“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Unity & Prosperity or Divisiveness, Chaos & Failure

President Trump has proven the negativity of the previous Administration was false and wrong. 1.5 % growth is not “normal” or acceptable, and where Obama said “America will never see 3% annual growth again.”, he was obviously assuming Hillary would win in 2016. Trump blew through the 3% in a year and estimates for the current quarter are closing in on 5%! Some “Never-Trumpers” like Lindsey Graham have seen the light, moved to being supporters. The Democrat Socialists are infuriated by any success and Bill Maher is hoping for a recession. So he would rather see poverty, people thrown out of work, lose their homes, and be bankrupt rather than Trump succeed. Typical Libtard. And the “Secret” to most of Trump’s Economic Plans has been to stop doing all the bad things Obama and his Dem-Socs did, and overturning Unconstitutionally enacted “Regulations”! But to the hard-core Dem-Socs that is all “Hate, Racism, and Fascism”; obviously they don’t know the meaning of those over-used words anymore. Trumpism obviously beats Obamunism.

The Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine is still at Full Howl. Recent press release by the ‘Woman’s March’ about Trump’s Supreme Court pick began: “Womens March Statement on Trump’s Extremist SCOTUS Nominee: Washington D.C., In response to Trump’s nomination of X__X to the Supreme Court of the United States, The Women’s March released the following statement ….” They forgot to fill in the blank because the Nominee hadn’t been announced! They can’t wait to actually see WHO it is to get enraged, just that Trump made the nomination. Elections have consequences, Obama nominated, and his Dem-Soc “rubber-stamp” Senate confirmed two of the most unqualified, politically motivated, women that flagrantly lied in their confirmation hearings. Both are “Activist Judges”, try to “make law” rather than “interpret the Constitution”, could and should be impeached and removed based on video evidence of their own speeches and testimony. But they won’t be, because they are Democrats. The Dem-Soc “Resistance”, obstruction, and divisiveness has become ‘knee-jerk’, mindless, and never ending.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is an excellent choice because he is non-political and non-activist. The Radical Left best shut up about “Theocracy & Abortion Rights” because I don’t think he will go out of his way, to pick that or any other political fight, just leave “established law” alone, unless there is good reason to question it. Personally, I’m a “moderate Pro-Choicer”, but I’d love to see the Abortion Lobby lawyers try to defend “Roe vs Wade”. It is wrong because there is no Constitutional Mandate to give that issue to the Federal Govt. It clearly belongs to “the States and the People” under the Tenth Amendment! And how can they justify taxing moral people that consider Abortion Murder to give abortions to women that are too cheap, lazy, or ignorant to use regular birth control, giving abortions to under-age girls without Parental Permission, partial birth abortions, or teaching all the immoral & destructive crap Planned Parenthood pushes? All under the guise of the “General Welfare Clause” of the preamble? Kill 60 million American babies and replace them with Illegal Aliens? It has been more “General Destruction”, and a National Embarrassment! But, reversing “Roe”, outlawing abortion at the Federal level, would be just as bad, it is still usurpation of powers that Constitutionally belong to the States. Let them deal with it as their citizen-voters see fit. That is democratic and Constitutional. For a change. If you don’t like abortions or guns, don’t buy one.

Trump’s accomplishments have caused most of the GOP Establishment, even RINOs, to change their minds or simply quit; which is a victory for the American People and Constitutional Govt. And an even greater victory is in the making, the #WalkAway Movement! Millenials, minorities, and traditional Liberals are abandoning the “Always Leftward shifting” Dem-Soc Party in droves. Their reasons may be surprising, even shocking to them, but obvious to Conservatives, especially those of us trying to wrest the GOP from the RINOs and The Swamp of Sodom-on-the-Potomac. “The Media is completely dishonest”, “They Dems don’t do anything they promise their voters”, “They don’t do anything for me, my family, or my community”, and “Why do they seem so anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-family?”, seem to be the leading complains of the “WalkAways”. ‘Revolutionary statements’ for recovering Democrats, but perfectly understandable to those of us who have been fighting Internationalists, Big Govt Fraudsters, and RINOs for decades!

The “WalkAways” are the key to increasing growth and prosperity by aiding Trump, and the added benefit to America if by handing a massive defeat to the Lib/Prog false leadership of the “Dem-Soc Party”, they can start restoring a “Democrat Party”, or simply start another party. We need a Loyal Opposition Party, but loyal to America and our Constitution, not this half Marxist, half Anarchist, Abortion is Everything, conglomeration that is the Dem-Socs! The DNC says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the future of the Dem-Soc Party? Then it needs to die, and quickly. Disbanding ICE? and basically all law enforcement. Open Borders? becoming the Welfare asylum for the world. And like Boston, let illegal aliens (Criminal Invaders) vote? Free this, free that? Who pays for it and how? More votes for radical Leftist Democrats that will drive out and replace the less radical Leftists and next election get even more insanely radical Leftists. Irresponsible voters elect irresponsible Representatives, that give us more irresponsible voters that will elect insanely irresponsible Representatives and “leaders”. The Dem-Soc Party has spun-out and entered a death spiral.

We need to take care of our own poor first. And try to economically assimilate the people already here legally. Hopefully they will assimilate totally into Americans first and forget all the past ethnic and racial strife. We must stop the political fighting that places some “victimhood” over citizens, the Constitution, and Rule of Law. When people like Schumer, Mad Maxine, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are rewarded with Media coverage and praise for spouting anti-Constitutional nonsense and lies for the benefit of THEIR Political Agenda, with no thought or care for the consequences; the security, unity, and even the survival of the Republic is at risk. We all better get behind Judge Kavanaugh, it could have been a lot worse. He might not be everything you want, but he is a Constitutionalist without an agenda.

53 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw


Obama’s Former Director of National Intelligence Says Obama Behind Entire Russia Witch Hunt!

President Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, came clean on CNN and stated that former President Obama was behind spying on President Trump!
James Clapper was on CNN yesterday and he stated that Obama was behind spying on President Trump and all the corrupt and criminal actions involving the government, including the Mueller investigation –
According to Obama’s former spy chief, James Clapper, who appeared on CNN to say it was Obama who set the entire Russia witch-hunt into motion by tasking the intelligence community assessment.
Clapper said –
“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.”

July 22nd, 2018 at 11:07 am
Bill Brayshaw

BOOM! Again:

Newly Released FISA Docs Contradict Strzok’s Sworn Claims He Had Nothing to Do With Carter Page FISA Warrant
On Saturday, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced documents related to the FISA warrants on Trump’s former campaign advisor, Carter Page were released by the FBI — and arrived at JW headquarters.
Obama’s Deep State FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page in October of 2016 and three subsequent renewals in order to spy on Trump’s campaign and transition team.
Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and Sally Yates all signed the FISA applications even though Hillary’s fraudulent Russia dossier was used as a pretext to obtain the warrants.
The newly released docs also reveal Peter Strzok did indeed provide information which was used to obtain a FISA warrant on Carter Page, directly contradicting his sworn claims to GOP lawmakers.
During Peter Strzok’s closed-door testimony to GOP lawmakers last Wednesday, he swore he was not involved in the drafting of the Carter Page FISA warrant nor did he provide any evidence or information to the FISC.
Strzok said he provided no substantive input on the application—he didn’t supply any evidence for it and was not involved in presenting it to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for approval, according to these sources, reported The Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff.
Now this…
The docs reveal Peter Strzok used Carter Page’s September 2016 letter to Comey as a “pretext” to open investigation on him.

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_
BREAKING: Newly released FISA application shows Strzok did in fact use Carter Page’s Sept. 2016 letter to Comey as a “pretext” to open investigation on him, as Strzok suggested in email to Page in Sept re “Crossfire FISA.” Yet Strzok just swore he had nothing to do with Page FISA

Republican lawmakers have been wondering if Peter Strzok was involved in the Carter Page spy operation for over a year.
Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) previously asked FBI Director Christopher Wray if Peter Strzok played a role in the Carter Page FISA application.
“Did Peter Strzok help produce and present the application to the FISA court to secure a warrant to spy on Americans associated with the Trump campaign?” Jordan asked Wray in a December 2017 Congressional hearing.
“I’m not prepared to discuss what happened in the court,” Wray smugly replied.
Now we know Peter Strzok was involved and the FBI and DOJ have been scrambling to hide this information from Congressional oversight and the public.
Paul Sperry @paulsperry_
DEVELOPING: US Judge Anne C. Conway and US Judge Raymond J. Dearie among the 4 FISA court judges who rubber-stamped illegal FISA surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Yates to spy on Trump campaign
What we have here is Strzok, FBI, & Doj knowing used the “Dossier” that they knew to be made up by Fusion GPS, paid for by Hillary and the DNC, as “evidence” to get the FISA Warrant approved.
Even Comey from the beginning admitted that it was “unsubstantiated” at best. This is Gross Prosecutorial Misconduct. All those involved should be fired and all that are lawyers disbarred. Rosenstein included, he signed off on one of them.

July 22nd, 2018 at 11:50 am
Bill Brayshaw

Anyone that had any doubts about Marco Rubio being a “Sell-out” to the Deep State see:

Rubio: DOJ, FBI Did Not Do ‘Anything Wrong’ with Carter Page Surveillance
Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said the Department of Justice and FBI did nothing “wrong” while obtaining the FISA warrants for surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Rubio said, “I don’t believe that them looking into Carter Page means they were spying on the campaign. I also don’t believe it proves anything about collusion or anything like that. I think Carter Page is one of these guys, we never would have heard of him before all this, but that was on their screen even before the campaign.”
Rubio is either not paying any attention to the news or is lying. Nobody that got through Law School is that dumb. He should not be a Senator or a lawyer, and is obviously not a real “Republican”, conservative, or even pro-American. Only part of the “Status Quo, Deep State, UniParty Elite or New World Order”, whatever you want to call it.
Two things are obvious: The FBI & DoJ used false evidence to get a warrant on Page, and used Page as a “stalking horse” to get access for spying on the Trump Campaign.
The real reason is Obama and Hillary needed to know how much info Trump had on Hillary’s illegalities, and what he intended to do about it. Obama was still claiming that any “Russian interference” was minor and to no effect. It only became “important” after Hillary lost. Was he lying then or are they all lying now to excuse Hillary’s loss, and to unlawfully attack Trump’s Presidency and ability to effectively govern? The latter is unquestionably Sedition.
Rubio is now a Co-conspirator. Everyone, even Rosenstein, has said there is no evidence of any “collusion” with Russia by the Trump campaign. The only collusion revealed has been by the DNC, Hillary, FBI, and DoJ with Brits, Russians and each other to derail Trump and steal the election. Their motivation is obvious: to continue the cover-up of previous crimes and scandals involving all of them in prosecutable offenses mostly involved in aiding crimes by Hillary or covering up crimes, malfeasance and lying.
Hillary lost because she is a liar, a crook, and most Americans know it. Her supporters just don’t care, she was the Dem candidate, and they want her & her Socialist, anti-American, Agenda.

July 22nd, 2018 at 12:31 pm
Bill Brayshaw

For more info on the FISA Warrant release and Carter Page see : https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/07/22/a-review-of-the-doj-fbi-fisa-application-release/
There is in-depth analysis and excellent commentary as well as a copy of the much redacted info. See for yourself.
This was a knowingly and intentionally Gross Miscarriage of Justice. It must be investigated thoroughly and the Bad Actors punished by law.

July 22nd, 2018 at 12:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Maria Bartiromo and Alan Dershowitz discuss the FISA Warrants:
Excellent video bringing up good points. Dershowitz, a long-time Lib/Prog Law Professor wants an non-partisan bi-lateral panel to investigate. Because the current situation is so out-of-control that Traditional Liberals are having to support Trump against Dem-Soc criminal abuses! This proves how bad the FBI & DoJ has gotten under the Obama Admin.

July 22nd, 2018 at 7:18 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Maria Bartiromo & Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte discuss fraudulent FISA Warrants. More excellent info that leads to serious questions, (VIDEO):
Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte Discusses Fraudulent/Misleading FISA Application…
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte is deeply connected to the investigation on the specifics of the FISA abuse. The House Judiciary Committee has primary oversight over the FISA Court and the use therein by the DOJ. Additionally, Bob Goodlatte and FISC Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer have exchanged letters, and inquiries, relating to the FISA application against U.S. Person Carter Page. We now know Collyer was the original FISC judge who approved the sketchy and misrepresented FISA application.
Earlier today Goodlatte joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the Carter Page FISA Warrant, all it’s redactions, and plans to proceed. Additionally Chairman Goodlatte discusses John Brennan, James Comey, and Loretta Lynch being sought for questioning on their actions during the 2016 Presidential Election; as well as compliance responses from Peter Strzok, Rod Rosenstein and Lisa Page.
The current DOJ and FBI elements of the intelligence community are only slightly less corrupt internally than they were prior to the Trump inauguration. Institutionally they are still full of corrupt individuals; and administratively they are managed by people concerned about retaining/protecting the institutions – not eliminating the corruption. In our ongoing opinion this institutional emphasis is misplaced and misguided at best, and complicit at worst; likely more the latter.
The FBI and DoJ were totally “weaponized” by the Obama Admin to cover-up Hillary’s many crimes, and to throw the 2016 election to her. All these “Bad Actors” were heavily invested in her winning to protect themselves from any honest investigation.
This is a Criminal Conspiracy beyond any historical precedent, and even beyond belief for uninformed Citizens. It was the false basis for the Mueller Investigation that continues to this day as a Criminal Conspiracy to Overthrow Trump’s Presidency. There has been NO Evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump or anyone in his campaign staff.
Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, Brennan, and many of their minions must go to trial and probably jail if we are to restore any Rule of Law. Their trials will provide the evidence to convict Hillary, Obama, and many of their aides.
Our Constitutional Republic must be saved, this criminal conspiracy can not be excused or ignored any longer. Trump & Sessions were willing to not take them to trial, but has gone too far now.

July 22nd, 2018 at 7:54 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I know that SMH and other dedicated defenders of Crooked Hillary and The Usurper will object to my choice of sites to offer as evidence. However I picked them for their clear presentation of facts. Anyone can Google and find the Lib/Prog excuses, spin, and outright propaganda lies. But the evidence, though much “redacted” to protect the guilty is coming out. There must be trials now!

July 22nd, 2018 at 8:01 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Radio interview with ex-CIA & author, Dr. Michael Scheuer: It’s All Coming Unravelled
He explains John Brennan, talks about the Russians helping destroy ISIS. Hillary lost a “fixed election” and they want to blame Russia. Why should we believe anything they say. Great interview.

July 22nd, 2018 at 9:41 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I was sent a simple Q & A Meme that explains RussiaGate:
Q: When did Russia interfere with our elections?
A: 2016
Q: Who was President?
A: Obama.
Q: Who was head of the CIA?
A. John Brennan.
Q: Who was the National Intelligence Director?
A: Clapper.
Q: Who was head of the FBI?
A: First Mueller, then Comey.
It is now 2018 and all of them blame Trump!
Obama said there was no way the Russians could affect our elections, but he told them to,”Cut it out.”
Brennan and Clapper did nothing but aid Obama, Hillary, & the DNC in spying on Trump.
The FBI and DoJ actively covered up an investigation of Hillary for serious crimes against National Security. Then they conspired with Obama, Hillary, DNC, Fusion GPS (and some unnamed ‘Russian sources’ to use a fraudulent ‘dossier’ as false evidence to obtain a FISA Warrant to spy on Candidate Trump. No evidence of any “Collusion” was found. Then the “Lack of Evidence of Collusion” was used as an excuse for the “Special Counsel” Mueller Investigation. No evidence of any Election misconduct or “Collusion’ by Trump or his campaign has been found after a year and over $20 million wasted. However, much serious provable evidence has been found of serious crimes, malfeasance of office, and even Sedition Against the Constitution by Trump’s accusers! Evidence that strongly points to conspiracy all the way up to the Obama White House.
It is time to have a serious investigation, Grand Jury, and Federal trials on the crimes that have been uncovered.
These false allegations against Trump are an ‘Attempted Coup’ against our duly elected President. It must STOP! And the perpetrators must be tried and punished. Co-conspirators must be revealed, so the Citizen Voters can know the TRUTH!
And it needs to start NOW!

July 24th, 2018 at 10:14 am

Google “George Orwell, Donald Trump”.
Go ahead, I dare you. So funny if you don’t get it.

July 25th, 2018 at 1:47 pm

Double negative, you know.

July 25th, 2018 at 1:49 pm
Bill Brayshaw

It has long been observed that many of “1984”‘s readers and scholars of the Lib/Prog persuasion consider it an Instruction Manual, not a dystopian warning about Big Govt and the false promises of Socialism.
Orwell and Trump are both “Truth-Bringers” trying to warn the Sheeple of the real goal of Marxism in it’s many disguises, Socialism & Communism, and it’s offshoots of Mussolini’s “Fascism” and Hitlers “National Socialism”, are all from the same litter of Dictatorship of the Proletariat by the self-appointed Intelligentsia.
Those who have studied the “Marxist Intelligentsia” in the USA and their influence and take-over of the once “Democrat Party” are not surprised, except possibly by the ‘honesty” of such Neo-Bolshevics as Ocasia-Cortez and DNC Chair Perez hailing her as the “New Face of the Dem-Soc Party”! There is no “Democrat Party”. Even the “Mainstream” lead by Pelosi and Schumer, will tolerate no variation from the Party-Line by Elected Representatives. They have succeeded in coercing “Block Voting” against any of Trump’s Pro-American programs, and the Citizen Voters are seeing it.
Open Borders, Abolish ICE, Unlimited Abortion paid by Taxes, Raising Taxes, the policy of restricting Domestic Industry by Regulation, and flooding our markets with foreign goods is a recipe for DISASTER! Without high paying production jobs, how do workers afford to buy the imported crap? Can’t tax enough to support the Unlimited Welfare State? Print more money! Invented by the FED controlled by International Banksters.
Open Borders are a DEM-SOC Policy to get foreigners to “Cast The Votes That Americans Won’t!”
You know it, and I know it. And many more Americans now know it. Immigration depresses wages for all workers, but worse for unskilled workers.
That is your “Democrat Party”. Poverty leads to Govt Dependency and Democrat Votes! Yahay!
You need a new bumpersticker :
Perhaps your Bill Maher Plan will work: If the Dem-Socs can destroy the economy, cause a depression, Trump will lose in 2020. Isn’t that nice?
Ain’t happening.

July 25th, 2018 at 6:32 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The Lib/Prog Pollsters are still trying to convince the Sheeple that The Dems are going to win in the coming elections, but the trend is against them. The FACTS have been against them for decades and since Trump won and started doing away with the worst of the Obamunist Policies, that is becoming apparent to more and more Voters.
Looking at details in even normally Anti-Trump NBC/Wall Street Poll shows very interesting trends.
The Dem-Soc party is “scaring the Hell out of Voters.”. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/24/democrats-start-scare-mainstream-americans/
Only 33% of voters see the “Democrat Party” as Mainstream anymore, 56% see it as OUT of the Mainstream!
These polls are historically ‘loaded heavily with Democrats’, so studying the raw numbers are very interesting. Polls report 78% of Black Voters say they will vote Democrat, as will 66% of “Hispanics”. But wait… even Democrat strategists admit they expect 90%+ of the Black vote and in many Dem controlled districts they admit that anything less than 80% of the Black Vote means they lose! Slightly less percentages are assigned to the Hispanic Vote but only 66% is way in the “Bad News” area. The Abolish ICE and Open Borders policy is hurting the Dems terribly with working people, and Illegal Immigration hurts Blacks and Hispanics harder than whites and Asians. And they can see it. Depresses wages for all workers even skilled workers and lower tier “White Collar” workers.
And the Dems want to raise Taxes! The only reasons jobs are coming back is the Trump Tax-Cuts, and workers are seeing a bigger pay check. A hundred dollars a month, or two is ‘crumbs” to Democrats, but not to most working families! And low unemployment is pushing wages up, and keeping Illegals out is a big plus on that.
The tariffs will guarantee more industrialization, and higher wages, with more of OUR money staying and circulating here. There maybe temporary price gouging, but that will soon stabilize. I think the production will stabilize better because the Big Unions won’t try to immediately strike for higher wages. They know they are a big reason for Industries moving overseas, that and the Hyper-regulation of everything by Democrat busybodies that know nothing of production. At least in the USA pollution is controlled, overseas it is not. Same with Agriculture. Our imported food is poisoned with things that have been outlawed here for half a century!

July 26th, 2018 at 9:34 am
Bill Brayshaw

30 Hours at Trump-Speed…
1. President Trump dropped a MOAB on the state of Georgia for Brian Kemp, and wiped the floor with the establishment GOPe, winning by 39 points.

2. President Travels to Kansas City, giving the speech which made us all cry, to the VFW. Embraces a 94 year old Sergeant and we immediately fall in love.

3. Our sheer perfection of a FLOTUS stops in Nashville at a children’s hospital. On the way back CNN reporter asks Stephanie Grisham about the Cohen tapes and tries to take a hit on Melania. Stephanie Grisham came UNDONE and wiped the floor with the little witch.

4. VP Pence in Montana, stops what he is doing, leaves his Secret Service, when a boy waiting to see him on the tarmac passes out. VP Pence was “up and in the middle” of the problem. Good man.

5. CRTV does a parody video about Alexandria Cortez and the left reveals —- they have no sense of humor. Busted.

6. President Trump meets with John-Claude Juncker, President of the EU Commission and makes the deal of a lifetime on tariffs, LNG sales to Europe, and soybeans for the Midwest.

7. DOW spikes 170 points in an hour on news of the trade deal. Business channels who support multinationals are in melt-down… because they’ve been hyping a trade war for 6 months.

8. Facebook earnings post, stock loses 24% of market cap in an hour. That’s what happens when you put Ellen Stover and our friends in Facebook jail. Payback is hell.

9. Secretary Pompeo testifies to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and I swear, it’s probably the best 3 hours of footage, EVER. He was brilliant.
At one point, Pompeo asked if he could be allowed to submit, for the record, the list of all the things Trump Admin has done to be ‘tough’ on the Russians.
Tard of a Senator agrees.
Pompeo says, “Well then, let’s back the truck up to deliver (his list).”
OMG….. Killed it.

10. CNN releases recorded tape of Michael Cohen and President Trump—- and it’s a dud. We learned President Trump says “thank you” when he asks for a Coke.

11. CNN reporter refuses to leave the Oval Office during Juncker presser and is pushed out and reprimanded by Bill Shine (new WH Press Coordinator) and Sarah Sanders. She keeps asking questions about the Cohen tape when Juncker and Trump are in the midst of a trillion dollar trade deal. WH tells her she is not allowed into the next Rose Garden event, and she gets snippy, saying, “I wasn’t planning on attending anyway”.

White House Press Corps has a meltdown. CNN issues statement saying “We demand better” and gets hammered on social media.

12. Ben Sasse, who was censured by his own Nebraska GOP party by a vote of 400 to 8 said yesterday, “Trump’s trade policies are ‘Making America 1929 Again’” in an attempt to undermine the President ahead of the Junker negotiations.

This afternoon…. Sasse announced he will not run for reelection in 2020. Bwwwhhahaaaaa.

13. News from China senses discord among the ruling class. China is now lowering interest rates, subsidizing industry, and their economy is flat. Did I mention their stock market is down about 25% this year?

14. And finally, 11 member of the House file impeachment papers against Rosenstein. The vote will probably not ever happen…… but it sure does piss off Rosenstein. It tastes sweet.

15. And for the Bonus: Trump has learned how to ‘thread’ multiple tweets on Twitter. May God have mercy upon his enemies.

Can’t wait until tomorrow……..

Remember, he was in Helsinki, just 8 days ago.
Last week-end the Dem-Socs were in hysteria because Putin agreed to try and cooperate with President Trump, and wanted to impeach him for TREASON!?!
They keep moving to the Left! At the rate they are going, Che Guevara will be labeled a “Right-winger” by Labor Day. And the CPUSA will be called ‘reactionary’ and ‘too Conservative’ for AOC, Perez. Pelosi, and Schumer.

July 26th, 2018 at 10:15 pm

Gateway Pundit = questionable source for honest answers. Just so we’re clear on your sources of chiller data. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-gateway-pundit/

July 28th, 2018 at 2:42 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Gateway Pundit gives links to the stories they comment on.
How far LEFT is your Media Bias Fact Check? Probably considers Obama & Hillary as Centrists and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as Left-Center?

Gateway Pundit is quick to point out criminality and potential conflicts with existing laws, and the Dems hate that. Ridiculing the ridiculous is Exremist Right-wing? But lying about Trump is Centrist?

July 29th, 2018 at 4:41 pm

I have yet to meet anyone, Republican or Democrat, who espouses as much hatred as you do, Bill. I wish you would concentrate on our LOCAL lives and not the make believe lives of people you only hear rumors about. Alex Jones is about to lose his shirt in the Sandy Hook case, and Spotify is under a great deal of pressure to cancel his coverage. But you just keep shouting at everyone, it just doesn’t seem to be working. Sad.

August 2nd, 2018 at 9:14 am

And before you start screaming about his first amendment rights being denied, Spotify can host whoever they want. First Amendment only applies to government shutting down speech, a private company can refuse to cover anyone who hurts their profits. Which Alex Jones is starting to do.

Alex can start his own blog, as can you (should the publisher of Dolphin Talk ever decide to make this change) at http://www.blogspot.com.Or at QAnon sites, anywhere.

August 2nd, 2018 at 9:17 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH Re: #17
Look in the mirror!
You and your Lib/Prog cohorts “Hate Trump” Resistance is the entire Dem-Soc Program. Almost two years later, and you are still mad that he beat Crooked Hillary. She was an awful candidate. But what is worse is Hillary supporters don’t care how crooked she is, they want the Agenda. The Agenda is a total take-over of America. And the destruction of Liberty and our Constitutional Republic.
I stand for the Constitution of the United States of America, for its guarantees of our God given Rights for all citizens, and its blueprint for a perfect govt. Our Public Servants that willfully and intentionally twist and pervert the blueprint and the govt for their own ends of personal enrichment and power are the enemy of our Republic and its Constitution and We the People.
You call that “Hate”. I love America, Liberty, and the freedom of people to live their lives with a minimum of interference from Govt busybodies, micromanagers, and tyrants. I don’t like Commies or theocrats, oppressing oligarchs, or the professional Perpetually Offended, but I don’t ‘hate’ them, waste of time. Evil is part of some people’s nature, but you don’t let them get away with it, especially in politics.
You and most Progs have gotten to base your whole political arguments on accusations of “Hate” or “Mean spirited” or “Racism!” because you have no rational programs or arguments.
Open Borders is political and economic suicide. Abortion at best is an embarrassment. and trying to “guilt” everyone into giving half the economy into to a bunch of incompetents to waste on “Feel-Good” programs and buying votes, only encourages parasitism, incompetence, and mental illness. You people are nuts, saying 6 yr-old kids should “choose their own Gender”. But my pointing out incipient insanity, trying to “cure” you, is “Hate”?
You are really going to have fits over my next article. LOL!

August 3rd, 2018 at 8:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

I don’t pay much attention to Alex Jones. He is as nutty as Rachel Madcow, just in a different direction. He does occasionally break a significant story, but mostly is selling his products, fear, and panic.
But that is typical Lib/Prog response. You can’t debate what I say, calling me a Nazi or something only gets you laughed at, so you try to tie me to Alex Jones? Lots of luck on that one. And what is Spotify?

August 3rd, 2018 at 8:39 am
Bill Brayshaw

What silly Libs call “hate” is the Trump rally people calling out Acosta with “CNN Sucks”. The most “threat” was a few one-finger-salutes. But Antifa is their heros, beating up kids & old men, egging soccer-moms. Now they are talking about bringing guns to break up a Patriot Prayer rally! That’s Hate! Not just Trump, but anyone that supports him as the duly elected President, and they think Porn is protected by Free Speech, but not prayer for peace, tranquility, and to build our economy so people won’t have to be on Welfare!
The “hateful” Conservatives have guns and are willing to protect their families, property, and communities from Leftist rioters and terrorists that want to beat up, maim, and kill people that won’t let THEM run the Govt? You want to disarm the middle class Americans, but not Antifa. A bunch of masked Marxists and Anarchists claiming to be Democrat -Socialists, acting like Fascists & Bolseviks, trying to terrorize anyone that just disagrees with their violent take-over of any political demonstration are OK, even “Heros” in your Media.
The people are waking up. This election is no longer about “Democrats and Republicans” but more Marxists vs Freedom, and Dem-Soc Antifa terrorists against Civilization. When people vote in Nov, it will be GOP or COMMIE! And any vote not for the GOP this year is a vote for the Commies! And the violent Bolshevic faction of the commies. They are taking over your so called “Democrat Party” that has become the DemonRat Party that applauds the take-over by Antifa and the Bolsheviks. Even your Propaganda Machine Media and the DNC say that is the New Face of the Democrat Party. Actually, it is the old Hillary & Obamunist “face” just with the Smiley Socialist Mask pulled off.
I hope the local and State Democrats wake up and kick out these Radical Leftists, send them back to the CPUSA, where they belong, kick out their Globalist Masters, and try to re-build an American Democrat Party! I don’t trust the RINOs and the ‘GOP Establishment’, just the flip side of the UniParty wooden nickle. We need an America First Democrat Party as loyal opposition to the Repubs. But for now, the choice is clear: GOP or Commie! Obama & Hillary built that!

August 3rd, 2018 at 10:50 am

GOP or Commie? So you consider everyone who is not GOP a communist? Even your neighbors? Your co-writers at Dolphin Talk? This kind of a “Join or Die” slogan is just what this country is suffering from. Get out of your dark nest and meet some of the wonderful people around you every day.

August 4th, 2018 at 4:11 pm

See you at the polls in November.

August 5th, 2018 at 4:02 am

I’ve often wondered if it’s possible for a real Trump supporter to articulate justifications for Trump and his actions with facts, logic and truth.

I’ve yet to see it. And this opinion piece only furthers the notion that it’s not possible to support Trump without lies, complete fiction, ad hominem attacks, unsubstantiated claims and false equivalencies – the only tools in the Trump cult’s tool box. Scare tactics, slurs and team first politics.
When you mine only far right propaganda sites for “news” you’re ripe for manipulation by propaganda. And it appears you have been swindled based on the bizarre fears and claims you assert.

We need an informed electorate that can utilize critical thinking and filter a variety of new sources. Nuanced debate. (That means that you might support some of what Trump does and reject other portions.) Civility. Country before party.
Instead we have yet again slurs and quips like “Libtard.” And very few facts. As with Trump, most all of your allegations are a confession- sad!

August 5th, 2018 at 9:21 am
Bill Brayshaw

A Federal Judge has ordered that the DACA Program be reinstated. That is completely unconstitutional and in fact, in violation of the Constitution and established LAW.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy
The policy, an executive branch memorandum, was announced by President Barack Obama on June 15, 2012.

Immigration Law is to be set by Congress and signed by the President! This is NOT LAW!
It is not even an Executive Order, but an “Executive branch memorandum” that changed “Policy”. Or a change in bureaucratic enforcement policy – to NOT ENFORCE the Law against certain individuals. There was no bill passed by Congress and signed into Law. There was not even an official “Executive Order.”, only a policy memorandum. It has about the “Legal Standing” of a take-out order to McDonald’s! Trump is well within his rights and duty as President to overturn it, declare it null & void, and go back to ENFORCING THE LAW AS WRITTEN!

These Lib/Prog Activist Judges allowed Obama to usurp powers not mandated by the Constitution, in DEFIANCE of the Constitution and their OATH to uphold and defend it! And that is how the DoJ should attack this “decision” on Appeal.

This “Judge” is wrong! Not only that, but he has it completely backwards! Trump is doing the Constitutional thing. His DUTY as Executive is to enforce the law. Congress has repeatedly REFUSED to pass any bill authorizing DACA, even though President Trump has asked them. DACA was never a Lawful program, only a “policy change” that violated existing law. Since it was never made LAWFUL, it has no standing in LAW. President Trump has a DUTY to enforce the LAW as written if Congress refuses to act. It is the Democrats that refused to vote for and pass a compromise act on DACA. They want unlimited immigration and Open Borders, no matter how damaging that is to our economy and the Safety and Security of American Citizens.

August 5th, 2018 at 9:22 am

I should have read the authors comments before stepping in. Had I done so, I would have realized I was wasting my time with a unreachable cultist. “It’s either R or Commie”

Sorry bud, I’ll continue to vote in the best interest of Texans candidate by candidate, issue by issue. And I won’t be swayed by Russia, hate or slander.

August 5th, 2018 at 9:26 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re; #23
I have tried to carefully point out that any victory for the “Democrat Party”, as it is being taken over by the Marxists, is a victory for “Commies”.
Therefore, any vote for any “Democrat” – AS the “Democrat Party” is CURRENTLY ORGANIZED is a vote for a Communist take-over of the Federal Govt.
Since it is a Multi-step Observation I will try to explain to the Simple Minded Humanoid:
1. Commies are taking over what used to be the “Democrat Party”, therefore, “Democrat Party” = Commie.
2. Any person elected as a “Democrat” is expected by Pelosi and Schumer to vote “Party Line”, not for the interests of the voters of their State or District. If they don’t, they will be ‘punished’.
3. The Official Position of the DNC is their platform, and it has been moved even further “Left” and International Socialist (Commie) this year.
4. The Communist Party USA declared in 2008 that the Democrat Party had adopted enough of the CPUSA Platform that they urged all of their “followers and fellow travelers” to join, support, and influence the “Democrat Party”.
5. Since the 2016 election, the chosen “leadership” of the DNC has moved radically to “socialist and Marxist”. They now embrace Open Borders, Sancuary cities, no enforcement, Non-citizens allowed to vote, and even more “Free Stuff” programs – healthcare, college, housing, food, “guaranteed wage”, among others. All furnished by the “Central Govt”. That is Commie!
6. If any “representative” elected as a “Democrat” will be coerced & forced to support the DNC (Commie) Agenda, and the DNC brags that the Socialist (Commie) agenda and those who support forcing it on the American People are “The New Face of the Democrat Party”; it stands to reason that the Commies are running the “Democrat Party” now.
7. The only thing standing in their way, and Defending our Constitution and Republic, is President Trump and the GOP.
8. Therefore, any vote for what once was the “Democrats”, is now a vote for the “Commies”. And failing to vote for the GOP to resist the Commies, and give the local & State Democrats a chance to “recapture” their Party, is acquiescing to the Commie Take-over.
So to simplify the decision of how to vote, “Any Vote that is not for the GOP, is in favor of, or acquiescing to, the Commies taking over the Democrat Party and the Federal Govt.”
Does that clarify it for you?
I realize that there are Hillaryites and Obamunists who are blinded by their hatred of Trump because he won the election, and he has turned the country around, and had economic success unimaginable under Obama or Hillary. But are they SO BLINDED by their hatred that they will willfully and intentionally give their party and our country to the Commies? And foreign invaders, to give the Commies the votes to take-over democratic elections?
THAT, SMH, is the decision you must make for yourself.
I firmly believe that the Commies will NOT win in America. However, they are demonstrating a willingness to try to take over by revolution and terrorism. That is crazy, because there are too many Americans that still believe in America and our Constitution.
Remember, the Texas Revolution started as an effort by Tejanos & Texians to force the Mexican Govt to obey the Mexican Constitution of 1824. Tyranny can only be safe when the last Constitutionalist gives up or is killed.
I can only hope that this linear, simplified explanation can help you. And remind you that “Socialism is the boot of Tyranny in the face of Humanity, forever”.

August 5th, 2018 at 10:41 am
Bill Brayshaw

Don’t you know that by referencing articles from sites like Rolling Stone, CNN, and NBC, you are only indicating your dedication to the LIB/Prog “spin” of the story? Obviously you are so indoctrinated into following the propaganda that you don’t realize CNN was called out for Fake News again on the Melania story.
And perhaps the “Separating Families” is the “low point” of Trump’s Admin. But it was caused by enforcing the LAW as written. It would be far better if the illegal invaders were turned back at the border immediately. The Fake Newsshowing pics taken during the Obama Admin and lying about others is definitely a “low point”. The little girl crying at Trump on the Time magazine cover was not separated from her mother. But that mother abandoned her husband and 3 other children to come here illegally.
And give any credence to a Rolling Stoned story in the NRA? You are joking, right? Guess not, indoctrinated to willfully believing anything, even in defiance to common sense.

August 5th, 2018 at 10:59 am
Bill Brayshaw

Wow! Candace Owens Copies Racist Tweets by Sarah Jeong but Replaces “White” with “Black” …. IS IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED!
I know SMH will scream that Gateway Pundit is a conservative site. That’s true, but it is an ACCURATE Site. It prints some of the actual tweets that tell the story.
This is typical of the Lib/Prog Media. If they didn’t have a double standard for “their people” they would have no standards at all.

August 5th, 2018 at 11:15 am

I have no idea who Candace Owens is, nor that dude Alinksy you’re always referencing, nor most of the people you mention on here.

You certainly do enlighten people on the deplorable side of POC!

August 5th, 2018 at 1:58 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #28 Nathan
Obviously you have the typical Lib/Prog tendency for “Transferance’. The only thing they have left is false accusations and false personal attacks agaist President Trump and his Admin. Where are their Programs? Open Borders? Free Stuff? Unlimited illegal immigration?
Trump was elected because he is for the American People. He has fought, exposed, and will defeat the Globalist “UniParty” faction of the GOP Establishment. And is is exposing and firing the “Senior Executive Service” of the Permanent Political Class that serve “The Swamp” and their own greed, not the American Citizens.
I understand why Lib/Progs don’t like Gateway Pundit, but he usually gives links to the original sources, actual quotes, and information that a person can confirm his sources. Unlike the “un-named sources” so popular in the Lefty Lib Propaganda Media.
I will fight, and have fought for you Right to vote for whomever you wish. You have the natural Right to be as foolish as you want to be as long as you don’t harm others. My efforts to explain what is happening is based on while I believe YOU have the RIGHT to ignore Reality, NO ONE can ignore the Consequences of ignoring Reality!
If you read carefully, I want past Democrats to support Trump to stop the take-over of the Democrat Party by Radical Marxists, Globalist, Power-crazed Opportunists, and other anti-American factions that I lump together under “COMMIES”!
Many of us have been fighting the Globalists, Wannabe Oligarchs, and Money Manipulators in the GOP for Decades! Trump has given us a leader we can trust. There are still “Bad Guys” in the GOP, but we are weeding them out. The “Really Bad Guys” in what was the Democrat Party are taking it over.
I for one, want “The Good Guys” to retake the Democrat Party so there will be a “Loyal Opposition”. There is only Resist and Obstruct to protect Hillary and now Obama from the consequences of their foolishness and criminality. We all need a healthy, pro-American “Democrat Party” so if the GOP Establishment gets “Too big for its britches” we have an easy choice to temporarily defeat the Bad Guys, so we the citizens can take it back. I don’t want to “destroy” the Dem Party, just the dangerous “National Leadership”. I have high hopes that after the Election this November, the local and State Democrat Parties will start to demand pro-American Candidates and a Pro-American agenda.
But… maybe that is too much to hope for. This current “Democrat Party” seems to be determined to destroy itself or America to get back the power it had under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. But what good did they do when they had the power?
Trump ran on “What do you have to lose?” by voting for the “OUTSIDER”. And look at the wonderful things that have happened in 17 months. Stop the stupidity, Resistance and Obstruction, and help Make America Great Again. Trump has tried to work with Dems for issues they want, but the DNC, Pelosi, Schumer, and their Fake News Propaganda Machine absolutely refuse! But they have given us the #WalkAway movement of “Recovering Democrats” thatsee what they do, not just listen to thesame old tired accusationf of the “Repubs are gonna….”
LOL! And you call the Trumpers “Cultists”? Do you even understand the meaning of the word? Compare Obama & Hillary to Trump’s speeches and what really happened. Obama & the Media was the text-book definition of a political “Personality Cult”. The Trumpers are all about “Trump’s RESULTS”.
Remember: You can ignore facts and reality, but you can NOT avoid the consequences of ignoring them.
Yeah, I get a little rude with SMH, but she has been a pain in the butt for along time. Typical Troll. Doesn’t care about the truth ofanything, just the “spin” she can try to put on it. I do enjoy the insults, though. Means I’m winning. And even if she is as rich as she claims, I’ll be much better off when the “SHTF” and it definitely will if the Commies take over the Democrat Party. If they don’t win the election, the Bolsheviks will try to “win in the Street”. She will lose if they win either way.
But, they won’t win with “Revolution”, at least not here in Texas. Too many vets, Combat Vets, and there is no ETS on the Oath.

August 5th, 2018 at 3:59 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #30 Nathan
There is no Russia collusion with Trump. Obviously with the Clintons and some with Obama. And all the real ‘hate” is by foolish Dem-Soc “Cannon-fodder” and your Media.
And as for Slander – it is all from the Hillaryites! They even paid for the false dossier, that even their ‘Do-boy” Comey admits is totally unsubstantiated. (that means “made-up”) And the FBI paid off for part of it. But they used it to get the FISA Warrant, in violation of law, they used something they knew was not true as evidence and swore to it. That will be coming out. The more they investigate Trump, the more evidence to convict Hillary & Obama, and all their minions, comes out. Trials and convictions are inevitable. After the election Trump told his supporters he did not intend to prosecute Hillary (because of Ivanka’s friendship for Chelsea), but the seditious “Soft Coup” that continues until today has made that prosecution unavoidable. And all involved will be exposed to stop the criminal sedition against the Constitution. And Hillary is totally responsible. The whole Obama Admin may be exposed as fraud. And all because Hillary wouldn’t shut up and go away, but had to push this criminal conspiracy against Trump’s presidency. The Russians try to influence our elections, just as we try to influence other countries elections. Obama even fooled around with our allies’ elections.
But that doesn’t fit the Dem-Soc Agenda’s “Official Truth”.

August 5th, 2018 at 4:25 pm

You have a lot of stuff circulating in that head. Not all of it is healthy.

August 6th, 2018 at 6:50 am

So, new uniforms for the Militia should be made I guess? Going for red? Or blue?

August 6th, 2018 at 6:51 am

I see the thrones sitting on Highway 185 every day. Are you on the one that’s painted like the Rebel flag? Toilet yard art. You gotta love this town.

August 6th, 2018 at 6:56 am

Bill, do you even live here? Nobody knows you except the publisher of the paper, apparently. I asked around, everyone said “Who?” And I looked on the county website, you don’t own any land or house in the county, but maybe you rent.

You don’t seem to be involved with any of our nice, community non-profits, or activities, and you never discuss the area in your lengthy list of complaints. Are you mailing this in from somewhere else?

Are you really the fake news?

August 6th, 2018 at 7:22 am
Bill Brayshaw

The toilet art is not mine.
I own 15 acres here, way off the highway.. Plus 1/2 interest on 2 acres on the island.
What is with you and “the militia”?
You need to worry about your own head. I seem “to be living in there rent free”. LOL!
If you are so curious about me, I’ve been repairing the hurricane damage on the Cobra helicopter in front of the VFW Hall. It is an AH-1S/F, but started life as an a AH-1G in Vietnam with A Trp 7/17 air Cav.. I flew Cobras my second tour in Vietnam with B Trp 7/17 Air Cav. And I am a FAA licensed Airframe & Powerplant mechanic as well as Commercial Pilot & instructor in airplanes single & multi-engine, land & sea, helicopters, & gliders.
Also small farmer/rancher, builder, sometimes boat builder, gunsmith, and general mechanic. So, lots of stuff in my head. Trying to keep you Lib/Prog Globalist parasites out of everybodies’ business.

August 6th, 2018 at 2:03 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Radical Leftist mobs attacked people in 3 liberal cities this week-end, but no news for the Lefty Fake News Media?
Antifa mobs attacked police and conservatives in Portland OR, Providence RI, and Bezerkeley, Califailure.
And the Lefty Tech Giants say “Adios” to the First Amendment.
Happy Birthday, OBAMA! You, Hillary, and all the Dem-Soc Leftists & Lib/Progs own that.

August 6th, 2018 at 2:13 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #34 SMH I missed this one earlier.
Your willingness and attempted viciousness in attacking me is exceeded only by you political ignorance. ROFLMAO!

Candace Owens is a young black woman – smart, educated, brave, and beautiful. A “Recovering Democrat” and a Constitutionalist & Conservative.
She was attacked today by a mostly white crowd of Antifa in Philly, that hurled their standards of “F*** your White Supremacy!” at her, and “F*** Racist Cops”!, even though she is black and the cops were mostly Black & Hispanic. Go to Gateway Pundit for Tweets and Videos. It is too stupid even for CNN, I guess. Or you would know all about it.
They hate her because she is a director at Turning Point USA, exposing the “Democrat Plantation” and encouraging the #WalkAways.
A poll last weekend showed Trump’s support among blacks is up to 29% and rising. Like the awful “White People”, most would rather have a good job and a future than lying promises and “Eternal Victimhood”.
And Democrat Strategists agree, anything less than 80% of the Black Vote, Dems can’t win in most districts. Even “Safe Democrat Districts”. That is why they need more poor, ignorant. govt dependent illegals, and get them the Vote! To Cast the Votes, Americans won’t!
As you keep saying, “See you in November!”

Saul Alinsky was a Marxist from Chicago that was a big Community Organizer. Made a fortune. Big hero to the radical hippies. Wrote a couple of books. “Rules for Radicals” was the most famous. “Dedicated” to Lucifer, his “hero” as the “First radical”. He was Hillary’s hero, she wrote her college thesis on him and his ability to “shake down” big companies by organizing strikes or the threat. Also was Obama’s early hero & mentor, along with Bill Ayers.
How can you possibly be a “Knowledgeable Liberal Democrat” and not know all about Saul Alinsky?
Or is that a conflict in terms? Or Oxymoron.
You really are funny!

August 6th, 2018 at 9:13 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Poll – 91& 0f Orthodox Jews give President Trump a “Satisfactory” rating. Another “Safe Democrat Voting Bloc” deserting the Dem-Socs.
Who’s the “Nazis”? Look at Antifa.

August 6th, 2018 at 9:23 pm

Sorry, baby, you keep calling me that name. But in truth, I am a Progressive Capitalist who votes in both parties for the candidate with the best solutions. And right now, that does not exist in the Republican Party of Texas.

Orthodox Jews were not lost by the Democrat party. They have always supported any candidate that pledges military defense of Israel. If you knew any Jews you’d know that, at least! Having lived in an Eruv, they are good neighbors yet devout to that issue.

August 7th, 2018 at 6:34 am

I know grammar and punctuation is a challenge for you. But if you notice, deplorable is lower case, as in the adverb use of the word. If I were labeling YOU as such, I would have capitalized the first letter (the way we were taught in 2nd grade), which would have indicated that YOU were the y’know D word.
While you label it a vicious personal attack on you, it is not, it is a descriptive of the disappointing level of educational, moral, and spiritual representation that your column displays.

August 7th, 2018 at 6:42 am

I know you wouldn’t see this in Calhoun area, but Dallas and Austin are full of “Republicans for Beto” shirts.

August 7th, 2018 at 7:00 am
Bill Brayshaw

You may “self-identify” as a “Progressive Capitalist” (or The Easter Bunny, for that matter), but you sound and support “LIB/PROG”!. And the Lib/Progs are going Full Marxist by their own admission calling Ocasio-Cortez “The new face of the Democrat Party.” THEIR words, not mine.
Note: In tonight’s Primaries ALL of Cortez’s endorsed Candidates lost. Get used to it.
And as for your “self-identification’, and knowing you as an ardent, even rabid Dem, I can only compare to how they use that with real things like “Gender”. If I had a dollar for all the Lib/Prog “Genders”, I’d have $2 and a stack of counterfeits.
Oh, so some “Commies” in Austin are making money printing “Republicans for Beto” T-Shirts? I’m sure they require a Republican Party Voter Registration Card to buy one, while they are signing up Illegals to Vote. Bato sure has jumped on the Ocasio-Cortez bandwagon. Or funeral carriage. Whatever they called the “Bring Out Your Dead” wagons they used during the Plagues in Europe.
Anyway, I don’t think all that Hollyweird and other Out-of-State money can buy him the seat. His only chance is vote fraud. Just saw an article that a precinct in Georgia with 276 Registered Voters, counted 670 votes with the “Absentee Ballots”. Is that your “Blue Wave”?
That and shutting down anyone that exposes the Lib/Prog Agenda? I don’t like Alex Jones, I think he is about 85% huckster and a “Chicken Little”, but I don’t want him shut down. Or Maxine Waters, AO-C, or even that obese insult to humanity – Rosey O’Donnell. Or the CPUSA.
When you talk about Fascists, what is it when Big Industries and Big Govt freaks get together to shut up the people? And use Neo-Bolshevics & Stalinists like Antifa to do it in the streets?
Think about that. Real definitions and historical truths, while you a picking away at my Mis-use of Capitalization for Emphasis.
You gotta a big High-Dollar Educashun? Damn shame it didn’t teach you to think clearly.

August 7th, 2018 at 10:37 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Joe DiGenova on the FBI & DoJ malfeasance of trying to destroy Trump.

August 10th, 2018 at 9:33 pm

Who cares what Joe DiGenova says? Was he elected by someone to be the say it all? No. Is he in a position to make a difference in the outcome of this case? No. He’s a shill, for this circus of a government, a rodeo clown who distracts the bulls from their target.

Let’s see what happens when it Mueller time. I’ll be cracking open a beer then, Chum.

August 12th, 2018 at 3:36 pm

And while you love to call me a an ardent Dem, I vote for at least one Republican in every election. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

August 13th, 2018 at 7:06 am
Bill Brayshaw

Mueller? Mueller is in so much trouble he better be shopping for a Criminal Defense Attorney for himself. Do you look at any news other than Dem Propaganda?
And you keep preaching the Dem-Soc Party Line! Why should I believe you ever read or consider anything else? The shock of an Original Thought and a cold drink of water would probably kill you deader than a rusty hammer. LOL! Rabid Dem-Soc is more like it.
If you can’t put any intelligent, logical argument, why don’t you just give it up? Silly insults are just….silly insults. Joe Digenova is quoting Federal Law, Constitutional Law, with proven precedents, but you don’t like what he says, so he he is a “nobody”? Look in the dictionary under “Self-deluded”, probably got your picture in there.
OH! And I just had another Cancer Screening- Cancer-free still. So your prayers to Beelzebub, or whatever, are wasted. LOL!

August 16th, 2018 at 8:20 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The Dem-Soc Party offers no practical programs for fixing anything and the Left’s Propaganda Machine offers nothing but lies to feed the hate and ignorance of the Marxist Power mongers.
“The difference between genius and ignorance is that genius has it’s limits”
Albert Einstein
Open Borders and a huge Welfare State are both BAD IDEAS, but in combination are FATAL! Look what is happening in the EU!

August 16th, 2018 at 8:56 pm
Untitled Document