Island Life…By Clint Bennetsen

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info, Island Life
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Nov 18 - 0 Comments

Getting Prepared For Cold Days

Greetings from the island everyone. I hope that all of you are doing well and adjusting to these winter-like conditions that we are having. Winter doesn’t officially begin for over a month, but it seems as though it is giving Fall a stern push out of here early. As I sit here having some hot chocolate and writing on Nov. 9, I can hear the winds howling outside at 25+ mph, with a light rain coming down and the temps steadily falling. Matagorda Bay is a churning mess of solid whitecaps right now. And in a few days, an even colder and harder blowing norther will be pushing down to the coast. Nasty weather days like this are pretty much just spent stuck inside on this barrier island. I think that I am ready for Spring already.

With the high winds and nasty, rainy weather a few weeks ago, at one stretch it was 12 days before I could venture across the bay to get supplies. Having not planned ahead, I was basically out of everything, except eggs, and those days were a harsh reminder that I have to stay overstocked on supplies beginning this time of year. Small packages of frozen hamburger, canned meats and veggies, bread, crackers and evaporated milk are essential items during the winter months out here. Also extra propane for the fridge/freezer and my heat sources are very important. It just seems like we have went straight from summer to a wet winter, with a very brief mosquito filled glance at Fall. Also Lord, if you happen to read these articles, please hold back on any more rain, I am quite ready for a month of dry sunny weather. And thank you to Britton and Tim for the offers of braving the rough bay to bring me a few supplies during that stretch. I will be much better prepared from now on.

During periods of nice weather, I have stayed busy getting a few of my islander yards mowed out here. I’ve gotten behind on them because of the ground staying saturated from all the rain, and of course it’s still raining. I’ve also been cleaning up around the place and burning all non-essential paper and plastic stuff. Corky and I have taken advantage of a few nicer days and went down to the beach so he can let loose and run and chase the birds, one of his favorite things to do. The beach is very clean right now, the extremely high tides a few weeks ago pushed all the debris up to the dunes.

I’m trying to get a little more use out of my island truck out here, basically wiring and duct taping it together until I’m forced to find another one. An area of the frame has rusted apart, the drivers window won’t roll up and the brakes are pretty much non-existent on it. Fighting and dealing with corrosion is a never ending battle out here. . just part of island life. So if anyone has a decent and mechanically sound four door 4WD truck you’re needing to part with, please holler at me.

Mom is holding her own and doing ok. Weather permitting, I go in a few days a week and stay with her at a local nursing home, and I enjoy every minute of her company. My sister, Darla, flew down from California a few weeks ago, and all of us siblings, and our dad, spent the day with mom at her home in Seadrift. It was a great day. I’m gonna have my Thanksgiving with Mom on the 15th at the nursing home, and that also is gonna be a nice day.

Well, that’s it from the island for now. Everyone please have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and enjoy your time with them.

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