R. V. Tips From T&A

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Aug 18 - Comments Off on R. V. Tips From T&A

We are in the Dog Days of Summer!  Ever wonder why July and August are called Dog Days?  In addition to being sultry, hot days, the star Sirius, in the constellation Canis Major (large dog), is very visible. Star Sirius rises in the East, at dawn, just as the sun begins to brighten the sky.

Although it is  hot and sultry, your R.V. still needs your attention.  The exterior skin requires care to stay in good condition. Let’s start with the top.  The roof may be made of a rubber type covering, metal or a polymer fiber material.  Industry terms are EDPM, TPO and Metal.

If of the rubber variety, it should be washed and treated, yearly at minimum ,(on the coast every 6 months is recommended) with a product that maintains its pliability. Untreated, it will dry, shrink, crack and leak. We have found Best, Cleaner and Protectant does a good job, at a reasonable price.

Once a rubber roof has deteriorated to the point of brittle cracking, replacement is the only way to “fix” it. This is one of the most expensive repairs on an R.V., so, regular care is a money saver.

Sometimes, life of a rubber roof  can be temporarily extended by a applying a thick polymer coating. This does not restore it, and the product can never be removed from the original rubber roof.

Metal roofs also need attention. Regular wash and wax will protect the paint from UV damage, help to  shed water and small debris. Check for rust, puncture holes, paint scrapes and seam separation due to loss of rivets and screws. Repair any damage to prevent further infiltration prior to washing.

All roofs should be checked regularly for separation away from vent pipes, roof vents, antennas, refrigerator vents, any opening in the roof.  Timely repairs will save the interior from costly damage!  An undectected intrusion can quickly damage roof, wall, and floor substructures.

Just an FYI here, some Extended Warranty contracts do not cover roof repairs or replacements.

The exterior wall skin needs to be washed and waxed at minimum, yearly.  In our beautiful, but salty, sandy coastal area, twice a year, if your RV lives here full time.  A mild automotive cleaner applied with water and soft brush will clean the surface.  A good rinse,and wax with UV protection will provide protection.  When washing, be sure to include the underneath!  Check slide rails, all rubber gaskets, dump valves, all hose connections, battery cables, and hinges. While you have tire covers removed, check tire tread and sidewalls for age cracking, and air pressure.

Do you store your  RV without power? Remove the Negative cable from the battery post, clean A/C filters, defrost and clean the refrigerator, (409 or Mean Green are acceptable non bleach products), let it dry totally, shut the door. Do not put an object between door and seal to keep it open. This compresses the seal, making it leak. Close all roof vents, cover the refrigerator, water heater, oven and furnace vents to prevent insects.  Close blinds and curtains. Turn off LP at tank.

Whew! Are you hot and tired now? Grab a cool drink, head for the patio, or A/C and the easy chair!

Need Supplies? Have Questions? Need Service?
Call or stop by T&A RV, 660 Lane Road, Seadrift, TX.
Tues thru Sat: 8am to 5pm
We  Appreciate ALL of our customer support!!!!

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