Fisherman’s Chapel Annual Chili Cook-off Winners
3rd place – Ricki Mckinney; 1st place – Catrina Ragan;
2nd place – James Gallie
I hope you read this article in time to join everyone in Port O’Connor’s Annual Easter Sunrise Service on King Fisher Beach at 7:00 a.m. It is sure to be a glorious occasion.
Following the 11:00 a.m. service at the Chapel, we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt. This is a time for parents and grandparetns to get some of the cutest shots of the year.
The Chapel’s Retreat Center is getting quite a lot of use. We have hosted a men’s group from Bastrop and a University Chi Alpha group. We have several more scheduled before Memorial Day and then the empty dates are almost all filled. The Lord has blessed us with these facilities and we are excited that folks are using them.
We are already looking forward to the May activities, including the Warrior’s Weekend where we will be cooking and serving the Saturday morning breakfast tacos. We always look forward to serving those who are serving in our Armed Forces for us! Being a Veteran, I see the young men and women who are committing their lives to keep America free. This is just one small way that we can display our appreciation. You are welcome to come to the Friday Night Egg Cracking Party and to the VERY EARLY Taco cooking event!
Mothers’ Day is huge on our calendar of events. This year, each mother present will be presented a special gift for their attendance. There will be special activities and Pastor Joane will be ministering the Word of Life. Our year can not be complete without celebrating our mothers with tender love and care. All mothers are welcome to come and the husbands and children can come along to help in the grand celebration!
May 31 will be here before we know it and Captain Robert will be back at the Chapel to begin another Captain’s Class. It will run through June 7 and will be an excellent opportunity for those seeking their Captain’s License to take the course. Captain Robert can be reached by calling 361/785-6184.
Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation that seeks to assist we pilgrims along our journey from earth to Heaven. You will find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us”!