“Hooked On Books”

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 19 - 0 Comments

hooked-on-booksPOC’s “Hooked On Books” Book Club celebrated their February meeting with delicious Valentines themed food & beverages at the POC Library on Tuesday, February 11, 2019. The 24 ladies in attendance enjoyed visiting and discussing the book, “Vera Kera’s Family”, authored by POC’s own Agnes Hannes.  Agnes shared the details of the eight years it took to write the book, the extensive research into the Kera family history, and shared articles and photographs of the Kera family, then fielded questions from the audience. Everyone agreed that the book was an excellent read, and a great time was had by all!! The Club’s next meeting is March 12, 2019 at the POC Library, and March’s Book is “Where The Crawdad’s Sing” by Delia Owens. All are welcome!!  Photo: Nan Burnett, Agnes Hannes, Mary Ann Claiborne

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