Bay Flats Lodge Report by Capt. Chris Martin

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 18 - Comments Off on Bay Flats Lodge Report by Capt. Chris Martin
“A Worthy Opponent” Bay Flats Lodge

“A Worthy Opponent”
Bay Flats Lodge

We made it through June and July this year without being scorched to death, but the sun Gods really strapped it to us in August.  We didn’t have much precipitation to speak of, and bay water temperatures almost matched that of the air temperature around here.  But if there is any truth to the old adage that history does repeat itself, then September should begin to show us a cooling trend toward the later part of the month.  That’s right, September marks the month on the Texas coastal calendar when Mother Nature finally considers turning down the heat in her summertime oven.

We’ll look this month for the Coastal Bend region of Texas to receive this year’s first notable cool front that should, in turn, provide some badly needed rainfall across the state, and to drop daytime coastal temperatures down into the 80’s.  Even if it’s not for but a very brief few days, it will be greatly appreciated by all.  We should also be able to anticipate some cooler water temperatures and less sunshine as a result of a possible increase in cloud cover.

In addition to a cooling climate, another transition also begins taking place this month.  It is in September that we routinely begin seeing a gradual rise in the daily tide levels as we work our way toward October.  Because of this, anglers should start looking for September trout and redfish in many of the area back lakes as the higher tides become more prevalent, starting early each morning in shallow water with small top water baits and then moving to deeper water while throwing soft-plastics as the surface bite diminishes.  Lately, anglers have located the red bite over soft sand and mild mud, with an occasional mixture of shell provided as structure – key ingredients that can all be found in our back lake areas.

Recurring mild and brief northern frontal passages along the Texas coast throughout the month of September will not only signal moderate drops in temperature, but also of modest conditions that influence the ever-popular greening effect upon our Texas coastal waters.  With the approach of autumn beginning this month, we might very well be looking forward to what could possibly become some of this year’s most remarkable fishing to-date.  I hope you’ll join us as we look to enjoy some of the benefits offered by cooler conditions, and the rewards of some heated September action.  Good luck, and keep grindin’!

Bay Flats Lodge, Inc. Seadrift, TX 1-800-888-677-4868


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