“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
Unity & Prosperity or Divisiveness, Chaos & Failure
President Trump has proven the negativity of the previous Administration was false and wrong. 1.5 % growth is not “normal” or acceptable, and where Obama said “America will never see 3% annual growth again.”, he was obviously assuming Hillary would win in 2016. Trump blew through the 3% in a year and estimates for the current quarter are closing in on 5%! Some “Never-Trumpers” like Lindsey Graham have seen the light, moved to being supporters. The Democrat Socialists are infuriated by any success and Bill Maher is hoping for a recession. So he would rather see poverty, people thrown out of work, lose their homes, and be bankrupt rather than Trump succeed. Typical Libtard. And the “Secret” to most of Trump’s Economic Plans has been to stop doing all the bad things Obama and his Dem-Socs did, and overturning Unconstitutionally enacted “Regulations”! But to the hard-core Dem-Socs that is all “Hate, Racism, and Fascism”; obviously they don’t know the meaning of those over-used words anymore. Trumpism obviously beats Obamunism.
The Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine is still at Full Howl. Recent press release by the ‘Woman’s March’ about Trump’s Supreme Court pick began: “Womens March Statement on Trump’s Extremist SCOTUS Nominee: Washington D.C., In response to Trump’s nomination of X__X to the Supreme Court of the United States, The Women’s March released the following statement ….” They forgot to fill in the blank because the Nominee hadn’t been announced! They can’t wait to actually see WHO it is to get enraged, just that Trump made the nomination. Elections have consequences, Obama nominated, and his Dem-Soc “rubber-stamp” Senate confirmed two of the most unqualified, politically motivated, women that flagrantly lied in their confirmation hearings. Both are “Activist Judges”, try to “make law” rather than “interpret the Constitution”, could and should be impeached and removed based on video evidence of their own speeches and testimony. But they won’t be, because they are Democrats. The Dem-Soc “Resistance”, obstruction, and divisiveness has become ‘knee-jerk’, mindless, and never ending.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh is an excellent choice because he is non-political and non-activist. The Radical Left best shut up about “Theocracy & Abortion Rights” because I don’t think he will go out of his way, to pick that or any other political fight, just leave “established law” alone, unless there is good reason to question it. Personally, I’m a “moderate Pro-Choicer”, but I’d love to see the Abortion Lobby lawyers try to defend “Roe vs Wade”. It is wrong because there is no Constitutional Mandate to give that issue to the Federal Govt. It clearly belongs to “the States and the People” under the Tenth Amendment! And how can they justify taxing moral people that consider Abortion Murder to give abortions to women that are too cheap, lazy, or ignorant to use regular birth control, giving abortions to under-age girls without Parental Permission, partial birth abortions, or teaching all the immoral & destructive crap Planned Parenthood pushes? All under the guise of the “General Welfare Clause” of the preamble? Kill 60 million American babies and replace them with Illegal Aliens? It has been more “General Destruction”, and a National Embarrassment! But, reversing “Roe”, outlawing abortion at the Federal level, would be just as bad, it is still usurpation of powers that Constitutionally belong to the States. Let them deal with it as their citizen-voters see fit. That is democratic and Constitutional. For a change. If you don’t like abortions or guns, don’t buy one.
Trump’s accomplishments have caused most of the GOP Establishment, even RINOs, to change their minds or simply quit; which is a victory for the American People and Constitutional Govt. And an even greater victory is in the making, the #WalkAway Movement! Millenials, minorities, and traditional Liberals are abandoning the “Always Leftward shifting” Dem-Soc Party in droves. Their reasons may be surprising, even shocking to them, but obvious to Conservatives, especially those of us trying to wrest the GOP from the RINOs and The Swamp of Sodom-on-the-Potomac. “The Media is completely dishonest”, “They Dems don’t do anything they promise their voters”, “They don’t do anything for me, my family, or my community”, and “Why do they seem so anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-family?”, seem to be the leading complains of the “WalkAways”. ‘Revolutionary statements’ for recovering Democrats, but perfectly understandable to those of us who have been fighting Internationalists, Big Govt Fraudsters, and RINOs for decades!
The “WalkAways” are the key to increasing growth and prosperity by aiding Trump, and the added benefit to America if by handing a massive defeat to the Lib/Prog false leadership of the “Dem-Soc Party”, they can start restoring a “Democrat Party”, or simply start another party. We need a Loyal Opposition Party, but loyal to America and our Constitution, not this half Marxist, half Anarchist, Abortion is Everything, conglomeration that is the Dem-Socs! The DNC says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the future of the Dem-Soc Party? Then it needs to die, and quickly. Disbanding ICE? and basically all law enforcement. Open Borders? becoming the Welfare asylum for the world. And like Boston, let illegal aliens (Criminal Invaders) vote? Free this, free that? Who pays for it and how? More votes for radical Leftist Democrats that will drive out and replace the less radical Leftists and next election get even more insanely radical Leftists. Irresponsible voters elect irresponsible Representatives, that give us more irresponsible voters that will elect insanely irresponsible Representatives and “leaders”. The Dem-Soc Party has spun-out and entered a death spiral.
We need to take care of our own poor first. And try to economically assimilate the people already here legally. Hopefully they will assimilate totally into Americans first and forget all the past ethnic and racial strife. We must stop the political fighting that places some “victimhood” over citizens, the Constitution, and Rule of Law. When people like Schumer, Mad Maxine, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are rewarded with Media coverage and praise for spouting anti-Constitutional nonsense and lies for the benefit of THEIR Political Agenda, with no thought or care for the consequences; the security, unity, and even the survival of the Republic is at risk. We all better get behind Judge Kavanaugh, it could have been a lot worse. He might not be everything you want, but he is a Constitutionalist without an agenda.