Each year for the past 24 years, except for one, the Port O’Connor First Baptist Church has produced a Valentines evening out for the community to enjoy. The 23rd Sweetheart Banquet has come and gone. If you weren’t there you missed a wonder evening of great food, entertainment and decorations! This year’s theme was “Lavender and Lace”. Many women, young people and men worked hours and hours for several days to make the actual event happen. They set up tables and chairs, decorated, cooked, plated food, served, undecorated and cleaned up so that everyone who came could enjoy that special night.
Every year, the church names a citizen of the year from our community. This year we departed from that and honored the late Doyle Adams. Twenty-four years ago he and his late wife, Bernice, started the tradition of a “Sweetheart Banquet” here. It was much smaller in the beginning and was held in the Fellowship Hall of the POC First Baptist Church. Over the years it has grown into the celebration it is today; sell-out crowds, special menus and beautiful decorations! It was their vision initially and since his wife’s death several years ago, he had directed this event every year until now. All who worked on it this year hope he would have been proud of this year’s extraordinary evening.
The night started with a prayer given by a former pastor, Bro. George Yarbrough. The steak dinner was served by the men of the church, church youth and 4H members. Another former pastor, Bro. Marcus Gholke, told of Doyle’s contributions to the church and the community. Charlotte Fitzgerald was the hit of the evening with her sing-along of some “oldies but goodies” that had everyone tapping their toes!
There are so many who need to be thanked for helping with this event. Too many to name individually, but these groups were instrumental , the POC Community Service Club, 4H Youth and especially our church members. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Next year we hold the banquet on Thursday, February 13, 2020. Mark it on your calendar and make plans to attend.

Mike and Nellie Prather
Married 7 months

James and Helen Hardcastle
Married 68 years