“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. (See website for links and updates.)

Collusion Delusion CONSPIRACY to be Uncovered.

Wednesday 4/10/19, Attorney General Barr testified before the Senate and said,”“Yes, I think spying did occur, but the question is whether it was predicated — adequately predicated, and I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that. I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually concerned about intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane, and I want to make sure that happened. We have a lot of rules about that.” He is soft-pedaling it for now, but there was no ‘Legal Predicate’ – “Collusion” is NOT an actual crime, and there was no evidence to support even “Probable Cause” suspicion, except the “False Dossier” that the “Investigators” knew was FALSE, and paid for by Hillary and the DNC. Obama wanted to spy on the Trump Campaign and ordered it. The Dems needed to know how much evidence Trump had on Hillary and the “Cover-ups”, and if and how he was going to use it. Since they had the HolderWaffen DoJ and willing Co-conspirators in the FBLie, their Lap-dog Media, and “Everybody knew Hillary would win!”, so what was the risk? Loretta Lynch was ‘on board’ because Slick Willie told her Hillary would keep her on as AG, if she quashed the Emails, and other investigations.

And it went down-hill from there. The FBLie lied to the FISA Court, using the Phony Dossier Hillary paid for, leaked to their Propaganda Machine and used those “stories” to ‘support’ the original lie, plus hid the fact that Hillary paid for the “evidence” from the Court. Conspiracy and felonies right there. Then they attempted to create the “appearance of Russia Collusion” with Stepfan Halper, who set up his friend, Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor with reputed “ties to Russia”, who told former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Then set George up to tell it to the Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, who immediately reported it through “Five-Eyes” to the CIA and the FBI. (Hot dog, we got ‘em NOW!) Halper was a known CIA/FBI “Source” and Operative and was rumored to have been paid some $240K by the FBI for that little Entrapment Operation. George Papadopoulos was charged with “lying” to the Mueller investigators and given 2 weeks in jail, mostly for not being able to provide some tie-in to the Trump Campaign.

Trump won the election, even against the Dem Propaganda Machine! Hillary and the Media went into Break-Down, but quickly came back with the “Russia Collusion Excuse”. Carefully manipulating the compliant Media, the Conspiracy grew from Spying to trying to over-turn the election, but that failed, Trump was inaugurated, and The Conspiracy brought in “Dirty Cop” Mueller and his gang of Democrat Loyalists for a Special Investigation. (AKA Witch Hunt). Actually, since all the ‘Witch Hunters’ knew how she had the Phony Dossier created and used, it was just another “Cover-up”, not only for Hillary (Mueller, like his protege Comey, has a long and dark history with Clinton Cover-ups) but also for the Obama White House, the entire Leadership of the Dem Party, the Media, and the still surviving Co-conspirators in the DoJ/FBLie. Mueller bumped the Conspiracy up to Sedition with an ‘Attempted Coup to Remove the President’, but failed. Even after breaking normal Court Procedures, false prosecutions, giving amnesty to the guilty, suborning perjury, and charging “Russians” he knows will never appear and may not even exist! He still had to admit there was No “Russia Collusion by Trump”. There was plenty by Hillary, though.

Will AG Barr do it? I think he must, to ever shut The Conspiracy down and save the Republic. The real “Punch Line” to this ‘Horrible Joke’ that is destroying our Constitutional Republic, is Trump had decided not to prosecute Hillary, because Ivanka was friends with Chelsea, and begged him not to press it! “Lock her up!” always got cheers and howls of laughter at Trump Rallys, and evidence of criminality was mounting. If Hillary had shut up and “just gone away”, none of this would have come out. Now there is no turning back, it all must be investigated! Hopefully all the way back to the Sedition against the Constitution by Nancy Pelosi signing off on a Presidential Candidate that was not a “natural born Citizen”, and Perkins-Coie keeping any legal challenges from ever getting a fair Court Trial on the Merits of the Evidence, and the true meaning of “natural born Citizen”. Our Founders thought it was especially important, because that is the only place the phrase is found.

I have been writing, trying to explain the dangers to our Constitution, our Republic that was formed and empowered by it, our once vibrant Economy, and the American Dream of growing prosperity and independence for all Citizens, for quite a while now.. I want to thank the Readers for both their support and disagreement. All input helps to identify and understand the dire threats we face. Most of all I want to thank Joyce for having the Political and Christian COURAGE to give me this platform, and to thank the Advertisers for supporting her and this paper.

I know many have been insulted, even ‘offended’ by some of the things I write, but my goal is to make people see things through a Constitutional Lens. Instead of the distorted window of Liberal, Progressive, “Humanitarian”, Politically Correct “Mainstream Media”, that is controlled by people who seem to have more loyalty to money and their own ‘Agendas’ than to “We the People”. Neither the Document, nor the long-term benefits of the citizen-voters, seem to matter much to them. We are at a dangerous point, a cusp in our history. There are those who want a stronger more Centralized Govt, but the several States and their Citizens are far better off under the Constitution, if we can keep it! As Ben Franklin wisely foretold. I now hope that an HONEST Investigation can put an end to the lies, propaganda, and Identity Politics, and start to heal the divisions, to work for the benefit of all American Citizens, and see that the Agenda of Global Socialists is NOT good for America, or other countries, only the Internationalists and the Money Manipulators. Save the Union, secure the border, change the laws, now!

33 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


Bill, the biggest danger to our Republic and Constitution are the people who care more about their party than the nation. That includes insulting other citizens for their views, which you have done freely and without consideration of the merit of their points.

An honest investigation is what this country needs. On that we agree. We just disagree which investigation should take place. I believe the President will be impeached by the House, or that a sealed indictment will be filed against him for when he leaves office, and he is unable to Pardon himself. And there is no Election Year pass for this information, it’s going to pollute the air of the election into 2020, from the President’s office down. You can look at the 2018 election, an amazing turnover year for both parties (one won, one lost), and here’s the facts, it has not gotten any better. Mexico still has not paid for the wall, the administration is trying to kill healthcare coverage for millions through the courts, the cost of living has outpaced the tax cuts. Show me the win that helps the average person. Because that’s what wins elections.

The stink of this will taint the Republican party for generations, like it did after Watergate. History is a cycle that repeats.

April 18th, 2019 at 4:03 pm

We are not at a dangerous point. Step back from the cliff, man. There is no outbreak of war in our nation, and for the most part people are happy. I still love and enjoy the company of my Conservative friends and they still love and enjoy my company. Because we respect each other. Because before we say something stupid about “them” we substitute our friend’s name, and see if it’s something we would say is true about these persons that we know so well. Which most of the time it. is. not. But that relies on a knowledge and interaction with people who have other beliefs. Not someone who gets all their thoughts only from the same hate generating, us-or-them, impending failure of the USA websites and shows. It’s sad you can’t see out of the hole you are in.

April 18th, 2019 at 4:10 pm

Read Don Quixote. It’s your life. Written 200 years ago.

April 18th, 2019 at 4:12 pm
Bill Brayshaw

In the article I explained the situation with Stefan Halper and George Papadopoulos.
From the Mueller Report:
George Papadopoulos (GP)info starts at page 80 and goes on to page 95. There is extremely boring details of no importance but no mention of Stefan Halper who got him the connections to the London Center for International Law Practice, Link Campus University in Rome, Italy, and
Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese Professor with “Russian Contacts”. But through all the pages of details there is no mention of Halper!
It covers in detail how Mifsud told GP the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary (Emails) And later Halper set GP up with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, and GP told him about the Russians having the “dirt” on Hillary.. Downer reported through “Five-eyes” to the FBI about this.
On page 5 GP is listed as a major reason for the Mueller Report with a reference to Trumps sarcastic comment at Trump Rallys to Russian having “Hillary’s Lost Emails”.
Curiously, Halper and Downer are not mentioned in the Report. However, may be in the Redacted parts. Halper is “rumored” to have received some $247,000 for the False Flag Op to involve GP from FBI/CIA(?).
All indicates that this Report is also a Cover-up of the criminal activities of the FBI/DoJ and others. There is a lot more info already known, but ignored by Mueller, while he drowns us insignificant details of third party alleged relationships with “Russians”.
Reading this is like looking for grains of wheat in a manure pile, but if you know what to look for, I suspect there are many more!
AG Barr is trying to restore credibility to the DoJ/FBI. The Media is fighting him tooth and nail.
The only way to clear this up, and get the Media to stop lying is to try, convict and imprison many of the Dem perpetrators. Even Hillary, though Trump wanted to avoid that after he won the Election.

April 18th, 2019 at 9:06 pm

So the Russians supported the Trump candidacy for President because they assessed it would be more beneficial for them, and the Trump campaign supported the Russian interference because it hurt Hillary Clinton.

April 18th, 2019 at 9:08 pm
Bill Brayshaw

It has occurred to me that listening carefully to AG Barr is probably more important than the Mueller Report.
Bill Barr wants to restore the DoJ and FBI credibility. He also wants to “save” his friend Mueller from “mistakes he made” while trying to serve under difficult conditions (criminal Democrats).
Barr has repeated mentioned ” No Collusion by the Trump people even aster ‘repeated opportunities’, ” So obviously info on the Stefan Halper False Flag Op is there. But how much info on the $247K (?), he was paid by FBI/CIA? And Comey had to know, but how much? And did he tell his ‘Mentor’ Mueller? Mueller had to know the Dossier was paid for by Hillary & DNC, was fake, and no evidentiary value by the time his “Investigation” started, so why wasn’t it wrapped up in a week or so?
However, IF Mueller in interrogated by Congress and tells the TRUTH now, he may be exonerated. Because it was part of an ongoing investigation, and “He had to confirm to a degree of certainty that those allegations were false”.
Also his job was to “Investigate Trump”, not Hillary and Obama, but the information is in his report for “Someone else to pursue that.”
The House Dems may eviscerate themselves, Hillary, Obama, all the others, and Democrat Party, by attacking Mueller; and give Barr a chance to make Mueller the “Hero” of this GRF of sedition and treason!

April 18th, 2019 at 9:10 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The Lib/Prog’s Propaganda Media and “die-hard” Hillaryites won’t give up this Collusion Hoax until the Perpetrators of the Seditious Conspiracy against Trump, are tried and convicted in Public Court.
They are in too deep, and too highly invested. The Big Lie is all they have left. Telling the TRUTH and admitting they were boondoggled by criminal elements in the Democrat Party is beyond their comprehension. They LOVE the Criminal Elements!
“Lie ’til you die.” All they know how to do anymore.

April 18th, 2019 at 9:14 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Another big point from AG Barr’s Press Conferences is while Trump was upset and frustrated by all the ridiculous and false accusations, and the obvious efforts by Dems and their allies to “Resist and Obstruct” his administration, Trump cooperated FULLY. Barr correctly noted that attitude is an indication of innocence. Even with all the leaking from people involved in trying to frame him or his campaign people. He had the right and the power to request redactions on some subjects under “Executive Privilege”, but did not use it
But the Dems and Media are still “beating the dead Russian horse”. THEY are going to send Hillary and Obama to prison, because they won’t shut up! The only way to close this fiasco is by exposing everything and convicting the Real Criminals from Hillary and Obama down to the leakers like Adam Schiff.

April 18th, 2019 at 9:29 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And if you think it is bad now, just wait! Now is the time for trump to declassify and release all the FISA Warrant info! AG Barr must investigate and prosecute that, or select a Special Prosecutor. That should be separate from other prosecutions and will require separate trials for different people. It will be interesting to find out if any of the FISA Court judges were in cahoots with the FBI/DoJ Conspirators. And why Chief Justice Roberts has not moved to investigate that!

April 18th, 2019 at 9:40 pm
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, Re#2
Again, you are wrong. There is a War on at least two fronts. One the Culture War, including the lib/Progs attacks on Christianity and “normal morality”, importing Islamic Refugees while ignoring Christian ones that truly are oppressed & endangered, and the flood of Criminal Invaders from the south. Second is the Political War, destruction of our Bill of Rights, as well as ignoring Constitutional mandates and limited Govt for Socialism, totalitarian Central Govt, and Globalism.
You want to label Truth you disagree with as “Hate Speech”, in direct attack on our First Amendment, but excuse malicious lies by a corrupt bought-out & Politicized Media. There is your real Hate Speech. I don’t want to shut them down, but when they maliciously and knowing lie, there should be recourse in the courts.
But, since 2008 citizen/voters don’t have “Standing” to bring a Constitutional question on Presidential Eligibility into a Federal Court.
The Swamp is not Federal anymore, but FERAL!

April 18th, 2019 at 10:00 pm

Direct quote from the Mueller report:
“Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

All of this is damning even with out conspiracy or coordination. And then there’s Trump’s obstruction of justice. No doubt a difficult choice, impeach and follow the rule of law, or let it slide and give the Orange guy a “buy”. That will sell well for Republicans in the next election? I’ll vote for the person who follows the law. You?


April 19th, 2019 at 7:07 am

Honey, I think I’ve proven that while you fight these wars in your heart and mind, you are not winning the other side over. Maybe you’re doing it wrong.

April 19th, 2019 at 7:09 am

Here’s something else we agree on. Get Mueller before Congress to testify.

April 19th, 2019 at 7:10 am

Here’s something else we agree on! The Constitution. The report does not come to a conclusion about criminal activity, because the DOJ has had a long standing policy that a President cannot be charged with a crime. It has never been challenged in court, so that’s the rule they follow. So what would keep the President from breaking all the laws? The Constitution. The Constitution gives the Congress the right to oversee the Executive Office, to charge the President with “high crimes and misdemeanors” in the event that the President behaves in such a manner. And Obstruction of Justice is exactly that.

And let’s not forget the spin off cases (12) that have been handed to other courts. These fall outside of Barr’s influence, and include his business dealings and campaign finance violations. Oh, and money laundering. Then’s there the private business deals for hotels in other countries. Quite a resume for a President.

Is this OK? Really OK? Take out Trump and replace it with Obama – still OK?

April 19th, 2019 at 7:21 am

If you read the report, you’ll see the stinging slap delivered to the Press Secretary about Comey’s firing. 3 times over 2 days she speaks to the many FBI agents who contacted her saying that he needed to go. When questioned by Mueller, she calls it a “slip of the tongue”. Yes, when my little children called it that, we corrected them and told them, no, it was in fact a lie. Then she gets on FOX last night and tries to lie about it again. Yes, there are many liars in this Administration.

April 19th, 2019 at 8:13 am

Unfortunately (or fortunately for Democrats) the political will on the Republican side is zero and they are going to put all the chips in on Trump in 2020. This next year is going to be brutal when it comes to hearings and questioning his early administration. None of it will sell well in political advertising. Hey! Maybe the Russians will help again!

April 19th, 2019 at 8:18 am
Bill Brayshaw

Again you are twisting your suppositions to support YOUR Delusions. Trump is not responsible for what Russians MAY think, and there is no evidence to support “the Trump campaign supported the Russian interference” for any reason! Trump people consistently IGNORE offers of Russian “help”, even after repeated offers. Some like the Halper-Mifsud-Olga Polonskaya through George Papadopoulos connection are highly suspect and paid for by Fusion GPS/Hillary or even FBI/CIA.
There was no Trump/Trump people “supporting”or using Russian interference. PERIOD> But there is plenty of evidence of using “Russian Interference” by Hillary and her supporters, even FBI!

April 19th, 2019 at 8:39 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #12
SMH, you refuse to pay attention to your own ‘evidence’: “the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Trump and his people are no more responsible for Russians’ false “perceptions” than I am for your criminal and anti-Constitutional DELUSIONS! Hillary is a crook! And she sucked Obama into this Conspiracy to commit Sedition against the Constitution. And all their weaponized Bureaucracies could not find or create any evidence to support even a lame accusation of non-criminal “Collusion”.
Get over yourself. You are not completely stupid, at least, not all the time; you have been DUPED by Hillary, the Media, and your own twisted political (probably Feminist) philosophy into WANTING to BELIEVE that Trump is BAD, that you have lost all reason & logic. I don’t think you are some over-weight, pimply-faced introvert adolescent playing Keyboard Kommando in Mommies basement. I know you are not smart enough or effective enough to be a GRU/IFA professional cyber-warrior, and don’t think you are a Soros or OFA SJW doing this for a nickle a post. (At least, I don’t think that, any more)
You have been fooled. You are grasping at straws. You are sad that your heroine lost, because she is is a greedy crook and too many people found her out.
Get over it! Your blaming “Russia Collusion” is only playing into the the Russian Intention of disrupting the US govt for their advantage. The DEM-Socialists-DEZIs are the greatest “agents” the Russians ever had! Far surpassing the Soviets use of the CPUSA! And YOU are PART of IT! YOU ARE THE “RUSSIA COLLUSION” TO DESTROY AMERICA, now! And you are doing it Willfully, Knowingly, and Intentionally. YOu have become a RUSSIAN AGENT as long as you try to pretend to believe in the Hillary “Russia Collusion” delusion. Trump Delusion Syndrome is real and you have a terminal case of it, and you are doing it to yourself! Even in the face of mounting evidence. Evidence you and your Propaganda Media have looked forward to for years. IT AINT THERE! Hillary lied. The Media will lie until they die, because they have nothing left. Same with Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and all, theyare too “Invested” in the Big Lie to give it up. They are destroying the Dem Party, now DEZIs, and you with it. IF you let them do it to you. Your decision.
Bye, Tania.

April 19th, 2019 at 9:20 am

I don’t think I’ve mentioned Hillary once. Why do you keep going back to her? I don’t think the Mueller report mentions Hillary, not in the 200+ pages I’ve read so far, and not on any news reports. So why do you keep connecting this report to Hillary?

It’s a report on the action of the President. Let’s have it all out in hearings. If he is truly “not guilty” what is the problem with disclosure? I feel like I’m having this argument with a 6 year old that doesn’t know better when they lie.

April 19th, 2019 at 9:45 am

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. It’s like she broke up with you in high school.

April 19th, 2019 at 9:53 am

In it’s entirety and without interruption from me. From George Conway, Republican, Constitutional law expert/attorney and husband of Kelly Anne Conway in an Op-Ed in today’s Washington Post:
Trump is a cancer on the presidency. Congress should remove him.
“So it turns out that, indeed, President Trump was not exonerated at all, and certainly not ‘totally’ or ‘completely,’ as he claimed. Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III didn’t reach a conclusion about whether Trump committed crimes of obstruction of justice – in part because, while a sitting president, Trump can’t be prosecuted under long-standing Justice Department directives, and in part because ‘difficult issues’ raised by ‘the President’s actions and intent.’ Those difficult issues involve, among other things, the potentially tricky interplay between the criminal obstruction laws and the president’s constitutional authority, and the difficulty in proving criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt.
Still, the special counsel’s report is damning. Mueller couldn’t say, with any ‘confidence,’ that the president of the United States is not a criminal. He said, stunningly, that ‘if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.’ Mueller did not so state.
That’s especially damning because the ultimate issue shouldn’t be – and isn’t – whether the president committed a criminal act. As I wrote not long ago, Americans should expect far more than merely that their president not be provably a criminal. In fact, the Constitution demands it.
The Constitution commands the presient to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’ It requires him to affirm that he will ‘faithfully execute the Office of President’ and to promise to ‘reserve, protect and defend the Constitution.’ And as a result, by taking the presidential oath of office, a president assumes the duty not to simply obey the laws, civil and criminal, that all citizens must obey, but also to be subjected to higher duties – what some excellent recent legal scholarship has termed the ‘fiduciary obligations of the president.’
Fiduciaries are people who hold legal obligations of trust, like a trustee of a trust. A trustee must act in the beneficiary’s best interests and not his own. If the trustee fails to do that, the trustee can be removed, even if what the trustee has done is not a crime.
So too with the president. The Constitution provides for impeachment and removal from office for ‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.’ But the history and context of the phrase ‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’ makes clear that not every statutory crime is impeachable, and not every impeachable offense need be criminal. As Charles L. Black Jr. put it in a seminal pamphlet on impeachment in 1974, ‘assaults on the integrity of the processes of government’ count as impeachable, even if they are not criminal.
By these standards, the facts in Mueller’s report condemn Trump even more than the report’s refusal to clear him of a crime. Charged with faithfully executing the laws, the president is, in effect, the nation’s highest enforcement officer. Yet Mueller’s investigation ‘found multiple acts by the President that were capable of executing undue influence over law enforcement investigations.’
Trump tried to ‘limit the scope of the investigation.’ He tried to discourage witnesses from cooperating with the government through ‘suggestions of possible future pardons.’ He engaged in ‘direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.’ A fair reading of the special counsel’s narrative is that ‘the likely effect’ of these acts was to ‘intimidate witnesses or to alter their testimony,’ with the result that ‘the justice system’s integrity [was] threatened.’ Page after page, act after act, Mueller’s report describes a relentless torrent of such obstructive activity by Trump.
Contrast poor Richard M. Nixon. He was almost certain to be impeached, and removed from office, after the infamous ‘smoking gun’ tape came out. On that tape, the president is heard directing his chief of staff to get the CIA director, Richard Helms, to tell the FBI ‘don’t to any further into this case’ – Watergate – for national security reasons. That order never went anywhere because Helms ignored it.
Other than that, Nixon was mostly passive – at least compared with Trump. For the most part, the Watergate tapes showed that Nixon had ‘acquiesced in the cover-up’ after the fact. Nixon had no advance knowledge of the break-in. His aides were the driving force behind the obstruction.
Trump, on the other hand, was a one-man show. His aides tried to stop him, according to Mueller: ‘The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests.’
As for Trump’s supposed defense that there was no underlying ‘collusion’ crime, well, as the special counsel points out, it’s not a defense, even in a criminal prosecution. But it’s actually unhelpful in the comparison to Watergate. The underlying crime in Watergate was a clumsy, third-rate burglary in an election campaign that turned out to be a landslide.
The investigation that Trump tried to interfere with here, to protect his own personal interests, was in significant part an investigation of how a hostile foreign power interfered with our democracy. If that’s not putting personal interests above a presidential duty to the nation, nothing is.
White House counsel John Dean famously told Nixon that there was a cancer within the presidency and that it was growing. What the Mueller report disturbingly shows, with crystal clarity, is that today there is a cancer in the presidency; President Donald J. Trump.
Congress now bears the solemn constitutional duty to excise that cancer without delay.”

April 19th, 2019 at 11:15 am

I guess the real question for 2020 is….can Trump win without Russian help?

April 19th, 2019 at 11:21 am
Bill Brayshaw

The Media meltdown after the Mueller Report shows NO COLLUSION NO CRIME by Trump NO OBSTRUCTION is incredible! The Assassination by Accusation with no evidence continues to grow. Impeachment, but for what? Protesting Lies?

These “Democrats” have done more damage to America for the Russian GRU/IRA Internet Trolls than the KGB and CPUSA could do in the whole life-span of the Soviet Union!

This will go down in history as the biggest, most successful, and for the cheapest Intelligence Operation Coup ever devised by anyone.

Because Hillary needed an excuse for losing the election. And a Cover-up for the Phony Dossier. It was all they had, but the Media Propaganda Machine went for it!

April 19th, 2019 at 11:37 am

You say, “The real question for 2020 is… can Trump win without Russian help?” Gee, since it has now FINALLY been proven that he did it the first time, this next time will be 1,000 times easier because the Democrats are destroying themselves, tons of folks are ‘walking away” from them, and there will be no one ELSE to vote for when the election rolls around.

April 19th, 2019 at 12:07 pm

The Republican Party could always change who their candidate will be in 2020. There is still time. If they stick with Trump, their loss is theirs to own.

April 19th, 2019 at 12:11 pm

Talk about meltdown. Did you catch Hannity last night? I thought his brain was going to shoot out of the top of his head. Nobody on CNN, CBS, or NBC was that excited, for sure. But he didn’t really tell the truth, either. So. Maybe that’s why all the hysteria.

April 19th, 2019 at 12:13 pm

Again, can the Republicans win without Russian help in 2020?

April 19th, 2019 at 12:14 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re: 22
An OP-Ed from Mr. KellyAnne in WaPo. Like anyone cares about that blowhard’s OPINION! No Evidence!
Waiting to see if Trump starts the FISA DECLASS next, or waits until the DoJ IG Report is released.
Also Mueller testifying before Congress. If he lies there, Barr can’t save him, and both know it. Mueller is up to his neck in Hillary/Obama corruption, and it is going to be exposed, one way or the other.
Barr is trying to get his friend out of this mess and ‘Into the Light’. We’ll see which way it goes.
Schiffty and Nadler better come up with something good or just shut up. The “Conspiracy Evidence” is growing by leaps and bounds while “Collusion” withers to whines and impotent threats. But they will go with the Media. Lie ’til you die! Bye-Bye!
I hope they go for Impeachment! That will end so very badly for them. Even Nasty Nan knows that!

April 19th, 2019 at 1:49 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Clapper now claims “Passive Collusion”.
Then What? Fantasy Collusion? Collusion Delusion!
Get your Collusion Checklist ready!
Oblique Collusion
Indirect Collusion
Lateral Collusion
Nominal Collusion
Subliminal Collusion
Submerged Collusion
Telegraphed Collusion

April 19th, 2019 at 2:22 pm

Time to adjust the meds!

April 19th, 2019 at 3:37 pm

Hey, remember when Hillary found out about the Benghazi investigations and responded with “I’m f*cked!”. And then refused to testify?

Oh wait. That was Trump. Hillary sat before Congress and answered every question.

April 20th, 2019 at 9:47 am

1. “It starts with your sitting silent while he lies, both in public and private, making you complicit by your silence. In meetings with him, his assertions about what “everyone thinks” and what is “obviously true” wash over you, unchallenged, because he’s the president and he rarely stops talking.

2. “From the private circle of assent, it moves to public displays of personal fealty at places like cabinet meetings. While the entire world is watching, you do what everyone else around the table does — you talk about how amazing the leader is and what an honor it is to be associated with him.

3. “Next comes Trump attacking institutions and values you hold dear — things you have always said must be protected and which you criticized past leaders for not supporting strongly enough. Yet you are silent. Because, after all, what are you supposed to say? He’s the president of the United States.

4. “You tell yourself you are too important for this nation to lose, especially now –in a time of emergency, with the nation led by a deeply unethical person, this will be your contribution, your personal sacrifice for America. You are smarter than Donald Trump, and you are playing a long game for your country, so you can pull it off where lesser leaders have failed and gotten fired by tweet.

5. “And then you are lost. He has eaten your soul.

May 2nd, 2019 at 10:42 am

Well, here goes the NRA. Hogs to the slaughter.

May 15th, 2019 at 11:02 am
Untitled Document