Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Jun 18 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

The Chapel is not taking the summer off! We are involved with a lot of activities that we invite you to also be a part of! The enemy of our souls is not affected by the summer temperatures in South Texas and we are moving ahead trying to save every life we can for eternity!

We ended May with a very moving tribute to our Fallen Heroes as we commemorated Memorial Day. Master Sergeant (Retired) Pastor Jesse Alderete led us in a moving service, concluded by the playing of “Taps”. We sincerely appreciate those who have given their lives for our liberties, but Freedom is never Free!

That evening, we were glad to host our friend, Minister, Singer, and Song Writer Ric Gorden to Port O’Connor. We had three other congregations join us for a great evening of praise and wonderful music. We followed the service with an All Chapel Fellowship featuring hamburgers and hot dogs, with all the trimmings. It was a delightful evening as some even played a little volleyball. This may have to be an annual event!

Pastor Joane and I were in Columbus for the retirement party of Pastors Wes and Beverly Jacobson on Saturday and stayed for the installation of Pastor Tali De Jesus as the new pastor. It was an honor to be included in these grand celebrations.

On Sunday evening, Pastor Joane ministered at the Cuero church and we went back to Cuero on Monday morning for a Sectional Fellowship Meeting. It is always a treat to get together with fellow pastors from around this area and talk about the blessings of the Lord in our respective areas of ministry.

We were honored to be a part of the VBS held on the front beach. Three of our ladies and several of our kids attended and enjoyed working with Mrs. Terri and the other ladies. We will again be working with the Baptist VBS on June 18 through 21 and are encouraging our kids to be a part of this time also.

We had another time of feasting with the Chapel Men on Saturday, June 9. It was a wonderful time with a lot of traditional breakfast food and a time of sharing testimonies of God’s great grace. Our next Men’s Braekfast is scheduled for July 7, 9:00 a.m. at the Chapel and all are invited to come and enjoy time together with other men.
Pastor Joane preached again in Victoria on June 10 for Bible Fellowship Church. She has been going there so often, we know they are trying to put her on their roll! She will also be leading a Ladies Meeting in El Campo on Friday, June 15. She will be leaving at 7:00 p.m. and all ladies are welcome to come and hitch a ride in the van.

Pastor Erny will be ministering on Father’s Day and every dad present will receive a special gift. We sincerely appreciate Captain Marty and Marty’s Landing for providing the gifts for us to pass out. They have been providing these gifts for the past several years and we are always grateful. Men, come and enjoy a time in the Word at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study, 11:00 a.m. for Morning Service, and 6:00 p.m. for Evening Service.

On the evening of June 24, we will be celebrating Sister Angie’s birthday with cake and ice cream. It is always special to honor our Staff’s special days.

July will not be slow, lazy months for the Chapel, We will begin with our July 4th Celebration (on July 7th) on the Parsonage Balcony to watch the fireworks. We will be gleaning fish from Poco Bueno and Lone Star Shoot Out, as well as looking forward to Shark Tooth. The reason we are involved in these fishing tournaments is to be able to give away food that will feed needy folks. We have been involved with these tournaments since coming to Port O’Connor in 1995 and have fed literally thousands of meals! Thank you organizers and fishermen for your generosity!

The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help people make it to heaven! One will always find a warm welcome at Fisherman’s Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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