Port O’Connor Sunrise Service photo by Susan Braudaway
What a fantastic 2018 EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE! The weather was beautiful and the sunrise was picture perfect. At 7:00 a.m., the sun was appearing over the bay and people were coming from all directions to the Special Sunrise Service.
I asked my son, Jerry Adams, who always helps me every Easter, to try and get a people count. The best count we could come up with was upwards of 800, perhaps as much as 1,000! Every chair was taken and so were the table benches. Golf Carts were all around the exterior. All the automobiles were full of people. At exactly 7:00 a.m., the Service began with the First Baptist Church Choir singing as the sun was rising above the water.
Bro. Donnie Martin, Pastor of First Baptist, gave the opening prayer and scripture. Bro. Erny McDonough, Pastor of Fisherman’s Chapel, welcomed everyone and introduced Bro. Jonathan Thacker from Arkansas who gave an outstanding short devotion. Bro. Raymond Grant led the congregation in singing two beautiful songs, “Because He lives” and “He Lives”. Bro. Erny McDonough delivered a great sermon on Jesus’ Resurrection and closed the service with the benediction.
After the service groups gathered around the coffee pots and the rolls furnished by Fisherman’s Chapel and Cathy’s Restaurant.
Port O’Connor alwasy has a fantastic Easter Sunrise Service!