January 19, 2019: Grand Opening of the new Port O’Connor Library Building. Cutting the ribbon is Calhoun County Library Director Noemi Cruz and Friends of the Port O’Connor Library Capital Campaign Chair Lynn Luster.
On the bright but blustery morning of January 19, 2019, the Friends of the Port O’Connor Library hosted the Grand Opening Celebration of the new Port O’Connor Library Building. It was truly a grand opening, with over 100 citizens and supporters in attendance. The honorable Judge Nancy Pomykal served as master of ceremonies introducing several speakers including Texas Representative Geanie Morrison, County Library Director Noemi Cruz, and former Friends President Virginia Lichac. They all addressed the crowd with words of praise for the community accomplishment and accolades to all who contributed to the library. After Judge Pomykal read her eloquent Prayer for New Library, the ribbon was cut and the crowd filtered into the beautiful new building to celebrate with cake and punch.
Over the past few years many people in the POC community became strong supporters of building a new library. Increased awareness brought people from all walks of life, who love Port O ‘Connor, to make contributions through donations, fundraisers and events. But only a few in our community are aware of the longer road which has been traveled to make this new library building become a reality. A few, like Mary Ann Claiborne, Nancy Childers, Barbara Crouch and Beth Coats, were instrumental in the earliest days of the Port O’Connor Library and saw it through to the opening of this new building.
Below is a chronology, spanning over three decades, which illustrates the enormous effort and dedication of the Friends who not only garnered support for the library but actually gave birth to it, raised it from infancy, then nurtured it into the source of community pride which it is today.
1985 – 1986 Port O’Connor Community Service Club forms a Library Committee and begins planning a volunteer-run Community Library.
May 31, 1986 Grand Opening of the Port O’Connor Library at the Community Center (current Volunteer Fire Department building). More than 40 library cards issued.
June 4, 1986 Summer Reading Program begins at the Community Library for children 3 years to 3rd grade introducing French Fairy Tales, other stories, and the children made crepes.
February 14, 1987 POC Service Club conducts sale of baked goods and fried pies to raise funds for the purchase of library supplies and new books.
March 19, 1987 The Library Committee establishes a building fund. 10% of the Service Club funds to be deposited in a separate savings account. Committee makes plans to visit Seadrift and Port Aransas Libraries to observe and improve library operations.
January 14, 1988 Acting President, Beth Coats meets with attorney Jack Traylor to initiate papers to establish an incorporation. This will make the organization eligible for funding and grants for a new library building.
February 23, 1988 Articles of Incorporation filed with the Secretary of State establishing Port O’Connor Library, Inc.
March 17, 1988 First Membership Meeting of Port O’Connor Library, Inc. Officers and board of directors elected: President Beth Coats, Vice President Nancy Childers, Secretary June Green, Treasurer Beth Coats, Directors Ruth Crandall and Jeffra Ragan.

June 1988 Mary Ann Claiborne reads Jack & the Bean Stalk at the volunteer-run Port O’Connor Library (current location of the Volunteer Fire Station)
July 11, 1988 Calhoun County Commissioners Court consider a request by the Port O’Connor Library, Inc. to accept the library as a branch of the County’s library system. A drawing of a proposed new building, produced by architect Pat Riley, is presented and the request for the county to build this new building is also made. Preston Stofer, representing the Stofer-Eiband Estate promises to donate land for the new library building. Estimated cost of the new building $75,000.

July 12, 1988 Port Lavaca Wave article and drawing by architect Pat Riley’s drawing of proposed new Port O’Connor Library.
July 29, 1988 The Port O’Connor Library is accepted as a branch of the Calhoun County Library System by the commissioner’s court, with the promise to expand the existing building. A new library building can not be afforded at this time.
December 16, 1988 Calhoun County Commissioners Court agreed to seek bids to expand the POC Fire Station to accommodate space for the POC Library.
January 1989 Shirley Gordon hired as Port O’Connor Librarian.
February 15, 1989 The president of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc. contacts the County Clerk in order to Do Business As (DBA) the “Friends of Port O’Connor Library”.
September 25, 1989 Advanced Steel Builders completes the 40-foot addition to the Fire Station Building for the “new” Port O’Connor Library.

1989 Shirley Gordon, branch librarian seated in the new Port O’Connor Library.
1990’s The Friends of the Port O’Connor Library raise funds through used book sales, raffles, solicitations and newsletters for the purchase of a copier, desk, computer, tape recorders, Christmas decorations, children’s furniture, book cart and new books. 10 % of funds are still set aside for a new library building.
2000’s The Friends, the Port O’Connor Service Club, and Precinct 4 County Commissioner Kenny Finster worked throughout the decade to acquire a historic cannon, which was salvaged from Pass Cavallo, to put on display in the library. Requirements set by the Texas Historical Commission to protect the early 1800’s English-made cannon included building a carriage for it to sit upon, enclosing it in a display case and installing a security system. The cannon was finally installed in the library on August 19, 2009.
January 2010 The POC Fire Department announces a need for expansion to the library area. Plans to move forward on construction of a new building for the library include applying for 501(c)3 status so donations received will be tax deductible. The building fund is in excess of $10,000.
June 26, 2013 Restated Certificate of Formation is signed by Secretary of State for the official nonprofit status of the Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc.
January 2014 The Friends discussed long-ago promise of land for a new library with Jim Stofer.
2015 – 2017 The Friends make hard efforts to raise funds for the new library building. Many grants are applied for and received. Fund-raisers are conducted including Hooper’s Annual Chili & Gumbo Cookoff, Authors Dinners and collaborative events with POC Service Club, Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio Bay Partnership and Josie’s Mexican Food & Cantina. Many in-kind donations are received from local and regional businesses.
March 20, 2017 Richard Morgas is hired as the architect to design the new library building.
May 8, 2017 Advanced Steel Builders is hired to construct the new building (same company which built the addition to the fire station 25 years prior).
June 2017 The Friends board approves the purchase of two additional lots so the Justice of the Peace office would not need to be moved.
October 2017 Despite the impact of Hurricane Harvey to the surrounding area, the Groundbreaking Ceremony at 506 W. Main Street takes place and construction begins.
August 1, 2018 The building is complete and accepted by Commissioners Court with a value of $750,000, which includes the interior furnishings which have yet to be completed.
November 29, 2018 After nearly 30 years working in the library building at 101 S. 6th Street, Shirley Gordon spends her last day before retiring working at the new Port O’Connor Library building at 506 W. Main.
December 4, 2018 Jana Gregory becomes the new Port O’Connor Librarian. The new library is open to the public while finishing touches are still being made.
January 19, 2019 Grand Opening Celebration of the new Port O’Connor Library.

1990 Port O’Connor Library, Inc Officers and Directors: Upper left Sandra Lane, Sharon Hall, Jeffra Ragan, Joyce Hadley. Seated left: June Green (Shirley Gordon’s mother), Ruth Crandall, Beth Coates.