Celebrating 25 Years

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 19 - Comments Off on Celebrating 25 Years
Seadrift Assembly of God church celebrated 25 years with Pastor Tim Smith, Sr. and wife Beverly on February 25. They received a nice gift and plaque. A delicious meal was enjoyed with everyone including son and daughter-in-law Matthew and Brianna Smith and their daughters Olivia and Shiloh.    -Sherry Taylor

Seadrift Assembly of God church celebrated 25 years with Pastor Tim Smith, Sr. and wife Beverly on February 25. They received a nice gift and plaque. A delicious meal was enjoyed with everyone including son and daughter-in-law Matthew and Brianna Smith and their daughters Olivia and Shiloh. -Sherry Taylor

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