Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Apr 18 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough
Winners of Fisherman’s Chapel Annual Chili Cook Off 1st Place Ricky McKinney, 2nd Catrina Ragan, 3rd Erny McDonough

Winners of Fisherman’s Chapel Annual Chili Cook Off
1st Place Ricky McKinney,
2nd Catrina Ragan,
3rd Erny McDonough

“Truly the presence of the Lord is in this place” is more than just the words of a chorus we sing here at the Chapel! We have enjoyed the presence of the Lord as we have left March behind and have begun summer.

We had nine entries in this year’s Chili Cook Off in honor of Mrs. Pat’s birthday. One of the judges commented that, “there was not a bad entry in the competition!” He should know, because he judges several cooking contests around the area. And, I truly appreciated this year’s judges, but they did not get it totally right! Ricky had the best pot of chili. (He said his secret was that he raises his own beef.) In second place was Catrina and her secret was to make it ahead of time – remember chili always tastes better the second day. And, instead of being disqualified, one of my two pots of chili was deemed third place! My secret was that Pastor Joane spiced it up for me – so I should have been disqualified and won a tie for last place with my other pot of chili! Yes, I learned several years ago that when I enter two pots, only one qualifies for last place! It was a lot of fun and we will certainly do it again next year!

We enjoyed a Wednesday through Sunday Revival with the Tacker family of Russellville, Arkansas. They told us they bought shoes on the way down here to Texas, since in Arkansas we know they do not own a pair! Each evening, the presence of the Lord was in the House and Reverend Jonathan did an excellent job of bringing the Word of God to us and making it alive.

We were honored to share the message at this year’s Sunrise Service. I have heard several numbers of attendees, but I truly believe it was the largest crowd we have ever had. It surely was many times more than those early days when we gathered at the bay end of Main Street. But, the message was the same: “He Lives!” I believe Cathy’s cinnamon rolls were the best she has ever made and I know the coffee was just right. It was truly a wonderful sight to see all us together with singleness of heart to sing “Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow.” Thanks to all who worked hard at making this a very special day on our community calendar each year! I am looking forward to our next one!

Pastor Joane and Pastor Jesse have been working overtime helping with the services. Since both are ordained, we believe the congregation deserves an opportunity to hear what the Lord is speaking to them. I love to preach so much that I often “hog” the pulpit and deliver all the messages! We are trying something new at the Chapel – I believe it is called “web casting”. I do not know how it works, but it appears to me a be a poor man’s way of getting on television! I have never aspired to be a television preacher, but if one person is blessed by this new way of doing things, I am all for it! We will be letting you know in the near future how this works and how you can “tune in”

Captain Robert will be here for Sea Academy classes beginning on April 20. If one wants to become a boat captain, Captain Robert will be glad to provide the information to help them achieve their goal. Captain Robert can be reached at 361-758-6184.

I am glad to announce that at the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, April 22, we will be having a special guest speaker. He is known at Spohn Hospital in Corpus Christi as their “miracle man”. The reason he is coming to the Chapel is that we had a part in praying for his healing and the Lord has honored our prayers. He is not a preacher, but he truly has a message of hope and the tremendous power of prayer. Everyone is invited to attend this special service.

We had a great Men’s Breakfast in March and the next .one is planned for May 5. It will be here at the Chapel and will begin at 9:00 a.m. There will be a great, fun meal breakfast and a lot of fellowship. David is leading this, so make plans to attend.

Pastor Joane will be ministering in the morning service on Mother’s Day, May 13. Every mom present will receive a special gift and all will receive an uplifting message from the Lord. Mother’s Day is always special at the Chapel and your being here will make it even more special for us.

Fisherman’s Chapel – “Come, grow with us!”

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