Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Aug 18 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Hard to believe summer time in Port O’Connor is coming to a close. It’s been a record breaking 2018, with our new beach, every week it’s been packed full of families. Port O’Connor is so proud to have people and families come to our community and enjoy our beautiful new beach area.

With the growth of our community comes the need of updates, not sure how many people view the website portoconnorchamber.com, This year has been all about a new updated website, which we hope will be up and running soon – will keep you updated.
Last month the Chamber answered 87 phone calls. If you are a business and not a member of Chamber, you are missing out on all the advertising and information that is passed on, to our newcomers.

It has been decided that improvement in the area of the Little Jetties will be our next project, due to more and more people using that area.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Next meeting will be September 10th. You are invited to come out and join us at 6:30 pm in the Port O’Connor Community Center.

New & Renewed Members:

Josie’s Restaurant & Cantina
Sew Much More
Branding Works, LLC
Mitch & Ann Brownlee
The Two RV Park
Marvelous Garden, Inc.
Maxey Parrish
Marty’s Landing & Mama’s Kitchen

portoconnorchambercom     361poc@gmail.com  361-983-2898

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