Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 18 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

I have just had to be at too many funerals recently. My very dear friend, Pastor larry Lanphier, went to be with the Lord on August 23 and I was honored to have John drive me to Longview to officiate at the funeral and preach for their congregation. In our absence, the Reverend Wes Jacobson ministered here at the Chapel. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dollie Lanphier and White Oak Church as they are adjusting to their loss.

Pastor Joane took several ladies with her to minister in Mexico on August 26. They formed two teams, one to minister to the kids and one to minister to adults. Both teams witnessed a special move of God as they ministered. They have been invited back and are planning another trip with Pastor Baldo and Pastor Lulu.

There was another successful Sea Academy Class at the Chapel in August and the last one for 2018 scheduled for September 21-28. All who are interested in earning their Captain’s Licenses should contact Captain Robert as soon as possible at 361/758-6184.

There are two major events that are coming up that I wish to spotlight. Pastor Joane is going to Bali to assist former residents of Port O’Connor in humanitarian efforts following a series of earthquakes there. Doug and Kimberly Bennett lived here for several years and Doug worked in the oil and gas sector. Feeling a call to ministry, Doug and Kimberly sold their homes here and in Houston, quit their jobs, and moved to Bali to devote their lives to helping the poor. The nation is not friendly to Christians, but with Doug’s excellent business abilities and Kimberly’s great love for people, they are making a difference in individual lives. Pastor Joane will be taking a special offering from Port O’Connor to Doug and Kimberly and would like for anyone who wishes to share in this ministry. Make all contributions to the Chapel and we will insure it gets to the right place.

The second event that is coming up is our annual Benevolence Baskets. Each year at Thanksgiving and Christmas, this community comes together to bless the needy with a great food basket. At the present time, we have $14.90 in the POC Community Benevolence Fund at the local bank. Last year we expended over $3,500.00 and added additional items that were donated. Last year we were facing the aftermath of Harvey, but the needs are still real this year. I believe this community continues to want to help needy families, so we ask that you begin giving through your local church or directly to the Port O’Connor Branch of First National Bank. Together we do amazing things for humanity!

We continue hosting groups at our Retreat Center. We have a group of men from the Victoria Section coming on October 5 and 6. On October 11-13, we will be hosting a men’s group from Spring and on October 18-20, a team of men from San Antonio will be here. These groups often eat at our restaurants and purchase things from our retail establishments. They come blessing us and not taking from us, and we appreciate the great reception they receive when they come. Thanks for making them feel welcomed!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help touch people’s lives for eternity. We still believe there is a “Heaven to gain and a hell to shun”! One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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