Saltwater Lodge Outdoor Report by Captain Jeff Larson

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 19 - 0 Comments

Dawn’s Rusty Red Ryder with his last Duck of the Season. -Capt. Jeff Larson

Dawn’s Rusty Red Ryder with his last Duck of the Season.
-Capt. Jeff Larson

Hey’ Duck Season isn’t over just yet! We are prolonging Duck Season to February 23rd. We just have to shift our sights South Of the Border. We are teaming up with Laguna Vista outside of San Fernando on the Lower Lower Laguna Madre. So if you want to go on 1 more Duck Hunt, pack your bags, get your passport and let’s go Duck Hunting. If you can’t make it this year we can book it for next year. Now we have an option during the Split.

The mild foggy weather has been warming the waters just enough to get those fish up shallow for a great topwater bite. Then here comes the Freeze Out Tournament bringing a Nice Big Cold Front and more Ducks. Typical Texas weather, Right? It’s so ironic pre fishing for any Tournament the weather is Great. The fish are everywhere and everyone is catching good fish which elevates all fisherman’s confidence. Then here comes your biggest best planned Tournament Strategy and Mother Nature throws a hum dinger curve ball weather change. Those major weather changes at go time bust most fishermen’s proverbial bubble, it drives us crazy. Here is a Prime Example. As I’m sitting here with my Team discussing what we have found, we are now dealing with 30+ mph North Winds as it shakes the house changing all our ideas because everywhere we found fish are now swimming in chocolate milk stained waters with a substantial temperature drop. No Shocker, huh?!?!?We are just going with what we know cause the wind will blow.

Even with this February cold front, I believe we are going to have an early Spring. We will be chasing Trophy Trout till late Spring. We also have Back Bay Redfishing out of Airboats all year long. We have been seeing a bunch of Reds over the last few days scouting for the Big Tourney so put on a jacket and let’s go catch ‘em!

The Jetties are still producing plenty of Sheephead with a few Reds mixed in the days catch. An occasional Black Drum are making their way into the bay system. The Big Ugly migration should be cranking up. Some Cracked Crab around the Coast Guard Station is a great place to hang a monster Black Drum. Just make sure after a long fight with one of those beast you spend time reviving her so she can live to spawn another day.
We are looking forward to a Great Year of Fishing on the Middle Coast. We are catching solid fish already even with the changing weather conditions. If your freezer is getting a little low on fillets give us a call so we can get you re-stocked up. Remember fishing this time of year you don’t have to get up early. We sometimes leave the dock at 10 a.m. and fishing until sunset.

Billy has the Lodge Calendar and is ready to book your dates and trip. Billy’s Direct Number is: 713 907 4796. Let’s get you in the Books.

Looking Forward to Fishing with You in 2019,

Captain Jeff Larson
281 217 0399

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