Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 19 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Well, our season is kicking off with Spring Break in progress across our area. Our friends are returning to visit our wonderful little community. From the looks of things going on in our area, it’s going to be the biggest year that Port O’Connor has seen in some years.

With all the new residents in the community, it would be great if they could get involved with what makes Port O’Connor so unique and wonderful. It does not just happen without people working together.

The 2019 Chamber applications went out on March 1st.; all the 2018 members received an application. If you did not, please go to portoconnorchamber.com, scroll down to Join Chamber; click and choose Individual or Business application; fill out and pay online. If you had rather receive a paper application, do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have a few hours you could do some volunteer work in any of the free Chamber events please contact us. We’re looking for more help for 7th Annual Crawfish Festival.

King Fisher Beach is looking Fantastic!!! The sandy beach is really getting expanded, twice the size it was last year; the dredging company has worked hard to get to this point.

The Chamber directors are deciding on a project for 2019. Is there anyone out there who knows enough about computer programs to devote some time teaching some free classes for Dummies?

Contact: 361-983-2898

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram. Our next meeting will be April 8th at 6:30 p.m. at the Port O’Connor Community  Center. We’ll  be waiting for you!

Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce New and Renewed Members

POC Electric LLC Dawn Ragusin LLC
Lone Star Boat Storage First National Bank
John & Francis Hamm Bugman Inc.
Jim Vass Dain & Judy Whitworth
Nervous Water Fishing Virgil & Ursula Price
Capt. Larry Wheeler 5D Steakhouse & Lounge
Full Limit Vacation Rentals Sue Glover
Designworks Don & Lori Graf
Clips & Dips Dog Grooming

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