Port O Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 0 Comments

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our little village from the ladies of the Port O’Connor Community Service Club. It has been a busy year. We loved seeing everyone at the annual Senior Christmas Luncheon celebrating life in POC. Décor included fishing, oystering, crabbing, and beaching, and the photo booth was a big hit. The home cooking was delicious too. We were so proud to honor two of our own local good guys as citizens of the year. Mr. Kenny Finster and Mr. Teddy Hawes, Congratulations. They have done so much for our community and are always ready to lend a hand. Look for their stories elsewhere in this newspaper.

The Service Club was busy as ever this year. We raised scholarship funds with two huge garage sales, made numerous donations of money to community efforts including memorials to the Cemetery Association; gifts to the POC Elementary school students and teachers, the Volunteer Fire Department, the Benevolence Fund, the new Library, Toy Run, Angel Tree, outreach benefits for locals and other special projects and in and around POC. It was fun and successful to work cooperatively with the Chamber, Friends of the Library, PTO, VFD, local churches and others to make our town a better place every day. The club elected new officers and approved updated bylaws as well as revising our annual operations calendar. We added several new members and said goodbye to a few old ones. We continue to be invested in POC and to work to make a difference in our community.

2019 will be bigger and better. The POC Service Club will still be taking donations of quality used goods for our epic garage sale fund raisers so we can provide scholarships to local students. If you have donations, please contact Donna Vuichard at 361-237-0476 to arrange for drop off. We will also be involved in other community events and efforts and we can always use a helping hand. If you would like to join us, come to our next meeting. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 10 AM at the POC Community Center. You would be welcome to join us.

So, until next time, be safe, live simply, love openly, forgive generously and remember this quote by Mr. William Arthur Ward, great Texas author and motivator who chaired a service club in Fort Worth, Texas, who said, “Lose yourself in generous service and every day can be a most unusual day, a triumphant day, an abundantly  rewarding day!” Come on and reap your abundant reward as you serve with us.

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