Congressional Candidate to Speak at Calhoun County Republican Club

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Apr 18 - Comments Off on Congressional Candidate to Speak at Calhoun County Republican Club

Michael Cloud, Candidate for the 27th Congressional District will speak to the Republican Club on Monday, May 7, 6:15pm, at Grace Episcopal Parish Hall, corner of Guadalupe and Austin St (Hwy 238), Port Lavaca.

The Republican Club has changed from lunch to dinner meetings. Meal is catered by local caterer, Patricia Smith Massey. Enjoy a delicious home cooked meal with dessert. Coffee and tea are included. Cost of meal is $11.00.per person. Dinner from 5pm – 6pm. ONLY BY RESERVATION.

Reservations are required for dinner: Please contact Lisa Peterson, 552-6313, or Connie Hunt, 552-0917, NO LATER THAN April 27 if you plan to have dinner. No meal will be served without a timely reservation. Public is invited. (no charge for coffee or tea)

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