A few of the Port O’Connor community who helped local Coast Guardsmen during the government shutdown.
-Photo by Nancy Pomykal
Just in case you didn’t know, we are proud to report that Port O’Connor, and, in fact, our entire area, is populated by numerous generous and caring individuals.
When it became known that the Coast Guard, unlike other branches of the military, was not receiving their paychecks during the recent government shutdown, our residents went into action. The first I knew about it was when Chris Mapp posted on Facebook that his business, Coastal Bend Marine, was collecting gift cards to purchase needed supplies for the local Coast Guard members.
Upon learning that members of the Coast Guard could not accept donations, due to some antiquated rules, Chris contacted our Congressman Michael Cloud, who immediately made plans to give his assistance. On Monday, January 21st, Congressman Cloud arrived at Coast Guard Station Port O’Connor, presenting Coast Guard representatives the $7,000 in gift cards and gift certificates that had been collected.
Since then the rules have been relaxed, and Congressman Cloud has cosponsored a bill, the “Pay Our Coast Guard Parity Act”, to ensure the Coast Guard is paid during government shutdowns.
Many businesses, organizations and individuals in Port O’Connor and all around our area have donated dry goods, perishables, cash or equivalents. Additionally, many home-cooked dishes were donated by local ladies. Since we do not know before this paper is printed if contributions are still needed, we are publishing the contact number for the Coast Guard ombudsman: 512-350-5354.