“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Trump’s First 500 Days

Election Day 2016 the Dow was $19,123 and after Trump was declared the winner it began the greatest run-up ever to a high of $26,616 on 1/26/18. There was a correction, much exacerbated by media attacks and the phony Russia Collusion Investigation, but it’s rising again to $24,635 as of this writing.  The Federal Debt is still growing, but the GDP growth has increased to over $20 Trillion so the ratio of Debt to GDP has been reduced slightly. Even with the much needed Tax Cuts, Federal tax revenues have increased due to more jobs, more people paying taxes, and increased economic activity. The Budget Deficit/GDP ratio has been reduced from 9.3% in 2010 to 3.8%, still way too high, but at least headed in the right direction. The Fe(de)ral Debt has actually gone DOWN $36 Billion in the last 2 months! Even with greater spending to rebuild and up-date our military, the Deficit Ratio is less than under Obama. Also the Fed Interest has gone up 1% since the election or about $200 Billion added to the Debt. (The Swamp kept it very low for 8 years of Obama. The GDP growth is expected to reach 4.8% in the Second Quarter. It was about 1.5% average for the Obama Administration, and the Media Pundits said it would never reach 3% again. Certainly not under Hillary or any Liberal Democrat.

Jobs are being created in record numbers. Unemployment is at record lows for Blacks, Hispanics, Women, & Teens, and overall less than 4%, a low rate only reached 7 times since the 1970s. This is creating records for Federal Tax Revenue collections, even with the Tax Cuts. Some 24,000 Federal jobs have been eliminated since President Trump took office, so the new jobs are Tax Payers, not Tax-consumers. Many business-strangling and anti-Property Rights Federal Regulations have been eliminated. The Keystone & Dakota pipelines were finally approved. US oil production is booming and we have become a Petroleum Exporter, instead of a hostage to our enemies. Consumer confidence is at a 17 year high as our economy rebounds from a decade of stagnation.

ISIS has been defeated in Syria and Iraq, less than 1000 fighters remain. We have withdrawn from the foolishness of the Paris Accords, and the Global Warming hysteria is abating as the “hot-cycle” of cyclical ‘Climate Change’ winds down into a moderate cooling phase. We are trying to control illegal immigration and the flood of “refugees” from countries that have people who hate us. Many Muslim countries are cracking down on violent radicals. Our President is rebuilding our industry by protecting necessary industries, bringing investment back here, and slowing terrible Trade Deficit agreements. This is causing great backlash from those that profit from cheap imports and cheap labor, but in the long run are necessary for our industry, wages, and economic security. North Korea is talking about nuclear disarmament and peace after almost 70 years of hostile secrecy. The farce of the Iran Nuclear Deal has been exposed and is over. Putin wants talks about peace and trade. If the Media and Democrats will shut up about “Russia, Russia, Russia”, it may be possible to normalize relations with them, we have similar goals in the War on Islamofascist Terror, and it is time to start cooperating on that.

Can you imagine how much real Progress could be made if the “Lib Progressives” cared enough about America and Americans to just listen to what is happening instead of “resisting” out of hand? Their “Agenda” failed, and they had a very poor candidate, so they lost. Get over it! Trump is trying to re-build America after the failure of all the International Socialist Theory failures.

The investigation by Congress is proving there was unlawful interference in the Trump Campaign by the Obama Administration. Unredacted Emails between Strzok and Lisa Page, “You get all our oconus lures approved? ;)”- ‘OConUS’ meaning “Outside Continental US” and ‘lures’ meaning “Spies and Agents Provocateurs”. This was in December 2015! They were already infiltrating the Trump Campaign to create some appearance of wrong doing, and had to get it “approved” at the highest levels! While their Propaganda Media was ridiculing Trump’s chances to even gain the GOP Nomination.  From ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ to the GPS Fusion phony ‘Dossier’ to the lying FISA Warrant applications, and the $17 Million (so far) Mueller Investigation, this has been the worst illegal unConstitutional “Black-bag & False Flag Operation” political scandal in American history. Watergate was an amateurish joke compared to this continued attack by politicized Federal bureaucracies on an opposition candidate, and even a duly elected President! There was no “collusion” by the Trump Campaign, only by criminal Democrats, and the whole “Op” has accomplished nothing but to feed the “Assassination by Accusation and Innuendo Campaign” by the Lib/Prog Media Propaganda Machine. Hopefully, by the time this newspaper is distributed the DoJ Inspector General’s first report will be out and the indictments, arrests, and real investigations into the real criminals can commence.

Check the Website,  (www.thedolphintalk.com) for updates and comments.

11 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

The DoJ IG Report is out and superficially it is one long excuse for Criminal Malfeasance on the part of Hillary Clinton and everyone connected with the alleged “FBI Investigation”. Foget about the Summary and read the actual evidence. It is full of Bias, even “Animus” (stark hatred of Trump) and a multi-part Criminal Conspiracy to keep him from having any fair election. The DoJ and their principal investigation & enforce arm committing not only procedural violations but FELONIES! To throw a Presidential Election!
I am very busy this week-end – working – and don’t have time to invest in explaining the details, but a few little nuggets of info coming out are:
Obama was corresponding with Hillary on her unlawful Email server, and using his on “secret Email account”.
Also James Comey had a ‘secret Email account’!
There is a lot more to the USC Title 18, Sec 790s then the report touches on. Intent is not part of the “crime” and some of the Top Secret “Special Access” (Need-to-Know-Only) could carry the Death Penalty. And probably Should. Also any knowledge of violations REQUIRES Security Clearance holders to report it immediately. Everyone that used or knew about Hillary’s flagrant disregard for security is guilty.
Evidence is coming out that Strzok sent a private Email to Wiener that SEALED warrant had been issued for Huma’s computer! That is serious Felony if it proves true.
Please pardon the typos, I’m exhausted, to tired to properly proof-read.
More later.

June 16th, 2018 at 9:02 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Note: The official FBI name for the Hillary Email Investigation was “Mid-Year-Exam”, a cover-up name for a cover-up operation!
Excerpts from: IG Report: FBI Agent Peter Strzok Sent Wiener Sealed Indictment To His Personal Email…
“One of the interesting aspects of the IG report is the documented use of personal email by participants within the FBI “small group” Mid-Year-Exam (MYE) team. [pg 424]
One of those documented examples involves FBI Agent Peter Strzok downloading the content of the sealed Anthony Weiner Indictment, October 29, 2016, to his personal email address. Unauthorized extraction of a ‘sealed SDNY indictment‘, and transmission to a non-secure system, is a felony.”
” (From summary pg vii) We found that Strzok used his personal email accounts for official government business on several occasions, including forwarding an email from his FBI account to his personal email account about the proposed search warrant the Midyear team was seeking on the Weiner laptop.
==> This email included a draft of the search warrant affidavit, which contained information from the Weiner investigation that appears to have been under seal at the time in the Southern District of New York and information obtained pursuant to a grand jury subpoena issued in the Eastern District of Virginia in the Midyear investigation. <==
We refer to the FBI the issue of whether Strzok’s use of personal email accounts violated FBI and Department policies.
Details of this specific example continue on pages 426, 427, 428 and footnotes #217 #218:
[…] During our review, we identified several instances where Strzok used his personal email account for government business. […] Most troubling, on October 29, 2016, Strzok forwarded from his FBI account to his personal email account an email about the proposed search warrant the Midyear team was seeking on the Weiner laptop.
This email included a draft of the search warrant affidavit, which contained information from the Weiner investigation that appears to have been under seal at the time in the Southern District of New York and information obtained pursuant to a grand jury subpoena issued in the Eastern District of Virginia in the Midyear investigation."
Much more detail is included in the article. There appears to be several serious felonies here. A LEO(1) informing a suspect(2) of a warrant application is bad enough, but a Sealed(3) warrant?
Why is Strzok still employed? I can only speculate that he is cooperating now,& FBI employees can not refuse to answer interrogation questions by "pleading the Fifth Amend". From Strzoks Emails we have learned that orders and approval of all the "operations" against the Trump Campaign, as well as the Hillary Email cover-up, came through the 'chain-of-command', from Obama through Lynch from DoJ to the FBI. Obama was monitoring all very closely, "wanted to know everything'. I wonder what kind of "spin" and excuses the Lib/Prog Media will use for this?
This is a huge conspiracy for a totally unlawful operation to deny a Presidential Candidate of the Major Opposition Party a fair election, and political persecution on his campaign officials, even trying to make up the appearance of some possible "collusion".
As crooked as The Swamp is, I don't think trials can be avoided. Most traditional Liberals will be appalled at this! There have been political scandals before, but nothing so flagrantly corrupt and all the way up to the White House. The DoJ, FBI, and CIA were placing 'operatives' in the Trump Campaign to try to get someone to 'break the law'. When this failed the FBI used any "appearance" of "collusion" with the Russians to run a fake investigation and bring charges against people to try and make them come up with any false testimony against Trump. Worse than a "Witch-hunt", it is an operation to create false evidence when they KNEW Hillary and the DNC (plus some RINOs) were collaborating with Brits and Russians to create a false dossier on Trump based on info they knew to be false and paid for.
This may not be "treason" as defined by the Constitution, but it certainly is TREASON AGAINST the Constitution, and the American Voters!
And as bad as it is so far, I'm confident it will get much worse as more info is released. Obama, Hillary, and the Democrat Party are the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic that exists today. They must be exposed…all of it. President Trump must declassify and release the FISA Warrant Applications and all the FBI/DoJ chatter on creating them and picking the FISA Judges.

June 17th, 2018 at 8:56 am
Bill Brayshaw

June 18 (UPI) — Satisfaction with the direction the United States is heading reached a 12-year high in June, a Gallup poll released Monday revealed.
The monthly satisfaction rate for May and June stands at 38 percent, up from March and April’s 29 percent, the highest reading since it stood at 39 percent in September 2005. The reading was improved entirely through increased satisfaction of Republican and independent respondents, Gallup said.
Republican satisfaction grew to 68 percent, a 14 percentage point change, and independents’ satisfaction to 36 percent, an 11-point improvement. Democrats reported 13 percent satisfaction, unchanged since March and April.
Basically, what this is telling us is most people recognize that the economy and the country in general is IMPROVING under President Trump. The average for the Repubs & Independents is actually 52% some 13 points higher than the “2005 high”. Only the high dissatisfaction of Democrats who refuse to give Trump credit for the improvements, are dragging it down with their 13% satisfaction.
An interesting factoid is a recent Liberal poll showed 71% of their viewers (Libs) would rather see the Korea De-Nuclearization FAIL, rather than Trump get the credit. Their propaganda has them hating Trump so much, they would rather risk Nuclear War than have Trump be successful.
Now that’s CRAZY, I don’t care who you are! Once again proving ‘Liberalism’ has become a Mental Disease, and gets worse if left untreated.

June 18th, 2018 at 1:10 pm

THIS is what an American Hero looks and sounds like. So proud to be a fellow Texan of this strong woman. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi6v4CYNSIQ&feature=youtu.be

June 22nd, 2018 at 11:09 am
Bill Brayshaw

If she really wanted to do some good, she should run as a Republican.
If she wins a Democrat (she won’t) she will be told how to vote by Nancy Pelosi and if she doesn’t do as she is told, she will not get good Committee assignments or any help for re-election in 2 years. She will be forced to be a slave to the Democrat-Socialist Plantation or be ignored, even ostracized. If you want Open Borders, MS-13 gang-bangers in school with your kids, more taxes, draconian gun laws, more regulations – especially on your property, and back to “GDP growth” that is half or less than real inflation, just vote DemonRat!
If you don’t understand simple math and economics, if the “GDP growth” is less than INFLATION, the economy is SHRINKING, not really growing.
Don’t you wish Pelosi and Schumer would tell the truth about that?
Or the Billions of dollars Illegal Aliens (Criminal Invaders) cost us every year?

June 23rd, 2018 at 8:17 pm
Bill Brayshaw


Watters World. About 12:00 there is an interview with Roger Stone, he explains an attempt by a Russian National (and FBI paid informer) trying to sell him “dirt on Hillary” for $2 million. When Stone told him, “First off, I don’t have $2 million…”, the Russian laughed and said “I don’t want your money, I want TRUMP’s money.” Another obvious attempt at entrapment by the FBI, “Hillary Insurance Policy” crowd.

Also a cute bit of info that Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor told her Cyber Security guys to “stand down” on investigating Russian involvement in their Election shenanigans. Since so many were involved in paid Democrat plots against Trump, she didn’t want them caught. Especially the ones also working with the Hillaryites in the FBI, DoJ, State Dept. Needless to say, obviously Rice’s orders were approved by Obama. There were numerous criminal conspiracies to throw the election to Hillary by the Obama administration from the White House down through the intell and Law Enforcement bureaucracies. Total corruption and weaponization of govt agencies against the “Opposition Party”. And the Lib/Progs keep calling Trump & his supporters Fascists & Nazis. They are the Brownshirts, Gestapo, and the KGB all rolled into one, top to bottom, determined to take over By Any Means Necessary.

And many other interesting and educational things.

June 24th, 2018 at 9:10 pm
Mary Brotherton

Due to email problems (mine) this is very late but I had to write it anyway because I was so impressed with Trump’s accomplishments and the way this article was written to describe them. How could anyone be confused about, or ignorant of, what our President has done for this country in the past 17 months? This should be required reading in every classroom because students today are not taught the truth about what is happening/has happened since Trump took the helm. Everything President Trump has done has been distorted so people don’t realize the truth about him. Look at the number of people who think socialism is the greatest. Where do you suppose they learned that? I hope everyone puts this article on Facebook and/or sends it to everyone on their mailing list. This is the kind of stuff that needs to be circling the globe – not the lies that the MSM has been telling everyone.

June 27th, 2018 at 12:47 am
Bill Brayshaw

Mary Brotherton,
Thank you so much. It means a great deal to me to know anyone is touched in a very positive way by my research and writing.
The Truth is slowly filtering out.
Because of local papers and the Internet. We in Middle America have an alternative to the Lib/Prog Elites’ Propaganda Machine.
Donald J. Trump is going to be one of America’s greatest Presidents! So much positive is happening, even the Supreme Court is making decisions based on the Constitution and common sense. Trump will get a new Justice confirmed before the elections, and the Democrats will lose ‘bigly’ again. The Leftists are in melt-down because they are losing control and losing voters. The return of Industrialized America may be the greatest thing yet. And timely too, because of the ‘saber-rattling’ from China and Russia. President Trump is literally saving America.
Obama & Hillary’s Socialism was a failure. Many more people are finding their lives better under Trump’s resurging economy than under Obamunist Socialist micro-managing. There will be market corrections and economic battles. The Money manipulators and “Free Trade” Profiteers will fight back, but Domestic Industry to fill most of Domestic Markets is the key to long-term success and prosperity. The Socialists always run out of Other Peoples Money to give away.
The FED will raise interest rates to try and defeat Trump with massive payments on the Obama Deficits, and for the Bankster’s enrichment. But hopefully the Citizens will demand an AUDIT of the FED and hopefully a total re-organization of how our “money” is “created”.

June 27th, 2018 at 4:26 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Beware of Rising Sea-levels! Not Globull Warming, but a huge out-pouring of Liberal Tears!
Two great decisions by SCOTUS. The “Muslim Ban” fro terrorist supporting countries holds, and SCOTUS admits that the President has wide latitude by existing law & the Constitution to control immigration, especially Criminal Invasion.
And Trump gets to pick another Supreme Court Justice. And he may actually solve the “Illegal Immigration Problem”! By simply following the existing law and deporting the Invaders.
Another problem caused by Obama’s incompetence and refusal to enforce the Law may be “solved”. Simply by stopping the Obama unlawful policy of allowing the invasion to “Fundamentally Change America”.

June 27th, 2018 at 4:40 pm

And now we have proof that Seth Rich did nothing to help with the leaks. But I doubt that will sway your conspiracy laden mind.

July 15th, 2018 at 9:26 am

Talk about Agent Orange! Now serving Borscht at the White House ya’ll. It’s even better with okra. Trump needed no help in laying down for Putin. While you were busy screaming about Socialist Liberals, the Communists bought the country. Good work.

July 17th, 2018 at 6:53 am

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