Seadrift Scouts at their barbecue.
Seadrift POC Boy Scout Troop 106 and Cub Scout Pack 106 would like to thank everyone who came out to our 40th annual Boy Scout BBQ at the Seadrift School on March 2. Our community support was outstanding and made the barbecue a total success. We cannot express enough gratitude to our community, the businesses, the people who came out to bid, those who helped at the barbecue, and those who bought barbecue tickets. Because of all of you we will be able to do repairs on the Scout building to keep it a safe environment for the scouts.
Our troop 106 was established in 1941. The building was donated to the troop in 1951. We currently have 14 Cub Scouts and 5 Boy Scouts working toward becoming an Eagle Scout one day. Each year we are molding more boys to become Leaders of Tomorrow. The money we raise allows scouts to attend camps, to be able to go to training, help with books, uniforms, patches, and supplies.
Our Cub Scouts participate in over 25 community service projects, a few being: Plastic lids for chemo; Coke tabs for Ronald McDonald House; Blankets for Hospice; Combat Marines; Feed My Sheep ; Relay For Life and many more important service projects. The scouts participate in several flag ceremonies in our community.
We as leaders want to instill in our scouts to give back to our community.
Thank You,
District Committe Rep. Ralph Belter
Scoutmaster Patrick Henley, Cub Master Rebecca Rodriguez
Den Leaders: Leslie Shirhall, Tanya Henson
Krystal Bernal, Regina Martinez
Along with all the Families of our Scouts

At the Boy Scout BBQ – Auctioneer Sheriff Vickery, Pit Master Ray Morales, and Fred Mendez cooked the beans. -Leslie Shirhall