“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Ex-President Obama has come out attacking Trump and people that voted for him. He is so incredibly out of touch with reality, blinded by the Dem-Soc Agenda, simply lying because he thinks his base is stupid, and/or so enthralled with the vision of a one-Party Democrat-Socialist State that he can not see the truth, will not admit their failure, or simply doesn’t care. The Economic Miracle of the Trump Recovery started immediately after the election, simply because Hillary LOST! And the American People believed Trump and knew he would try to return govt back to where things could work. Most of Trump’s early success was simply based on stopping or undoing the terrible policies and regulations put in by the Obamunist “Czars” and the ‘weaponized bureaucracies’ against business and for “Globalism” and the Socialist Agenda & Propaganda. It is that simple. Common Sense & pragmatic solutions, coupled with a little Constitutionalism, against the wild Political Power-mongering, and blind ‘Idealism” of the Left, coupled with the Marxist/Alinskyite plan of “Buying Votes” with “Free Stuff”, and importing vast number of “New Citizens” to “Cast the Votes Americans Won’t”.

And they failed, miserably…so far. But they think they came so close! “If Hillary had won …bwaaah!” We would have been a One Party State in 4 more years, the Deep State would rule forever, real Govt Control of the economy (and everything else) would have taken place, the Welfare State would disappear, workers would go back to work (at gun point if necessary), and for once they could prove that Marx was RIGHT! (Never happen, as long as armed American Constitutionalists exist.) That “pesky old Constitution”, standing in the way of Real Progressivism, as Obama called it. Area-wise, over 90% of America voted for “We the People”, and against Hillary and a continuation of Obama’s failed policies. But we still need The Wall.

The Desperation Factor in the Dem-Soc Party has been kicked into high gear by the Mueller Investigation, the Congressional Investigations of it, and what led up to it. After over 2 years of FBI & DOJ investigations, cover-ups, and criminal conspiracies, there is still no proof of “Russia Collusion”, or any other crimes by the Trump campaign, but provable evidence of endless conspiracies, violations of Federal Laws, and the Public Trust by Hillary, the DNC, and the Obama administration. Like all the rest, the Lib/Prog Media-driven Myth of “Russia Collusion” has unraveled under any honest investigation. The criminal conspiracies against Trump (& the American Citizen-voters, and the Constitution) go way beyond a few Democrat Activists, Anti-Trumpers, & politicized bureaucrats, but straight up the ‘Chain-of-Command’ to the Obama White House. The populist cry of, “Lock her up!”, may soon morph into, “Lock THEM ALL UP!”.

Congressional investigators have learned the FBI and DOJ previously leaked “information of” the “Trump Dossier” to the press, then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify seeking FISA warrants on Trump advisor Carter Page. They knew all along the “Dossier” was bogus, fabricated and paid for by Hillary and the DNC, and they still planted the false “evidence” in the liberal media. Furthermore, the Justice Department later admitted in a court filing that the FISA Court never held any real hearings on the FISA applications for former Trump advisor Carter Page. It is now apparent that the Obama administration bypassed the FISA Court to spy on the Trump campaign based on a story they knew to be false. The AG (Lynch) can order surveillance without FISC approval.

Through procedures allowed by 50 US Code 1805, the AG can under “(e) Emergency orders;

(1)Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Attorney General may authorize the emergency employment of electronic surveillance if the Attorney General—; (A) reasonably determines that an emergency situation exists/…” A FISA Judge must be informed within 7 days. “

The AG needed a pretext, and so Obama formally accused Russia of meddling in the Presidential election, 10/08/16. Based on DNI (Clapper) & DHS (Johnson) (both – Obama cabinet) issuing a formal statement, 10/07/16. Hillary also accused Trump of being “being Putin’s puppet” on 10/19/16.

All were in on the false narrative that created the spying on the Trump Campaign, based on “Fake News Reports” written about the phony dossier that Hillary and the DNC paid for, with senior FBI & DoJ conniving. All to obtain a FISA Warrant on Carter Page (a known CIA, FBI, Govt “asset”) falsely accused of being a “spy for the Russians”. And the Mueller Investigation was originally empowered based upon the knowingly false allegations! That is why there have been NO evidence of any ‘Russian Collusion” with the Trump Campaign. The Mueller Witch-Hunt has gone far afield of the original mandate, with no “probable cause’ other than this “Fruit of a Poison Tree”, false accusations, and Media lies. Without ‘some convictions’ the whole “operation” was a criminal scam, by Federal prosecutors! Ordered by the AG, on instructions from Obama, based on a false dossier paid for by the Democrats. No wonder they are so desperate to win back the House. Stop the investigations! The “Impeach Trump” is a red herring, they can impeach him, but they know they can not convict and remove him. So now all they have left is a conspiracy of lies to demonize Trump, and try to use the 25th Amendment to remove him.

There it is, the time-line that ties it all together, and the evidence to prove it is in the Strzok/Page Emails. There is most probably much more detail in the “Wiener Laptop” Emails (along with other evidence to convict of other violations of Law and National Security).

So what needs to be done to untangle this? For my suggested solutions and all referenced web sites, see the Dolphin Talk web site www.thedolphintalk.com and add your own suggestions in the comments section under my article.

32 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

The AG (Lynch) can order surveillance without FISC approval. :https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/1805
Obama formally accused Russia of meddling in the Presidential election, 10/08/16. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/08/us/politics/us-formally-accuses-russia-of-stealing-dnc-emails.html
Hillary also accused Trump of being “being Putin’s puppet” on 10/19/16. I did lose the original, but she repeated it so many times, there is no doubt about the truth or source. If anyone doubts it, tell me and I’ll find it again. Since Hillary said it, that will be all over Google, no problem.
Clapper & Johnson issuing a formal statement, 10/07/16. https://www.dhs.gov/news/2016/10/07/joint-statement-department-homeland-security-and-office-director-national

September 22nd, 2018 at 2:05 pm
Bill Brayshaw

President Trump has ordered the FISA documents, and others to be declassified. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/09/17/trump-orders-feds-to-declassify-key-fisa-documents-text-messages-in-fbi-russia-probe.html
As expected The Resist & Obstruct forces are in full swing. If there was “probable cause” and the FBI & DoJ did nothing illegal, why all the “push-back”?
The Redactions are to cover-up who knew what, when, and who ordered what, when. And did they follow FISA Procedure or use the “Emergency AG order” I mentioned above?
The more “push-back” from the Dems and FBI/DoJ, the more you can expect, and the more unlawful, the illegal acts to be. Typical Obama Admin actions.

September 22nd, 2018 at 2:41 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And how about the Kavenaugh Confirmation hearings? How many times has Ms. Ford been invited to appear and state her ‘case’? How many times has she backed out, set impossible and unlawful conditions, and the Repubs still try to accommodate her?
It is a joke. They are just trying to put it off. More Resist and Obstruct, with the futile hope tat they can put it off until after the election, and they can win enough seats to Resist and Obstruct some more. Until when? 2020 and Kamala Harris and Corey Booker are elected Co-Presidents? Get real!
Ford won’t say when, where the “Alleged attack” took place. If the “attack” was so serious and threatening, why was no report made? Why didn’t she even tell her friends at school? Looks like a bunch of drunken promiscuous teen Partygirls from their yearbooks and their ‘Cult of the First Amendment’.
The whole thing is unbelievable! Including that the School authorities would allow the yearbook to gloryfie this behavior! Especially in young girls. (OOPS! I’ll bet that is “Sexist!”)

September 22nd, 2018 at 2:58 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I originally wrote my suggested solutions on 9/10. Some are already being implemented:
So what needs to be done to untangle this? ** President Trump must declassify all the material on the FISA Warrants and give unredacted copies to the Congressional Investigating Committees with the warning that it will be released to the Public in 14 days if the Mueller Investigation continues. President Trump should call on Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts to hold a “Blue Ribbon” Grand Jury to question all the participants in this FISA Warrant conspiracy without any “Immunity” granted to anyone. Physical Evidence such as Emails and public statements must have more weight than excuses, but everyone involved should be given a chance to tell their “story”. The prosecutions of guilty parties can proceed normally (slow), but the evidence of what happened (if not the blame) must be made public as soon as possible. ***

President Trump should also order complete declassification of all the Emails contained in the “Wiener Laptop” and unredacted copies released to the Congressional Investigating Committees, with the warning that after 14 days, he can release them to Law Enforcement and Media of his choice, if significant action is not taken by the Committees. Within the 14 days, Committees can recommend redactions for National Security, but not to protect guilty or responsible parties.

The Dem-Socs can not be allowed to win the House or the Senate. Not only will they stop the investigations into the criminal Malfeasance in the 2016 elections, but they will kill the Trump Recovery for everyone. At least for 2 years. But the “Truth will out”, and 2020 will be a Republican Landslide if they do “screw it up” by getting Dems corrupted by Pelosi & Schumer elected. With Pro-Trump GOP majorities in Congress we can increase the GDP to rebuild the infrastructure and start paying down the Federal Debt. And we still need The Wall! The ‘Activist Judges’ and the Dem-Soc Media will “resist & obstruct” anything that interferes with the Criminal Invaders being freed and allowed to stay.
It should be obvious that the Dem-Soc plan to obtain power by “Democracy” is to flood our Republic with “New Voters” that are willing to vote “Their Way”.

September 23rd, 2018 at 1:46 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The Kavenaugh Confirmation Hearings have proven several things.
One is the Democrats have no respect for Constitutional procedures. “Resist & Obstruct” is their chosen Plan. They want to win the midterm elections, but have no platform other than Open Borders and a greatly expanded Welfare State. Both are bad, they have no plan how to pay for them, but “Raise Taxes”. Combined they are a recipe for DISASTER! The US is taking in about 1.5 Million Legal Immigrants per year. With the Democrats Plan they will get 2 or 3 times that number of “Illegals”, on top of the legal immigrants. How will they support themselves.
The Trump Plan is providing employment and raising take-home pay. Bring new manufacturing jobs back to America by reducing taxes and harmful regulations. The Dem-Socs will stop all that by raising taxes. Flooding the country with welfare-dependent illegal immigrants will reduce wages and increase debt. Where is the money going to come from for all the welfare? Same way it did during Obama. “Borrowing”? From who? The FED just “creates Debt-Money” and then charges us, the taxpayers on it.
Some of the Radical Left want Trump to fail, and destroying his economy will do it. But it is OUR economy, our currency, and our Republic that will be destroyed.

September 23rd, 2018 at 2:08 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The second thing being destroyed by the Dems in the Kavenaugh Hearings is American Law and Jurisprudence. They are demanding a complete inversion of all Legal procedures and constitutional legal guarantees.
Christine Blasey Ford has been offered her chance to state her case, but her “demands” are counter to American Law.
Judge Jeanine Pirro explains it best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyXib8P0Q6w

September 23rd, 2018 at 2:15 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Christine Ford demands that Judge Kavenaugh be questioned first, but that is contrary to all judicial procedure and common sense. How can the Accused present a Defense until they know what the charge is and the details? And so far the details have been lacking. The Dems demand that Ms Ford be ‘believed”, but first she must make a BELIEVABLE accusation. Preferably with some supporting evidence. So far her story in not believable. Again, it doesn’t fit common-sense.
Also she demands that she not be questioned by any lawyers. And not even have Judge Kavenaugh in the room? Every Accused has a right to face their Accuser and to cross-examine. If she is telling the truth, what does she fear? Again, doesn’t make sense.
Looking at her known history, and she admits to drinking on the night in question, her story does not bear much credibility.
See some of school yearbook entries:

September 23rd, 2018 at 2:32 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Christine’s accusations so far lack where and when the “attack” happened, whose house it was, how she got there, how was she invited, and how she got home. The boy allegedly “threw her on the bed”, tried to fondle her breast (through her clothes and the one-piece bathing suit she wore underneath), and was so rough she was in fear for her life, tried to undress her, but her clothes had no damage, and she had no injury. All this in front of another boy who jumped on them both! Then she “escaped” and they left “laughing maniacally”. This is being called an attempted rape now by the Media.
What was she doing in the bedroom with the boy, much less 2 boys?
Check out her School yearbook; http://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-christine-blasey-fords-high-school_19.html
To begin with, why “The Cult of the First Amendment”? I’m curious about the story behind that strange name.
This was not some innocent 15 yr old girl. She admitted to drinking beer. but why does she not remember any details? Was she “blotto”?
And even if what she said happened, why was getting “groped” so traumatic? She was wearing a one-piece bathing suit under her clothes. How could she even tell she was “groped”, in all the “rassling around” No damage to her clothes, and girls summer clothes were notorious fragile to any “rassling around”.
Doesn’t pass the “Smell Test”. and now this Yearbook Website was “scrubbed” recently, but someone found it and reposted.
Why did school officials allow young high school girls brag about this behavior? Who “scrubbed the website and when?
I’ve spent several days trying to research this and it keeps getting worse.

September 23rd, 2018 at 2:59 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Ford Advisor Ricki Seidman Revealed Plot To Take Down Brett Kavanaugh In July;
This woman is a professional Democrat political Operative. Why is she “advising Christine Ford” and on what?
This is another “Resist & Obstruct” attack on Judge Kavenaugh, being carefully orchestrated to maximize the accusation on the #MeToo movement and fed by some Radical Feminist hysteria that Christine must be believed, no matter what she says or doesn’t, and Kavenaugh is “guilty” no matter what. More “By Any Means Necessary”.
There is much more, Christine started “recovering her suppressed memories” in 2012 when Romney was running and had a chance to win. He had mentioned Judge Kavenaugh as a possible Supreme Court nominee and it somehow drove Christine into “Counseling”. Also Judge Kavenaugh’s mother was the judge in a case where Christine’s parents lost their house(?). There are conflicting stories about the case, but no doubt about who was the judge. There is much more to this story, and more coming to light every day. And curiously Democrat Lawyers are busy suppressing what little possible “evidence” comes to light.

September 23rd, 2018 at 3:19 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The latest info, short and to the point:
“As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has rescheduled the planned Monday hearing to Thursday to hear testimony from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Christine Ford has made an uncorroborated accusation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago at a drunken high school pool party that no one else, including the four people she claims were at the party, remembers.
The negotiations are ongoing as Christine Ford’s attorneys continue to make outrageous demands–Ford thinks she runs the Senate and determines which witnesses and how many witnesses to call forward to testify.
The Senate Judiciary Committee responded to Ford’s outrageous demands Sunday and said it is the Committee that decides which witnesses and how many witnesses to call forward.
This is non-negotiable says the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The Judiciary Committee said it’s up to the Committee to decided the order of witnesses called.
Democrats know if they delay the Kavanaugh vote for another week he will not be confirmed before the next Supreme Court session.
Make no mistake about it. Democrats are using Christine Ford to prevent Trump from placing a justice on the Supreme Court.
As usual, the GOP shows how spineless they are by capitulating to the Democrats after they orchestrated an 11th hour “me too” ambush of Judge Kavanaugh.”
I wonder if Ford’s lawyers will use the Senate’s refusal to let her re-write their rules of procedure as an excuse not to show up. Again.

September 23rd, 2018 at 3:33 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I’m posting the info on Judge Kavanagh’s hearings as another flagrant example of the Radical Dem-Soc’s desperation to stop a Constitutionalist Judge being appointed. There is lawful reason to remove him from consideration other than “They” hate Trump and Trump appointed him, and his dedication to Justice and the Constitution. They hate that, too.
They only want Lib/Prog Activist Justices appointed. They hope to Obstruct his appointment until after the midterms, and if they win either house they intend to prevent any Trump appointee being confirmed until 2020.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg is tottering at death’s door, but will not resign, but what happens when she dies? Will we only have 7 Justices on the Supreme Court until there are 60 GOP Senators, and a clear GOP majority in the House?
This is what the Midterms are coming down too: Trump and Make America Great Again, a growing economy, Fair Trade, and a strong military or the Resist And Obstruct Party, willing to destroy everything unless they get their way on every thing. Any Democrat elected to Congress will be quickly controlled by the Resist & Obstruct faction, because that is the Leadership policy.

September 23rd, 2018 at 3:57 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Alan Dershowitz long-time Liberal Democrat comments on the Christine Ford accusation:
Dershowitz GOES OFF on Christine Ford’s Outrageous Demands: “Every Civil Libertarian Should Be Outraged!… IT IS INSANE!” (VIDEO)

“Attorney, law professor and Democrat, Alan Dershowitz, went on FOX Business Network to discuss the Christine Blasey Ford demands from the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Blasey Ford went public with her allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh last week.
** Judge Brett Kavanaugh vehemently denies the allegations
** Patrick Smyth, a former high school classmate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has denied attending the alleged party where Christine Blasey Ford says Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her in the 1980s.
** Alleged witness Mark Judge defended Brett Kavanaugh again Tuesday in a letter through his lawyer to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley.
** And now, Leland Ingham Keyser, a life-long friend of Christine’s has denied the accusations.
Alan Dershowitz went off on the ridiculous demands by Ford’s far left activist attorneys.
(See Video)
Alan Dershowitz: “Every civil libertarian in the country, liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, led by the Civil Libertarian Union should be outraged by this demand. It is so un-American. You’re the accuser. You get on the witness stand. You testify. You make your accusation. You get cross-examined. THEN the accused responds. It turns the entire legal system on its head. It is INSANE to ask an accused person to deny the accusation before he has heard the accusation being made and cross-examined. Sure, the FBI should continue its background check. It should also call everyone else who may have been at this party. All of that is true. But the idea that he goes first? I want to hear from the American Civil Liberties Union. Where are they? This is the most fundamental denial of due process.”
However, Dershowitz is confused on the FBI Investigation. The Background checks (6) have been completed with nothing negative found. There is no Federal Crime alleged, and more important, this happened when Kavanaugh was 17. FBI does not investigate alleged crimes of people under 18, and the records would have to sealed anyway. Christine’s lawyers knew this when they made the demand!
However, if Christine does testify, and accused of lying to the Senate, the FBI may be able to investigate THAT!
This is just another Dem-Soc/FemiNazi Media Circus, with ‘Assassination by Accusation and Innuendo’. They can’t “get” Trump, so they try to “get” Kavanaugh.
Destroying the American Justice System and blaming “Old White Men” is just a bonus. They are counting on the Media Propaganda Machine to “find him GUILTY!” on their say-so!?!

September 23rd, 2018 at 5:38 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey exposed for ties to Big Pharma abortion pill maker… effort to derail Kavanaugh is plot to protect abortion industry profits
(Natural News) Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, who claims — without any evidence — that Kavanaugh inappropriately touched her at a drunken party while in high school, turns out to have ties to an abortion pill pharmaceutical company called Corcept Therapeutics. This discovery brings to light an obvious conflict of interest in Blasey’s story, revealing that she works for a pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug, whose profits could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.
Corcept Therapeutics (Corcept.com) manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers.
Corcept Therapeutics, Inc., a $166 billion market cap company (stock symbol CORT) reportedly has current annual sales of $216 million. The company offers just one drug, mifepristone, which is widely known as an “abortion pill” or RU-486. Many drugs have multiple uses, and mifepristone — brand name “Korlym” at Corcept — is currently marketed by the company for the treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.
Like all FDA-approved drugs, mifepristone is frequently prescribed off-label, meaning doctors prescribe it for conditions that it has never been approved to treat. It is well known throughout the medical industry that doctors routinely prescribe this drug to terminate unwanted pregnancies. It is a covert “abortion drug,” in other words.
I fail to see the hysteria on the Left about Kavanaugh and abortion. Even if he wanted to, he can’t just go into SCOTUS and say, “Let’s overturn Roe vs Wade.” There has to a case brought to justify any ruling.
The Abortion Lobby’s problem is there is way too much being attached to the “Abortion Rights Issue”. Like Partial Birth Abortions, selling the baby parts, and demanding Taxpayers support it.
Roe vs Wade is unconstitutional because it is not a Federal Issue, but belongs to the States under the 10th Amendment, anyway.
To “outlaw” Abortions, a medical procedure, at the Federal level would be equally unconstitutional. I think all of the SCOTUS Justices would agree with that. The Progressive Activists may want Roe vs Wade to stand because they like the ‘outcome’, but it was decided on lies. Read “Jane Roe’s” book!
There are States that would allow unrestricted abortions and maybe even make their Taxpayers pay for them. And there are other States that may place sensible restrictions on it, as their citizens demand.
As the Founders intended, Govt at the lowest level is best, if any “Govt Regulation” is necessary. The Constitution specifically mandates the powers given to the Federal Govt.

September 23rd, 2018 at 6:17 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The New Yorker came up with a new accuser for Kavanaugh, Sunday. Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate that claimed he exposed himself to her during a dorm party drinking game. So far all her witnesses have denied the allegations. Ramirez admits to heavy drinking and “memory gaps”. Her accusation is based on her “carefully assessed memories”, whatever that means.
Ramirez is a big time Lib/Prog. See:
Page 2 she is listed as a 2003 Senior Soros Fellow and on page 6, she received Soros Foundation’s Open Society Institute project grant ($67,123.00) in 2002; Soros Senior Justice Fellowship grant ($65,000.00) in 2002-3; Open Society Institute Soros) grant to continue research on partnerships between the Arab, Muslim and Sikh communities and law enforcement ($75,000.0) in 2004; as well as her salary as a Law Professor at NORTHEASTERN LAW SCHOOL, Boston, Mass.
Her list of grants only goes up to 2007. And I don’t know where else she may be employed.

September 24th, 2018 at 9:18 am

From your comment #11 above:
“I’m posting the info on Judge Kavanagh’s hearings as another flagrant example of the Radical Dem-Soc’s desperation to stop a Constitutionalist Judge being appointed. There is lawful reason to remove him from consideration other than “They” hate Trump and Trump appointed him, and his dedication to Justice and the Constitution. They hate that, too.
They only want Lib/Prog Activist Justices appointed. They hope to Obstruct his appointment until after the midterms, and if they win either house they intend to prevent any Trump appointee being confirmed until 2020.”

No such allegations were raised against Gorsuch, the first Trump appointee to the Supreme Court. Which makes your statement a bit overly dramatic and anti-Democrat to be real. Maybe Gorsuch didn’t have this problem because he had a history of treating women with honor and respect.

September 25th, 2018 at 8:27 am

There are many good candidates, men and women, who would qualify and be good nominees based on your measurement, and who would also not have this history of drunken sexual aggression. Why not choose one of them. This is a promotion to the highest court in the land, for a lifetime appointment and a candidate’s resume should not include such blemishes unless they are fully investigated and put to rest. Otherwise they will remain with the candidate and taint the highest court’s trustworthiness.

September 25th, 2018 at 8:34 am

Consider that Kavanaugh’s college roommate described the candidate as frequently drinking alcohol and becoming aggressive if you need another confirmation that is male.

Consider, Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez, who do not know each other, are both willing to testify under penalty of perjury, to what they witneased. No prosecutorial deal, no negotiation for a pre-list of written questions.

Now consider a President who is afraid to do the same with the special prosecutor.

September 25th, 2018 at 8:16 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re: SMH #15,16 & 17
The whole situation with Christine Blasey Ford is a farce. It was an “ambush” as Senator Graham said. Diane Feinstein intentional withheld the accusation until the last minute, to draw out the process. She did not want any investigation, and did even believe Ford herself. Last week, trying to distance herself from Ford’s lame accusation. This whole operation was to draw out the process, and to encourage (or buy) other greedy drama-queens to come out with false accusations.
Ford’s lawyers are complicit in this criminal farce. The “two front doors” building permit was issued in 2008, not2012. It is obvious that they did not tell Ford that Grassley offered to send people to CA to interview her, the Dems wanted the Show-trial in DC. Rachel Mitchell’s very gentle interrogation of Ford was revealing inconsistencies and would have “broken” her story given any reasonable time, but she was interrupted every 5 minutes by the Dems. FARCE, not an investigation! Ford had no corroborating witnesses, NONE! There was one earlier, but proven to be lying. That is why there were no more. Ford’s “Beach Friends” in Santa Clara put her up to this. She seems a very weak minded person, though “highly educated”, and ruined by “psycho-babble”. She was obviously coached and rehearsed on her story, the little girl voice, the hiding behind her hair, and the drying voice but no tears are a put on, not a 52 year old professional woman that os a classroom professor! Her only honest emotion was at “being laughed at” and when praised by Dems for her courage, for “saving the world” from Kavavaugh. And we all know what that is about don’t we?
And while the Dems blasted Kavanaugh for the foolishness in his yearbook about beer, the Repubs made no mention of Ford’s Yearbook’s references to consistently drinking until passing out, sexual conquests, and even as seniors seducing younger boys for their innocence and malleability. It is widely known that she even admitted having some 64 lovers in high school and first college, (that she remembered, not counting ‘road-kills’ and other ‘one-night-stands’. So who is the “sexual predator” here?
Christine was a drunken slut, in a drunken slut school to get recognition and peer approval. She is a known Lib-Prog Dem activist and is doing it again. And she can try and blame the boys that probably looked down on her during here drunken slut time, that she probably later regretted.
And there is the $400,000 GoFundMe (so far), the $10 million book deal, the movie rights, and endless TV appearances.
Ramirez is another ardent Lib/Prog and has already been disproven. All her witnesses have denied it even happened. And note that all these women claim drunkenness and “trauma” as a “defense” against perjury, where Kavanaugh’s witnesses make flat statements under oath. The other skank with the creepy porn lawyer doesn’t even deserve comment, even though there was plenty that came out about her almost immediately.
So, SMH, you are trying to ‘muddy the water’ with unsubstantiated or disproven statements. You are a Dem-Soc operative, nothing else. The Dem-Socs have shown themselves to be totally dishonest in their quest to regain power, admittedly “By Any Means Necessary.” They have no respect for Senate procedure, honesty, American Law and the Constitution. As Senator Graham eloquently explained in his short tirade, God help us if you people ever get back in power again.

September 28th, 2018 at 9:26 am
Bill Brayshaw

From the end of a New York Times (9/23) article trying to smear Kavanaugh, they were forced to admit:
“The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.”
Ramirez herself admits, “she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.” But this is the ‘evidence’ these Dem-Soc Senators, many of whom are lawyers themselves want to use to smear Judge Kavanaugh?

They all ought to be disbarred! And impeached! And recused from siting at the Senate trial along with any other Dem Senators that were co-conspirators in this illegal farce perpetrated on Kavanaugh, the American People, and our Constitution.

September 28th, 2018 at 11:24 am
Bill Brayshaw

I will offer another OPINION:
The Dems have again moved so far left for a very stupid reason. To protect the Abortion Lobby.
I do not believe Kavanaugh, or Gorsuch, Rogers, or Thomas, would vote to OUTLAW all abortions at the Federal level. Even Alito. Conservatives are not ideologues. But the Lib/Progs are hysterical. They are supposed to be DEMOCRATS, so what is wrong with the possibility of the Constitutional solution of OBEYING the Tenth Amendment and turning the decision back to the States? Then the Citizens can decide what is best for THEIR State?
Their determination to keep this undemocratic and unconstitutional rule by the Court to keep all abortions “legal” and paid for by Taxpayers PROVES they are Totalitarians on this issue and indicate that they know they can’t win any other way!
Bless God, I believe that many Democrats are starting to see this. The current criminal conspiracy against Kavanaugh has disgusted them to the point of breaking with the party.
And all this is ultimately over, did Christine get “groped” through her clothes and a one-piece bathing suit at a teen party. She was drinking and went upstairs to a bedroom with two boys. Even if true (and all her witnesses say it never happened, not even the party), where is the prosecutable crime? And even if it was, the records would have been sealed and expunged because they were minors. That is a Sacred Cow of jurisprudence to the Democrats usually.

September 28th, 2018 at 12:07 pm
Bill Brayshaw

For the above reason, I believe the Repubs will win “bigly” in Nov.
Also this will be better for the Democrat Party in the long run, because if they can throw off the Radical Leftist leadership, and get back to an America First and Constitutional party, it will be much better for everyone.
The Repubs are not the problem. Trump, no matter how much you may dislike him, is not the problem. At worse, he is a symptom or a reaction to the problem. The Problem is Anti-Constitution and Anti-American Radical Leftists, Marxism, and Globalism. And the current Dem-Soc “leadership” hope to harness that for their ride back to power.
I will certainly vote a straight Repub ticket this election and intend to keep doing it until the Democrat Party throws off their Marxist ‘Masters’, and comes back to being Democratic and pro-America.
I fear a One-Party State. But there is enough honest division in the GOP to make three ‘parties’, so even if the current Dem-Soc party is destroyed, it is no threat. The “Dem-Socs” will just go back to the Communist Party, where they belong.

September 28th, 2018 at 12:30 pm

I hate to tell you, but this is the last election that you can vote a straight ticket. The Republican state leadership killed that.

September 28th, 2018 at 1:05 pm
Bill Brayshaw

It may take longer is all.

September 28th, 2018 at 5:52 pm

From Stanford University Professor Joel Beinen:

Here are some of the major lies that Kavanaugh has told:

1. He lied about Devil’s Triangle. A Devil’s Triangle is two different kinds of sexual acts, involving either a threesome, or three types of sexual intercourse with one woman in one night. It is not a drinking game. He lied about this several times and his classmates have called him out.

2. He lied about “bouf,” which refers to anal intercourse, and not flatulence. He doubled down on this lie several times during testimony.

3. He lied about “Renata Alumnius.” That referred to him going on a date with the purported class “slut.” It was not about being her friend (and she recently said she was horrified by his yearbook references.) His testimony directly contradicts a poem about Renata written by one of his close friends found in the same yearbook he refers to himself as a Renata Alumnius, portraying Renata as a cheap and sleazy date.

4. He lied that the “Beach Week Ralph Club,” which refers to vomiting from drinking at a traditional beach week (which all the schools around here have–we all know the expression). He lied and said it referred to his weak stomach.

5. He lied under oath about not watching Ford’s testimony. Today. Witnesses saw him watching it. The Wall Street Journal reported he was watching it with others in the Senate’s Dirksen Office Building. There are many press stories on this.

6. He lied about not knowing about stolen emails from the Democratic members of the judicial committee. He knew the emails were stolen and confirmed it in the emails the Judicial Committee republicans tried to suppress. The Washington Post gave him three pinocchios for this lie.

7. He lied about witnesses supporting his claims. They did not support his claims as he characterized their testimony. They generally supplied brief statements through lawyers about not remembering the party. This was no testimony. This was no independent investigation.

8. More specifically, Ford and Kavanaugh’s mutual friend Leland Kaiser says while she does not remember that party, but she believes everything her friend Ford said about it. She has stated this to the press and it came up in testimony today.

9. Kavanugh lied about his drinking. He drank a lot in the last year of high school and college (and several witnesses say he drank a lot for years afterwards). Several friends of mine who specialize in alcoholism said he exhibited signs of having drunk before this hearing. He was referred to by his college roommate as a sloppy and belligerent drunk. We saw glimpses of that belligerence today. Dozens of his contemporaries have confirmed how aggressive he becomes with drinking.

10. He lied that never drunk on weekdays in the summer of 1982. In his own calendar, he referred to “skis,” which he admitted refer to “brewskis,” with Mark and PJ on Thursday July 1 in a calendar entry that matches closely Ford’s account. Most of the people in that list were the same mentioned by Ford in her testimony. He drank. On that Thursday night. After working out.

11. He lied about Judge not remembering what happened. Six weeks after the incident, probably mid-August 1982, Ford reported seeing Judge at the Potomac Safeway in River Road near where we live. Local newspapers have confirmed that Judge worked there at the time Ford said. No one has refuted her testimony that Judge was “nervous” and had “turned white.” The committee is still refusing to interview or depose or subpoena Judge.

12. He lied that “100 kegs or bust” did not indicate a lot of drinking in 1982-3. He was part of a group endeavoring to drink 100 kegs that year, and his best friend became a serious alcoholic and admitted to sexual assault resembling this assault during that period to his girlfriend. His girlfriend was also not deposed by the committee.

13. He lied about Trump in the first line of his first press conference as nominee. He lied about Trump doing more vetting than for any other Supreme Court nominee in modern history. In fact, Trump vetted much much less than other modern President’s, admittedly working from short lists provided by two conservative think tanks, which he announced in advance he would limit his choice to. Several books have confirmed that Trump spent little time on the vetting.

14. He lied that he is “open to any investigation.” He is not and is actively participating in blocking the testimony of eye witness Mark Judge, his girlfiend, and other participants. Judge is hiding out in a beach house on the eastern shore and Judge being interviewed by the FBI. Kavanaugh is actively involved in strategizing about evidence suppression, at all day strategy meetings with Trump’s lawyers.

15. He lied about the nature of Mark’s book. He said that both it was part of his therapy and coming clean as an alcoholic and drug addict, and called the book “fictional.” It can’t be both a testimonial of a recovering alcoholic and fictional at the same time.

16. He refuses to answer the question again and again about whether or not there should be an investigation and whether or not his friend Mark Judge should be questioned, further belying that he is “open to investigation.”

17. He is lying about whether he was the “Bart O’Kavanaugh” in Mark Judge’s book. He knows the drunken and vomiting “O’Kavanaugh” is him.

18. He is lying about never having forgot anything about the night after a night of drinking. There are several testimonials from classmates to this effect.

19. He is lying that there is a conspiracy against him and that Ford’s charges are trumped up and part of that conspiracy. The best evidence of no conspiracy is how his high school classmate Gorsuch–they were one year about apart at Georgetown Prep–was subject to no such conspiracy, in confirmation hearings just months ago. Gorsuch is honorable. Judge is lying.

20. Kavanaugh supporter Whelan helped concoct the story of other men taking credit for assaulting Ford. Whelan has deleted all of his tweets after being challenged on the completely bogus stories he was advancing by his colleagues. The dissembling tweets are gone.

September 30th, 2018 at 9:29 am
Bill Brayshaw

You are so full of crap. Who is this guy Joel Beinen? Libtard Stanford College Professor? What does he know? Any of the People, did he go to school there, at that time? Desperate Libtard Propaganda. And you are a fool to believe any of it and doubly a fool to think any thinking person will believe YOU!
All these lies will NOT save this conspiracy. Where are Christine’s Deleted Emails? And Social Media? People have come forward saying she posted stuff on her Social Media suggesting that some FemiNazi claim Gorsuch raped or assaulted them when he was nominated. This Conspiracy against BK goes back to the Romney campaign.
And the evidence is probably still out there. Why isn’t the Media looking at Chrissy’s yearbook? The Repubs didn’t want to touch that, but the FBI will. Wait for it. Convicted by her own words and her classmates at that Drunken Slut Girls’ high school trying to be “Animal House”.
And it is 37 days to the Election. Real evidence is already coming out that proves Blasey Ford LIED! Knowingly LIED. Folks don’t like being lied to by Dem Senators. And ‘en blok’ it looks like a planned conspiracy.

September 30th, 2018 at 7:03 pm
Bill Brayshaw

A comment I posted on one of the many stories offering evidence that Ford lied:
“The good thing about this is millions of people are starting to see thorough this. My wife immediate saw thorough it and got madder than hell! I think her reaction is typical, the more the Dem women try to beat this dead horse, the bigger the backlash will be. Folks don’t like to be lied to, and this “got groped at a drinking party” doesn’t fly with most people to start with. Attempted rape accusation and “I feared for my life.” makes it scary! That it is a totally false, no evidence, witnesses deny, Dem lawyer conspiracy-type thing is terrifying!
The election will probably solve a lot of problems. Folks re going to vote AGAINST this in droves.”
Even long-time Democrats see this as a terrible threat to American Jurisprudence! Kavanaugh is a good judge. A moral American Constitutionalist! And nobody should be treated like this for any reason, much less destroyed by a Major Political Party because THEY think he MIGHT rule against something they want.
And I do NOT believe he would rule to Outlaw Abortion at the Federal Level anyway, even if he had the chance.
Radical Lib/Progs are criminally stupid!

September 30th, 2018 at 7:14 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Even if you want to believe that something happened like Chrissy described, break it down logically.
Why would 2 15 yr old girls from a Drunken Sluts Girl School show up uninvited(?) at a house 4 17 year old boys were drinking? (Leland denies even knowing BK, “They were in different social circles”.
She admits to have drunk the “notorious ONE beer”, and immediately had to pee. Ask any cop about the “One Beer”. And it would take awhile to ned to be released unless she had been drinking before.
And it took two guys to show her where the bathroom was, right at the top of the stairs? No way they would have gone up there with her unless she invited them. (Never Happened)
Even if they did and one pushed on the bed and started kissing and groping her. Why would the other guy stay, IF it was serious? And all the rest was pure “teen grab-ass” at worst. Other guy jumps in she falls out of bed and they leave “Laughing Maniacally”. (I do believe that may have happened to her, but not with BK & MJ.)
Then she “escaped” without any further incident, but left her Best Friend in ‘the clutches of these drunken sex-fiends’? Does not fit at all!
She has no idea how she got home? After such a “harrowing experience”? And she told no one? this Drama Queen? See her yearbook.
Nothing fits. From her yearbook reputation this is nothing! Except the getting ‘Laughed at Maniacally’ part.
I hope the FBI quickly confirms the witnesses statements, Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed and SCOTUS can proceed normally.
While the FBI thoroughly investigates these allegations, the lawyers, who put her up to this, and who is paying for it! And what evidence is that can prove that DI-Fi used this as an ambush, and KNEW it was a LIE all along.

September 30th, 2018 at 7:58 pm

Whatever. See you at the polls.

September 30th, 2018 at 9:48 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Di-Fi is now being investigated. All of Chrissy’s “witnesses” are cooperating with the FBI, and obviously none have implicated Kavanaugh in any way or it would have been leaked and beeb on the Libtard Propaganda Media 24/7.
And SMH, Lib/Prog operative and our Constant Accuser of All Things Awful The GOP & Trump Didn’t DO, sez “Whatever” ??
President Trump got a new Fair Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canuck Metrosexual Loud-Mouth, folded like a cheap lawn chair and got in it at the last minute. He begged Mexico to help. Maybe he will watch his mouth next time, about barking at the Big Dog after he’s out of hearing.

October 1st, 2018 at 7:33 pm
Bill Brayshaw

For all those trying to understand Chi-Spy Di-Fi and the current Dem-Soc Party, see:
Christine Ford’s Friend Leland Keyser Says Democrats Pressured Her to Lie and Change Her Story
Not only do all of Chrissy’s “witnesses” refuse to corroborate her story and even deny any possibility of it being true, but her best friend reports pressure from “Dems” to lie!
This is not the American “Democrat Party”! This is an Anti-American, Marxist, Anarchist, militant FemiNazi ABORTION of what once was the Democrat Party.
They have sacrificed all honor, honesty, any pretense of loyalty to the Constitution, or the principles of Democracy, Liberty, Freedom, and self determination, to destroy Judge Kavanaugh “By Any Means Necessary”, because of their perceived threat to Unlimited Abortion, and Making the Taxpayers Subsidize It!
That is the bottom line. Period. Even Geraldo Rivera is speaking out against this.
The only way to get this great evil out of DC, the Democrat Party, and the damn Media is to FOLLOW the CONSTITUTION – The TENTH AMENDMENT, and put it back to the States and let the Citizen Voters decide! Not Radical Political operators and Hollyweird.

October 5th, 2018 at 9:01 am
Bill Brayshaw

To further illustrate the horrible double standard, see this about Obama by his own admission:
So it’s OK for a Dem politician, even if it did make him a very poor student, as long as he became a Liberal Democrat.
But Brett Kavavaugh was a #1 student, played most sports, was church-goer, and well liked by girls, not a thug, or doper. But he is the “bad guy” in this farce?
The Dem-Socs preach tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness, and ‘people should not be demonized for youthful mistakes’, until it suits their purposes.
They have become the most dishonest, hypocritical, even criminal people anywhere, even in DC! One of the most dishonest, hypocritical, agenda and greed driven places in the world.

October 5th, 2018 at 9:42 am
Bill Brayshaw

One of the 2 women that ambushed “Flakey” Flake in the elevator and got him to demand the 7th investigation, was Ana Maria Archila, the co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy a Soros supported Lib/Prog org. Mike Cernovich found her on the company tax return. In 2016, she earned $178,071 in total compensation. After the successful “Elevator ambush”, she and her friend split a $30,000 Crowd Pac. (or more) Ana Maria is an illegal alien from Columbia.
See screen shots at:

October 6th, 2018 at 4:08 pm
Untitled Document