Port O Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Apr 18 - Comments Off on Port O Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee
Excited shoppers lined up before 7:30 to be the first in line for 8:00 a.m. shopping at the Spring Garage Sale.

Excited shoppers lined up before 7:30 to be the first in line for 8:00 a.m. shopping at the Spring Garage Sale.

The POC Service Club Members have been busy! Our Spring Garage Sale was a huge success. One of our local ladies said it is such a great chance to clean out your closets, visit with friends and end up with some new things you never knew you really wanted. It is hard work but so worth it when we make money to fund scholarships to local students and to continue community projects as well. Thanks to all the members who sorted, hauled, packed and unpacked, cleaned and displayed the many items offered for sale, working three straight days to make this sale happen. They also baked for the sale and managed to do it all with a laugh. We are so very grateful to the many people local and near neighbors who came early, shopped and stayed late for our famous bargain sale. Little darlings and experienced bargainers, serious shoppers and men on a mission all found something at this sale. Leftovers after the sale found their way to a thrift store supporting the Humane Society of McAllen, Texas. So, every single donation really made a difference. Now, we are ready to begin again. Donate and upcycle for our next sale scheduled for the first Saturday in October.

We also organized the First Annual All American POC Family Fun Day at front beach for Saturday the 14th. (Sadly, the weather did not cooperate, and we had to cancel the event.) We will be having it at a later date.

The POC Crawfish Festival is April 27th and our hardworking women will be volunteering there too. Yum Yum, what fun!

This extraordinary group is always busy, well known for helping others and loves POC. If something is happening, they are always in the mix. Maybe you would like to be a part of this band of busy beauties. Come visit a regular meeting and see if you want to join us. We enthusiastically invite interested women of all ages to join us for meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at the POC Community Center. We will switch to only one meeting per month for the summer months to enjoy family and friends, but there are still projects to complete and jobs to be done. We would love to welcome you to our bunch.

So, until next time, be safe, live simply, love openly, forgive generously and remember this quote from the great American author and advertising executive H. Jackson Brown Jr., well known for his book Life’s Little Instruction Book, who said, “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” Come on by and give yourself some happy.

The ladies of The Two RV Park had a great time shopping together at the Service Club’s Spring Garage Sale.

The ladies of The Two RV Park had a great time shopping together at the Service Club’s Spring Garage Sale.

Rainey Ragusin, daughter of Pickle and April Ragusin, found a new favorite pair of heels at the Spring Garage Sale.

Rainey Ragusin, daughter of Pickle and April Ragusin, found a new favorite pair of heels at the Spring Garage Sale.

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