Let There be Music!

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Nov 18 - Comments Off on Let There be Music!

Let There be Music!
Presented by Seadrift Community Choir

For many years, a highlight of the Christmas Season has been the annual performance by the Seadrift Community Choir. The Choir is composed entirely of volunteers who spend weeks practicing to give a free performance to holiday their Seadrift Community. Additionally, they perform at Port Lavaca Senior Facilities, and this year, they will also have a performance in Port O’Connor.

If you enjoy the sacred music of the Christmas Season, you will be glad you attended one the following performances:

Sunday, December 3
9:00 am    St. Patrick Catholic Church, Seadrift
6:00 pm    Assembly of God Church, Seadrift

Thursday, December 13
4:00 pm    Port Lavaca Nursing & Rehab
6:00 pm    Trinity Shores, Port Lavaca

Friday, December 14
2:00 pm    Seadrift School

Saturday, December 15
7:00 pm    Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Port O’Connor

Sunday, December 16
11:00 am First United Methodist Church, Seadrift
6:00 pm    First Baptist Church, Seadrift

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