“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Kavanaugh, and the Election.

During the worst of the Kavanaugh Smear Campaign, I was willing to give up on Kavanaugh to get 4-6 more new GOP Senators, but he stuck, and President Trump stuck, so we got him confirmed and sworn in, and it looks like the Mid-Terms are going to be a blood-bath for the Dems. The Far Left Dem-Socialists preaching “All Women Have To Be Believed.”, even when the accusations are weak, disjointed, some even incredible, and all denied by the potential “witnesses”. That didn’t work, so the next FemiNazi step was, “Men must be assumed guilty even with no evidence!”..? So, 800 years of Anglo-American Jurisprudence and the pursuit of Justice thrown out, because the Far Left Crazies don’t like Judge Kavanaugh. Forget about “Innocent until Proven Guilty”, and “The Accused has the right to cross-examine his accuser”.

The whole Smear and Ambush was based on the belief Repubs would fold, as usual. So when the first one didn’t work, they just doubled down on dirty lies, and expected American Women to believe it. But they did not! The Hollyweirdos may be living in a porno-movie, but most Americans aren’t; and women don’t want their fathers, husbands, sons, and boy-friends destroyed by unsubstantiated claims by some psycho Drama Queens over political hysteria. Trump stood firm, and strong sensible women stood with him. And the Dem-Socs still don’t understand.

If you think the Kavanaugh fight was bad, just wait and see what will happen if the Dems gain any power in Congress. With Nancy Pelosi & Maxine Waters in the House and Chuckie Schumer, Kamala Harris, & Cory Booker in the Senate, they are going “Full Bolshevik” until they get everything they want. Welfare for Illegals, Open Borders, Free Everything for those that don’t Work, and crushing taxes for those that do work. As well as trying to impeach Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump for any made-up accusation they can imagine. The Dem-Socialist leaders are encouraging the Mobocracy. Antifa is already the enforcement arm of the Dem-Socs where they have power to control the police. How would you like them to be the new Federal Police?

Hillary threatens, “Civility will only return when WE are back in power!” If they don’t win (and they won’t), the only thing that will stop the craziness and bring the Democrat Party back to sanity is a crushing defeat in the Mid-Terms. Sensible American Democrats are starting to see that. They must start from the local level to throw out the crazy “Full Bolshevik” leaders. And start electing real Democrats that will represent their districts and states, not Dem-Socialists, and the power-crazed Globalist Elitists like Hillary, Pelosi, & Schumer. As long as they are in charge, they will corrupt any Moderate Democrat elected. They want to destroy everything Trump has accomplished to “get” him. Even if it destroys the Economic Recovery, our Re-industrialization, Wage Growth, and Energy Independence. And even our dollar!

So vote Republican to save the Recovery, or vote Socialist-Democrat (actually Communist now) for crushing taxes and regulations, Federal Czars micro managing every state’s resources, subsidizing poverty, abortion, foreign refugees, and Criminal Invaders. And just not voting is a vote for more craziness, and that is how Commies win… apathy.

I know in some cases, Dems might have to hold their nose to do it, but think of it as “a dose of Castor Oil to stop the Food Poisoning” in the Soros-controlled Globalist DNC. Just think, if there was sensible cooperation from moderate Dems, how much faster our Recovery and GDP Growth would be. And we need a “Loyal Opposition Party” to whoever is in power, and the “Dem-Socs” are NOT it.

Check the web site for updates.

12 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

The Mid-Terms campaign is coming down to the choice of “Jobs or Mobs”.
Immigration is the #1 Issue for America and The Dem-Socs are pushing for Open Borders, Catch & Release, and Welfare for everybody that can get here. There were 107,212 “family units” accepted as refugees in FY 2018. That is 2000 a week & not counting the Single Males and all the ones that didn’t get caught. Many of those will be on the Welfare gravy train also.
These Criminal Invaders are costing us $163 Billion/ year, or 6 “Walls”, every year! Money that is sorely needed by OUR poor and disabled Citizens and to rebuild our infrastructure and provide more well-paying jobs for our Citizens and the 4 million American youth that graduate high school every year.
Poor minorities are starting to figure that out, and if they are smart they will vote Repub for their wallet and their kids future, instead of Dem-Socialist lies.

October 20th, 2018 at 11:00 am
Bill Brayshaw

News you might have missed:
100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Migrant Caravan of Military-Aged Males Marches to U.S.

These caravans are excellent camouflage for Muslim Terrorists.

October 20th, 2018 at 11:38 am
Bill Brayshaw

If you are reading the news and their polls about Dem-Soc wins, stop and remember:
On Oct 20, 2016, the New York Times reported Hillary Clinton had a 92% chance of winning that election! And she was trying to fool people into thinking she was a “Moderate”.
This year the Dem-Socs are openly running as Socialists and Globalist, but mostly as Trump Haters. And they hate him because by being an America First President he has really begun the Economic Recovery that eluded the poor policies of the Obama Administration for 8 years. Trump has an “impossible” 4.2% GDP growth with an Unemployment Rate of 3.7%. Obama reduced ‘unemployment’ by putting chronically unemployed people on Social Security Disability for silly reasons like being over-weight, or drunks.
And Trump is very proud of the Unemployment for Blacks and Hispanics is the lowest ever recorded, but in the Lib Media he is still called a RACIST!
Also Women’s unemployment is the lowest in 50 years, but the Lib Media says Trump hates women. Incomes are rising at highest rates in decades.
I guess to some Libs, getting folks jobs and better pay is “hateful”. Go figure that, LOL!

October 20th, 2018 at 12:13 pm

Raise your hand if you know, personally and in person someone who calls themselves a Communist. Otherwise this is just Boogeyman name calling. Scary! Scary! Woooooooo! Watch out those pumpkins are really liberal message boards! Wooooo!

Don’t look under your bed, Bill. They’re in the house

October 21st, 2018 at 9:20 am
Bill Brayshaw

If you had the intelligence and the ambition to study our enemies, you would know better.
Marxists tout “Socialism” as ‘bait’ and a transitory system to be used in Capitalist Democracies to turn them International Socialist or the short definition – Communist.
And how is your Welfare for All and Open Borders thing working out for you?
And the desperation factor is getting pretty high for Antifa to send Fake Bombs to try get sympathy from Fake News. Total HOAX. Just like the current DemonRat leadership.
American Democrats are voting for GOP candidates in droves to help Make America Great Again! And throw out the phony Socialists and rebuild the American Democrat Party again. (I hope. Or just build another party, either way.) Send all the Radical Leftists back to the CPUSA, where they belong, and start running American Patriots for Office instead of Pelosi & Schumer “do-boys” hired and trained by the Soros orgs.
I sincerely hope they catch the Phony Bombers and I hope they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Even though they will probably get 100,000 more people to vote Repub for that crazy stunt.

October 24th, 2018 at 8:49 pm
Bill Brayshaw

As a matter of fact, I have known quite a few Marxists, and some even were honest enough to admit they were full blown Communists. But not currently, at least any honest enough to admit it.
Also I have had a passing acquaintance with many, many more. A substantial number of whom I had the distinct pleasure and honor of sending them to Hell!
Thank you very much.

October 24th, 2018 at 9:15 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The “Pipe Bomb Scare” is obviously a False Flag op.
The clocks have no alarm feature and can not be used as a trigger. So far, I’ve heard nothing about “Explosive” used. One supposedly had a “propellant”, whatever that means. (?) None have had a “detonator or cap”.
Also who would want to waste a bomb on Creepy Old Uncle Joe? And Robert De Niro is a libtard joke. Burnt old Hollywierdo. I’ve never heard Trump even mention him, just a minor Hollywierd Libtard player that struts his few minutes on the stage, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Obviously this was another lame attempt to change the Media conversation from the Criminal Invader Caravan, which was a big loser for the Radical Dems, and Soros Globalists, and blame Trump(?).
Most Americans know it is 90% Military-aged Males, and want it stopped. Even if they have to be machine-gunned in the river.
I think the Lib/Progs have really screwed up this time. Their Open Borders + Welfare State for All was bad enough, bit thousands tearing down chain-link gates is really INSANE! Mexican Press claims the “Caravan” is over 14,000, but I think that is an exaggeration.
But whatever it is should be stopped at any cost!

October 25th, 2018 at 12:20 pm

Kids. This is what old and crazy sounds like.

November 1st, 2018 at 6:41 am

I have O idea what open borders and welfare for all you are talking about. It’s as if I said what about the gay porn you want legalized??? You’d say “what”? Right? It’s as much nonsense as your accusation. Blah blah blah.

November 1st, 2018 at 6:45 am

Bill, how many stickers are on your van?

November 1st, 2018 at 6:46 am

I think machine gunning down people who arrive on our border requesting asylum is about the sickest think I’ve ever seen you print, Bill.

November 1st, 2018 at 9:32 am

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