“Legend” Homage to Amelia Earhart by Dieter Erhard

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Apr 18 - Comments Off on “Legend” Homage to Amelia Earhart by Dieter Erhard

Whenever in my many visits to the United States I presented myself as Dieter Erhard to new aquaintences, they would answer or say “Ohh, Amelia Earhart.”
It took me a while to artisticly digest this phoenetic relation with Amelia.

I welded a Lockheed-like airplane with stainless steel tubing and rods about 1/3 original size and placed Amelia in it. With the same technique as my pieces the “Whale for Children” and my mermaid “Marilyn”, I added flourescent plexiglass pieces.

The world-famous guitar and violin making town of Bubenreuth and their 200 elementary school children/parents/teacher helped to add the about 17,000 plexiglass pieces and the same amount of spacers. We completed it within one week.

Now the “Legend” shall go on tour to be exhibited in different places … may be also overseas.

It is abou1 19 ft wide and 17 ft long. The wings are detachable for better transporting. Its weight is approximately 500 pounds.

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