“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Understanding the Parkland Massacre

Some of the “News” is finally admitting publicly that Nikolas Cruz had been ‘enrolled’ in the Obama/Holder program of “Reducing Arrests of Minority Students” by simply not arresting them even for violent offenses. Broward County Sheriff Officers would respond to the many reports and complaints, but take no real action or even proper reports; any ‘action’ would be done by ‘School Counselors’, rather than any prosecution, court action, or real disciplinary action/punishment. Their goal was to have no “Criminal Record” attached to this “budding psychopath” until he murdered 17 students and injured a similar number in a horrible school shooting., if Law Enforcement and the School Board had followed established law and procedures, as well as a bit of ‘Common Sense’, instead of a “Lib/Progressive” Politically Correct “PROMISE Program”, it was a A TOTALLY PREVENTABLE catastrophe!

After months of the Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine constantly blaming guns for the Parkland Massacre, the real reasons are failure of the police and school system to enforce practical discipline, total failure of record keeping and reporting, exacerbated by cowardice and very poor procedure of failing to engage an “Active Shooter”, and Lib/Prog Dem/Soc lies & cover-ups that continue to this day. Most of the Media still refuses to tell the truth.

Cruz had some 40 “Contacts with Local Police” in the years previous, plus numerous reports that he was threatening violence, was armed and considered dangerous, and he was reported to the FBI as claiming on social media to be a “professional school shooter”. But he could pass a NICS Background Check to buy guns, because none of this was properly REPORTED! The gun was not at fault, neither are the existing laws, or NICS Check; the fault is the local police willfully and intentionally REFUSED to report Cruz’s dangerous history, because they were getting a Govt Grant from the Obama Administration to NOT REPORT Crimes by Minority Students to “reduce arrests of Minority Students”. Another level of horrible incompetence was Nikolas Cruz is obviously “white”, his ‘minority status’ is only from his “Hispanic surname”, from his ADOPTIVE parents?

More proof the Liberal Progressivism & their “Political Correctness” is a mental disease, and if left untreated by conservative common sense and an adherence to Constitutional Law, can be fatal.

The other big Take-away from this is the absolute dedication of the “Lamestream Media” to the Lib/Prog Agenda, in this case the Anti-gun Agenda. As Thomas Jefferson widely explained, the real reason and necessity for the Second Amendment will not become truly apparent until someone tries to take it away. The Anti-gun demonstrations quickly morphed from “Banning AR-15s, and raising the age to 21”, to “Banning all ‘Semi-autos’ (pistols, shotguns, and even .22s)”, to “Repeal the Second Amendment!”

And experience shows that in areas of long-term Democrat Party control, with the most draconian restrictive gun laws, there is high crime and minority murders with very little enforcement against the gangs responsible. Look at Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, and others.

The real basis of “Progressivism” is “Fabian Socialism”, the ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ that seeks to install Marxist totalitarianism through the perversion of “Democracy”, rather than Marxist-Leninist ‘Class Struggle and Revolution’. While only a small percentage of “Democrats” will admit to believing in armed Revolution, polls show about 40% of registered Democrats now identify as “Socialists”. The percentage is much higher among young people, especially on college campuses. The only “good news” is few have any idea of what “socialism” really means – some even claim it means they are “social” or follow “social media”. Most are ‘good-hearted’ fools that do not understand, “Socialism is a transitional phase to totalitarian Marxism” for most of their “leaders”, as defined by Karl Marx. Free Education = Govt controlled indoctrination is being demonstrated now. Govt Guaranteed Jobs is sugar coating “Labor Battalions” and a “Civilian Draft” to provide the labor for any “Govt Mandated” projects by the unemployed. “College” is showing a key path, Students are saddled with unpayable loans for “degrees” in propaganda nonsense with no ‘marketable value’. The only practical way to get out from under the crushing debt is by “Govt Forgiveness for Govt Service”. Many of the Programs dear to the Lib/Progs are based on indoctrination to their “Group-Think”, not to any success for the individual. This is not an accident.

The Parkland Massacre is another “Crisis not to be wasted”: Create chaos and fear, propagandize the Sheeple, and they will “demand” the “Desired Solution”. “The Solution” that is necessary to establish and maintain any form of Marxist totalitarianism: Disarming the Citizenry. Destroy our “Liberty Teeth”, our “Doomsday Amendment”, the Last Resort of a Free People, our Second Amendment that ultimately defends all the rest.

These cases are now being pointed out by “Free Thinking” Black leaders like Kanye West, Stacey Dash, and Candace Owens, who are comparing “results to promises” by the Democrats for over 80 years compared to the real opportunities offered by Trump’s MAGA program. People dependent on the self-destructive Welfare State who want to stay in it are “voluntary slaves” to the Lib/Progs, regardless of race. The “Democrat Plantation” is real, and enslaves many more than just poor Blacks. About 40% of big colleges have no Republican professors, and furthermore do not tolerate any Republican, Constitutional, or Conservative speakers, much less Capitalist or Christian teaching.

“A rising tide lifts all boats.”, but you have to caulk the leaks, and pump out the ones already awash. The message from Kanye has raised poll popularity for Trump and MAGA from 11% to 22% among Black males last week.

And the Lib/Progs hate that. They need at least 85% of the Black Vote to have any chance of winning elections. Unless they can get another Minority Voting Block enslaved. That is why the Dems, and the UniParty RINOs, desperately want citizenship for Illegal Aliens, and loose Voter Qualification laws in the mean time. Their “Big Mommy Govt”, vote buying, and control of The Swamp depends on it. The Trumpers are getting fired up to drain The Swamp and run off the Swampcritters, including the Lobbyists that keep buying votes for special interests and keeping the biggest, most poisonous, and most Anti-American of the Swampcritters in power.

And while they encourage and finance abortion of American babies in the name of “Population Control”, they encourage flooding the country with poor uneducated people already heavily indoctrinated in Socialism as Criminal Invaders and “Refugees”. That also, is not by accident.

21 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


I just donated $1,000 of my tax cut to Planned Parenthood in YOUR name Pirate Bill! Thanks again for that extra cash.

May 18th, 2018 at 8:06 am

Soon you will be dead of the cancer in your gut. At the end, you will shit out little pieces of yourself every time you cough. Nothing will taste good, and all the pleasures in life will be distant memories.

And after you are gone, your column will remain on the internet, evidence of the craziness that hit our country during these times. It will remain forever, the bitter, strident call-to-arms of an old man, whose consumption of alt-right media signified a deep displeasure with life at the end of his own. Sad. What a waste of the time you have left.

May 18th, 2018 at 2:48 pm

Comments like this are not welcome here. You call Mr. Brayshaw bitter, but it seems that you are really the hater. Just because you don’t see things the same way he does, does not give reason to talk to him that way. If these type of comments persist, you will be barred from the comments site. Editor

May 18th, 2018 at 7:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Dear SMH,
Have a few more adult beverages, and cry more Liberal Tears.
I just got another check-up, and I’m still cancer-free. I’m getting my strength & stamina back, but it is tougher at 74. Oh, and those of us who have received “The Blessings of Combat” have little to no fear of dying, only some minor concern of “the transition”. Everybody has to die, the trick is to do it well.
Even the Liberal Media is starting to admit that the Parkland Massacre was a huge Law Enforcement failure. And mostly because of an incredibly stupid Lib-Prog program to stop enforcing laws (and common sense) on the children that NEED it the MOST!
I sold a few of my old military guns and used some of the money to buy parts to build me a .243 Win upper for my AR-10. As much as you hate honest citizens having AR-15s, you will really HATE us having AR-10s, which shoot a “full-size” cartridge, rather than an “intermediate” one.
Our Very Stable Genius, President Donald J. Trump, continues to Make America Great Again, and is bringing Peace through Strength while stopping the Liberal Insanity of appeasing our enemies, filling our Nation with indigent foreigners, and kow-towing to our trade competitors.
The Mueller Investigation is totally discredited, but did reveal the criminal conspiracy of the Obama/Hillary Cabal, the Deep State, and their weaponized bureaucracies to try and steal the election from Trump and loyal Americans, and even tried to pull off a false “Legalistic Coup” to force him from office. More info is coming out almost daily now, soon indictments will follow. Remember – You read “HolderWAFFEN” in the Dolphin, first.
Life is good, we might even get back to a Constitutional Govt with 6 1/2 more years of Trump. And maybe we get the Progressive Marxists out of the Democrat Party, and restore it back to Americans. (They can go back to the CPUSA where they belong.) The Tax Cuts gave a huge boost to Federal tax collections with job and business growth. Get more people off Welfare, cut off the fraud, and we might even be able to reduce the Federal Debt that Obama & his crazy “Vote Buying” doubled.

Hillary will certainly be indited, along with Lynch, Comey, McCabe, & a bunch more. With any luck, we’ll get Mueller too, and maybe Obama, Vallery Jarrett, & even Holder, if we can bring up some of the older “Obamunist Crimes”.
I’ve got to build more fence, so I’ll be sweaty, dirty, and probably some bloody, I’ll need those Liberal Tears for a shower tonight. After all, it is Saturday.
And I was first called a “Yankee Air Pirate” by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Communists. I kinda like the “Air Pirate” part, but I really hate being called a “Yankee”.

May 19th, 2018 at 8:21 am
Bill Brayshaw

I’m glad you got a tax cut, and since I really believe in Freedom of Choice, you are within your Rights to give it to Perverts and Baby Killers if you desire. If you want to kill your babies, that’s your “choice”, just let my friends and I buy the guns we prefer. “Roe vs Wade” was wrong in many ways, I think the worst is there is NO Constitutional Mandate for it to be a Federal Issue. It belongs to “the States and the People” under the Tenth Amendment.
I do resent you putting my name with it. but I’m fairly confident that you are lying about that. A reasonable assumption because you lie about everything else; but then again, your devotion to Hitleryite Lib/Prog Media gives you no truthful info so “garbage in, garbage out”.
I try to avoid “ad hominium” attacks, but you are a ‘Special Case’ this time. You, like a modern US Navy Attack Submarine, continue to set records for diving to new depths. Contrary to what others say, I don’t consider you to be a “totally worthless, scum-sucking bottom-feeder”, but a prime example of the Lib/Prog Trump-Hater in full howling temper-tantrum.
You are proving to be an excellent example of the Pelosi-like blubbering hatred of Trump’s pro-American, common-sense economic, and Constitutional solutions, rather than the immoral, anti-human, and discredited Marxist/Internationalist Elitist crapola being hyped by the sick-puppy desperate “Leadership” of what used to be the “Democrat Party”.
When there are only insults, with no real discussion or argument, no matter how illogical, nonsensical, or based on phony ‘Feminism or Racism’, then I know I’ve won. And you are are making others see my points.
I’m not a good Christian, but I try to embrace the “Hate the sin, but love the sinner” attitude, because it is right. And often it works. Maybe not yet for you, SMH, because you are pretty much below the ‘Sh*t-Line’ now, but maybe you will get better if you will ever admit your “Heros” are anti-Constitution criminal conspirators, out to enslave you as well as all Americans.
I’m making progress on my fence, thank you, but quit for lunch & the hottest part of the day. And to write to you. Very entertaining, thinking of answering you while I’m working. LOL!

May 19th, 2018 at 11:33 am
Bill Brayshaw

For some real understanding of the disfunctional people that get involved in mass shootings see:

This explains some of the symbolism from “Santa Fe high school shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis, it is highly likely that his politically charged lapel pins had far less to do with an ideology than an obsession with other killers.” And “hanging out” on the Internet with other frustrated, limited experience, young “budding psychopaths”. An “unintended consequence product” of our undisciplined and “Morality Free” Liberal/Progressive run Public School Systems.
Guns don’t kill by themselves, they need crazy people. “Liberal Education” furnishes the undisciplined, irresponsible, self-centered, and immoral people with “high expectations” and egos necessary to think that “being famous” for something like that is “somehow good”.

“Liberalism is a mental disease, and left untreated can be fatal.” Political Correctness is no substitute for self-discipline, morality, experience, and common sense. Damn shame this insanity is now popular.

May 19th, 2018 at 12:36 pm

Bill, I was thinking of what I could reply in regards to the “insane hate reply” spewed by SMH. However, I read your replies first. Bravo!! There are times where the best thoughts are those left unsaid. But, expressed by others. This “nut job”, SMH is destined for the greatest display of charma, he/she could ever imagine. Your “kind” reply to her/his vitriol is perfect.

May 19th, 2018 at 1:18 pm
Bill Brayshaw


Hey girl, you’re really on a roll there. Did you think that up all on your own, or did you maybe consult with Rosie O’Donnel or Kathy Griffin for some tips? Perhaps you could get a guest spot on the Jimmy Kimmel show! I am sure you gave Mr. Brayshaw a chuckle. It is pretty funny how the lefties always call the rest of us so mean and nasty and yet you guys are the owns who spout all the mean and petty sentiments when your ‘perfect beliefs’ are disagreed with. Strange isn’t it? From what I remember, Mr. Brayshaw ‘volunteered’ to go back to Vietnam the second time, so after being shot at by the Viet Cong on two seperate tours of duty, I doubt he is daunted much by cancer, or even dying, or what YOU or the other blind believers think about him, for that matter.

Oh, I am glad you got extra money from Trump’s successful new tax plan, but it seems hard to believe you would give $1000 of it to Planned Parenthood, and as for donating it in Mr. Brayshaw’s name? Nah, you would want the credit for it!! Gee! I’ll bet you just wrote that to try and make a poor sickly dying old man even more miserable in his last days, right?

Karla B.

May 19th, 2018 at 5:44 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thanks for your kind words, Mike.
I really think SMH’s hateful comments are a help, certainly don’t bother me. ROFLMAO!
Only goes to show who the real “Haters” are. Libs used to talk a lot about tolerance, but that went out the window after they got “Power” with Obama & Hillary, and the corrupted Fe(de)ral bureaucracies like the HolderWAFFEN DoJ and the Fibbies. Lying to Judges seems to be Standard Operating Procedure now. And lying to Congress after Hillary got away with it so flagrantly. Calling them on it is now “misogynist” or “racist” or something.
SMH is a “she”, supposedly. I guess that means Female plumbing, but with Lib/Prog “flexibility” about “gender identity”, I won’t comment further on any of that.
My computer is still in the shop, so I borrowed Karla’s to reply to the Small Minded Humanoid and it left my name & email up when she jumped in, too.

May 19th, 2018 at 7:35 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Fox News is finally the first major media to admit that Stephan Halper, Cambridge professor, is a FBI spy sent as a ‘mole’ to create some artificial appearance of “Russian Collusion” with minor volunteers in the Trump Campaign, even before Trump was considered to be a serious candidate. ‘Sundance’ at The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) outed him back last December, I think. The New York Times & WaPo are still denying Halper was a “spy”, much less an ‘agent provocateur’ trying to create some ‘appearance of collusion’; which is still not defined as a crime in any law.
“Conspiracy” is a crime, and there is plenty of prosecutable evidence that there was a conspiracy to spy on and interfere with the Trump Campaign, create false accusations to influence the elections, and to support an unlawful “Legalistic Coup” against a duly elected President.
It is not only the “Small Group” in the FBI and DoJ, but goes up the chain of command to at least Loretta Lynch, and she would do nothing without the knowledge and approval of the Obama WH – Susan Rice, Valery Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama, probably plus many other supporting players. This is sedition/treason against the Constitution, and makes Watergate look like a Sunday School prank.
They all knew that the ‘Trump Dossier’ was a hoax, paid for by Hillary and the DNC. Carter Page was a one-time CIA/FBI operative/informant used by the FBI and Halper to ‘create an illusion of some “collusion” with the Russians. Putin’s hackers were trying to create some confusion and distrust in the elections, they always do, but the Obamunists, Hillarites, and Deep State have created more distrust & confusion than Putin and all his minions could even fantasize about!
I supported the Mueller Investigation (before I learned he was totally in the bag for Hillary) because I believed the evidence would show there was criminality in the Hillary Campaign, the Clinton Foundation, and aided, abetted, and covered up by the Obama Admin. But even my suspicious (hateful?) beliefs from my research could not imagine the depth of the criminality, corruption, and conversion of funds and resources into Dem-Soc/Uniparty/Deep State takeover of our Fe(de)ral Govt! Their primary “Enemy” is the American People! Up until Putin made a fool of him in Syria, Obama thought Putin was his buddy. Remember, “I’ll have more flexibility after the election. Tell Vladimir.”
It is going to be an “interesting summer”. The Dems are going to be encouraging demonstrations and riots by every anti-Trump and anti-American group their Media Propaganda Machine can whip up. If they can keep shaking down the Hollyweird Lefty Libs and the Hilleryite True Believers to keep paying them and their professional “Community Organizers”.
We need to support Law Enforcement and demand truth from the media reporting.
For more info on the Deep State “Coup” see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdh-kpflWIA
Judge Jeanine, Opening Statement, 5/19/2018
Sessions won’t be able to stop it, there will have to be indictments, and a real investigation now.

May 20th, 2018 at 9:41 am
Bill Brayshaw

Update on Global Whining:
Sky News Australia this week announced that Mother Earth has cooled by half a degree since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.
“Rowan Dean told his audience on Saturday the Earth has cooled 0.454 degrees Celsius since Donald Trump got elected.

It’s true. Watts Up With That reported: From February 2016 to February 2018, “global average temperatures dropped by 0.56 degrees Celsius.” That, he notes, is the biggest two-year drop in the past century.”

I don’t think that will make the MSM. Not that Trump really “did it”, it was just the same old solar cycles that have been around since….forever.
But maybe, just maybe, it will one less thing for the Lib/Progs to whine about.

May 20th, 2018 at 12:52 pm

The youth of this country will outlive us all.

May 21st, 2018 at 6:26 am

Ms. Rhyne, surely you see the subject of this column, and can calculate it’s effect with the shootings at Santa Fe High School just up Highway 59.

You have mothers of school children who write for this publication. Have you asked them what they think of Mr. Bill’s horrid evaluation of the victims of Parkland? Santa Fe today could be CCHS tomorrow, it only takes one angry kid. How would they view his words if this was their children?

I think everything about this paper is above par. Perhaps I am seeking the wrong method to see Mr. Longknife move to a private blog instead of representing an entire community. Perhaps I need to question the advertisers how they can possibly financially support a paper that willingly publishes the hurtful words of a tired, angry man. After all, as a supportive member of our community, I have a voice too.

May 21st, 2018 at 6:37 am

For one thing, I decided to buy my new carport in Port Lavaca. Because.

May 21st, 2018 at 6:48 am
Bill Brayshaw

Typical Lib/Prog response: ignore the causes and try to “treat the symptoms” because you are too cowardly and brainwashed with ‘Political Correctness’ to face the facts.
The Second Amendment and owning weapons is a RIGHT, but with every Right there is Responsibility, even a DUTY. The Public School systems are a complete failure in teaching responsibility, self-discipline, and respect for the rights of others; often because they refuse to teach any kind of ‘morality’ and the quasi-Marxist excuse of “Social Justice” keeps people in responsibility from teaching children they have the individual responsibility to obey the law regardless of race, creed, or economic “class”. In fact, one of the Prime ways to improve one’s economic position or “class” is to obey the laws, be responsible, and develop a reputation for honesty and trustworthiness. Teaching children “Situational Ethics”, ‘Flexible Morality’, and this ‘Social Justice/Class Warfare’ crap is definitely harmful. Allowing youth to brag on “Social Media” about criminality is plain stupid. Violence in popular entertainment, music, and video games de-humanizes them to the point of losing any Real World sense of responsibility for their behavior.
Raising children to find excuse for bad behavior is really dumb, and we are witnessing the result. Liberal run Public Schools are a failure in many places.
There must be a massive change to raising children to be responsible adults and productive citizens. Any “Govt Program” that excuses criminality is CRIMINAL!
It is not just Liberal DoubleThink in the case of Parkland, but pure Evil, for some political advantage. The case in Santa Fe, is that boy became fascinated with on-line chat-rooms about Columbine. But does the MSM report that? Why all the sudden silence? The “Internet Police” are quick to condemn anything that is “Politically Incorrect”(or Conservative, Christian, or common sense), but do nothing about budding psychopaths encouraging each other to murder innocent people? Why was this not reported to the local police? Can it be that certain elements want to encourage that mind-less violence in susceptible kids?
Those kids see some type of Media Glorification in doing these horrible stupid things, that is the Root Cause of this insanity.
One way to discourage it is to teach gun safety in schools. And practical Firearms & Markmanship as an elective starting in middle-school. Teach responsibility instead of some sick combination of “Taboo” and sick fascination with gun violence.
Break the cycle. Quit trying to blame inanimate objects.
Brits don’t have guns and are being murdered by cars, trucks, and knives by violent thugs. It is the popularity of violence, and the Liberal tolerance for “thuggery” that is the problem.
The armed citizen at least has some chance to defend themselves and others, but to the Lib/Prog totalitarians THEY are considered the “Enemy”, not the Criminal Thugs. Try to “slip the scales from your eyes” and grow a logical brain.
And if the Truth hurts your “feelings”, than you need to re-examine your precious feelings, and start thinking about SOLUTIONS!
That is why Lib/Progs hate Trump!

May 21st, 2018 at 10:29 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re #13. What a dumb thing to write on this subject!
A bunch of them won’t, unless we start arming teachers and other school workers, and try to get pro-active on identifying kids at risk of being bullied, and especially the ones fascinated by previous school shootings.
Any kid claiming to be a “Professional School Shooter” on social media, like Nikolas Cruz, needs to be reported to the police.

Oh!… wait. He was… reported to the FBI for that! And to the local police about 40 times…..

Oh, well. Democrat controlled FBI. Democrat Lib/Prog School System… Special Program… Sheriff Dept…. and County Govt.

Anybody see a trend here? Think hard now, even if it hurts your “feelings”. Better your feeling get hurt, than truck-loads of dead kids.
And that is not “hate”, but a pissed off old “gun-bunny” that wished he or some other old Vet had been there and armed, and could have stopped it.
I guess I am somewhat “bitter” about that.

May 21st, 2018 at 10:49 am
Bill Brayshaw

More on Comment #13.
I believe that SMH is being totally disingenuous.
“You have mothers of school children who write for this publication. Have you asked them what they think of Mr. Bill’s horrid evaluation of the victims of Parkland?”
My evaluation of WHAT HAPPENED to the Students of Parkland is based on very careful research from people studying the facts on the scene and how it relates to other incidents in that area. The School Board and the local police decided to not arrest selected minorities for acts that normally would be treated as ‘crimes’ to “fudge the numbers” for political reasons and get special grants from the Obama Administration. No practical consideration was given to the “unintended consequences” of not properly intervening in known, documented criminal behavior and threats by a budding psychopath. At best, this is gross misfeasance by the School Board and the Sheriff. At worst it could be called “Aiding and abetting” a dangerously disturbed youth into a murderous school shooting for nefarious political purposes!
And on top of that the Media exploited those kids for political purposes instead of learning and exposing the facts. So blame guns, not the real causes. Nobody wants to take the responsibility to tell the truth about anything. Millions of kids have guns or access to guns every day and don’t go shoot up the place for attention or “their feelings were hurt”.
I clearly have “Political Objectives” in trying to expose these criminal acts – Protecting the Constitution & Second Amendment, stopping any further use of this insane “PROMISE Program”, exposing the people responsible, and hopefully stopping this from happening again.
Every gun-owner is invested in stopping this, and every American should be against it after this horrible demonstration of the consequences. Consequences any grandmother could foresee – if you don’t stop dangerous bad behaviors, you will get more of it!
SMH obviously wishes to protect her Lib/Prog “darlings”, and their political agenda. I support her ‘Right’ to drown herself in the willful ignorance of the stagnant deep-pool of the MSM Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine, but I will speak out against it! Especially when the political lies endanger others. Not only the lives of innocents but the future of our Constitutional Republic.
I know it is an awful thing to say, but we are at WAR for America. For our Constitution, Liberty, Property, common sense, and yes, for the children.
We must return to our fundamental values – Constitutional Law, responsibility, Judeo-Christian values, and common sense. Criminal behavior must be punished, not inanimate objects, or punishing millions of those people innocent of any crimes with guns, or anything else criminal psychopaths may misuse..
Our biggest root problem in schools and elsewhere is a lack of self discipline and respect for others. There needs to be much stricter discipline in schools so the children that want to learn can, and all can be raised to be responsible law-abiding adults. Not over-grown whiny-babies, self-centered scoff-laws, and dangerous sociopaths.
If you can’t teach them any better than this, what can their future be? After they get out of “schools” that coddle and spoil them, just throw them in prison, plug ’em into Ole Sparky, or have them “ride the needle”?
Hard facts. But if you don’t spank their little butts when they are small, so they learn that bad behavior has bad consequences, they won’t learn until it is too late. Especially boys that aren’t raised with men and work with dangerous tools, animals, and machines.
The most dangerous creature on earth is an undisciplined adolescent male human. And the Feminists want to make the girls just as bad, in the name of “equality”. But the truth is they are born superior, the “civilizing influence” on humanity.

May 24th, 2018 at 9:31 am

As Rosanne Barr proved, you can have your first amendment rights, but that doesn’t mean someone has to financially back you if they divert from the contractual agreement.

Her first amendment rights remain intact, she is not incarcerated nor hospitalized as “crazy”, she can start a Netflix show on her own with her own backing, and she is unencumbered from finding another financial backer (c’mon Fox? Breitbart?) and she retains all the rights she had before her show was cancelled. She can vote. She can run for office. Should none of these things happen, it’s because of what she said, not because of any conspiracy, unless you include all the networks or outlets that turn away as co-conspirators. And the co-stars and staff who will no longer work with her. And the audience that was put off by her Ambien-laced statement.

First Amendment rights do not mean that people do not have the right to also judge you for what comes out of your face. There’s a football player paying exactly this price for kneeling during the National Anthem. No different. He’s only an owner away from playing again.

May 30th, 2018 at 10:26 am
Bill Brayshaw

See: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/05/30/nikolas-cruz-cellphone-videos-released-im-going-to-be-next-school-shooter.html

The Media keeps playing up these stories, and sick-puppy kids with no sense of responsibility are just crazy with the idea of being “Famous”.
Facebook feeds that, too.
The only thing that should be so “celebrated” on the Media is their execution. And the firing of those responsible for letting him do this without serious Criminal Court intervention, long before he got crazed enough to do this.

May 30th, 2018 at 6:51 pm

From 17
“If you can’t teach them any better than this, what can their future be? After they get out of “schools” that coddle and spoil them, just throw them in prison, plug ’em into Ole Sparky, or have them “ride the needle”?”
Bill, they become voters. And they will outnumber you soon.

June 7th, 2018 at 12:30 pm
Untitled Document