Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 19 - 0 Comments

Outstanding Donation!

Some years ago I made a quilt featuring 12 Shriner Clowns. This I donated to the Shriner’s Childrens Hospital. This year it was put into the Shriner’s yearly auction. It was the best place to put it – and drew an amazing bid. The final being $1 Million!

I’m glad that some of my work will benefit such a worthy cause.

Grace Stone
Port O’Connor

Calhoun County and Pct. 4 Residents,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for allowing me to serve as your county commissioner for the last twenty four years. It has been a very rewarding journey with a lot of accomplishments for all. It has been a pleasure to work with so many wonderful people that are truly dedicated to making their communities a great place to live and work in. During my terms we have experienced hurricanes, flooding, droughts, and fires. With each disaster the community members worked together to get back to normal. The addition of new libraries in both Seadrift and Port O’Connor are two of the most gratifying projects I feel have been accomplished for all of the citizens. The list could go on because of the support the citizens have given me.

I would like to give a special thank you to those that organized the retirement reception and for those that came. It was very humbling to see so many people show up. It has been such a pleasure and l know that each one of you will work well with Commissioner Gary Reese to continue to improve Precinct 4. Once again, thank you for your support.

Kenneth Finster

What’s A Driveway?

What’s a driveway? It’s often a simple area in your yard designated to bring your car from the street to your home. Oh sure there can be some grand entrances but most of us have something basic. Simple right until you don’t have one. We discovered what we thought might be a water leak under our driveway. Just a small puddle of water.

We left an early morning message for and also went to the water district (Port O’Connor Improvement District) office on our way out that morning to report a possible water leak. They sent someone to check within thirty minutes of our notifying them. They dug with shovels, to keep from tearing up our driveway, to determine if there was indeed a leak and discovered yes we had a leak and indeed water was seeping up from below the driveway. They then sent for the machinery and started digging and found more than they had bargained for.

What we had turned out to be a giant mess for us and them. The main pipe burst and water was pouring down our driveway and into our yard, our 2 neighbor’s yards, and into the ditches. What started out as a possible simple leak turned into the Grand Canyon of North Byers. These men working for our district worked until about 8 that night and came back the next morning and dug some more and ended up working until after midnight the second night to get the water turned back on. I don’t pretend to know everything that occurred during this time as we weren’t a witness to every event. The only thing we do know is these men worked tirelessly to solve the problem so our street could once again have water.

Our neighbors, weekenders, were gracious enough to let us park under their house so we could have a place to park our cars. Yes we had to wear rubber boots a few days to get across the water but we appreciate their kindness. This did turn out to be a 3 week event as I’m sure all of you saw the other major break on 185 that occurred just a couple of days after they got our water back on. So it’s possible it took a little longer to get our driveway back to being usable.

Was it inconvenient? Sure but I believe in giving everyone a chance to do their job. And they did. The water district kept us informed and gave us a plan of attack they were going to implement to get us back to where we were before the break. They notified us when the work to repair our driveway would begin and they kept their word.

We read the Wave, the Advocate, and of course our much loved Dolphin Talk and know how much criticism the Board and district have had written about them. That’s why we felt it imperative to give credit to them when it is deserved. Thanks to all of you who worked on and repaired the leak and returned our driveway to the state it was before the leak. We are grateful for the efforts of all concerned.
So what’s a driveway…a huge convenience. Thanks guys!

The Haverfields

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (exception at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests; therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777, Port O’Connor, TX 77982, dolphin1@tisd.net

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