Man for All Seasons

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Jul 18 - Comments Off on Man for All Seasons
Cap’n Mike Drapela and his 27” Speckled Trout caught June 26 in Port O’Connor

Cap’n Mike Drapela and his 27” Speckled Trout caught June 26 in Port O’Connor

I am sending you this picture of Cap’n Mike and his 27 inch speckled trout he caught June 26 in Port O’Connor. Mike and his wife live in Houston but spend much of their time at their home away from home at Beacon 44 RV Park when in Port O’Connor. See Mike’s favorite hat in the picture.

Mike grew up fishing with his father in Port O’Connor many years ago as his father once owned a little home near Froggies Bait Dock. The entire family would gather at the house on many occasions to celebrate holidays and spend time on the water fishing.

Mike has loved and enjoyed fishing Port O’Connor and has passed this love down to his children. Mike still fishes from his father’s early 90’s model Shoalwater boat that has had a few motors on it and original weathered blue Bimini top.

I have been close to Mikes family for about nine years now and I can promise you that this is a family that truly loves the beauty, the speed and smells of Port O’Connor, Texas. The family has taught me to love and appreciate the outdoors more than ever and I look up to Mike as a grandfather.

I have always been an outdoorsman but Mike taught me how to master the art of wading for reds and there is nothing I can think of that is more fulfilling and exciting than reeling in a keeper.

I have spent many years with the family in Port O’Connor doing things like Poco Bueno, enjoying the Christmas parade, but most of all fishing. Rain or shine, cold or windy we are cruising down the Intercoastal around the bend headed out to the Army Hole, Oil Well cut, or some spot that Mike has a special feeling about. Every fishing spot has a story that he likes to tell and I enjoy listening to every one of them. But fish or no fish we always have fun on the water. Seeing all the wildlife is part of just being out there and often he would slow down as we watch a family of dolphins playing next to the boat or watch a blue heron like a statue in the marsh.

This ole guy is truly a “Man for All Seasons” as he would often say. He knows fishing, understands the weather, can fix and repair anything, follows the rules and regulations of the waterways and limits on catch. He’s a conservationist, he is patriotic, a loyal and loving friend, father, and family man and I am thankful and blessed every time I get the opportunity to go fishing with him.

Thank you,
Tom Vanderzwet

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