing to protect our borders because they hate Trump so bad, or the rich people that want cheap domestic labor that has to rely on the Welfare State to take care of them.
Is that what you want?

March 26th, 2018 at 4:37 pm

As a fellow marcher, I saw about a 50/50 split between Students and adults. Many of the students who marched had supporters who marched with them. Our march had adults in red shirts lining the sidelines, thousands of parents, to let the kids and marchers know they were supported by others. It was enormous, and inspiring, and certainly merited the attention that politicians should give it. But if not, well, there’s November.

March 27th, 2018 at 4:15 am

How’s the search for a good fitting pair of Pull-ups? Or did they bag you?

March 27th, 2018 at 4:16 am
Bill Brayshaw

Donations to the NRA PAC TRIPLED in February and continue to grow.
Keep it up NRA can use the money! Also there is a huge infusion of new members. many young people, surprisingly a large percentage don’t even own guns…yet.
Boss Hogg and CNN are doing a great job. For the NRA & gun sales.
Most of the pics and video show mostly the “Same-o, Lame-o” P-hat crew, even with the mass busing “For The Children”.
If Lib/Progs cared about the kids they would let the teachers and other school people that are trained, competent, and WILLING – carry.
What are “Pull-ups” & what are they for?
You really are weird, you know.

March 27th, 2018 at 6:42 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The best thing about the Gun Grabber Rallies is they whip themselves up, & start telling the truth in public.
They really want to ban just about everything that goes “Bang!”, and want to confiscate – by force – all the ‘stuff’ they really don’t like. It is not a “Ban” anymore, but Confiscation! Wonder how that’s going to work.
(The Lib/Progs are all upset! They want to talk about ‘Revolution!’, but the nasty old Conservatives have all the good guns, military training, and discipline; and the Libs have…well..uh.. some confusion on what bathroom to use, and a major problem with pronouns. And are now all “wee-weed up” about transparent backpacks.)
And it not just “Assault Rifles” anymore but “Assault Weapons”, which can be anything used in “an assault”, down to rocks and sticks. Not only did they “Change” the definition of Assault Rifle to include SEMI-AUTOs, but now want to BAN ALL Semi-Autos. And especially want to ban all pistols, except maybe flint-locks.
And the doofus kids can’t help telling the truth when they get all excited -“Give us and inch, and we will take a mile!” Gee, that’s what the Pro Gun folks have been saying since the 60’s and the Dems keep denying.. in public. But many were paid $300 to attend, according to some sources. (Not confirmed yet)
The Media can’t figure out why the “BIG LIE” doesn’t work so well anymore. American voters aren’t as dumb as the Lib/Progs have conditioned elementary-schoolers. And they are tired of the Lib/Prog BS.
Like Stormy. Bill Clinton used up all the “Moral Outrage” for infidelity, Obama used up all the “Moral Outrage” about homosexuality that was left over. What Trump “may have done” 12 or more years ago is just,”So what?” Oh, they will tune in to see Stormy (or a two-headed calf), but after all the ‘Beauty Pictures’ we had seen before, it was a let-down; she just looked kinda “matronly”, burned out, and with the dilated eyes -drugged up. As my wife told me, “Rode hard and put away wet.” And no evidence to back up any of her tales.
And how can anyone “defame” a porn actress, a “public woman” pushing “Make America Horny Again”, and is an admitted liar. Possibly “Paid to lie one way” and now “paid to lie the other”. This is just a Media Snake Oil Show. Obstruction and Resistance to keep Trump from doing the Voters want because Empress Hillary got de-throned.

March 27th, 2018 at 7:57 pm
Bill Brayshaw

President Trump’s Economic Plan has reduced the the Federal Debt to GDP Ratio in his first year as President by 1.3%. That may seem like a small amount, but he is the first President to reduce it by over 1% in his first year in over 50 years!
Obama increased the Debt Ratio 14.5% from 68% to 82.5% in his first year. and to 105% by 2016. Obama was responsible for a 37% increase in the Debt Ratio in his 8 years. His GDP growth was about $4.1 Trillion or a average of a little over 1/2 trillion per year.
Trump reduced it by growing the GDP at a much faster rate than we had seen in years even though the Debt continued to grow. Trump’s GDP growth was $1.129 in his first year.
The FED has raised the interest on the Debt to try to defeat Trump’s success. The terrible waste in the Ombnibus Spending Bill for the Dems to allow Trump to get money to rebuild the military will definitely hurt the Ratio for this year. However id the GDP continues to grow, it may overcome the increase in debt. The increase in GDP, if the money remains in circulation in OUR economy should increase tax revenues that may overcome some of the deficit spending. It is important to reduce the amount of the debt as well as the Ratio, but the Ratio is the best indication of a healthy economy, but anything over 60% is bad.
George W. Bush inherited a 55% ratio from Clinton and a Dem weakened military. he decreased it 0.5% in his first year, but then there was 9/11 and the costs of the War on Terror. That caused the Debt Ratio to grow to 62.1% in 2007 or about 1%/yr. Then came the Mortgage Meltdown caused by the ridiculous Dem/Soc program of giving NINJA mortgages to people that had No Income, No Job or Assets to pay them back. A Clinton program inspired by an ACORN lawsuit with Barack Hussein Obama as the Attorney of Record. That increased Federal Debt pushed the Ratio to 68%. So Obama “earned” that 6% to add to his 37% increase as pResident for a Grand Total of 43% of the Federal Debt Ratio. That is “The Obama Legacy”. But Pelosi, Hillary, Harry Reid, & Chuckie Schumer “helped”. How about that for an Economic Record, SMH?
see: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/final-2017-gdp-confirms-president-trump-decreased-debt-to-gdp-ratio-in-his-first-year-in-office-first-time-in-more-than-50-years/

March 28th, 2018 at 10:06 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #38
Where were you?
“Research by University of Maryland sociologist Dana R. Fisher has revealed that about than 10% of the participants in the main “March for Our Lives” anti-gun protest in Washington, DC, on Saturday were under 18 years old.
The average age of participants, Fisher said, was “just under 49 years old.”
Fisher, who is studying the demographic makeup of the so-called “Resistance” to President Donald Trump, published an op-ed in the Washington Post on Wednesday morning summarizing her findings:
Contrary to what’s been reported in many media accounts, the D.C. March for Our Lives crowd was not primarily made up of teenagers. Only about 10 percent of the participants were under 18. The average age of the adults in the crowd was just under 49 years old, which is older than participants at the other marches I’ve surveyed but similar to the age of the average participant at the Million Moms March in 2000, which was also about gun control.
About one in four participants were at their first political rally. However, Fisher says, they were not even motivated by gun control:
Even more interesting, the new protesters were less motivated by the issue of gun control. In fact, only 12 percent of the people who were new to protesting reported that they were motivated to join the march because of the gun-control issue, compared with 60 percent of the participants with experience protesting.
Instead, new protesters reported being motivated by the issues of peace (56 percent) and Trump (42 percent), who has been a galvanizing force for many protests.”
Not students, not even Millennial, (except for some of the Bused-In ones).
“only 12%…new to protesting….gun-control issue.”
The greatest “Take-away” is the “Core” Anti-Gunners want to ban & confiscate almost everything – just what the Pro-Gun people have said all along. And the Anti-Gun Totalitarians are “out-of-the-closet” on wanting to do away with the 2nd Amendment entirely. Just as we suspected, but the Dem/Socs adamantly deny…at least in Public. But they have been preaching and teaching it to their Lib/Prog Socialist minions and the Student/Snowflakes for decades.
Totally Anti-Constitution and Anti-American. Their goal is total disarmament of the Citizenry. That is why every adult Citizen NEEDS to buy an AR-15 and learn to use it well.

March 28th, 2018 at 4:47 pm
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