“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

State of the Union

President Trump gave a powerful SOTU Address on Feb 5, after much rude and silly delays by the Dem-Socialist Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. It was very interesting to watch, the Dem-Socs tried to ignore the economic news, job creation, return of real manufacturing jobs, very low unemployment, especially for blacks and Hispanics. But the wall of disinterest crumbled among the new female Socialist contingent when Trump announced that 58% of the new jobs last month were taken by WOMEN! And it quickly spread through the other “Democrat” women.

But that was the only positive reaction from the Left. President Trump’s promise that the USA would never become a Socialist State drew looks of shock and horror! He is not supposed to understand the changing of demographics by importing “Socialismos” is their Open Borders Plan’s real Goal, or especially tell the Public! More horror and anger from the Left when Trump called for Congress to pass laws stopping “Late Term Abortions”, even up to actual birth, and also the intentional killing of babies born alive. This barbaric practice should be naturally outlawed in any Civilized Nation, but is almost the “Holy Grail” of the Dem-Soc Feminist Left.

I am a Constitutionalist, and the Constitution does not give the Federal Govt any mandate to regulate Abortion or any other Health Care! It properly belongs to the States under the Tenth Amendment. But these recent “laws” by Leftists in VA, RI, NY and others are not about healthcare, but Legalized MURDER for Planned Parenthood’s (PP) new industry of harvesting Baby Parts for sale. Not only does PP collect $millions, but through a scam of campaign donations to Legislators, they get huge Grants from Federal and State Govts. They simply “re-cycle” this money (Our Tax Money) back as campaign contributions to the most radical Pro-Abortion Dem-Socs they can find. Gov. Northam got $2 million from PP in VA, a very medium sized state. Killing a viable baby is murder, not “abortion”! On abortion, I have often said, “Let the sin be on the head of the sinner”, but these crooked, greedy, politicians are making us all ‘accessory’ to it! Murder is a Natural Crime, there should be no argument about that.

And I want to suggest that Gov. Northam’s plan of “making the baby comfortable” while the parents and doctors discuss “what to do”, is nothing but “Death Panels 101”. The Leftists tried to slip that into ObamaCare, calling it “Gatekeepers”, but it is just “HealthCare Rationing”. In a free-market system, it is unnecessary. If you can pay, or have insurance to cover expensive, invasive, and intensive treatment then you buy it. But if the Govt provides it, and can’t afford to pay for it for everyone, how do they “ration” it? To the Central Planners of Socialist Society, the “non-productive people” are of less value than the “producers”. The most Non-Productive or “Useless Eaters” of Stalinist fame, are the ones incapable of work – the physically handicapped, mentally deficient, babies, old people, and anyone else They don’t like. So, Death Panels 102 are for the physically and mentally unfit. And Death Panels 103 are, like Obama explained, we can’t afford a hip replacement for Grandma, we give her pills to keep her “Comfortable” (there’s Northam’s word again). And eventually the “Pill” can make one “extremely comfortable” – dead. And then Death Panels 204 can decide ‘who is “good” for Society – Their Socialist Society where not only healthcare, but jobs, housing, even food is controlled and “given” to you by the Govt, depending on your value to that Govt. We are currently witnessing how the Left, whose politicians are pushing for all forms of ‘socialism’, assign “value” and “rights”. They currently value militant homosexuals more than Christian cake-bakers. They value fence-lizards more than Oil Field Workers, and gas buyers. And Illegal Aliens more than American Citizens, because they will vote ‘Socialist’. And American babies have no value, better to be replaced with Central American ‘Socialismos’ that can be registered to vote illegally, now!

But the immediate problem is the the Border, and mass invasions of “Migrants” from Central America. There have been 66,000 Criminal Invaders caught on the border this year, so far. (2/7/19.) 47% of illegals do not have a high school education, 58% of immigrant families are on welfare. These number dramatically negatively affect services for poor American and their chances of getting a job that will get them out of poverty. And illegals suppress wages for all workers.

Recent news releases say 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in TEXAS, and 58,000 have voted in recent elections. And these are only those that are in the DPS data-base – apparently for other crimes. There are estimated 4 million (?) illegals in Texas, what small percentage of that total is actually in the DPS Data-Base? And these latest invaders are carrying their flags, demanding admittance and welfare, medical care, schools, and housing under some UN “mandates”? The Leftist Media are leaking that Pelosi’s “bill to reopen the Govt” includes $3 billion in ‘Gifts for these refugees’ but no money for ‘any wall or barriers’. 2,000 more were bused by the Mayor of a southern Mexico town to Piedras Negras opposite Eagle Pass, TX. This got them out of his town, and solved his problem Another caravan of 12,000 has been admitted into Mexico. The Dem-Socs deny there is a Crisis because they want these ‘Socialismos’ and intend to register them to vote in every Dem-Soc controlled district in the country. So, if this is not a Crisis, I don’t know what is, short of riot and revolution.

34 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

Chicago Police Now View Jussie Smollett as ‘Active Participant’ in Alleged Assault
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/02/chicago-police-now-view-jussie-smollett-as-active-participant-in-alleged-assault/ …………………
Smollett falsely claimed he was attacked by two white men in MAGA hats in Chicago. It was a lie. He paid two Nigerian bit players to help him fake a “Hate Crime”.
Will he be charged with a Hate Crime for trying to stirr up violence against Trump Supporters?

February 16th, 2019 at 7:31 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Trump Rages Against Mueller – Quotes Rush Limbaugh: Mueller Investigators ‘Ought to be in Jail’ For Cover-up of Attempted Coup
Mueller is worse than just a ‘cover-up’. He was part of the phony “Investigations” into criminal acts by Hillary and those cover-ups. The Attempted Coup against Trump was motivated by the Dems fear that Trump would reopen all those investigations and the truth would come out. All involved would be open to Prosecution. Also if Hillary was indicted, she would rat out Obama, ValJar and the whole WH crew. The Coup attempt was based on desperation to save the Obama Admin and if Obama was brought to trial Discovery would prove his ineligibility to run for President on the Citizenship question and Pelosi as head of the DNC falsely certified his eligibility.
We will see if Barr will expose any or all of it. If it goes to trial the DemonRat Party will be destroyed. All the top people will go to jail or become State Witnesses. Either way will be exposed.
Also note the news that there is NO Trump Russia Collusion and all the ferfluffle was based on the phony GPS Fusion Dossier, paid for by Clinton and the DNC is being ignored by out Fake News Media!

February 17th, 2019 at 7:22 pm

95,000 illegal aliens registered to vote is a lie. Lie. Lie. Lie.

Even the politician who stated (Texas Secretary of State) that 95,000 legal residents (who are non-citizens) obtained drivers licenses has recalled his claim of illegal voting. And he never, ever, claimed that 95,000 illegally voted.

The rest of this column is as full of errors and overwhelming hatred of mankind. Good luck.


February 19th, 2019 at 6:50 am
Bill Brayshaw

As usual SMH is spinning and shifting the facts stated. The 95,000 REGISTERED was distributed by the Media from info given by DPS. The Number of those Voting “in recent elections” was “only” 58,000.
How many citizens of Texas want “only” 58,000 Non-Citizens electing our Representatives, State Officials, and Presidents?
Other than SMH, and the Dem-Socialists?

February 19th, 2019 at 7:33 am

Drug and Russian’s money

February 19th, 2019 at 7:54 am

Bill again you get you facts wrong. 58,000 is the number who have voted since the 1996, or over 22 years, not “recently” as you claim. The real reason the Secretary of State recalled his statement is because it turns out most of those 58,000 did NOT vote illegally. Because they had become citizens. Because the state of Texas does not require a new license when you become a citizen, so they were ignorant of the facts when that statement was released.

I have corrected your facts on this twice. Third time makes you the ignorant one.

February 19th, 2019 at 8:03 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH is trying to argue over how many NON-Citizens are Registered to Vote, and Vote in Texas and other places.
I say any, even ONE is TOO many!
The numbers I used are those originally released by the State of Texas. We know from recent arrests the problem is real. From videos by Project Veritas, allowing Non-Citizens to vote, even known Non-Citizens, is widespread and encouraged by “Democrat” poll-workers. It that your idea of “Democracy”? Let them vote as long as they are of an “Indentity Group” expected to vote for Dem-Socialist candidates like ‘Beto’? What happened to real Democrats and Traditional Liberals that believed in America, and our Constitution?

The fix is simple. Require Voter Registration to be in person, and require Proof of Citizenship.
Why is that so “awful” to the Dem-Socs? Because it cuts greatly into their New Voting Block!
Motor-Voter was a plan to increase voting by the disinterested and greedy for more (DemonRat) “Socialist” programs. Goes back to the 1960s and the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. To break the Federal Budget, create dependency, then chaos, riot & revolution. A more intrusive and totalitarian Central Govt as well as more Welfare State. Increasing the Parasite Voter Base is the Plan to use “democracy” to destroy a functional Republic.
Oregon (a Dem-Socialist strong hold in the cities with transplants from California) wants to lower the voting age to 16. Same deal – dependents with no Real-World economic experience, strongly propagandized by Progress Socialist ‘Public Schools’, and easily led by the Prog Media will vote for emotion-driven ideology, lies, and hoaxes.

February 20th, 2019 at 9:55 am
Bill Brayshaw

PLEA DEAL? Jussie Smollett’s Lawyers Make ‘Hail Mary’ Phone Call to Prosecutors to Postpone Grand Jury
Many people are now speculating that Jussie Smollett’s lawyers have struck a deal with prosecutors after they made a ‘Hail Mary’ call to postpone the brothers’ testimony.

CBS reported late Tuesday night that the brothers involved in the Jussie Smollett hate hoax were expected to testify before a grand jury.
Via CBS:

CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar has learned the brothers were waiting outside the grand jury chambers at the Leighton Criminal Courthouse on Tuesday, just minutes from testifying, when the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office got a call from Smollett’s lawyers, claiming they may have new evidence.

It is unclear what Jussie Smollett’s lawyers said to prosecutors but they agreed to postpone the proceeding which is leading many people to believe there is a possible plea deal.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx officially recused herself from Jussie Smollet’s case on Tuesday, according to Chicago police. ……………………..
Other sources are reporting that evidence and testimony implicates Smollett in sending the “Threatening Letter” to the “Empire” set, and since Smollett didn’t get enough response to that, he and his Nigerian friends perpetrated the “Assault Hoax” to force Police and more Media attention.
However that letter and the “white powder” constitutes a “Terrorist Threat” under Federal Law and is reported being investigated by Federal authorities. This may get serious. And it should, these Hoaxes are serious and being exploited to increase the “Hate Trump!” leftist Agenda, but is a real threat to anyone white or an imagined Trump Supporter.
There have been over a hundred Hoaxes trying to blame Trump & supporters for crimes, and hundreds of attacks on Trump supporters. There have been no substantiation of racist, homophobic, or other hate crimes committed against anyone by Trump Supporters. All reports have been hoaxes.
With this “Media” if there was ANY crime by a Trump Supporter it would be reported 24/7!

February 20th, 2019 at 1:03 pm

Who is Smollett and why should we care? Is he a politician? From Texas? Then so what?

I’d like to know why the Port Lavaca VFW is always empty. The most cars I’ve ever seen there was about a dozen. MandiNgo night would help.

February 20th, 2019 at 2:29 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Since you are a Lib/Prog activist and therefor Anti-Gun, at least for American Patriots, I have another bit of Info from a retired Lt Col USMC from Virginia:
“As the debate over illegal immigration continues to age, Democrats continue to prove they are proponents of open borders and lawlessness. The latest example comes from Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is berating Democrats for protecting illegal aliens who attempt to purchase firearms and fail a background check. Democrats in the Judiciary Committee just voted against notifying ICE when an illegal alien fails a
background check to buy a gun. They hate ICE so much that they’d keep ICE in the dark when illegals try to get guns! pic.twitter.com/WIkUDsW6FJ— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz)
February 13, 2019 Last year a record number of illegal aliens, millions of them, tried to purchase firearms in the United States.
Not only is it illegal to enter the United States without permission, it’s also illegal to purchase or possess a gun.The FBI this year has barred a record number of cases of illegal immigrants from buying guns, according to a new report of
background checks.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System listed 7,836,600 “illegal/unlawful alien” as of 2018.”
I have not confirmed this and will look for an official source tomorrow.
This is YOUR Dem-Socialist Party. Stop the FBI/NICS Check people from giving the names, addresses, and ID used by Illegal Aliens trying to Buy Firearms in the USA to ICE!. Probably many are Firearms your Commie Comrades want to ban American Citizens, Patriots, and even Combat Veterans from buying.
If this doesn’t make you a “little” suspicious of The Dem-Socialist Party’s “motives”, than you are as much a “Suspicious Person” as Nasty Nan’s Minions that would vote against such “Common Sense Gun Laws”, and ICE’s efforts in deporting known criminals trying to buy guns in the USA! It is a felony for an American that is a “Prohibited Person” to attempt to buy a firearm. But not Criminal Invaders??
7,836,600 of them so far. And they had to have a US ID to even fill the paperwork out to make the phone-call for the NICS Check! There is your Drivers License (and Motor-Voter) at work!
And I would think most of your “peaceful, hard-working” Illegal Aliens would be more interested in Registering to Vote after being encouraged by La Raza, OFA, and the Dem-Soc Party, than buying a Firearm!
If almost 8 MILLION have tried to ILLEGALLY buy a gun with their nice shiny new US Drivers Licenses, how many do you think have tried to register to Vote? 3 times? 4 times more? And there is NO ENFORCEMENT to stop them!

February 20th, 2019 at 6:37 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #9: You don’t know who Jussie Smollett is? LIAR, Liar, pants on Fire!
I quote numbers from a widely distributed State report, and you call me a “Liar”? LMAO! And you come back with such a ridiculous statement?!
“Who is Smollett and why should we care?” And expect anyone to believe anything you say, ever again? This is a Lib/Prog self-designated Victim/Revolutionary trying his best to start a “RACE WAR” against ANYONE suspected of being a Trump Supporter! And you KNOW IT! And have probably been jumping up and down like a demented kangaroo with joy in anticipation of some “redneck racist retard” being busted for messing with your Prog/Commie Race-baiting ICON!
Another in a very long list of Media Propaganda Machine driven HOAXES! And he is probably going down for it now, because the Lib/Prog Media is to blame for glorifying and encouraging all these lies!
And people like you are encouraging it, too. And you know it, even if you won’t admit it.
Check out the latest:
“‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett now ‘classified as a suspect’ in a criminal probe following attack claims, Chicago police say.”
See the truth is coming out. Watch the Video! See the idiot Juan Williams try to make extremely lame excuses for a Fake Hate Crime Hoax! And watch Greg Gutfeld tell him the truth of this situation!
So, are you going to defend Juan Williams, Jussie Smollett and the Lib/Prog “Politics as WAR” against President Trump, our Constitution, and 63 Million (and growing daily!) patriotic Americans?
Or are you going to wait until The Commie News Network admits it, but blames it on Trump?

February 20th, 2019 at 7:36 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Jussie Smollett Charged with Disorderly Conduct for Allegedly Filing False Police Report
So, it starts. I wonder how the media and SMH are going to spin this to be Trump’s fault.
It really is a Felony Hate Crime, planned and perpetrated to cause Racial unrest, riot, and race-violence.
Jussie better “plead this out” before it gets worse. Any non-felony is way easier than he deserves. But he’s “Hollyweird”, and thinks he can tough out. I hop he does fight it, and talk himself into the3 years in jail for Filing a False Police Report. With Malicious Intent!

February 20th, 2019 at 8:44 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #11 Illegal Aliens attempting to buy guns.
Mare info:
Shows copy of Amendment to H.R.8 about sharing info.
And tweet from Rep Matt Gaetz:
“Democrats in the Judiciary Committee just voted against notifying ICE when an illegal alien fails a background check to buy a gun. They hate ICE so much that they’d keep ICE in the dark when illegals try to get guns!”
Shows NICS indices through Nov 2018. The 7.8 Million is true, but a running total.
Q. How can the Anti-gunners want to restrict guns for Americans but not want to arrest Illegal Alien Felons by ICE and deport them?
A. Because they are Anti-American Commies! The Illegal Aliens are their “Allies” (& potential illegal voters) in the destruction and take-over of out Republic, and Patriotic Americans are “their enemies”? Only reasonable Explanation!

February 20th, 2019 at 10:03 pm
Bill Brayshaw

More Smollett:
His Lawyers promise an “Aggressive Defense”. Really dumb. They are going to argue him into 3 years in prison. The Cops and Chicago politicians are already mad and embarrassed about this, so keep poking that hornets’ nest, and see what happens. Lots of info At Gateway Pundit. Video of Smollett’s Nigerian buddies buying their disguises for the “assault”. And they bought the rope for the Fake Noose. All paid for by Smollett. If the Feds bust him for the Terrorist Threat Letter with “white powder”, he might be looking at 20 years(?)
I hope this discourages the rash of similar Hoax claims about attacks by Conservatives.
Waiting for the Media to apologize for pushing this story and blaming Trump. Right?
Yeah. About the time Satan has an Ice Hockey league.

February 20th, 2019 at 10:34 pm

I seriously had to google him. I guess we watch different news. He’s an actor. He made a false claim. He’s being dealt with by the law. I don’t know what the media did or didn’t do. Or what certain media accused other media of doing. I do know that this sounds like the issue of one man, not an entire group or race of men. I don’t even know what Trump has to do with it, my 5 minutes spent researching is already a timesuck. You want to tie this incident to all hate crimes? Well, your math is about as good as your grammar, so it wouldn’t surprise me. “Oh this guy lied and so all of ‘them’ are liars.” is ridiculous, you silly old man.

On the other hand, we have Christopher Hassan, a man who has been forming his own militia of guns and weaponry along with a kill list. And here you are screaming about militia and revolution. Using your equations of equality with the above actor, one could wait for you to apologize for your part in this kind of crazy, feeding these sick people ideas of Satan and hatred. Go ahead, show Smollett how it’s done, apologize first, and be the bigger man.

February 21st, 2019 at 6:12 am

Some days your unhappiness with the world is overwhelming. Sad.

February 21st, 2019 at 6:40 am

I doubt you want to hear the logic, that for every illegal purchaser of a gun, there is an illegal seller.

February 21st, 2019 at 2:24 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #18 Logic? You are an idiot! These numbers are of Illegal Aliens TRYING to buy guns and were turned away.
There was no seller because there was no SALE!
One of the really weird thing about being a Gun Dealer is there are Race-Baiting Progtards that try to entrap dealers into “Refusing to Sell” to people they suspect are Illegal Aliens or other Non-Citizens and try to prosecute them under race laws.
A dealer can WARN them it is illegal for them to buy a gun, but can not refuse to do the paperwork if they claim to be a citizen.
There may be some “Illegal gun dealers” but they are fools. There is too much Govt and Lib/Prog Anti-Gun entrapment out there to risk it.
I gave up my last FFL for several reasons, one was I only sold guns to Police Officers, Military Veterans, or people in my hunt club, as a personal policy. I was told I could be prosecuted for refusing to sell a gun to a “Govt preferred minority”. I did not care about race or ethnicity as long as they fit any of the 3 categories. It was a hobby for me, and I worked part-time for my local Sheriff Dept then as pilot & Flight Instructor.

February 21st, 2019 at 8:28 pm

Dealers have to check backgrounds. However private sellers do not. Tell me that’s not a huge hole of abuse.

February 22nd, 2019 at 7:00 am

And herein lies the irony of your writing. You complain about the mistreatment of a Catholic school boy wearing a MAGA hat, but ignore the thousands of children molested by their priest.

You stamp your feet about illegal aliens not being prosecuted for attempting to buy a gun from a Dealer, yet never mention that they can buy as many as they want with no background check from a private seller, if the private seller chooses.

You scream about a singular black man who tried to pull over a scam, yet are silent about the crazy Coast Guard Lieutenant who had a kill list, a search history of where to do it, and the armaments purchased.

Please, enlighten me. Not.

February 22nd, 2019 at 7:10 am

Or how about the child sex trafficker who got off on a light sentence after having a rape club for years? The prosecutor who got him a sweetheart deal is now Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta, and who is now a defendant for having lied to the many, many, victims of the billionaire child molestor, Jeffrey Epstein.

February 22nd, 2019 at 8:54 am

Maybe R Kelly should get the same sentence as Epstein. Or better, Epstein should get the same sentence as R. Kelly.

February 22nd, 2019 at 2:59 pm

And let’s not forget: your rant-on about illegal voters, from comment 10 above “I say any, even ONE is TOO many!”, yet you have neglected to share the information about the Harris case in North Carolina. One person who changed the votes of hundreds, resulting in a re-vote for the seat. A Congressional re-vote for the first time in our nation’s history. And from Mr. Brayshaw? Crickets.

February 22nd, 2019 at 3:52 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Again you are twisting things. The Harris North Carolina case came out AFTER this Column was written, and You NEGLECT to review the facts:
1. The person that brought it up was the GOP Candidate’s son.
2. The Person responsible for the possible “Vote Harvesting” was a usual Democrat Operative That had been hired for Campaign experience.
3. The recommendation that the election be redone was by the REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE himself. Trying to keep it fair & Honest!
THE only person with “Dirty Hands” in that deal was the Former Democrat Operative!
As usually you are trying to twist the story.
And your ignorance of laws governing gun sales is a abysmal, as usual. The “Private Sales” you are arguing against is between friends and family members.
And Your Molester is a DEMOCRAT. Epstein is a big supporter of Democrats. Including Bill Clinton, one of his frequent flyers. Bob Menendez is another big fan of child prostitution in Dominican Republic.
And why do you want to twist this article into that? Repubs are at least trying to keep that out of the USA by stopping the smuggling of young girls and women INTO the States.

February 25th, 2019 at 1:57 pm

My dear, maybe the news you watch just told you about Harris. But this case has been going on since November elections. But I understand why some don’t want to bring it up or talk about it. The operative hired was used by many politicians of both party. What Harris’s son did ( who is a Federal prosecutor and who loves his parents) is to testify to his father’s lie in court. His father claimed he had no knowledge of the operatives and behavior in prior elections. The son testified that, in fact, he had counseled his father many times about not using the operative. His father, faced with the truth from his son, decided to call for a new election, but only after being called out as a liar by his own son.

February 26th, 2019 at 7:29 am

Can you point me to the law that says private sales are limited to “friends and family members”? No? Because it doesn’t exist. Because that is just a myth used to stop legislation to close this loophole.

February 26th, 2019 at 7:32 am

Mr. Epstein was multi-party supplier of sex. His God was money, sex, and youth, not politics. The list of regulars to his sex island included people of both parties. Because sick isn’t a D or R thing.
Now, Mr. Kraft, owner of the Patriots is another sad twist. Needing a yank for the win before the superbowl? Really? All of those girls were enticed from Asia, many PAID for job opportunities in the US that were supposed to be good jobs. Then once there they were enslaved. And used at $79 per joyride. The woman, not speaking English, under guard and locked up at night did not come into the USA tied up and smuggled. They flew here and overstayed a visa. Because they were incarcerated by the pimps that brought them over.

There is still Zero cases of women being smuggled into the country over the southern border tied up and gagged for the sex trade. Unless you are watching weird movies that makes this up.

If Republicans were serious about stopping this, they would put the enforcement activities that focus on these things. But they don’t
. Because Trump voters want the wall regardless of the truth.

February 26th, 2019 at 7:51 am

And as I mentioned before, Mr. Epstein’s sweetheart prosecutor, the one who lied to the victims about their case against Mr. Epstein, and the man who denied them their rights before the judge who heard the case? The one who gave Epstein a deal that let him have “unlimited work leave” from jail during his 18 month sentence for pimping out to hundreds of men? A Republican who now heads up the Department of Labor, Alex Acosta. And under indictment for the Epstein case as of this week. Whoopsidoodles!

February 26th, 2019 at 8:00 am

In Texas the pimps are also were discovered to include an assistant basketball coach, Josip Maric, at Texas A & M. It is the new franchise opportunity for peop!e who don’t want to own a Subway or Sonic!


February 26th, 2019 at 8:08 am

Maybe this was under Mr. Acosta’s jobs plan? What could it be called? Well, I have a few suggestions…….

1) Kraft Plan
2) PIMPR (an app for appointments)
3) Trump’s Bump (royalties to be figured out later)
4) Laid & Paid
5) WelcometoAmerica (now bend over)

Of course being included a very conservative leader’s portfolio, no LGBTA need apply.

February 26th, 2019 at 8:21 am

Here is an exact transcript of Governor Northam’s discussion on late term abortion changes being proposed in the Virginia congress.

Ralph Northam: You know, I wasn’t there, Julie, and I certainly can’t speak for Delegate Tran, but I would tell you — one, the first thing I would say is this is why decisions such as this should be made by [healthcare] providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. There are — you know when we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of, obviously, the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician by the way. And it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion …

February 26th, 2019 at 9:16 am

In cases of a minor, the parents have the final say of a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order on their minor child. Maybe you’ve signed one of these yourself before a hospital visit? Most people have, unless they want to live regardless of their condition.

Your scorn for this critical issue is deaf to the pain that goes with the choice. Nobody gets a free conscience. But it is not for you, or anybody else to judge. You throw out Christian blurbs about Sins and Sinners, yet fail to see and reconcile your own sins, sinner. I guess God can decide, if you believe. If you don’t, then it’s none of your damn business what is decided.

February 26th, 2019 at 9:33 am

Let’s examine has this label you keep assigning to Democrats, Socialists. While a Democracy the citizens of this great nation have several social programs(social security, medicaid, Medicare being the largest) that benefit both Republicans and Democrats. So in a sense, we have a bit of national socialism that we all buy into.
But I don’t understand this “scary” Socialism meme. As a Capitalist, entrepreneur and employer of many people, I am a lapsed Republican who votes Democrat. I have yet to personally meet a Socialist, as have most peop!e because they make up a fractional percentage of the population. I know many Democrats, not one considers Socialism as a healthy direction for our natuon, they too like Capitalism. I know many Republicans and not one would consider my views Socialist. Sure throw up the AOC congresswoman. She is one of 435, or 0.23% (or .0023), hardly anything to melt over, Snowflake.
This Socialist messaging seems to be tied to certaint sources, unreliable and hystronic, who want to drive dear into those who are mentally susceptible to it. Who think the work is has changed so much, who fear losing the little bit they have, not realizing that it has been gobbled up by the conglomerates.

March 11th, 2019 at 6:31 am

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