(Austin) The Legislature will pass sweeping reforms to the way it pays for public schools this session, according to the leaders of both chambers and Governor Greg Abbott. Abbott appeared with Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and newly elected House Speaker Dennis Bonnen at a press conference on Wednesday to announce that all three were committed […]
Home > January, 2019
School Finance And Property Tax Reform Lead Agenda As Legislature Begins Session
Port O’Connor Improvement District Update
Silva Graduates from VC EMT Class
VICTORIA – Erwin Silva of Port Lavaca was one of 18 students honored during a ceremony for graduates of Victoria College’s Fall 2018 Emergency Medical Technician class on Dec. 11 at VC’s Student Center. The students completed 80 hours of hands-on clinical training in emergency room, respiratory therapy and EMS while also completing six credit […]
What’s Up?
Sat., Jan. 19 Ribbon Cutting for Port O’Connor Library 10:00 am 506 West Main St. Fri., Jan. 25 Tribute to Merle Haggard 7:00 pm Bauer Community Center 361-552-1234 Thurs., Jan. 31 POC Service Club 10:00 am Port O’Connor Community Center Sat., Feb. 2 Warrior’s Weekend Muster starts 2:00 pm VFW Hall, Port Lavaca Mon., Feb. […]
Stretching Our Minds by Erny McDonough
Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “A mind stretched by a new idea never returns to its original shape.” If there is anything we need today as we begin this New Year it is to stretch our minds! It is so easy to believe in the old tried and proven methods that we never grow enough to […]