Republican Club Meets July 2

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Jun 18 - Comments Off on Republican Club Meets July 2

The Republican Club will meet Monday, July 2, at the Grace Episcopal Parish Hall, Guadalupe and Austin St (Hwy 238). Dinner will be served from 5-6 p.m. (by Reservation Only). The meeting begins at 6 p.m. Guest speaker is Calhoun Port Authority Director, Charles Hausman. Public is invited, coffee and tea are furnished at no cost.

Dinner menu is fried pork chops, rice w/gravy, green beans, rolls, cake. Price $11 per person, cash or check. Please make check payable to: CC Republican Club.

Reservations for dinner must be received no later than Monday, June 25. For reservations, please contact Connie Hunt, 552-0917; or Lisa Peterson, 552-6313.

Important Election Coming Up!

I know you all have “voter’s fatigue”. HOWEVER: Perhaps the most important election is coming up on Saturday, June 30.

Nine candidates, including Democrats, Green Party, Independents; basically, anyone who wants to — have signed up to be on the ballot. If we do not have one candidate (Michael Cloud) with 51% of the vote, that means another runoff in September to see who goes to Washington to serve approximately 18 days! Remember, the Congress is only in session for 3 days each week then recesses for 2 weeks before the General Election in November. Then, they break for Christmas holidays.

Each county (local taxpayers) will foot the bill for all general elections. The only way we can avoid the runoff and give our man (Michael Cloud) a 6-month jump on all the other freshman congressman, is to GET OUT THE VOTE on June 30. -Connie Hunt

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