Heather Osborn, daughter of Jerry and Cathy Osborn, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of North Texas in Denton on May 11, 2018. Heather graudated with a Bachelor of Arts in History with a Minor in Classical Studies and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. Heather is a 2014 graduate of Calhoun High School.

Cole Thomas Weaver graduated from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston School of Nursing on April 20, 2018. He received his B.S. in Nursing. The Pinning Ceremony took place that morning followed by the Commencement Ceremony that afternoon. Cole’s parents are Brad and Erin Weaver of Port Lavaca, grandparents are Richard and Nancy O’Donnell of Port Lavaca and Jerry and the late Nina Weaver of Seadrift.

Haley Hummel graduated on June 1st 2018 from Pettus High School. She was a member of FFA, National Art Honor Society, and the Spanish Club. She was 2nd VP of the Spanish Club. She showed a goat her first year in FFA. She went to Sr Quiz competition both her Jr. and Sr. year. She was a Vet Tech her Sr. year.
She will be attending Blinn College in Brenham, TX this fall. Her plan is to go into the medical field. Haley is the daughter of Cale and Lynnette Hummel and granddaughter of Allan and Terri Quinn and Jim and Linda Hummel.

Emily Loren Vasquez is a 2018 High School graduate of Hope High School. She is the daughter of Derek and Audie Vasquez, the granddaughter of David and the late Cindy Vasquez and of Erasmo “Razz” and Martha Montemayor. Emily is the the great granddaughter of Mary Jane Schaefer.
71 Complete Victoria College Vocational Nursing Program
Seven Calhoun County students were among the 71 completing the 12-month certificate program at Victoria College, making them eligible to take the National Licensure Exam for Practical Nursing. Successful completion of the program enables students to take the National Licensure Exam for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). Satisfactory achievement on the exam qualifies students for licensure as a vocational nurse.
The seven local graduates are: Chelsey Fipps and Monesha McKnight of Seadrift and Brianna Dybala, Jeanette Escobar, Haley Morales, Emilie Ramirez, and Jacqleen Torres of Port Lavaca. Congratulations, future nurses!

Chelsey Fipps of Seadrift receives her nursing pin from Victoria College Vocational Nursing Program Chair Joyce Harper.

Monesha McKnight of Seadrift receives her nursing pin from Victoria College Vocational Nursing Program Chair Joyce Harper.
Republican Club Awards Scholarships
The Calhoun County Republican Club was pleased to have Marshall Batts and his father, Brian Batts, present for the award presentation. Marshall was one of two Republican Club $500 scholarships awarded to 2018 CHS Seniors. Marshall spoke to the group, giving them insight to the wonderful young man he is. He will be attending Texas A&M in the fall to obtain a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Mechanical Engineering. Marshall’s future goal is to improve on the diesel engine.
The Club’s other recipient, Alexander Liu, was unable to attend. He was in Austin attending Orientation at the University of Texas, where he will pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering.

Brian Batts, Marshall Batts (Republican Club Scholarship Winner), Russell Cain