The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Aug 18 - 120 Comments

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. Mr. Brayshaw welcomes your comments.

Judge Jeanine’s Book & Pelosi’s Open Border

The Seadrift Library has a copy of Judge Jeanine Pirro’s new book – Liars, Leakers, & Liberals. And it is not just a condemnation of Democrats, but a real look at what has happened with the Deep State, “UniParty”, “Senior Executive Service”, Permanent Political Class, Globalists, and others that think the Federal Govt belongs to them, and not the Citizens of The United States of America. Everyone should read this book! Especially anyone confused or unhappy about why Donald J. Trump won the 2016 election, just read the first chapter, “Here’s My Open”. Only 9 pages, even the most rabid Anti-Trumper ought to be able to ‘tough it out’ through that.

This book shows Judge Pirro’s great ability to research the details of what really happened and is still happening, The Washington Establishment’s determination to maintain its “Status Quo”. The cover-ups for Hillary and the phony “Russian Collusion” were not just criminal acts by Democrat operatives, but widely supported by “So-Called Republicans”, professional bureaucrats, and people of both “Parties” that were involved or actively ignoring past criminal Malfeasance. Mostly for their own benefit & advancement.

Read the book, it will help you put it all together, to understand why American are so disgusted with “Politics as usual”, the “Media”, and all the lies and criminality.

August 8th, Nancy Pelosi, who hopes to win back her power as Speaker of the House gave a press conference in El Paso where she “described voting for Democrats as giving ‘leverage’ to illegal aliens.” In her remarks, Pelosi opted against distinguishing between lawful and unlawful immigrants, describing amnesty for illegal aliens as “inevitable for America.” Pelosi’s lust for power is such that she wants to change the demographics of America to get poor people that will ‘Cast the Votes Americans Won’t’ to put her and the “Democrat Party” back in control, even if they have to transform it into the Democrat Socialist Party.

Pelosi is from a district in California where San Francisco now allows Illegal Aliens to vote in local elections. Some may say, “It is only School Board elections.” but it is a start, and the big push is for all State and local elections. Once ‘Registered to Vote’, will there be any effort to keep them from voting in Federal Elections? The Dem-Soc dream of a “Blue Wave” is highly dependent on immigrants, even illegals voting, and vote fraud.

What we have here is a flagrant attempt to extend the most sacred Right of Citizenship -The Vote, to Criminal Invaders, obviously for the purpose of increasing that Party’s power at the expense of the Citizen/Taxpayers. The core problem of the “Broken Immigration System” is really ‘non-enforcement’, because Lib/Progs want to extend the rights of citizenship to these foreigners. The Welfare State benefits should only be available to Citizens! We have enough poor, sick, and injured (often our Military Veterans) to take care of. Constitutional Rights do not apply to foreigners, especially Criminal Invaders, there is no need for lengthy and expensive trials for those apprehended at the border, or in clear violation of a temporary visa. It should be like Traffic Court, the arresting Officers present their case and if there isn’t very clear evidence or circumstances to dispute it, the persons should be immediately transferred back across the border. They must be refused any entry. Visa violators must be deported.

Several other changes in policy need to occur. E-Verify for hiring. The false interpretation of the 14th Amendment that allows “Anchor Babies” and “Citizenship Tourism” must be stopped. Those women that give birth while here on a temporary visa, or especially illegally, are not fully “under the Jurisdiction of the US” as stated in the 14th Amend. Persons with expired visas and not eligible for extensions, must leave. It now costs us over $57 Billion/yr for Legal Immigrants! If their “Sponsors” will not support them, they must be deported at the Sponsors expense. Whether “Chain-Migration” or “Do-Gooder Refugee Programs”, those Sponsors must be responsible for their charges. Illegal Immigrants cost us over $100 Billion/year, Trump’s Wall is a bargain. Backed up by sensors, drones, more agents, whatever it takes. Money spent for American workers, rather than wasted on encouraging more Criminal Invaders. And why do racist groups like “La Raza” get any Federal funding? Isn’t their main purpose helping people of their “race” break our laws and feed off our welfare system? Isn’t that criminal “Aiding and Abetting”?

And the DACA program has no basis in Law! Not even an ‘Executive Order’! It was only based on a “Memorandum of policy” by the Obama White House, but now a Federal Judge rules, it must be “re-instated”? On what LAW does he base his decision? Instant overturn. And Trump offered a generous compromise for the DACAs, but Nancy Pelosi and other Dems refused. Let the DACAs blame them. Keep the people that enlisted in the military automatically, eligibile for citizenship at the completion of their first enlistment. The others should get the 50,000/yr “Visa Lottery” slots based on competitive grading for assimilation, or apply for other programs. The criminals and gang-bangers deported. A little common sense and actually reading the Constitution would go a long way to solving this “problem”. It was created for political power expansion by the “Socialists” and Cheap Labor for the “Robber Barons”; both are Anti-American.

120 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


I would recommend you read General Michael V. Garden’s book The Assault On Intelligence. Sobering and a search for what is true in a post-truth world.

August 18th, 2018 at 11:59 am

General Michael V. Hayden.

August 18th, 2018 at 12:00 pm
Bill Brayshaw

If you want to learn the real history of the Democrat Party and “Racism” and a little about the Marxist roots of the Fascists & Nazis, see:

August 18th, 2018 at 3:41 pm
Bill Brayshaw

General Michael V. Hayden was a “political General”, specializing in “Intelligence”. Obviously part of the Deep State, he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Pushing for the North American Union). He was CIA and NSA directors under Bush. He is now co-chair of the Bipartisan Group and a principal at the Chertoff Group, a security consultancy co-founded by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Chertoff co-chairs the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Immigration Task Force.
Major Deep State Swamp Critters.
I would read his book if I can find it -because good intel is “Reading up on the enemy”. He is to be expected to be a rabid Anti-Trumper. Making big money as a Deep State “Contractor” and a past member of the “Senior Executive Service, Military-Industrial Complex Division”.

August 18th, 2018 at 4:10 pm
Bill Brayshaw
Judge Jeanine, “I want the Mueller probe to go on and on”.
Basically because Mueller is hanging himself as well as exposing all the criminal conspiracy with Hillary, the DNC, Obama and his entire Admin as well as the FBI & DoJ to unlawfully monitor (spy on) the Trump Campaign and to try several times to involve them in scandals or criminal acts unsuccessfully. When this goes to trial, and it will have to now after all the FAKE NEWS publicity, Mueller and the FBI Cover-up for Hillary and trying to “railroad” President Trump is going to get the whole “Kit, cat, & kaboodle” CONVICTED!

August 18th, 2018 at 4:24 pm
Bill Brayshaw
“Democrats view socialism better than capitalism by a significant margin, according to a new Gallup poll, with 57 percent viewing socialism in a positive light against just 47 percent viewing capitalism positively.”
“Republicans are far more likely to view capitalism in a good light, with 71 percent saying they have a positive view in the Gallup survey. Just 16 percent say they view socialism positively.”
“Gallup noted the question wording does not define “socialism” or “capitalism” but simply “asks respondents whether their opinion of each is positive or negative.”

The last is because the Democrat Leadership and their Propaganda Media TELL THEM “Socialism is GOOD! and Trump is BAD, so Capitalism must be bad because Trump is a Capitalist.”
Most Democrats have little idea of what real “Socialism” is all about, especially the young.
The Democrat Platform is becoming More Free Stuff, Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts, Open Borders, Disband ICE (and actually most other Law Enforcement, too), Expand welfare for Immigrants, Let Immigrants vote, More Gun Control including confiscation, and Bring back all the “Regulations” of the Obama Admin. The unlawful ones that Trump repealed. Including The “Waters of the United States” that gives the Feds total regulation of all “waters”, including your fish pond or stock tank.
Also you can see how the Dem-Socs are using the Big Tech companies to suppress any “Freedom of Speech” that they don’t like. Big Business combines with Big Govt to suppress any opposition? Isn’t that what “Fascism” was in 20s & 30s?
It issimply “Politics as War”, they want back the power they had under Obama. Do whatever they want, ignore Congress, rule by Executive Order or Bureaucratic Regulation, tax everything, and very selective Enforcement of the Law. All backed up by “Activist Judges” and the Propaganda Media. “Dictatorship”.

August 18th, 2018 at 4:54 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Emails Show Junk Dossier Author Chris Steele Was Communicating with Mueller Special Counsel Well Into 2017
“New emails reveal Christopher Steele, the British author of the junk Russia dossier, was communicating with Dirty Cop Robert Mueller through Bruce Ohr.
Sara Carter obtained emails this week that show British operative Chris Steele was communicating with Mueller Special Counsel in 2017 during their investigation on Trump based on Steele’s junk dossier.
As Cristina Laila reported earlier Christopher Steele also discussed with Bruce Ohr about getting back into the FBI and the Mueller probe last year.
Emails Show Junk Dossier Author Chris Steele Was Communicating with Mueller Special Counsel Well Into 2017
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft August 17, 2018 225 Comments

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New emails reveal Christopher Steele, the British author of the junk Russia dossier, was communicating with Dirty Cop Robert Mueller through Bruce Ohr.
Sara Carter obtained emails this week that show British operative Chris Steele was communicating with Mueller Special Counsel in 2017 during their investigation on Trump based on Steele’s junk dossier.

As Cristina Laila reported earlier Christopher Steele also discussed with Bruce Ohr about getting back into the FBI and the Mueller probe last year.

Former British spy was fired by the FBI after they found he was leaking his junk report to the media.”

“In June 2017, Steele tells Ohr, “We are frustrated with how long this reengagement with the Bureau and Mueller is taking. Anything you can do to accelerate the process would be much appreciated. There are some new, perishable, operational opportunities which we do not want to miss out on.”

In October 2017, Steele notes that he is concerned about the stories in the media about the bureau delivering information to Congress “about my work and relationship with them. Very concerned about this. People’s lives may be endangered.”

And in November 2017, Steele, who is trying to engage with Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel, writes to Ohr saying, “we were wondering if there was any response to the questions I raised last week.”

Ohr responds by saying, “I have passed on the questions (apparently to the special counsel) but haven’t gotten an answer yet.”
There is much more to this story. Steele was paid by the FBI even after they knew he was paid by Hillary & DNC to “create” the Trump Dossier. After Steele was “fired” as a FBI source (contractor), he continued to push the Anti-Trump “Insurance Policy” even after Trump was elected . Bruce Ohr’s wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. During that time she got a Ham Radio License (voice), “speculation” by those that might know, say that it was to communicate with Brennan and other “Second Tier conspirators” (unconfirmed – Internet).
All these seditious money-grubbing, political whores to Obama and Hillary are hanging themselves. When it gets before a Jury without all the “Media” spin and “propaganda conditioning”, regular citizens are going to be appalled at these “Public Servants” that are supposed to be “The Highest Law in the Land” selective enforcement, spying, and outright lying to try and destroy Trump. Not just the lying to get FISA Warrants, but paid operatives trying to involve minor Campaign people in questionable schemes. (False Flag Ops).
The Russian lady lawyer that met with Don Jr. was a Steele “asset” through a Russian Oligarch Steele worked for. The Media tried for months to make a Big Deal out of that nothing meeting, because they had been told about in advance, I think. Waiting for that “shoe to drop”. Conspiracies inside of conspiracies.

August 18th, 2018 at 9:03 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Bruce Ohr Docs Show Christopher Steele “Very Concerned” About Comey’s Firing – “Afraid They Will be Exposed”

“New handwritten Bruce Ohr notes obtained by FOX News’ Catherine Herridge show dossier author Christopher Steele “very concerned” about Comey’s firing– “afraid they will be exposed.”

Text messages, emails and handwritten notes penned by twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr have trickled out to reporters over the last couple weeks showing the very deep connection Ohr had with Christopher Steele.

Bruce Ohr was acting as a backchannel for Steele after the FBI terminated him in November of 2016 for breaking protocol by leaking to the media.
A collection of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr’s emails, texts and handwritten notes, reviewed by Fox News, reveals that he was deeply connected to the unverified Steele dossier as well as its author and, during the presidential election campaign, the alleged government surveillance abuses involving a Trump campaign official.

Ohr wrote that Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy who wrote the salacious dossier, was “very concerned (abt) about [former FBI Director James] Comey’s firing — afraid they will be exposed.”

The Ohr documents shed more light on Steele’s activities before the presidential election. While Steele shopped the dossier to multiple media outlets, he also appeared to ask Ohr for help with a Russian oligarch — Oleg Deripaska — after rumors the U.S. might impose sanctions.

Congressional sources told investigative reporter Sara Carter this week that there is evidence the FBI knew Steele was shopping stories to the media before he was terminated from his gig as a ‘confidential human source’ yet they still gathered intel from him–this is a HUGE problem for the FBI.

Sara Carter also exclusively obtained new Bruce Ohr text messages from a Congressional source showing dossier author Christopher Steele panicking two days before James Comey’s March 2017 testimony.

Christopher Steele sent Bruce Ohr a panicked text message two days before Comey testified in a March 20th 2017 Congressional hearing the FBI opened a CI investigation into Trump’s campaign. “Hoping that important firewalls will hold,” Steele said.

Glenn Simpson wasn’t Bruce Ohr’s only connection to Fusion GPS, his wife Nellie Ohr also worked for the oppo research firm.

One curious detail about Nellie Ohr is that she obtained an amateur radio license on May 23rd, 2016.

Was evading NSA surveillance the motivation behind her operating a ham radio?

Nellie Ohr also previously worked for the CIA and was a corrupt Communist sympathizer who spoke fluent Russian–both important pieces of information the fake news media glosses over.

Bruce Ohr will appear before the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committee on August 28th for a closed-door interview.”
The Conspiracy is unraveling. That is why John Brennan is having fits about losing his Security Clearance and access to what is being discovered.
Brennan is guilty as “homemade sin”. He is going down, too.

August 18th, 2018 at 9:14 pm
Bill Brayshaw
Sara Carter With Lou Dobbs: FBI Was Using Bruce Ohr ‘As SpyGate Backchannel (video)

August 18th, 2018 at 9:19 pm
Bill Brayshaw

There is a “whistle-blower” about Halper being paid almost a half million dollars to spy and try to involve Trump Campaign people in “questionable” things, that was demoted under Obama. He was an “Agent Provocateur” for the FBI!
That is going to be an interesting story when it all comes out.

August 18th, 2018 at 9:27 pm
Bill Brayshaw

HUGE=> Pentagon Analyst Demoted/Stripped of Security Clearance After Questioning “Exorbitant Contracts” to Trump Campaign Spy Stefan Halper

“It has been widely reported that the Obama administration had a spy working inside the Trump campaign.

The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work with the US government that included spying on the Trump campaign.

After the election Halper pitched himself for a senior Trump admin position.
Stefan Halper was promoting Hillary Clinton publicly while he spied on the Trump Campaign.
In the fall of 2016 Pentagon analyst Adam Lovinger complained to his bosses about Stefan Halper’s exorbitant contracts.
In May 2017 Adam Lovinger was stripped of his security clearance for speaking out against the questionable contracts to Stefan Halper.

Adam Lovinger was dispatched to the NSC from the Pentagon following General Mike Flynn’s departure from the White House. Lovinger, an ally of Flynn, was reportedly removed by White House official H. R. McMaster.”

“A Trump-supporting Pentagon analyst was stripped of his security clearance by Obama-appointed officials after he complained of questionable government contracts to Stefan Halper, the FBI informant who spied on the Trump presidential campaign.

Adam Lovinger, a 12-year strategist in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, complained to his bosses about Halper contracts in the fall of 2016, his attorney, Sean M. Bigley, told The Washington Times.

On May 1, 2017, his superiors yanked his security clearance and relegated him to clerical chores.

Mr. Bigley filed a complaint July 18 with the Pentagon’s senior ethics official, charging that Mr. Lovinger’s superiors misused the security clearance process to punish him. He said his client complained about excessive “sweetheart” deals for Mr. Halper and for a “best friend” of Chelsea Clinton.

“As it turns out, one of the two contractors Mr. Lovinger explicitly warned his ONA superiors about misusing in 2016 was none other than Mr. Halper,” Mr. Bigley wrote in his ethics complaint, which called the contracts “cronyism and corruption.”

August 18th, 2018 at 9:43 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thursday, August 16, 2018
Poster Boy/Girl For Public Education

Yes, there is something worse than socialists winning elections in America: socialists so uneducated/stupid they don’t even know they’re socialists.

Christine Hallquist, after winning Vermont governor primary: “I’m Not Sure I Even Know What Socialism Is.”
“So I just don’t have the background to answer that question.”

I don’t blame Christine – who’s running on a socialist platform of universal health care and free public college – for not knowing he’s a socialist, heck, he doesn’t even know what gender he is.

But come on, people of Vermont, you can still tell the difference, right?
I think the younger Dem-Socs have been indoctrinated in ignorance by our Public Screwools to believe the Socialism means people are “Social”. At least that is what several college students interviewed on TV have said.
But this he/she is old enough to know better. But being a Lib/Prog maybe not.
The short answer is Marxist totalitarianism, a transition stage of Govt take-over to move to Communism and “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”. Single Party domination of a highly centralized govt that controls practically everything, and criminalizes any opposition or refusal to obey the State.
All these “new” ‘Dem-Socialists’ running for office on “Socialism” that can’t clearly define it and its history are either LYING, or just using the Democrat Party as a vehicle for their own agenda – whatever it may be.
In this case, Identity Politics as a Transexual. I support his/her “right” to be stupid, but not if it is paid for by Taxpayers or is taught to children as “affirmative life-style”. Certainly not as political party or Govt policy “goal”.

August 19th, 2018 at 11:38 am

Another good read would be Blake Farenthold’s deposition from earlier in the month regarding the no-bid lobbying contract he’s receiving from the local port authority. In addition to leaving taxpayers to pick up the $84,000 harassment settlement, we’re now paying him $160,000 A year. Looks like the swamp came home!

August 19th, 2018 at 12:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw

This past week polls on “Black support for President Trump” has increased to 31% last Monday and 36% on Thursday! This is very important! Dems can’t win without a minimum of 80% support from Black Voters and a similar high percentage of Hispanics.

See why:
Black Enterprise reported:

African American business owners are on the rise. According to the Minority 2018 Small Business Trends survey, the number of black-owned small businesses in the U.S. increased by a staggering 400% in a year-over-year time period from 2017 to 2018.

The new survey, which was conducted by Guidant Financial and LendingClub, interviewed more than 2,600 business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. It found that 45% of all small business in the country were owned by minority ethnic groups in 2018. This is a dramatic uptick from 2015 when the total percentage of minority business owners was 15%. The largest minority group of respondents were African American at 19%, followed by Hispanic at 14%, Asian at 8%, and Native American at 4%.

Of the African American small business owners surveyed, 63% identified as men and 38% as women. Most fell between the ages of 40 to 49 with 28%, while 25% were between 50 and 59 years old, and 22% are 30 to 39. The research also showed that the highest volume of African American entrepreneurs lives in Texas, followed by Georgia, California, Florida, and North Carolina.
“The research also showed that the highest volume of African American entrepreneurs lives in Texas,”
This is great! 400% increase over what Obama had after 8 years in office! Mostly by turning around Obama’s terrible economic policies. These are incredible numbers from “Black Enterprise”! Not some GOP site.

August 19th, 2018 at 1:39 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re: Blake Farenthold.
Blake Farenthold is Old News! He resigned and supposedly paid back the Congressional Slush Fund that makes those pay-offs.
Also about 80% of the pay-offs’ and a vast majority of the money paid out is for Democrats! Most never resign, no matter how bad, or how many times they are busted.
If he doesn’t come through for the Port Authority, I’m confident he will be fired! Especially with this “No-Bid” mess! That sounds like Democrats! Not Texas Repubs, so I’m sure there will be a stink raised if he doesn’t come through.
Why don’t you do the research on all the others whose law-suits were paid off by that fund and tell us in detail: Name, Party, years in office, State, and details of their offense and damages awarded. Then we would have something to discuss rationally.

August 19th, 2018 at 2:17 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Justice with Judge Jeanine 8/18/18 Video
Judge Jeanine discusses the Mueller Investigation latest, Bruce Ohr, John Brennan & Security Clearances, and more.

August 19th, 2018 at 5:46 pm
Bill Brayshaw

On Security Clearances.
I had a Top Secret Security Clearance when I worked for Atomic Power Division, Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. as a design draftsman in R&D. I left in 1965 to join the Army to fly helicopters & go to Vietnam.
Security Clearances are given for the convenience of the Govt. And they last only for the convenience of the Govt. When you leave a Govt or Military Contractor job and try to use your Clearance to access information that is no longer in your “Need to Know”, that is (or was) a crime. My Clearance was not “revoked” but I had no reason to use it. However, as a pilot in Vietnam, I was assigned some missions because I had the highest clearance of any of the “line pilots”. My Clearance was ‘re-activated’ and I got ‘The Lecture’ suited to the mission(s). It was at the Convenience of the Army (Govt).
Brennan has no “Right” to a Security Clearance, he has no Govt Job that requires it. In fact, he has long been involved in a conspiracy to try and overthrow the President. If the laws as I knew them were enforced, he would be in jail waiting trial, just for accessing Classified Info after he left Govt Service. He really needs to be in jail waiting trial for Sedition, and various other very serious crimes.
Why do the Lefties talk about his “Right to a Security Clearance”? That is a lie. And a serious violation of National Security to tell that lie to the uninformed voters.

August 19th, 2018 at 6:10 pm

Tell me, Bill. What would it take for you to decide to put your finger on the lanyard, lined up on a Liberal, for your citizens militia? And how could you see that as being a good American? If not taking up arms against the hoards of wrongness (who include your neighbors and cowriters), who exactly would you be standing up to? Russia? Hah. No. They are just going to hack the electricity and banking systems and shut things down. Hard to shoot someone a continent away. How long could you last without cash, gas at $100/gallon, no air conditioning and no medication? You’re pretty tough, but look around you. How many would give it up to have their daily comforts? Many would.

You have drank the Kool Aid, and no longer see the merits of truth or Or good. Which is why you never have a decent thing to say or talk about the issues facing our community.

August 19th, 2018 at 7:09 pm

If you read the deposition you’ll see where Mr. Farenthold adamantly refuses to pay the money back now. He gave that deposition 3 weeks ago. So. No. He is not going to pay it back. I have no problem outing the rest of the politicians who used the account. Republicans have the Congressional majorities and Executive office, they would be in charge of that, wouldn’t they? Why don’t we ask them?

August 19th, 2018 at 7:16 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re; #19
You live in Libtard Fantasyland. There is no “militia”, only Patriots. And there is no “militia organization” anymore. If there is one somewhere it is run by the BATF and FBI as a sting to trap unwary Patriots. There are Patriot internet groups like the III Percenters, but I don’t even join them.
What you envision is the dystopia that will result from your beloved Progressive Socialists getting power, trashing the economic revival, & flooding the country with foreigners for potential Socialist votes.
As for me, I’ve been a “Survivalist” and “subsistence farmer” since the 70s. No problem other than defending it. If it gets too bad, I can buy or steal a sailboat and go to sea. I was a “Cruising sailor” for about 5 years. In the fall you can plant crops on uninhabited islands without large herbivores and maybe get a harvest. Low tech. Nobody with skills starves where the sea meets the land.
I picked this area for survivabilty. The whiny-babies will go to the Lib cities, or “Get with the Program”. People in this area are capable of creating their own ‘wealth’, if the Govt regulations are out of the way. If “Gas is $100 a gallon”, there will be local small refineries long before, and the same worthless ‘$100’ will be the going price for a dozen eggs or tomatoes. You see paper money as a constant, but it is being de-valued to nothing. Look at Venezuela! Million % inflation.
Our ‘Dollar” was worth 1 Dollar in silver coins until 1964, then was “backed by the full faith and credit of the United States” for many years. Now it says “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private”. Whatever that means, if you don’t have a say in deciding what the “debt” is.
Libs are incredibly stupid, you want to give more power to govt run by people that believe in failed theories and don’t know how to produce food or build an outhouse to crap in if they can find something to eat.
I learned long ago: Food, tools, and ammo will get you through times of no money, better than money will get you through times of no food, tools, or ammo. Think about it. “Comfort” is optional, a luxury, a potential reward for successful production. Air Conditioning is now a “necessity”? Ha! Ha! As the Great Philosopher, John Wayne said, “Life is hard, and it is even harder if you are stupid.”
Production takes “Capital” and Labor. Real “Capital” is tools, not just “money”, and skill appropriate to the immediate goal is what makes “Labor” valuable.
TV Consumerism is driving “High Expectations” that is ruining our youth and culture. Dem-Soc “Vote-Buying” with the Welfare State feeds the destruction. Now the Dem-Soc desire for “Open Borders” to get new “voters” to “Cast the Votes That Americans Won’t”, is going to create the perfect conditions for a Communist Revolution.
If the NRA, Repubs, and American Patriots were “The Problem”, since we have about 400 million guns and literally Trillions of rounds of ammo, you would already know it.
Constitutionalists believe in Equal Rights! Until some idiots in Govt try to take ours away. “Socialists” are too lazy and cowardly to steal for themselves, so they vote for “Socialists” in Govt to steal from the Productive to give them what they WANT, but can’t or won’t EARN.
That right there is Lib/Prog “Socialism”, the greedy, ignorant, and lazy electing the even greedier, but smarter and more devious, to GET “money” that is constantly being devalued, to buy votes from people with no real investment in the country. Vicious circle of economic, societal, and cultural collapse.
How long do you think that will work?
But never fear! Come the Revolution, the winners will have the world’s richest junkyard to loot! If competent people win, we will rebuild, and the lessons learned will prevent more Marxism, Socialism, or Fascism for a few generations at least.
So, if there is going to be a Revolution? Bring it on! Get it over with while I’m still mobile, agile, and hostile to fully participate! And lets get on with Making America Great Again. One way or another.

August 20th, 2018 at 11:58 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #20
Farenthold is old news. He is out. Not my problem.
Your big problem with “Outing” the rest is you know they are 80% or more Dems.
And as for the RINOs in Sodom-on-the-Potomac outing the DINOs, you know that is not happening as well as I. They are scared spit-less of your Lib/Prog Propaganda Media! Might call them “RACIST!”!
So let us all elect a new crop of Republicans to back Trump and Drain the Swamp, expose and throw out ALL the crooks of both sides of the Deep State Uniparty, and them we can rebuild a Pro-America Democrat Party, to keep the Repubs honest, and all start to re-build a Constitutional Govt!
Perhaps even with “Inflation-Proof” money! Hallelujah!

Lord, Have Mercy! I think I’m gonna faint, or cry, or something!

Naw. You want Crooked Hillary to be Prez. Because it’s “her turn” for putting up with Bill, all those years.
Nevah hoppen, G.I. (LOL!)

August 20th, 2018 at 12:18 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And you ought to quit picking on Blake. Poor guy, “Whining and Begging” is obnoxious, but not real “Sexual Harassment”, especially at cocktail parties. Pathetic, but not criminal.
Just proves the horrible “Double Standard” for behavior in DC, as judged by the Lib/Prog Media. They hated him because he was a pretty good Congressman for our district. And, barring a Miracle, poor little fellow still has a Life Sentence of Ugly.
But I’ll admit you are right, that he should pay back the money. He said he would, and he should. Being honest takes off a lot of the natural ugly. At least for men.

August 20th, 2018 at 1:32 pm

So What, exactly triggers a Revolution? Liberals gaining power again?

August 21st, 2018 at 6:43 am

For instance a bunch of kids tearing down an old metal statue, breaking the law, but protesting regardless? Would you chose to label them Antifas and line up on them?

August 21st, 2018 at 7:07 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re# 24. Hostile criminal action, not politics is the key to legal defense. I think you are being intentionally obtuse, but will give you the benefit of the doubt.
We have a “failure to communicate”. I will try to explain again.
Constitutional Patriots will not start it. The ‘Constitutional Militia’, “being the whole People minus certain Public Officials” are ‘Reactive’ or defensive of the Constitution. They can not lawfully, and will not, “start it”.
The far left of the Democrat Party since the 1960s has talked “Up the Revolution!”. Currently the militant arm of the Lib/Progs, “Antifa” and others, are practicing pre-revolutionary violence on anyone they claim is their “enemy”. They have even openly talked about attacking peaceful demonstrators for Prayer Meetings and the Second Amendment with firearms. The first shot by THEM, means “Katey bar the door!” and “clear the field of hostile combatants”. They have gotten away with too much for too long, been excused from prosecution by Democrat officials, and praised by your Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine. Enough is enough.
As for ‘Individual Assaults’, simply follow the law: use what force is necessary to stop the attack. If the assault is life threatening or a threat of serious bodily harm, deadly force is authorized.
I believe every responsible adult should get a CHL, learn the law, and be mentally committed to defend your person, family, property, and community if necessary. I also believe, as a man, we have a moral responsibility to defend the weak, women, children, and the aged from criminal attacks, according to the law and our ability. Being an American, a Constitutionalist, and a veteran, 4 times sworn to Protect and Defend the Constitution, only increases that duty.
It is really very simple. You have the Constitutional right to speak, and demonstrate, as long as you stay within the law. I don’t care stupid or harmful your cause may be, you have the right. But so do people that oppose your causes.
I personally consider “Antifa”, “BLM”, and other such groups, on the same footing as Woodrow Wilson’s encouragement of the KKK, the Fascist Blackshirts, or Hitler’s Brownshirts, all products of Progressive Marxism, anarchy, and greed for power.
I hope this explanation is sufficient. It is not the Federal Govt, or Trump that has my loyalty, but the Constitution. But I will say, though Candidate Trump never claimed to be a real Constitutionalist, his actions as President Trump, though I suspect motivated by pragmatic practical common-sense solutions, have shown him to be a very strong Constitutionalist! And the Lib/Progs hate that!
The Constitution creates the Federal Govt and gives it limited powers. The Lib/Progs want a powerful Central Govt to dictate to the States and the People. The Dem-Socialsts had great ‘success’ under Obama usurping powers from the States and the Citizens and expanding the power of the Bureaucracies to dictate ‘regulations’ under color of law, but without Constitutional law. THey can’t get the laws they want through Congress, even under Obama, so they have Activist Judges “Rule from the bench” to enact Marxist principles and policies they favor for political expedience and to ‘buy votes’.

August 21st, 2018 at 9:19 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, Re. #25
First, I do not “label” people as Antifa or other violent orgs. THEY label themselves. They are mostly lead & encouraged to crimes by hired thugs paid by individuals and political orgs that intend to somehow profit from the chaos. Typical Commie.
This case is obviously college kids, some ideologues encouraged by Progressive Socialist Professors, many just ‘going along’ for the entertainment, and others just are criminal thugs.
It is a crime to destroy public or private property. All should be thoroughly investigated, perpetrators tried, and punished. Including any college “officials” that encourage this. This is part of Marxist “erasing history” to create their ‘New Reality’. Excusing this behavior, for any “reason”, only encourages more of it. The Commies are ‘conditioning’ these young, foolish, sometimes idealistic people to criminal acts to be the “cannon fodder” in their “Socialist Revolution”.
If you read history, Marxism, and how the Bolshevic, Fascist, Nazi, Castro, and other Revolutions came to pass you will see the obvious parallels.
The Fabian Socialists (or Liberals, Progressives) correctly used the ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”, a wolf covered in a sheep-skin, as their symbol. They are Marxists, but try to disguise that fact until they can get others to create their Revolution (and do the dirty work and the dying) for them. Then these “Intelligensia” step up with organization and plans to “solve the problems” of the CHAOS THEY INSTIGATED. If their Revolution fails, they are merely Theoreticians, Professors, and writers studying Human Socialism, not honest revolutionaries like Lenin. Trotskt, and Che Guevara. But all power-mad criminals, seeking power to dictate to others and kill all opposition.

August 21st, 2018 at 9:50 am
Bill Brayshaw

Dear SMH,
I must tell you how much I appreciate your questions. I realize your probable intent was to try to ridicule me, or try to get me in some violent tirade, but that is immaterial. I sincerely Thank You for the opportunity to try and explain clearly.
Sorry for the Typos. I’m in too much of a hurry to get these answers to you (and hopefully other readers) to proof-read thoroughly. I really need an “Edit” function.

August 21st, 2018 at 10:00 am
Bill Brayshaw

“I’m pro-choice on lightbulbs.”
“An Obama administration decision to ban incandescent light bulbs was based on a misunderstanding of the law, according to the Department of Energy, meaning those faithful products that had been in use for a century may be returning.”
“The original campaign to ban incandescent bulbs was criticized as one of the “most blatantly unconstitutional and amazingly stupid congressional acts,” inspiring the creation of a bumper sticker that states “I’m pro-choice on lightbulbs.”

Opponents of the ban argued incandescents have benefits not offered by alternatives.
I have a light in the chicken house and pump house and many in the barn. Most don’t get used 10-20 hours a YEAR! But when you need them you NEED THEM! So why can’t I have a 50 cent lightbulb? Instead of a $4-5 one that will rust to the fixture before it ever reaches it “useful life span”?
Bureaucratic micro-management to satisfy some idiot Enviro-Nazis! One size does NOT fit all, and neither do light bulbs! THey forced us to buy bulbs that were over 10 times expensive and didn’t last more than twice as long- though promised to last 7x longer, and were a serious poison hazard ! None lasted long enough to ever justify the cost because we have WINDOWS and natural light in the day time. If you live in a Concrete Cave or stay up half the night, it might make sense, but not for us.
Another case of Govt Dictatorship, violating the Constitution, to satisfy some fuzzy-brained experts that have no idea of how people live in the country! Or care! By Marx! They are going to make you Do Right!
Thank God, some common sense has come to the Federal Govt. But not for long if the Democrat Socialist have their way!

August 21st, 2018 at 9:34 pm
Bill Brayshaw

After over a month of searching, Mollie Tibbetts’ body was found, and Christhian(?) Riviera, a 24 year old Illegal Alien (Criminal Invader) that worked as a farm-hand, was charged with er murder. He had been in the area for 4 years(?). He claims he “blacked -out” during the murder.
This is what Nancy Pelosi want to “equalize” with Legal Immigrants and “must” be given citizenship?
People who are willing to commit crimes to even get here, aren’t they already pre-disposed to commit greater crimes? Mollie’s rape and murder appears to be a “crime of opportunity”, Mollie was alone out on a run. Is his claim of a “Black-out’ going to give Liberals an excuse to somehow “excuse” this brutal rape/murder?
There is a huge Double Standard of “crime” embraced by the Lib/Progs. While Pelosi demands a pathway to citizenship for the woman that drags her children across a dangerous desert in summer, and wails about children over 5 yr/old being separated from criminal adults when caught; she ignores the fact that American Citizen parents would be charged with “Child Endangerment” at least for the same act. And their children would be separated from them, turned over to “Family Services”. The Criminal Invader can get their children back by simply agreeing to be deported. Which by any reasonable standard of Justice is what should happen anyway!

August 22nd, 2018 at 7:51 am

Bad day for Republicans yesterday. And the end is very near for Trump. Will it be disguised as a medical necessity? Or as a legal action by Mueller and his team? Just in time for the midterm elections. Stay tuned.

August 22nd, 2018 at 9:54 am

The last paragraph of The Atlantic article explains exactly why we’re witnessing an increasingly unhinged Twitterer-in-Chief:

“Trump’s whole philosophy of life is of a kill-or-be-killed competition. It’s an old question: Is Trump an authoritarian or a crook? The answer is shaping up. Trump must be an authoritarian precisely because he is a crook. The country can have the rule of law, or it can keep the Trump presidency. Facing that choice, who doubts what Trump’s answer will be, or the answer of his supporters?”

August 22nd, 2018 at 10:19 am

Another young woman and her two baby children were killed in Colorado. By her American born husband. I do not estimate that Molly’s murder was more evil than the other based on who did the killing, they are both equally evil events. Nor do I follow the math that all illegal immigrants are tainted by this murder’s act, just as I don’t assume every husband is a possible wife/child killer. That is just a false equivalency.

August 22nd, 2018 at 10:29 am

General Michael V. Hayden served both Republican and Democratic Presidents. He earned his four stars through a 38 year career in the United States Air Force. He does not, and has not ever, claimed a political party affiliation.

Here’s some other things he’s never done. He never claimed a waiver from fighting in Vietnam due to bone spurs. He’s never cheated on all 3 of his ex-wives, because he’s still happily married to his first. He’s never bragged about grabbing women by their pu$$y, nor bragged about walking in on naked young women in the dressing room of his Beauty Awards show. He’s never had an affair with a Playboy Bunny (while his wife was pregnant) nor a Porn Star (after his wife delivered a baby). He’s never been implicated by his own attorney of conspiring to defraud the public in order to sway the election.

General Hayden is not under any investigation at all, and yet you label him an “enemy” in your comment #4. Your values speak volumes.

August 22nd, 2018 at 11:23 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, Re: Cohen Case
I have been waitng for you to bring this up! Thank you again!
1. Nothing to do with RUSSIA, so why is Mueller even bothering with this. Cohen may be guilty of Tax problems, but that belongs in Tax Court, not the Rusia Collusion Special Investigation.
2. All this “Evidence” is Fruit of a Poisonous Tree.
3. FEC says paying off a woman for a Non Disclosure Agreement has nothing to do with the Campaign.
4. How is it a “Contribution” if he expected to be re-paid? It was a business deal between Lawyer and Client. Prosecutorial Malfeasance traded low sentence on actual crimes for some weird confession to a Non-crime.
5. Weird Confession – why would Cohen not name Trump? Because there is a problem with both perjury and libel here, as well as Lawyer-Client privilege. This is NOT going away!
6. Mueller doesn’t care about Law or Justice, only about the Media Headlines the Democrats want. He knows this won’t stick.
7. There was no complaint from the bank about Bank Fraud… So where is the justification for the charge? Cui Bono? Were the payments made on the loan?
8. Trump had nothing to do with the loan. So where’s the crime?
THERE IS NONE on Trump or his Campaign! All smoke and mirrors.
Obama had $375,000 of FEC FINES levied against his 2008 Campaign for actual mis-handling of actual campaign funds!
Hillary STOLE some $83 MILLION of State Party Campaign Contributions in 2016! Even Donna Brazile admitted it in an attempt to shame her into giving it back.
The willful violation of a Non Disclosure Agreement makes the violator liable for damages. Do you think that is going away? And her demented lawyer has involved himself in a criminal conspiracy. And WHO is paying him? Big Question!
The Democrats, Hillary, and the Deep State are pulling this crap on The American People to frustrate and destroy the Trump Administration.
It is Sedition against a lawfully elected President. The American Voters don’t care who Trump was screwing in 2006. Bill Clinton got away with rape, many sexual assaults, lying about under Oath, and using a young intern as his “Comfort Woman”. And he didn’t even pay her, but managed to “blame” her, with the help off the lying Fake News Lib Media.
This is just the Same Old, Same Old. Only going to piss off the Thinking People.
Securing the Border, getting the Criminal Invaders off our Welfare System, stopping the crime, especially from the Criminal Invaders, and Reindustrializing America with good jobs producing good products is what is important.

August 22nd, 2018 at 12:46 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #34.
What a lousy stupid excuse for defending illegal aliens!
No not all Criminal Invaders are MURDERERS, but they are all CRIMINALS by breaking the law coming here! And a very high percentage are murderers, or kill Americans in other ways, like drunk driving.
Read the statistics. Dems claim only about 11 Million illegals here(that’s a lie) or about 3% of the population. Illegals are about 25% of the prison population in many states. Why is it any percentage higher than 3% if they weren’t dangerous people?
Stupid Libs want to take all the guns away from American Citizens “If it will just Save One Child!”, but won’t let Trump secure the borders or even Deport the bad Gang-Bangers? GET REAL!
32% of Federal Prisoners are Immigrants!
It is an accepted fact that Legal Immigrants commit fewer crimes than Native Born Americans, except certain ethnic or ‘religious’ groups.
Illegal Aliens are recognized as high in convictions for Drunk Driving homicides, Rapes, and Child Molestation/Rapes.
Do you want to excuse those too?!?
You aren’t that stupid. Just too much listening to Pelosi and company. You know she lies, but you WANT to believe in the Dems so much, you will give her a pass. Illegal Aliens too?

August 22nd, 2018 at 1:33 pm

Hillary’s $83 million fake scandal? The same method of fundraising used by the Trump organization because the courts allowed an expansion loophole? Show me the money, boss. Where’s the beef? Any indictment? Only in the right wing press does this conspiracy “crime” exist. Same with the $375,000 in FEC violations with the Obama, this was a civil fine for not filing reports within 48 hours of receipt, not criminal crime of paying hush money to a porn star in order to silence her and influence the election, which is why Obama was never prosecuted and Cohen was, and why Trump, when he’s out of office, may still face the music.

But then, he wasn’t elected by a majority of the citizens, was he?

August 22nd, 2018 at 1:36 pm

You may not have noticed, but Nancy Pelosi is not our Senator. She was voted into office by the citizenry of California. They probably don’t like our Senators much either, and I get that. But they don’t get to vote in our elections. That’s how the Constitution rolls, man.

Your quote from Cool Hand Luke is the one spoken by the authoritarian “boss” of the prison, who thinks that he can “beat” the independence out of people. That’s very ironic and says a great deal of your state of mind, but I don’t know if you get that.

I prefer the great words of Crosby, Stills and Nash:
Speak out you got to speak out against the madness
You got to speak your mind if you dare
But don’t, no don’t, no, try to get yourself elected
If you do you had better cut your hair, mmm

And it appears to be a long
Appears to be a long, mmm
Appears to be a long time
Such a long, long, long, long time before the dawn

It’s been a long time comin’ (Long time comin’)
It’s goin’ to be a long time gone (Long time gone)

But you know
The darkest hour
Is always, always just before the dawn

And it appears to be a long
Appears to be a long
Appears to be a long time
Such a long, long, long, long time before the dawn

August 22nd, 2018 at 1:44 pm

Hey, and thanks for the tax cut! I just paid of my third house’s mortgage! Ka-ching!

August 22nd, 2018 at 1:45 pm
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, Hayden’s book
Hayden has allied himself with the Deep State. Apparently his book is Anti-Trump, written for Anti-Trumpers, to convince them to be Anti-Trump. (And for the MONEY, of course.) And to ingratiate himself with his fellow Anti-Trumpers because he wrongly believes they will win, eventually, somehow….
I haven’t read it, but will if I can get for free.
My statement was “because good intel is “Reading up on the enemy”. He is to be expected to be a rabid Anti-Trumper.” Is he an “enemy” of our duly elected President? I don’t know to what extent, yet. But you seem to applaud his attacking Trump, as you often do. Both foolishly and incompetently.
And if you are going to keep on about “the Pu$$y-grabbing story”, at least listen to the (illegally made) tape or read a true transcript. Two guys talking about how women act around entertainment “Celebrities”, and joking about what he PROBABLY COULD DO and get away with as a TV “star”. Not that he actually EVER DID IT. Funny thing! It was never mentioned until he was running for President and making Empress Hillary look like a fool. Kinda proves his contention doesn’t it?
All the other is “Just sex.”, right, at least when a Democrat does it. Even in the White House on “company time”, with an intern employee. And not even doing much for her!
So far, President Trump has not even been accused of any sexual improprieties since elected, or even campaigning.
Kind of an empty comparison wouldn’t you think? If you ever did think about it RATIONALLY!
But that’s all you got? Trump was a “dog” when he was a TV Star? And he made fun of slutty women that would do anything to get a part?
Isn’t that pretty much the truth?
Your Double Standard is Doubling Up on itself, from the Department of Redundancy Department and the Ministry of Silly Walks.

August 22nd, 2018 at 2:10 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re; #Hillary stealing the $83 Million
READ Donna Brazile’s book! She explained it. The money was “earmarked” (by election law) to go to the state’s Parties. Hillary took it and spent it on her campaign.
Obama paid the fines because of FEC violations. I don’t know what they were. $375K for a late reort? for a Dem? GET OUT! I call BS on that!
A Non Disclosure Agreement is not a crime! Only because the Dems and Mueller want to PRETEND it is a crime. And how did it affect the election? Trump lost some votes from phony moralists after the Dems and their Media made a 3 ring circus out of it. It has become a JOKE about Double Standards and now about Prosecutorial Malfeasance! That will be what history remembers!
Read the Constitution. Read the History books that explain why the Founders created the Electoral College, so few large cities could not dominate Presidential Elections. The Country-side and rural areas are where food and wealth are created.
Pure Democracy is Mob Rule. That is what they wanted to avoid. That is what Hillary, and the Dem Socs want. Do you? Try to think carefully here.

August 22nd, 2018 at 2:30 pm
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, Re:#39
DUH, Pelosi is not any state’s Senator. She is a Congresscritter from Califailure in a district that includes parts of San Franperverto. That is how she gets re-elected, and maybe why she is so crazy. She is the Defacto “head” of the Dem-Soc party, don’t you know?
The rest I can’t decipher. What quote? And what’s with the old hippee songs?
And Thank Trump for your tax cut!
And gee, I’m sorry you had 3 mortgages on your house, but glad you got the third one paid off, and can now double up on the second and first.
We paid our house off as we built it. It is easier that way.
I don’t trust banks, the FED, or the economy enough to borrow money I can’t pay off immediately if necessary.

August 22nd, 2018 at 2:50 pm

Here’s another great lyric, from The Who…..

You Beto, You Beto, You Bet!

August 22nd, 2018 at 3:06 pm

Regarding Trump and Cohen and Manafort, let me quote Ecclesiasticus 27:10 “Birds resort unto their like”, or later translated to “Birds of a feather flock together”. That makes how many of Trump’s campaign/appointees who have been either convicted or who have plead guilty? Show me another President with a record like that…..

August 22nd, 2018 at 3:57 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Gee, Is this what you do at work? I come in to check tomorrows weather and get this?
And what do you expect his lawyer to say?
To them “Catch And Release” means “Here Legally”, not Deported Yet is Here Legally. Only after there is a deportation order by a Judge and the guy is in the wind will they admit he is NOT here legally.
Does that mean he didn’t kill MOLLIE? What’s you point?
And there was car seen in the area that was not registered to Riviera, does that mean he didn’t kill her?
Trump is a bad guy for calling him an illegal and saying he killed her? That is the FAKE NEWS BIG STORY OF THE DAY.
Gee, that’s what the cops reported.

Manaforts guilty verdicts have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Trump! Manafort worked for the Trump Campaign for 3 whole Months. Get over it.
Cohen got busted for his Taxi medallion stuff, not paying right taxes(?) Big Deal! NOTHING to do with Trump Campaign. Stormy was not paid wit Campaign donations. The Stormy crap was supposedly 10 years before. The NDA was a legal Document, a Contract that she broke.
You can’t rewrite the law. The Dems and the Media try like hell, but they can’t either ! Unless they buy the right Judge and it doesn’t last long.
Although Perkins-Coie did get away with Obama’s not being “natural born Citizen” not getting to trial.
I gotta get back to work, still fixing fences ruined by Harvey. Damn goats in the house about 2 days a week.

August 22nd, 2018 at 5:49 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Here is another one for you:

“Police said an armed citizen stopped a knife-welding Mexican National on Monday who threatened a Greyhound busload of passengers and caused the bus to crash.
The Gazette identifies the Mexican National as 47-year-old Edmundo Arellanes-Audelo and indicates the bus crashed in Fountain, Colorado.

The Denver Post quotes Fountain Police saying, “[Arellanes-Audelo] gained access into the secured area of the bus and attempted to attack the driver while purposely grabbing the steering wheel.” The crash followed, after which Arellanes-Audelo exited through one of the bus windows in an attempt to escape.

He was confronted by an armed citizen who ordered him to drop the knife. Arellanes-Audelo complied and the citizen held him at gunpoint until the police arrived.”
Want more “immigrants” and to disarm citizens?

August 22nd, 2018 at 8:57 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #44
Accused Mollie Tibbetts Killer Demands He Not Be Called ‘Illegal Alien’
Federal immigration officials confirmed to Breitbart News on Wednesday that they have “no records” of 24-year-old Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, the man accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts.

This week, law enforcement announced that Tibbetts’ body was found in a cornfield in her rural hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa, after she was last seen jogging on July 18.

Bahena-Rivera, from Mexico, has been charged with first-degree murder in her death after police say he admitted to confronting and chasing down Tibbetts. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted.

Bahena-Rivera’s attorney is now seeking a gag order to prevent the government from referring to the accused killer as an “illegal alien” or “illegal immigrant,” claiming he has legal status to be in the U.S.
The Judge refused the Request for the Gag Order, did your Fake News tell you about that?
I didn’t think so.

August 22nd, 2018 at 9:25 pm
Bill Brayshaw

“Remember as Judge Ellis said it, when they squeeze people like Manafort or Cohen, they squeeze them not only to sing but sometimes to compose and it’s very easy to embellish a story,” Dershowitz said Tuesday.
“All he has to do then is say, ‘And the president directed me to do it.’ That’s the kind of embellishment that people put on a story when they want to avoid dying in prison. When the prosecutor says to them, ‘You have two choices. You’ll die in prison, or you can give me a story that I can use to go and get the president.’”
Dershowitz claimed nearly every candidate who runs for president violates election laws in one way or another and said it shouldn’t be considered an impeachable offense.

“If somebody else pays the money in order to influence the outcome of the election, it is technically perhaps a violation of the election laws,” he continued. “Every administration violates the election laws. Every candidate violates the election laws when they run for president. Usually, they pay a fine or something like that happens.”

“Here they’re trying to elevate this into an impeachable offense or a felony against the president,” Dershowitz concluded. “This is the beginning of a story that will unravel over time, but it’s not nearly as deadly lethal as some have portrayed it as being.”
Dershawitz is a Lib and ACLU Icon. Except when he doesn’t back the Dems play. If he won’t back them, they are “way off the rails” legally.

August 22nd, 2018 at 9:31 pm
Bill Brayshaw

More from Alan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz Has Bad News For Anyone Thinking President Trump Will Be Implicated In Cohen Case
Liberal Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz on Wednesday took the wind out of the sails of those who hope Michael Cohen’s Tuesday plea deal with prosecutors will lead to President Trump’s impeachment or criminal implication.


“He is more correct than his critics are,” said Dershowitz on Wednesday’s edition of Fox News’ “Special Report With Bret Baier.” “It’s complicated. The law is clear that the president may contribute to his own campaign, so if the president had paid $280,000 to these two women, even if he had done so in order to help his campaign, that would be no problem, it would be legal. If Cohen himself made the contribution that would be unlawful because he has a limit of $5200.”
Dershowitz then described a “catch-22” prosecutors are in.

“If he believes Cohen that the president directed him to do it, then that’s not a crime at all. If he doesn’t believe Cohen, then Cohen has committed a crime and not the president — and the legal pundits have been saying if Cohen admits to a crime, that makes Trump an unindicted coconspirator — just wrong as a matter of basic criminal law. You don’t become an unindicted coconspirator if your action is lawful even though the action of the other person is unlawful.”

When asked why Cohen would plead guilty, Dershowitz said prosecutors had him “dead to rights” on tax crimes, and tacked the other charge as an “add on” to get him to talk about Trump.
Much ado about nothing. As usual.
The only thing real here is multiple instances of Prosecutorial Misconduct. That will remain to taint all that Mueller does from now on.

August 22nd, 2018 at 9:42 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Here’s another one you Lamestream Media ignored:

Previously Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Brutal Murder of Shakopee, MN Woman
Minnesota officials charged Fraider Diaz-Carbajal from Mexico with the brutal murder of his former girlfriend in Shakopee, Minnesota earlier this month.
Fraider Diaz-Carbajal had been previously deported but told the court he has lived in the are for 18 years.
Fraider does not speak English and needed a translator.
Lived in MN for 18 years and never learned English?
We need these geniuses?

August 22nd, 2018 at 9:52 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has “Suffered Enough”
Where is the justice in this country??
In July, criminal Pakistani IT worker, Imran Awan pleaded guilty to making a false statement on a loan/credit application.

The Feds subsequently shut down everything else related to the IT scandal.

In a hearing Tuesday, Tanya Chutkan, an Obama-appointed federal judge, gave Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan no jail time because he has already “suffered enough.” Awan will only serve 3 months of supervised release.

It gets worse.

Imran Awan, the former IT aide to congressional Democrats whose federal bank fraud case has drawn the interest of top Republicans, avoided jail time Tuesday after the defense complained about disparaging comments made against the defendant by President Trump and others.

During a hearing Tuesday in Washington, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan sentenced Awan to three months of supervised release plus time served. Chutkan, who cited “unfounded allegations” against Awan, also did not impose a fine.

Awan, who pleaded guilty in July to making a false statement on a loan application, delivered an emotional statement vowing: “I promise you this second chance will not go to waste.”

Imran Awan’s lawyer Chris Gowan, who is a former aide to Hillary Clinton, trashed president Trump and other Republicans in a letter.

Mr. Gowan also claimed that Imran Awan was only in a “panic” to get money quickly so he could realize his dying father’s dreams to build a charity hospital, which he described as a ‘women’s shelter.’


Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller reported that the land used for the alleged charity hospital was stolen from farmers:

The story is at odds with a 2009 Pakistani newspaper article, police reports and lawsuits in Pakistan, as well as interviews. Those allege Imran tried to cut others out of a fraud-plagued real estate deal and secure a massive inheritance in the form of a major real estate complex, known as a “colony.”

A dozen farmers accused Imran and his fatherof stealing their land and subdividing it to build the development. The 2009 article said that Imran used political “muscle” stemming from his job in Congress to attempt to frame his alleged victims. Later, Faisalabad Agricultural University faculty apparently paid for some of those plots, but said that they, too, were ripped off. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, a university professor and president of the faculty association, told TheDCNF that Imran and his father refused to turn over the deeds and that in January 2017, Imran cautioned them that he “has got powerful political connections.”

The Pakistani spy ring that infiltrated the House Dems is one of the biggest scandals in US history, yet here we are watching another egregious breach of security go unpunished, because Democrats are involved.

As previously reported, Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani IT staffers and brothers who were paid over $4 million dollars over the course of their employment even though they were accused of a cyber-security breach

Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years since she came into office in 2004 as a Florida representative.

Imran Awan was arrested as he attempted to flee the U.S. after wiring approximately $300,000 to Pakistan. When Imran Awan was arrested he was carrying $12,000 in cash on him. His wife was carrying $12,000 of cash when she fled the country too.

Imran Awan was accessing the House servers remotely from Pakistan, which shocked GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.

“I’ve seen records indicating that he (Imran Awan) spent 3 to even more months per year in Pakistan. I’ve also seen emails that indicated that he was doing his job remotely in Pakistan,” Rosiak told Rep. Gohmert.

A House official previously told Circa News that Imran Awan may have sold information he uploaded to Dropbox to Pakistani spies. Everyone is talking about Russia but Awan could have been the one to have sold the DNC emails. The DNC refuses to hand over their servers to be investigated. If they really were the victim of a ‘hack’ like they claim, they wouldn’t be protecting their servers from authorities.

Other Democrat leaders besides Debbie Wasserman Schultz were also involved in the cover up.

Top Democrat Xavier Becerra, the current California Attorney General, was caught giving officials a fake server related to the Imran Awan investigation.

Meanwhile, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen are facing years in prison after Mueller and his thugs hunted them down simply because they are associated with Donald Trump.
The Dems and their pet Activist Judges are practicing ‘Politics as War’ in both covering up Dem’s real crimes, and “inventing crimes” out of nothing for Trump.
Destroying any confidence in the Justice of Federal Courst and DoJ prosecutors.
This can not stand.

August 22nd, 2018 at 10:08 pm

Or else what?

August 24th, 2018 at 12:28 pm

Trump can scream all he wants at Sessions. It means nothing.

And in the meantime let’s see what his accountant can tell us. I always knew we’d eventually see his tax returns. The water is getting hotter, can you smell the toads starting to cook?

August 24th, 2018 at 12:31 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Sooner or later the Voters will figure out that the current leadership of the Democrat Party is so rapped up in their Trump Derangement Syndrome THEY have embraced all of the worst features of Marxism and his acolyte Alinsky, to win votes from the greedy, lazy, illegals, and other “enemies of America” to the extent that THEY have become the Enemies of most AMERICANS.
Hopefully the election in November will reflect that the voters are realizing that awful fact.

August 24th, 2018 at 12:37 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Case in point: The Illegal Alien that murdered Mollie Tibbetts:
And now the ‘media’ is claiming he has an “Anchor Baby”! Like that somehow excuses him? Or should have prevented his deportation? Because he knocked-up one of Mollie’s classmates? If he was such a responsible ‘boy’ and wanted to be an American so bad, why didn’t he marry his “Baby Momma”? Instant legal then, IF she was a Citizen. Or was she just another illegal that wanted an “Anchor Baby”? Anchor Babies are usually good for keeping 7 other illegals in the USA and giving a “pathway to Citizenship” to all! .
This stupid “Obamunist Non-Enforcement” is literally killing Americans as well as destroying the country, both Demographically and Culturally, as well as politically, morally, and respect for law! Or women!! Where are the Militant FemiNazis on this? They hate “Toxic Masculinity”, whatever that is, whenever they want to bitch about American men, for whatever made up reason; but defend horrible violence to women by illegal aliens and Muslims?!? “Feminism” is nothing but selective Cultural Marxism to Destroy America! Along with Criminal Invaders, Anchor Babies, and fundamentalist Muslims!!!
SMH, If you look at this rationally, without the Lib/Prog BS Political Correctness, you know that is all true!
Furthermore: And the whole Anchor Baby thing is a DAMN “LEGALISTIC” LIE! Fostered on us by Lib/Prog Activist Judges – Cultural Marxists.
They can read, right? The 14th Amend states “….(those) born in the U.S., UNDER THE JURISDICTION thereof…. are citizens…..”. So how is someone born here in DEFIANCE of US JURISDICTION remotely covered by that LAW? A total conflict, but Lib Prog Judges seek to ‘interprete’ (Change!) Law to suit their Marxist Agenda!
Ought to be a bounty on ’em! Predatory Vermin. Buzzards feeding on a dying America!
(The “Bounty” comment is an attempt at Black Humor. At least for now. But the way things are going….? How much do these idiots think Americans will stand?)

August 24th, 2018 at 12:52 pm

Trump Can’t Control His Pecker [alt hed]

August 24th, 2018 at 5:56 pm

Regarding the “classmate” who carried her baby through birth. I’ma just going to throw this out here, but maybe she did not want to marry him. It happens, you know.
But go ahead and slut her up.

August 24th, 2018 at 6:02 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Five States Win $839 Million Obamacare Lawsuit
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading a five-state coalition that on Thursday won an $839 million judgment against the federal government in an Obamacare lawsuit, a massive blow to the Obama administration’s namesake legislation.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA, better known as Obamacare) requires medical providers to pay a Health Insurance Provider Fee (HIPF). Even though the ACA exempts states from paying that fee when providing health care, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during the Obama era created a regulation requiring states to pay the fee anyway, a fee that is styled as a tax on the states.

Paxton sued in federal court, joined by Indiana, Nebraska, Kansas, and Louisiana. The five states’ lawsuit argues that this tax/fee is illegal under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) because the ACA clearly exempts states from this payment and also that even if the statute did allow it, such taxes would violate the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution when imposed on sovereign states.

Judge Reed O’Connor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas agreed on the statutory issue (the APA claim), striking down the Obama HHS rule because it violates the plain language of the ACA law. O’Connor ordered the federal government to pay Texas the $305 million that the Lone Star State had paid in HIPF fees, as well as the fees of the other states, for a total of $839 million.

“Obamacare is unconstitutional, plain and simple,” Paxton said after Thursday’s ruling. “We all know that the feds cannot tax the states, and we’re proud to return this illegally collected money to the people of Texas.”

August 24th, 2018 at 9:11 pm

Trump’s Pecker Effs Him Over [alt hed]

August 24th, 2018 at 9:34 pm

A Pecker Hits Trump From Behind

August 24th, 2018 at 9:35 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re;#58 a slanderous lie against our President! There has been NO accusations against him since the Campaign. YOU can’t control your false accusations! Severe Trump Derangement Syndrome.
If you are such a devoted Libtard, give back you Tax Cut! put your money where your mouth is1
Re:#59 His “Baby Momma” is showing up at his hearings, with the baby. Who knows what he told her to get in her pants. If he was decent American guy he would have married & be taking care of her.
She did good keeping the kid. The Media will not tell us the details. It is incredibly STUPID for the Media to claim the “Anchor Baby” for him as an excuse! He is nothing but a “Sperm Donor”, as far as what the Media has claimed so far. If he had stayed with the “Baby Momma”, maybe he wouldn’t have attacked and killed Mollie!
Also there is a headline about he had terrorized another girl (s?). Check it out.
You will defend Criminal Invaders, even serious felons that prey on girls and women? Regardless of the news reports? WHY?
Severe TDS! Brain-damage from listening to the Lib/Propaganda Fake News? PTSD from losing every argument with me?
You seriously need to rethink you positions! How can you be a Feminist and defend rape/murderers because they are illegals because Pelosi told you to? Crazy?

August 24th, 2018 at 9:35 pm

A Pecker A Day Keeps the Trump Away

August 24th, 2018 at 9:36 pm

Pick a Peck of David Peckers How Many Peckers Did Mr Trump Pick?

August 24th, 2018 at 9:41 pm
Bill Brayshaw
Report: Illegal Alien Left Another Iowa Girl ‘Fearing for Her Life’ Before Mollie Tibbetts Went Missing
SMH, You can’t keep defending ‘toxic masculinity’!
He was “Creeping girls out.”

August 24th, 2018 at 9:42 pm

One potato Two potato Three potato SQUEAL! Says Mr. Trump’s accountant….

August 24th, 2018 at 9:43 pm

So many lawsuits, so little time.

August 24th, 2018 at 9:44 pm

Pecker Pricks Trumps Interest In Pornography

August 24th, 2018 at 9:46 pm

Pecker This.

August 24th, 2018 at 9:47 pm

Pecker Says Trump Sucks. Boom.

August 24th, 2018 at 9:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re # 58,61,62,64,65
You seem to have “peckers” on your brain.
It’s Friday night, maybe you need to go “Scooter-booting” at your local ‘Ole Meat-Rack Tavern” and see if you can “hook-up”.
Maybe you will feel better in the morning, even with the hang-over, if you get some ‘attention’.

August 24th, 2018 at 9:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Plus #69, 70, 71
I think you have a problem.

August 24th, 2018 at 9:53 pm

“Give back your tax cut”? Make me, and every other millionaire in Texas. I am a proud American, I’ll pay my taxes. Until then, I’ll keep donating my windfall to Planned Parenthood in Greg Abbott’s name.

August 24th, 2018 at 9:56 pm

When they start talking about no money for entitlements (also called social security and medicaid), remember you gave me as big windfall. I can now double my business’ worth through stock buybacks and immediate write offs.

August 24th, 2018 at 10:03 pm

BUT BILL THAT PECKER IS HUGE. AHow can you ignore a Pecker that large?

August 24th, 2018 at 10:06 pm

It’s really something when even Pecker says Trump sucks.

August 25th, 2018 at 9:19 am
Bill Brayshaw

I finally found out that “Pecker” is a person. Why don’t you reference some news article or site and quit acting like a Middle-School socially retarded boy.
How many others have the Lamestream Media claimed “Will get Trump Indited/Impeached/make resign”?
Show some EVIDENCE, not just your acute TDS and wishful thinking.
This last tirade should get you banned for Terminal Pre-Adolescent Sillyness, Sexual innuendo Division. But that is not a crime either. just obnoxious Loser Rantings.

August 25th, 2018 at 12:02 pm

Jeez, Bill, don’t be such a stiff. It’s just a little Pecker.

August 25th, 2018 at 5:01 pm

RIP John McCain, American Hero, Valiant Hero, Unwaivered Morality. May your family’s pain be salved by your release from illness. Peace be to you, sir.

August 25th, 2018 at 8:54 pm

“My fellow Americans. No association ever mattered more to me. We’re not always right. We’re impetuous and impatient, and rush into things without knowing what we’re really doing. We argue over little differences endlessly, and exaggerate them into lasting breaches. We can be selfish, and quick sometimes to shift the blame for our mistakes to others. But our country ‘tis of thee.‘ What great good we’ve done in the world, so much more good than harm. We served ourselves, of course, but we helped make others free, safe and prosperous because we weren’t threatened by other people’s liberty and success. We need each other. We need friends in the world, and they need us. The bell tolls for us, my friends, Humanity counts on us, and we ought to take measured pride in that. We have not been an island. We were ‘involved in mankind.‘

“Before I leave, I’d like to see our politics begin to return to the purposes and practices that distinguish our history from the history of other nations. I would like to see us recover our sense that we are more alike than different. We are citizens of a republic made of shared ideals forged in a new world to replace the tribal enmities that tormented the old one. Even in times of political turmoil such as these, we share that awesome heritage and the responsibility to embrace it. Whether we think each other right or wrong in our views on the issues of the day, we owe each other our respect, as long as our character merits respect, and as long as we share, for all our differences, for all the rancorous debates that enliven and sometimes demean our politics, a mutual devotion to the ideals our nation was conceived to uphold, that all are created equal, and liberty and equal justice are the natural rights of all. Those rights inhabit the human heart, and from there, though they may be assailed, they can never be wrenched. I want to urge Americans, for as long as I can, to remember that this shared devotion to human rights is our truest heritage and our most important loyalty.

“Then I would like to go back to our valley, and see the creek run after the rain, and here the cottonwoods whisper in the wind. I want to smell the rose-scented breeze and feel the sun on my shoulders. I want to watch the hawks hunt from the sycamore. And then take my leave, bound for a place near my old friend Chuck Larson in the cemetery on the Severn, back where it began.”

“‘The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it,’ spoke my hero, Robert Jordan, in [Ernest Hemingway’s] ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls.‘ And I do, too. I hate to leave it. But I don’t have a complaint. Not one. It’s been quite a ride. I’ve known great passions, seen amazing wonders, fought in a war, and helped make a peace. I’ve lived very well and I’ve been deprived of all comforts. I’ve been as lonely as a person can be and I‘ve enjoyed the company of heroes. I’ve suffered the deepest despair and experienced the highest exultation. I made a small place for myself in the story of America and the history of my times.

“I leave behind a loving wife, who is devoted to protecting the world’s most vulnerable, and seven great kids, who grew up to be fine men and women. I wish I had spent more time in their company. But I know they will go on to make their time count, and be of useful service to their beliefs, and to their fellow human beings. Their love for me and mine for them is the last strength I have.

“What an ingrate I would be to curse the fate that concludes the blessed life I’ve led. I prefer to give thanks for those blessings, and my love to the people who blessed me with theirs. The bell tolls for me. I knew it would. So I tried, as best I could, to stay a ‘part of the main.‘ I hope those who mourn my passing, and even those who don’t, will celebrate as I celebrate a happy life lived in imperfect service to a country made of ideals, whose continued service is the hope of the world. And I wish all of you great adventures, good company, and lives as lucky as mine.”

– John McCain, “The Restless Wave”

August 27th, 2018 at 5:22 am
Bill Brayshaw

The Media that cried Trump [blocked by YouTube again]
From: Itellectual Froglegs.
Watch and laugh!

August 27th, 2018 at 10:01 pm

Stay classy, Bill.

August 28th, 2018 at 11:15 am
Bill Brayshaw

Red Guards Austin, a self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist-Maoist violent antifa group, has called for the formation of a “Red Army.” The group itself is based out of Austin, Texas, but works in tandem with Red Guards Kansas City, Red Guards Pittsburgh, Red Guards Los-Angeles, and Red Guards Charlotte to “annihilate” those they believe are “collaborators” or “fascist.”
You will have to look it up. I can’t copy/paste their propaganda here. Basically, anyone that doen’t agree with them is a “Fascist”. Any Pro-American, Constitutionalist, “Capitalist”(own anything they don’t think YOU should have), or refuse to kow-tow to their radical Communist demands.

August 28th, 2018 at 9:15 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The Dem-Socs are getting so “Politically Correct” trying to pander to all their Preferred Identity Groups. “So inclusive”. LMAO!
So are you going to wear your ‘Front Hole Hat’ to your next Beto Rally?
Still 2 months before the Election, I hazard to guess what more insanity they can come up with in that time.

August 28th, 2018 at 9:21 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Word of the Day: Baizuo.
Look it up. Even the ChiComs think white Dem-Socs are nuts!

August 28th, 2018 at 9:24 pm
Bill Brayshaw

How long should the flag be at half-staff?

Thirty days after the death of a President or former President
Ten days after the death of a Vice President, the Chief Justice or a retired Chief Justice, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Until the burial of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, secretary of a military department, a former Vice President, or the governor of a state, territory, or possession.
On the day of, and the day after, the death of a Member of Congress.
President Trump’s flag detail was correct to fly the White House flag at half-staff on Saturday and Sunday, and raise it full staff Monday. The Lib/Prog Media had a fit over nothing blaming Trump. His flag detail was following the Flag Etiquette as specified by law.
Typical of the Fake News Media – blame Trump about anything and everything, real or imagined, endlessly. Never check the law of facts, and NEVER apologize.

August 28th, 2018 at 9:56 pm
Bill Brayshaw

“law OR facts”. Sorry.

August 28th, 2018 at 9:59 pm
Bill Brayshaw

TRUMP WINS BIGLY! TWO MORE TRUMP ENDORSEMENTS WIN — That Makes President ‘9 for 9’ in Last Three Weeks!
McSally wins Senate nomination in AZ. Desantis wins Gov nomination in FL. Both face weak radical far Left-wingers. Gillam in FL won the Dem-Soc Gov nomination with a third of the vote out of a field of 5.
The Dem-Soc’s Radical Left platform of Open Borders, disband ICE, more welfare for illegals, and Medicare for all is economic suicide, raises taxes, depresses wages, and will drive jobs out of the US again. They also are want “More Gun Control”, banning popular semi-autos, and repeal “Stand Your Ground”! Even allowing Non-citizens to vote, where they can get away with it.
The “America First-ers” are rebuilding the Republican Party to “Make America Great Again”; and the Dem-Socialists are destroying the traditional Democrat Party and trying to “Make America into Venezuela”!
Trump’s popularity continues to grow, even after HELL WEEK because Americans are wising up, the Fake News continues to be exposed as flagrant liars, and the Dem-Soc “leadership” continues to move to the far LEFT!
Looks like it is going to be “Open Season” on the DINOs as well as the RINOs from now until 2020. The “New Democrats” are determined, (By Marx!), to take the Party full Socialist. They will destroy Trump & his Economic Revival with Taxes, Welfare, and a huge influx of Criminal Invaders to “Cast the Socialist Votes that Americans Won’t”.
For the sake of real Democrats and our National Sovereignty, I hope they will #WalkAway this year and in 2020; and force the Commies out of the Democrat Party “leadership”. They have gone so far to the Radical Left, they make John F. Kennedy and other ‘Traditional American Liberals’ look like “Tea Party Constitutionalists”!

August 29th, 2018 at 10:38 am

Too bad the veteran organizations had to speak out to get McCain the proper respect from a President who never served. We’ve had several Presidents who did not serve in the military, but I’ve never seen one act so ignorantly towards an American Hero. I am a Democrat and have spent the week mourning a Republican who served America to a degree few will ever again, because I recognize a great man when I see one (just ask my husband). The President’s deafness had to be called out by how many veteran organizations? He is showing himself in this action to be a small man.

And now he is going to cut raises of 2.1% for Federal Employees? Is this guy going for a Scrooge award? He’s just effed Republicans running for election in Virginia, basically gave everyone who works for the government(a giant industry there)a reason to vote Democratic. This guy is turning into a multi-generational bonus for the Democratic party and a curse for the Republicans. I don’t know a single person under 40 who will vote Republican in November But they’ve all confirmed they are voting.

I don’t know where you get this garbage from. Democrats are your first hope at keeping Medicare and Medicaid. I know many Democrats, hundreds, and none are Socialist. Can you name one that you personally know in your life? That you interact with, as opposed to the ones thrown out by the weirdo media you follow? Name one person you know who is promoting a Socialist agenda? Who sits by you at the VFW and argues “Hey man, we’d be better off seizing all assets and letting society own them?” Can’t? Maybe because it’s fake news.

See you at the polls, Bill!

August 31st, 2018 at 8:23 am

What will you do if it turns out the Democrats win in November? I’m not saying they will, but they might. What will you do then? More tantrums? Or action?

August 31st, 2018 at 1:44 pm

I wish you knew a Democrat, really. Because most of us know a few Republicans and get along quite well. We have dinner together, play board games, laugh about Housewives of Dallas, y’know, have fun.

August 31st, 2018 at 1:46 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Are you grilling steaks this Labor Day?
Or doing chicken or hamburgers & hot dogs in remembrance of ‘The Obama Years’?
Americans Are Grilling More Steaks for Labor Day With the Economy Humming
Yeah! And that’s from Bloomberg. LOL! They would rather eat a live toad, then say anything nice about Trump!
Keep whining SMH, you need to ‘practice up’ for Nov. 7th and for the next 6 years. The Dem-Socialists are even losing the Union Voters! #WalkAway.
Trump means more jobs & bigger paychecks! Dem-Socs want more taxes & regulations, more welfare give-aways, Open Borders, depressed wages, and more crime.

September 2nd, 2018 at 8:59 am
Bill Brayshaw

I know quite a few EX-Democrats, and a few that still will vote for Welfare, hopes of legalized Dope, and free abortions.
And the Federal Employees got raises under Obama for 8 years, when nobody else did. And their raises are being cut from 2.1% to ‘only’ 1.9%. And the real reason for the cut is to shut down a “25% Cost of Living Increase” the Dems gave Covt Employees that live in DC, NYC, and other high cost areas.
People want to live there and get ripped off for everything? Not my problem! The reason the “Cost of Living” is way too high there is Gov Workers are paid too much already! Drives prices up for everything. And a big chunk of their paycheck goes for state & local taxes to pay for the welfare system that keeps getting the Dems re-elected!
Why should Federal Taxes be given to sustain the rip-off? Oh! Right! To get Dems elected in Big Cities to raise the Taxes to pay for their Vote Buying that is impoverishing everyone else for 8 years!
Federal “workers” get job security, health & other benefits, guaranteed retirement that Real World Workers don’t get. And they want a “Hollywood Salary” and “Cost of Living Pay” on top? Well, BOO! HOO!
Get Real!

September 2nd, 2018 at 9:21 am
Bill Brayshaw
Justice with Judge Jeanine, 9/1/18. Judge Jeanine’s Opening Statement addresses AG Sessions, the Mueller Investigation, and the endless criminal cover-ups being ignored and buried.
The more they try to cover it up, the more serious it gets. There is Obstruction of Justice but not by Trump! The criminality is increasing, and the costs will keep increasing. The Dems and the Media are destroying themselves. When the ACCOUNTING finally comes, the price they pay will be very high. The “Deep State” has been exposed and the desperation is turning the “Democrat Party” into a Radical Socialist party, the Tech giants into totalitarian Thought Police worse than the KGB & Gestapo ever dreamed of being.
Even lobotomized “Liberals” are starting to wake up to the threats to Liberty! And common-sense economics.

September 2nd, 2018 at 9:50 am

Mollie’s Father is “imploring you to stop” using her death to promote your ideals. He writes:

Ten days ago, we learned that Mollie would not be coming home. Shattered, my family set out to celebrate Mollie’s extraordinary life and chose to share our sorrow in private. At the outset, politicians and pundits used Mollie’s death to promote various political agendas. We appealed to them and they graciously stopped. For that, we are grateful.

Sadly, others have ignored our request. They have instead chosen to callously distort and corrupt Mollie’s tragic death to advance a cause she vehemently opposed. I encourage the debate on immigration; there is great merit in its reasonable outcome. But do not appropriate Mollie’s soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist. The act grievously extends the crime that stole Mollie from our family and is, to quote Donald Trump Jr., “heartless” and “despicable.”

Make no mistake, Mollie was my daughter and my best friend. At her eulogy, I said Mollie was nobody’s victim. Nor is she a pawn in others’ debate. She may not be able to speak for herself, but I can and will. Please leave us out of your debate. Allow us to grieve in privacy and with dignity. At long last, show some decency. On behalf of my family and Mollie’s memory, I’m imploring you to stop.

Throughout this ordeal I’ve asked myself, “What would Mollie do?” As I write this, I am watching Sen. John McCain lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda and know that evil will succeed only if good people do nothing. Both Mollie and Senator McCain were good people. I know that both would stand up now and do something.

The person who is accused of taking Mollie’s life is no more a reflection of the Hispanic community as white supremacists are of all white people. To suggest otherwise is a lie. Justice in my America is blind. This person will receive a fair trial, as it should be. If convicted, he will face the consequences society has set. Beyond that, he deserves no more attention.

To the Hispanic community, my family stands with you and offers its heartfelt apology. That you’ve been beset by the circumstances of Mollie’s death is wrong. We treasure the contribution you bring to the American tapestry in all its color and melody. And yes, we love your food.

My stepdaughter, whom Mollie loved so dearly, is Latina. Her sons — Mollie’s cherished nephews and my grandchildren — are Latino. That means I am Hispanic. I am African. I am Asian. I am European. My blood runs from every corner of the Earth because I am American. As an American, I have one tenet: to respect every citizen of the world and actively engage in the ongoing pursuit to form a more perfect union.

Given that, to knowingly foment discord among races is a disgrace to our flag. It incites fear in innocent communities and lends legitimacy to the darkest, most hate-filled corners of the American soul. It is the opposite of leadership. It is the opposite of humanity. It is heartless. It is despicable. It is shameful.

We have the opportunity now to take heed of the lessons that Mollie, John McCain and Aretha Franklin taught — humanity, fairness and courage. For most of the summer, the search for Mollie brought this nation together like no other pursuit. There was a common national will that did transcend opinion, race, gender and geography. Let’s not lose sight of that miracle. Let’s not lose sight of Mollie.

Instead, let’s turn against racism in all its ugly manifestations both subtle and overt. Let’s turn toward each other with all the compassion we gave Mollie. Let’s listen, not shout. Let’s build bridges, not walls. Let’s celebrate our diversity rather than argue over our differences. I can tell you, when you’ve lost your best friend, differences are petty and meaningless.

My family remains eternally grateful to all those who adopted Mollie so completely and showered us with so much care, compassion and generosity. Please accept our desire to remain private as we share our loss. We love Mollie with all our hearts and miss her terribly. We need time.

September 2nd, 2018 at 11:04 am

Bill, as I respond to your query about my diet this Labor Day, I share with you the fact that I will in fact be eating steak tonight, in Paris, thanks to my tax cut.

September 2nd, 2018 at 11:11 am

Odds on Anonymous Op-Ed Author in New York Times:
2:1 Pence (aka 45 1/2, Mini-45, 45ish)
5:3 Mattis
3:2 Pompeo
5:1 Sessions
SCR Ross
6:1 Mnuchen
SCR Carson
10:1 Chao
12:1 Zienke
30:1 DeVos
50:1 Nielson
100:1 Perry

September 5th, 2018 at 4:40 pm

Addendum to above
SCR – Kelly

September 5th, 2018 at 4:59 pm

“So full of artless jealousy is guilt, it spills itself in fearing to be spilt.” ~ Shakespeare

September 6th, 2018 at 3:57 am

Benghazi: 4 Americans killed, 10 hearings
Puerto Rico: 2,975 Americans killed, 0 hearings
That’s just wrong.

September 14th, 2018 at 1:53 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I can only assume you are referring to Hurricane Maria.
The University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, professors estimated 822 deaths from the hurricane and over the the next month that could be attributed to the hurricane conditions. The Democrat Govt of Puerto Rico was far more cause of the slow recovery than anything else. Their roads were bad, and the power grid in shambles before the hurricane due to graft and mismanagement. Like Dem-run New Orleans, just on a bigger scale.
FEMA brought hundreds of tons of relief supplies, but the distribution by the local Democrats was spotty. There are still whole shipping containers of bottled water and moldering food being found there. Stashed by thieving politicians and forgotten.
And Doofus, you are way behind on the DemonRat Propaganda – some were claiming 4,600 deaths for Maria about 3 days ago.
If you are going to be a DemonRat Propaganda Troll, try to keep up with the “Official Truth of the Day”, or Soros and Media Matters will cut your pay.
I think the 2,975 number you used was the number of Americans killed by the Islamofascists at the Twin Towers on 9/11. Try to grow a brain, why doncha!

September 14th, 2018 at 3:48 pm

Does that make you feel better somehow? Calling someone names, labeling wide swaths of people with derogatory statements like “DemonRat” or “grow a brain.” That, and your poor grammar, are the toughest thing about responding to you. It’s like trying to have an adult conversation with someone who is just going to deny and insult everything. I already know that, and yet, here I am. Because leaving this unresponded means giving up. And I believe America and Americans are better than what you are representing.

The “Democrat Govt of Puerto Rico” is the United States of America. They are a colony, and we have a greater responsibility to them as we refuse to give them a full vote in our Democracy and full representation like everyone else. They pay the same federal income taxes and are deserving of more than the care and oversight received after Hurricane Maria.

Again, I don’t know who Soros or Media Matters is, I do not follow their media. I’m just a normal, CBS, NBC, ABC, watching Wall Street Journal reading business woman. I am against the last tax cut you supported Bill, because I don’t need it, after the first million dollars it’s really only money, and I want Medicare and Medicaid to be sustainable for everyone who does need it.

September 14th, 2018 at 4:02 pm

I think I’ve grown to pity you, really.

September 14th, 2018 at 4:08 pm
Bill Brayshaw

“after the first million dollars it’s really only money,” and after the first million Liberal/Progressive lies, it’s just a habit, right?
Sometimes your ignorance is somewhat entertaining, but other times you are just obnoxious.
If you have so much money, it’s just a burden, why don’t you donate some to he Dolphin? For letting you post your Political Propaganda, BS, and lies.
And what “you think” is so twisted up in your BS propaganda, it is of no importance. Except when you write something so abysmally stupid and obviously ridiculous, it is worth the time to call you out on it.
As for “CBS, NBC, ABC,” being your “normal”, that does give you somewhat of an excuse. Is that where you got the Twin Towers death toll as Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico?
And have you ever been to P.R., Haiti, or Dominican Republic? Other than a Tourist Resort?

September 14th, 2018 at 7:01 pm
Bill Brayshaw

To remind everyone, I will post some parts of a Speech Candidate Trump gave on Oct 16, 2016:

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.”

“The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they’d like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.

For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.”

“This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government.

“The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry. The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs, as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries throughout the world. Our just-announced jobs numbers are anemic, and our gross domestic product, or GDP, is barely above one percent. Workers in the United States, were making less than they were almost 20 years ago – and yet they are working harder.

“It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.”

More @
Perhaps you can understand the desperation that drives the endless lies of the Media and Establishment Bureaucracies IF you stop and think of the thousands of people wasting and stealing billions of dollars from the Taxpayers every week.
That is your Deep State. The Dem Leadership and the RINOs are guilty of letting it get that way, because they had to share the “spoils” of their systematic theft.
Trump is determined to stop it. So they must try to stop him. At any cost.

September 14th, 2018 at 7:45 pm

I give generously to the Red Cross, Bill, should we compare receipts? As to the Dolphin Talk, I would probably support them more through my business if they didn’t have your column. Until then, my advertising dollars go upstream.

My “Deep State” that you erroneously believe in, did not give a $1.5 Trillion dollar tax credit to people like me. You seem to keep wanting to accuse others of what the Republicans are doing RIGHT NOW. There is no recovering the credits given to the very rich for the next 2 year until this is reversed. It will take 10 years to pay it back. Just like last time.

I am a proud American and agree that people who make as much as I do should offset the tax burden of the less affluent by paying a higher rate, that’s all. They pay less, I pay more. How is that wrong, again?

September 14th, 2018 at 7:54 pm
Bill Brayshaw
Millions Of Water Bottles Meant For Hurricane Victims Rotting On Tarmac In Puerto Rico
And much more! Read it and see the pictures.
Dems waste and then try to blame Trump!

September 14th, 2018 at 8:00 pm

I find something joyful in every day. I hope you can too.

September 15th, 2018 at 9:05 am

“Whether we think each other right or wrong in our views on the issues of the day, we owe each other our respect, as long as our character merits respect, and as long as we share, for all our differences, for all the rancorous debates that enliven and sometimes demean our politics, a mutual devotion to the ideals our nation was conceived to uphold, that all are created equal, and liberty and equal justice are the natural rights of all. Those rights inhabit the human heart, and from there, though they may be assailed, they can never be wrenched. I want to urge Americans, for as long as I can, to remember that this shared devotion to human rights is our truest heritage and our most important loyalty.” – John McCain, The Restless Wave

September 15th, 2018 at 2:55 pm

2,975 is the official death toll per the government of Puerto Rico. I don’t understand what it has to do with the 9/11 Massacre. Unless you’re agreeing that a death rate that high is, in fact, a massacre of the Puerto Rican people. In which case, we agree! Our government did not feel the need to help our fellow citizens of Puerto Rico, and as a result, thousands (2,975) died. If it was your relative who failed to get the proper medicines, therapies or health assistance due to the inadequate state of affairs post-Maria, you’d feel exactly the same. That they were murdered by neglect. They were American citizens, it doesn’t matter beyond that.

September 15th, 2018 at 2:59 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The number given by University of Puerto Rico was 822.
The Govt of P.R. is run by Dems and is notoriously corrupt. They want to “Blame Trump” not only to get attention from the Propaganda Media, but to try and take the attention from their own corruption and malfeasance before and after the storm as well as their incompetence and corruption in handling the aid after the storm. As I wrote earlier the numbers given grew greatly. I think the immediate numbers by the Govt were 64 killed. However their were people that died of injuries, illnesses, and just weakness & stress that “Could be related” to the storm. Some political propagandists were claiming as many as 4,600 last week – a 5.6 times lie. At least your preferred number is only a 3.6 times lie.
And quoting propaganda from ‘Crash” does not impress me or anyone familiar with his record. Just shows you will pick and choose anything that you you think will bolster your argument. Even if you know it to be untrue, and don’t believe it yourself.
I have no respect for you, because you have never consistently demonstrated any character traits that deserve it. You can change your argument and your public attitude almost as fast as Hillary Clinton. You can take that as a “complement” if you wish, but it is the most severe condemnation I can come up with for one sentence and it fits my opinion of you quite well.

September 15th, 2018 at 3:51 pm

I wasn’t asking for your respect. It has no value. However I do respect the service you provided our country during the crazy days of Vietnam. However since then you seem to be determined to disrepect the rest of America Who doesn’t agree with your thoughts. For that, you lose my respect. There are other Veterans who are more worthy than you and who are still doing great things.

You are just one man, on a small piece of land in a large, great country. What you think, what you respect, really has nothing to do with my life other than your horrid monthly column.

I prefer the respect of my many, many friends who I spend wonderful time with. Some are Republicans, too! They may disagree with me, but they continue to love me as I love them, and we never, ever call each other out for our differences in what makes America great. In fact we respect each other so much, we listen and talk about our differences nicely. And sometimes we change our minds based on what we’ve learned.

I would explain McCain’s quote to you, but I don’t think you would understand.

September 16th, 2018 at 8:07 am

Which deserves pity.

September 16th, 2018 at 8:10 am
Karla Burland


You are getting very tiresome. Your underlying ‘theme’ for the past few months has been, “What are you, Mr. Brayshaw, and the rest of the crazy right wingers going to do when WE on the left push you too far?” Of course you would never come right out and ASK that, but you are pretty transparent. You are practically drooling, wanting to hear something radical, or evil, or illegal, or something at all that you can wrap your shallow, one trick pony, tiny little mind around, so you can say… ‘GOTCHA’! Forget it… not gonna happen. Amazingly, us deplorables are much smarter than that. Too smart to be the ones who START anything.

Your comparing Benghazi deaths to Hurricane Maria deaths just proves once again to anyone who reads your posts, that you have no clue. Your main goals in life seem to be reading and immersing yourself in nothing but leftist propaganda, drowning yourself in Kool-Aid (is your skin tone now Lemon, Lime or Raspberry?) and trying your darndest to aggravate Mr. Brayshaw into saying something you think you can use against him somehow. But for now… then SOS Hillary Clinton and then President Obama ignoring the entire Benghazi debacle by pretending to the world the whole thing was just about some folks being upset about a video was reprehensible, but that is just what liberals do when they are caught off guard. The media backs them up, and people like you are so gullible you can’t wait to believe every word they tell you. And you are so arrogant about being so brainwashed, it is truly amazing. Obama is still running around telling everyone the whole thing was a conspiracy theroy. Too bad all those dead guys had families and friends who will never go away. Like Kris Paranto. And of course, you must also believe that Puerto Rico was a beautiful upscale resort type place before Maria struck, right? That they had lives just like you and your buds in Port O’Connor until disaster struck, right? And then mean nasty narssisitic evil President Trump totally ignored their plight, didn’t do a darn thing to help them, and then lied about how many people died. It is amazing you can read your own posts with a straight face. Also everyone who reads The Dolphin, knows you never go to Mr. Brayshaw’s sites and check them out. If it is not what you want to believe, it might make you mad. Plus since you always brag about how rich you are, it doesn’t matter to you how many tax payer $$$ were thrown away sending aid there. All that molding rotting food and pallet after pallet of bottled water that none of those poor folks who could have really used it ever GOT. But you are like the little kid scared of going into the basement without singing loudly. “I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know…” This whole Puerto Rico issue being brought up again now is just because nothing else is working. As usual. Russian collusion… Stormy Stormy Stormy… Russian collusion… Omarosa Omarosa Omarosa… if you people would just get over being so damned embarrassed that an outsider is smarter than an insider political hack, and is actually FIXING things, the rest of us could go back to just living our lives instead of having to spend all our time trying to educate people who have no intention of learning a darn thing.

One other thing that was hard to ignore was what you think of ‘free speech’. And you, a lefty’s lefty… you said you might give money to the Dolphin IF they did not print Mr. Brayshaw’s column. YOU can write whatever you want, sometimes getting pretty close to rude and crude, but the Dolphin should not let HIM have HIS opinion. Gotta love you lefties!! Tolerance for all… except anyone who disagrees with you!

Karla B

September 16th, 2018 at 5:16 pm

Sorry Karla, you have the wrong impression of what I am saying. I am responding to Mr. Brayshaw’s braying that in fact, behind all his bluster, there is NOTHING that he will actually do. Nothing, no matter if the Senate and House go majority Democrat. His little militia is just that. Little. And pointless. We will never be invaded by an outside country, we will eat ourselves. And Mr. Brayshaw just keeps serving up scorn and hatred to that meal. It’s just not digestible.

I lived in Puerto Rico for 4 years, I believe I have an accurate knowledge, more so than someone who lives in a rural area of south Texas. Have you lived there? OK then. Let me tell you that yes, Puerto Rico was like a third world country in many ways, but it is still a territory of the United States of America, and as such, they are still Americans. Imagine if after Harvey you’d had the response “oh those rural Texans, they can fix things themselves, it was really a mess to begin with.” But nobody did. Yet you think somehow that response is justifiable for your fellow citizens. That is called selfish and self serving, and is not an American value.

Trump has larger problems now than Omarosa or Stormy. Now he’s in for serious stuff.

Free speech is a right given to citizens by the government. It is not a requirement of a private publication to provide such. You cannot be incarcerated is not the same as what you say deemed acceptable. Most reputable newspapers at least post varying view, however The Dolphin Talk spends a whole page on Mr. Brayshaw’s vomitous opinions. At least they are willing to let opposing opinion have voice online. Let him pay for his space if The Dolphin Talk needs the money, or Karla, if you support his point of view, cash in, Babe. Talk about wanting others to pay for everything…..

Thank you for your attempts to educate, but the anger, hatred and scorn of others who don’t agree with your point of view makes the message undigestible. May I suggest Yoga?

September 17th, 2018 at 9:07 am

Not to mention that by closing off the comments, The Dolphin Talk would assume liability for Mr. Brayshaw’s words. That disclaimer about not reflecting the opinion of the publication? It becomes null and void and opens the newspaper to lawsuits. It’s a journalism thing. Goes with a Free Press in the Constitution. Ain’t it great?

September 17th, 2018 at 9:16 am

The math of this changeover is for every 1 voter who switches from Republican to Democrat, there is a 2 point variable. Dems become +1, Republicans become -1.

See you at the polls! Isn’t America great?

September 17th, 2018 at 9:45 am
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you for your support. SMH does not even answer your comments but insists in repeating her made-up accusations. No facts, simply Death by Accusation – a Lib/Prog specialty.
SMH has been insisting that I am involved with some “militia”. I have told her repeatedly that is not true, and as far as I know, there is no “Militia” organization in the area.
I have tried to explain to her the meaning of the word “Militia” as used in the Second Amendment. (the Militia is the “whole people, excepting a few Public officials” according to our Founders.) She is obviously using your comment as an excuse to go off on another unrelated tirade. On a subject that she chooses to use to obscure your point.
Your point is well taken: Her goal seems to try to get me to write something that she can use to falsely accuse me of some “crime”. She sometimes tries to be ‘friendly’ but I doubt anyone is fooled for long, because her ‘fall back position’ is clearly demonstrated by her answer: Shut up anyone that disagrees with the Lib/Prog Agenda.
Free Speech is a Natural Right of a Free People. It is guaranteed by the Constitution, at least from any infringement by the Federal Govt.
This demonstrates her “Big Govt” attitude. The Federal Govt was CREATED and given LIMITED POWERS by the Constitution because WE the PEOPLE ratified the Constitution. Our Constitutional Rights are not ‘given’ to us by the Govt, those natural Rights are not the Govt’s ‘property’ to give or to restrict. This is a False Premise of Totalitarians.
The Progressive Socialist think that they, through the “Democrat Party” can take power over the Federal Govt and there-by “rule” Americans as they see fit. SMH obviously believes this and by some perversion of Law intends to shut up any Pro-American Constitutional dissent. Obviously, you have recognized this from SMH’s past posts. And you are trying to Defend what she thinks is “Indefensible”, any disagreement with the Lib/Prog Agenda.
As for her attack of “anger, hatred and scorn”, the “scorn” for her is very well deserved. As for “hate or hatred” the Lib/Progs misuse that on anything that disagrees with them and they don’t like, especially if it is true. As for “anger”, while I detect some frustration with SMH’s “Holier than Thou”, I don’t hear real “anger”, except from SMH.
SMH used to be somewhat entertaining, and an opportunity to expound on Constitutional ideas and history, she is simply not worth the trouble. She offers ‘opinion’ pieces from Lib/Prog sites as facts, especially in her continued attacks on President Trump and the massive failure of the Obamunist Admin. She fails to recognize that most of The Trump Miracle was simply undoing some of the most harmful of the Obama Executive Orders, doing away with the worst of ObamaCare, and trying to enforce Border Security that Obama had criminally neglected. That was the “Magic Wand”.
And after the elections, if the Dem Socialists are soundly defeated, it will get better. If the Democrats win power back, they will resist and obstruct any real progress, which will become immediately apparent, the Citizens will be enraged and will re-elect Trump and an overwhelming GOP majority in 2020. So either way, we win, it just may take longer.

September 17th, 2018 at 2:10 pm
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