Coastal Critters Adorn Kid’s Korner

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - Comments Off on Coastal Critters Adorn Kid’s Korner
LeeAnn Kunz adorning the POC Library reading house.

LeeAnn Kunz adorning the POC Library reading house.

The new library building is open and folks are delighted by this amazing place. It’s bright, open and welcoming while a few finishing touches are still in progress, the Kid’s Korner is now adorned with colorful coastal critters and local icons thanks to Port O’Connor artist, LeeAnn Kunz.

LeeAnn’s beautiful creations reside in many homes throughout Texas and beyond. She completed her first paintings at the age of eight, but her aspirations were squelched by a nay-saying teacher. There was no stopping her creative abilities though. After she raised her children and retired from professional rodeo racing, she immersed herself in painting. Now LeeAnn’s creations are in high demand; so high that she stops taking commissions in September just to meet the demand for holiday gifts.

Our community is fortunate to have her works adorn the Kid’s Korner at the new Port O’Connor Library. Dolphins, birds, fish and crabs welcome children to enter the reading house among with familiar sights including the Matagorda Island Lighthouse and a trawling shrimp boat.

This is just one of the remarkable features of the new library. Please mark your calendar for the Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday January 19, 2019, when we will honor our community and supporters for joining forces to complete this beautiful community accomplishment. The ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at 10:00 am. -Brigid Berger, Friends of the Port O’Connor Library

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